Source: Abraham a Sancta Clara, Etwas für Alle/ Das ist: Eine kurtze Beschreibung allerley Stands- Ambts- und Bewerbs-Persohnen / Mit beygedruckter Sittlichen Lehre und Biblischen Concepten… wyd. Christoph Weigel, 1699, s. 500
It was dated by the seller ca. 1730
The picture shows a ropemaker (right) spinning thread from hemp fibers, which he has wrapped around his waist, wrapped in an apron. Standing next to him is a woman (left), who, according to the text below, is the owner of a ropemaking workshop, assisted by a man who is in love with her.
Source: Jan Amos Komeniusz, Świat rzeczy pod zmysły podpadających we czterech językach odmalowany y poprawiony, (Joh[annes]. Amos Comenii, Orbis sensualium pictus quadrilinguis emendatus), Warsaw 1770, p. 312-315.
Source: Friedrich Frisius, Der vornehmsten Künstler und Handwercker Ceremonial-Politica, Leipzig 1708. It is an illustrated presentation of various crafts, guilds, works, among which ropemaking is also described.