Der Seiler / Restiarius / Le Cordier / Il Cordaruolo
The cards are from Joseph Kurzböck, Schauplatz der Natur und der Künste: in vier Sprachen: deutsch, lateinisch, französisch und italienisch, vol. 2, Vienna 1775
There are 4 people working in the ropemaking workshop, actually in the square in front of the buildings. In the foreground to the right, a ropemaker walks (backwards) and spins thread, extending hemp fibers lying on his apron and wrapped around his waist. In his right hand, he holds a piece of cloth to make the fibers more manageable. On the left, visible from behind, a second ropemaker sits on a stool at the machine. With his right hand, he turns a crank to drive the rope wheel, which in turn sets in motion the hook fixed above. In between, a cordage rake is hammered into the ground to support the twisted thread. The finished strings are laid on the ground, on the ropemaking course. Behind them, a second pair of ropemakers spin the cranks of two other machines. On the right is a ropemaking wheel equipped with wheels so that it moves while twisting the rope, loaded with stones. The machine probably has several (invisible) hooks. The second machine consists of a rounded board driven into the ground, with a crank (it should have a hook at the end).
The representation is accompanied on the following pages by a comprehensive description in 4 languages (German, Latin, French, Italian).
material / technique
paper, copperplate
height / width
10.2 cm (25.2 cm) / 12.7 cm (17.8 cm)
Zobacz także
1877 / Spisz, Polska
Zestaw maszyn powroźniczych (kołowrotek i wózek), ludowy
XIX-XX w. / Polska
Zestaw maszyn powroźniczych (kołowrotek i wózek), ludowy