Umount target is busy ubuntu. This forces the check. By default, only repairs that do not alter integrity of Jul 11, 2019 · I am running into an issue with installing Ubuntu from a multi-boot thumbdrive. For example : cat /proc/11086/cmdline. > fusermount -u example. You can unmount /home if it's an independent file system. target sudo shutdown -Hr now. 8. sudo kill -9 3106 11086. Dec 19, 2023 · Along the way, we tackled common issues users may encounter when using ‘umount’, such as the ‘target is busy’ error, and provided solutions and workarounds for each. sudo umount /media/KINGSTON. The first command is required for safety. It would be like the coyote cutting a circle around himself with a handsaw. # umount /opt umount: /opt: target is busy. ) What other method can I use to extend my root partition. -l Lazy unmount. umount: /home/joeuser/example: device is busy. lsof | grep '<mountpoint of /dev/sda1>' (or whatever the mounted device is) pkill target_process (kills busy proc. Here's how to do it: Use the `umount` command with the `-l` (lazy) option: umount -l /path/to/target If possible, let's locate/identify the busy the process, kill the process and then unmount the samba share to minimize damage. (In some cases useful info about processes that use the device is found by lsof(8) or fuser(1)) All what needs to be done is take a note of a starting sector of a current partition, which in our case is 4096. I am in the process of creating a RAW image onto a 'good' drive (sdc) from a 'bad' drive (sdc). Open the Disks application, select the USB device that you inserted in the left pane of Disks and unmount it. 需要将当前使用数据盘的进程杀掉,才能卸载 The manpage has this to say about it: umount - unmount file systems. Then the only option is to use the lazy mode: umount /mnt/smb_share -l. Lazy unmount. Upon restart I see these lines at the bottom of my screen and it freezes again: [ OK ] Finished System Reboot. # umount /media/disk/. but seriously, /dev/sda1 is usually the system partition. I used the command. 04 using Gparted it failed and gave me this message. Profit. 问题原因 :. Then I did some python checking, by running the interpreter python3 and quit: Jun 8, 2017 · When I umount Lustre FS it displays: [root@cn17663-ens4 mnt]# umount /mnt/lustre. mode=force. Detaching loop devices. This command attempts to unmount the filesystem associated with the device /dev/sdb1. would something happen on my first disk - like some Ubuntu upgrade which messes up everything ;-) You can use umount -f -l /mnt/myfolder , and that will fix the problem. I am using the Ubuntu Rescue Remix and Ddrescue. 1,无法卸载挂载的目录 # umount /storage umount: /storage: target is busy 查看挂载目录占用 # lsof /storage/ lsof: WARNING: can't stat() fuse. Dec 4, 2021 · 2. …. /chroot/dev for using in chroot'ed environment. Recovery mode still mounts /tmp/. After Upgrading from 18. If I try to run a distro from a live USB, I don't see it either. Feb 23, 2019 · 3. /dev/sda = New HDD. answered Apr 21, 2020 at 8:01. [ OK ] Reached target System Reboot. the specified type. sudo dd if=/dev/sdc of=/dev/null bs=1m count=1. /chroot/dev but it fails with error: umount: . (In some cases useful info about processes that. So: Using Anchor 26 and lower with Ubuntu 22 or newer $ umount /dev/mapper/mypc-root $ mount -no remount,ro -t ext2 /dev/mapper/mypc-root / I'm in single user mode, entered it with 'init 1'. You should unmount the. It allows you to unmount a directory even if it is currently in use. Processes with open files are the usual culprits. Here the output of this command sudo fdisk -l Insert Micro-SD card into a Micro-SD card reader and insert it into your PC. 04. 4. 04 I've notices several warnings during shutdown or reboot like: Failed to unmount /oldroot: Device or Resource busy. patreon. ) Jun 18, 2015 · You can't unmount a partition that contains the currently-running system: that would be like sawing off the branch of the tree that you're sitting on. com: . Suppose you have /dev/sda1 mounted on /mnt directory then you can use fuser command as follows: WARNING! @Hubro just had the same problem. So I tried using fuser, and I get a stack of user ids using the pool. Chapter 4. Copy. Run umount command as follows: # cd /. The general format of the mount command is. If the suggestion of sphen in post #2 fails, perhaps consider rebooting. 该报错通常是由于待卸载磁盘正在使用,导致无法直接卸载。. – Linux 2. Aug 24, 2018 · In order to unmount a filesystem, you must unmount its submounts first (and the same for their submounts, recursively). umount wasn't even ran. 116 added the umount2() system call, which, like umount(), unmounts a target, but allows additional flags controlling the behavior of the operation: MNT_FORCE (since Linux 2. Apr 21, 2023 · Unmout target by killing the process itself (recommended) Another way to fix the issue is by killing the process. Linux下挂载后的分区或者磁盘某些时候需要umount的时候出现类似“umount: /mnt: target is busy. Now, run the following command to kill the process with PID. system is specified by giving the directory where it has been mounted. Mar 27, 2020 · Ubuntu: umount: /: target is busyHelpful? Please support me on Patreon: https://www. file system and check it with fsck before using extundelete. Dec 6, 2018 · There are quite a few things in Linux which can keep a ZFS pool busy, blocking export and destroy commands. partitioning. ”等字样,或者“umount: /xxx: device is busy. Failed to unmount /oldroot/sys: Device or Resource busy. umount: /tmp: device is busy. by name | kill PID | killall target_process) umount /dev/sda1 (or whatever the mounted device is) umount /mnt/smb_share. 116) Ask the filesystem to abort pending requests before attempting the unmount. I don't know an fuser or lsof that'll list, because there's a lot of things that use /tmp/ including running SystemD services (core components of SystemD) among other things. will fail in case this device was mounted on more than one directory. 但偶尔,您会遇到一个错误,提示'umount: target is busy': 那么你应该如何解决这个问题呢? 好吧,在解决这个问题之前,我先分享一下这个问题背后的原因。 Umount 目标繁忙的原因 Feb 13, 2008 · Here we are in 2008, I’m using Ubuntu Gutsy, and that message hasn’t changed in all the years I’ve used Linux. According to the man page it does the following. 04 32-bit liveCD. For example this: lsof /mnt/remote will list those processes (there could be many). nico@home:~$ fsck fsck from util-linux Ubuntu Community Apr 26, 2018 · 리눅스 언마운트 (umount) target is busy 발생할 경우. 사용하고 있는 在Linux命令行中卸载磁盘并不复杂。您所要做的就是使用 umount 命令: umount target. Go to the linux line and add the following at the end: fsck. The filesystem is huge, so lsof +D /path is not a realistic option. Some commands that are able to verify this by trying to read the drive are (assuming the device node is /dev/sdc ): sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdc. ) How to unmount the sshfs share? UPDATES: Dec 31, 2007 · A. Aug 17, 2021 · umount: /home: target is busy. The mount will be removed from the filesystem namespace (so you won't see it under /mnt/Zia/src anymore, in the example) but it stays mounted, so programs accessing it can continue to do so. The unmount option allows you to disengage a device that sends busy signal at once, even if it is busy. you will get the pid (s) of running process. According to your comment the USB drive is broken. An umount command is used to unmount a device/partition by specifying the path to the directory where it has been mounted. It supports a wide range of partition types. # umount -v "/" umount: /: target is busy (In some cases useful info about processes that use the device is found by lsof(8) or fuser(1). sudo lsof /Path/to/target. Jan 22, 2021 · 问题描述: Linux下挂载后的分区或者磁盘某些时候需要umount的时候出现类似“umount: /mnt: target is busy. All commands were executed as root from an Ubuntu 10. 04; Linux Kernel 6. But take care! mount --make-rslave m. The only way to approach this is to shut down, boot to an installer disk, and then adjust the LVs (so that the tmp LV isn't actually You should find out which process is keeping the mountpoint busy. com/roelvandepaarWith thanks & praise to God, and with thanks to Mar 12, 2023 · 2. Feb 3, 2024 · I couldn't provide screenshots from Gparted app yet, because I just create my account, it displays this massege while I tried unmount the partition manualy Could not unmount /dev/nvme0n1p1 #unmount -v '/' unmount:/:target is busy Thanks for any help guys. Force an unmount. sudo umount /tmp. Oct 1, 2014 · 2. See the question Mounting new filesystem affects non-recursive bind mounts? I thought I had tried this, but something went wrong. Target device is busy, please make sure you unmount all filesystems on target device or shutdown the computer before detaching it. We also took a step back to understand the fundamentals of file systems, and the concepts of mounting and unmounting, which underlie the ‘umount’ command. umount /media/hdd2 # Device is busy! Feb 1, 2024 · Lazy unmount is a useful option when dealing with busy target directories. I can change the drive in the drop-down, but still can't unmount in GParted. (In some cases useful info about processes that use the device is found by lsof(8) or fuser(1)) autofs は Dec 28, 2015 · However I am getting this error: # sudo zpool export -f mynas. umount -R m. Nov 21, 2023 · Canonical Announces Availability of Real-Time Kernel for Ubuntu 24. This option allows a "busy" filesystem to be unmounted. Filesystem references like open files, current directories etc. $ umount /mnt/usb The tricky skills. I get. it was improperly unmounted, and you should run fsck before continuing. As root check these (assuming POOLNAME=<yourpool>):. Jan 17, 2015 · 1. (Requires kernel 2. ”。 问题原因: 该报错通常是由于待卸载磁盘正在使用,导致无法直接卸载。需要将当前使用数据盘的进程杀掉,才能 Aug 11, 2016 · When am trying to increase the root partition (/) on Ubuntu 16. This innocuous error hides a complexity that can be challenging to troubleshoot for Linux newcomers and experts alike. umount: /mynas: target is busy. 11 or later. When the last program accessing it exits, the unmount will actually occur. This may allow the unmount to complete without waiting for an inaccessible Jul 13, 2020 · Linux下挂载后的分区或者磁盘某些时候需要umount的时候出现类似“umount: /mnt: target is busy. ext4 mnt sudo mount --bind /dev mnt/dev sudo mount --bind /sys mnt/sys sudo mount --bind /proc mnt/proc sudo chroot mnt. 2, “Mounting Ceph File Systems as Kernel Clients” ) using the FUSE client ( Section 4. . If problem still continues then forcefully unmount the cdrom: # cd /. . (In some cases useful info about processes that use. $ mount. Any changes to the system partition will need to be made using another bootable medium such as a live CD or USB. 3. 2 Released with Various Improvements and Bug Fixes; How To Set an Alarm/Timer on Ubuntu 24. Then you can decide if you want to kill the process to umount the dir. The force umount Linux option uses: -f, –force. sudo mount /dev/sdb2 or /dev/sdb5 it says. Oct 14, 2018 · So basically, what I would like to do, is somehow make the umount command wait, until the device is not busy and then umount the HDD and continue executing the script. So, you need to "unmount" them to be resized. This will run fsck -fy on the volume and fix any errors present. You may cleanup all later: umount -l /PATH/OF/BUSY-DEVICE umount -f /PATH/OF/BUSY-NFS (NETWORK-FILE-SYSTEM) NOTE/CAUTION. I tried to sudo unmount -l /dev/sda1, but get this. Please help. root@ubuntu:~ # umount /mount/v1 umount: /mount/v1: target is busy. Open Linux File System for Windows and umount the SD card. If I type " mount ", it appears that the directory is no longer mounted, but it hangs if I do " ls /mnt/data ", and if I Nov 21, 2023 · In Linux, umount is the command used to unmount a mounted filesystem. Share. umount: /: target is busy (In some cases useful info about processes that use the device is found by lsof(8) or fuser(1). Failed to unmount /oldroot/dev/pts: Device or Resource busy. the device is found by lsof(8) or fuser(1)) and if I add the force option -f it gives the same result: [root@cn17663-ens4 mnt]# umount /mnt/lustre -f. Replace /path/to/target with the actual path of the target you want to unmount. -l, --lazy. In order to solve this problem. The mount point will look like /mnt/volume-sfo2-01: Filesystem Type Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on. At first glance, it is very simple. ” When it comes to avoiding the common issue of “umount target is busy,” there are several you can take to ensure a smooth and hassle-free unmounting process. This allows the unmount operation to bypass the “target is busy” check. A Red Hat training course is available for Red Hat Ceph Storage. 누군가 마운트된 경로를 사용 중일 때 target is busy라고 나오게 되는데, 해당 프로세스를 강제로 kill한 뒤 언마운트하면 됩니다. Mar 10, 2022 · I've executed mount --rbind /dev . # fuser -km /cdrom. e. In this command, the following are the ones to note. First I tried Gparted but couldn't unmount it when I tried the terminal command sudo umount /dev/sda2 I got this message: umount: /: target is busy . Maybe I had missed the r off --make-rprivate. lsof /path, lsof +f -- /path, and fuser /path all return nothing. sudo ddrescue -r 3 /dev/sdb image log. umount /media/hdd1 # Device umounted without any problems continuing the script. OR try the following command: Mar 26, 2024 · Precautions to Avoid “umount target is busy. You then end them (normal close, or kill as shutdown would do) and try to unmount again sudo fusermount -u /mnt/remote) Jul 6, 2019 · Then select a menu entry (you can go to advanced and recovery to follow things better) and push e to edit the boot entry for this boot only. 3, “Mounting Ceph File Systems in User Space I mounted a remote file system using sshfs (version 2. sudo: unmount: command not found. The Target is busy message means that there are either: files under /home that are still open. # points with something like this in the mount path is the session name you want to get: I have an NFS-mounted directory on a Linux machine that has hung. It is usually better to do partition changes from a Live media/pendrive; Hope it helps. Eject Micro-SD card safely and insert it into the Raspberry Pi. However, after troubleshooting, it is found that no process is occupied. The bind mount. If you want to get rid of that you may just Nov 4, 2020 · Even if you do create a partition in Windows it will probably be unusable for Linux as Windows generally creates dynamic partitions which are completely useless for Linux. lsof /var/lib/snapd/snap/*. Detach the filesystem from the file hierarchy now, and clean up all references to this filesystem as soon as it is not busy anymore. Mar 2, 2016 · On using the command. (In some cases useful info about processes that use the device is found by lsof(8) or fuser(1)) If the partition is not currently mounted, this message indicates. Disk /dev/sda: 500. It turned out, by mistake I wrote name of a directory that is inside the problematic mount point. this will output something like below. Sometimes, when you run the umount command you may receive the “ target is busy ” or “ device is busy ” errors indicating that there is some process that is using the Sep 15, 2018 · Error: Target device is currently busy, unmount all mounted partitions in target device then try again. -l – Lazy unmount. 1 GB, 500107862016 bytes. To know what is the full command line: ps uww <PID>. cat /proc/<pid>/cmdline. # umount /cdrom. I have tried, but I cannot umount /home. Oct 30, 2023 · As a Linux system administrator, few things are as frustrating as getting the "umount: target is busy" error when trying to detach a disk or unmount a filesystem. # if the above command does not work, just type `mount`. sudo umount -l /dev/sda2 but after executing the above command, the partition's information disappears from the gparted window and some of the options on the screen becomes unresponsive. A file. ) Nov 3, 2017 · WoeUSB requires that the target device (the USB drive that you inserted) be unmounted before it can write anything to it. /example. 9; FOSS Weekly #24. 26. Apr 20, 2019 · It is sda1 In the bios I can see it, but not in GParted. Oct 26, 2023 · I don't want to reinstall ubuntu as I've done several times nico@home:~$ sudo umount /dev/sda3 umount: /: target is busy. You can always use the df command or mount command to list mounted file systems under Linux and Unix. but unmounting it fails. The second command unmounts the whole tree recursively. Oct 31, 2017 · What I've found using Ubuntu 16. sudo umount /dev/md0 leads to umount: /media/RAID_video1: target is busy (In some cases useful info about processes that use the device is found by lsof(8) or fuser(1). These commands can disrupt a running process, cause data loss OR corrupt open files. In my case the clue was that if I run strace umount -l /mnt/foo/bar, I get no output, i. The mount command is a very popular one, which lets you mount a drive into a folder of your choice. the device is found by lsof(8) or fuser(1)) Since earlier questions were just solved by running the above command,I am posting a new question about this find out any remedies if possible. 22: Ultramarine Linux, Open Source LLMs, Decibels Music Player and More Apr 28, 2019 · Why am I unable to umount? user@azimuth:~$ sudo umount /home/user/pi [sudo] password for user: umount: /home/user/pi: target is busy (In some cases useful info about processes that use the device is found by lsof(8) or fuser(1). It simply returns the same nasty device is busy message. It only "moves" the mount to the root of the system, which can be seen as follows: Nov 6, 2010 · So to unmount just kill that pids and re-try the unmount. Instead, boot from a [live-cd] or [usb created with the startup disk utility], and try from there. If they abort with an I/O error, the Oct 16, 2018 · Then I set the target back to graphical are restarted: systemctl set-default graphical. 04 LTS; GNOME 46. If a process is occupying the disk, it is OK to exit. mount --make-rslave dev/. sudo mount -t <TYPE> <DEVICE> /PATH/TO/FOLDER. This is due to "mount propagation". umount has an -l option to perform a lazy unmount. /dev/sdb = Old HDD. If you run. 3 (I previously had 12. 4) sshfs -o allow_root joeuser@example. Note that programs may not expect a force or lazy unmounting. 1. 需要将当前使用数据盘的进程杀掉,才能卸载 The umount command detaches the mentioned file system(s) from the file hierarchy. Select the volume and click verify. device on which the file system lives may also work, but is obsolete, mainly because it. When running umount /path I get: umount: /path: device is busy. Without the first command, you risk unmounting all the sub-mounts on the source, due to mount propagation. directories under /home that are the CWD of some process (this could be the shell from which you try to unmount /home) a filesystem mounted on a mount point under /home. This makes sure to unmount dev/pts, for example, before trying to How can I force fsck to at least check, and hopefully to repair, the partition despite the fact that it reads as busy? Assuming I'm confident enough that it's neither mounted nor in use, and that the possibility of data corruption isn't an issue. You need to run mount --make-rprivate /mnt before you can safely unmount it. Mounting and Unmounting Ceph File Systems. First, run the following command to find the PID of the process that is creating the problems. Could someone help me? Sep 23, 2023 · The mount command. Jun 7, 2020 · Tried unmounting the disk by using 'sudo umount /dev/sda10/' but it doesn't work. sudo kill -9 [PID] Sep 15, 2021 · The Key next to the partition in gparted indicates that the drive is mounted (in use). I've tried to force an unmount, but it doesn't seem to work: $ umount -f /mnt/data. Failed to unmount /oldroot/dev: Device or Resource busy. You cannot unmount root partition if you are booting from it. 04 upward: # list all sessions: schroot --list --all-sessions. May 11, 2014 · I was told to umount /home, mount it on a different location and copy the contents to the /home directory on the / partition. files and make recovering those files impossible. To set it up I do a chroot of it: sudo mount <path>/image. repair=yes to force repair. Mar 20, 2021 · 1. gvfsd-fuse file system /run/user/1000/gvfs Output information may be incomplete. 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 60801 cylinders. There may be instances where the ‘umount’ command fails because the target is busy. Oct 2, 2019 · You should unmount volumes before resizing or detaching them to protect data integrity. umount: /media/disk: device is busy. Detach the filesystem from the filesystem hierarchy now, and cleanup all references to the filesystem as soon as it is not busy anymore. Jun 1, 2019 · The typo "unmount" for "umount" appears to have created the illusion that umount is not present. But often the force does not help. latest and this didn't come up) is that I'm unable to unmount the array. It looks as if one cannot format it or write to it in this state. 4. This is how I do with schroot command on Ubuntu version 10. 김보야 2018. Giving the special. ) I tried some different options with the command lsof and fuser , but it didn't work so far. P. 04 to 20. Here’s the command: umount -l /path/to/target. umount -R dev/. Device already mounted or resource is busy. S: I have tried almost all the things available on the following links and n Jan 19, 2015 · It is showing in fdisk -l but when i try to mount using. The syntax is straightforward: umount [options] <mountpoint|device>. fuser -cu 마운트경로. In this case that means all the sub-mounts of /dev, which would have May 2, 2022 · Umount: Force – Target | Device is Busy. You can also add fsck. /chroot/dev: target is busy. Click the black square marked by a red arrow in the below screenshot to unmount the selected partition. 누가 사용하고있는지 확인. Sep 16, 2023 · Gain insights into the “umount target is busy” error, its , and the it has on system operations. Oct 27, 2020 · umount时目标忙的解决办法 一、第一种情况是可能你当前所在路径已经在挂载目录下,需要切换到别的目录才能umount成功。二、第二种情况是没有在挂载目录,但是umount时,始终无法umonut,可以通过fuser查看设备被哪个进程占用,之后杀死进程,就可以顺利umount了。 Apr 21, 2020 · Try umount -l /mnt/c . There are two ways to temporarily mount a Ceph File System: as a kernel client ( Section 4. When I try to do so, I get a message: umount: /home device is busy (which processes use this device can be possibly be found with lsof or fuser) Apr 24, 2020 · 6. I CAN boot the OS, but install fails due to unable to umount /isodevice ("target is busy" error) Issuing the command: sudo umount -f /isodevice also results in "target is busy" message. Sep 6, 2019 · My final goal is to umount the USB. ) cannot unmount '/mynas': umount failed. )" Nov 1, 2019 · 11. You haven't specified a filesystem after the -t flag. Use the following command that doesn't have the optional -t flag in it. Also you don't need to be root user to run the following command if you preface the same Jan 8, 2024 · Linux fuser command to forcefully unmount a disk partition. If the target is busy, issue a warning to the user, using whiptail. Jun 30, 2018 · 3. to begin the back-up process. First thing you’ll do will probably be to close down all your terminals and xterms but here’s a better way. Well I have the "Finished" command on screen so I am trying to unmount my good drive, before a reboot by Nov 28, 2020 · The above partition is mounted as root and thus the partition cannot be unmount: # umount / umount: /: target is busy. At this time, a command needs to be used: fuser (use file or file structure to identify the process) fuser -m -v /dev/vdb. If you decide to continue, extundelete may overwrite some of the deleted. It would thus work like this: #!/bin/bash. Mar 7, 2022 · # umount /mnt/root1/dev umount: /mnt/root1/dev: target is busy. Like, mount point was /mnt/foo, and I wrote umount -l /mnt/foo/bar. Shows target is busy. It will prevent the second command from unmounting subdirectories in the original /dev directory. the device is found by lsof(8) or fuser(1)) Mar 8, 2020 · I am trying to unmount a busy file system on which continuous I/O reads and writes are happening by a multithreaded program due to which the umount command fails. lsof: WARNING: can't stat() fuse. ) Sep 2, 2020 · I'm working with an ext4 image file that boots into a VM. or force mode: umount /mnt/smb_share -f. $ umount: /mnt/data: device is busy. For example: $ df -hT. The -f choice is for unreachable NFS system (NFS server going down). gvfsd-fuse file system /run/user/120/gvfs Output information may be incomplete. Unmounting all devices. There are three steps to unmounting a volume: Get the volume’s mount point with df if you don’t already know it: sudo df --human-readable --print-type. 8 Reaches End of Life, Users Should Upgrade to Linux Kernel 6. Display them: lsof +f -- <mountpoint or device> There is an advantage to using /dev/<device> rather than /mountpoint: a mountpoint will disappear after an umount -l, or it may be hidden by an overlaid mount. BUT: This does not unmount anything. For example: umount /dev/sdb1. From man umount : -t, --types type Indicate that the actions should only be taken on filesystems of. $ umount2: Device or resource busy. Then I wanted to unmount it and executed umount . lsblk -f /dev/sda gives this: NAME FSTYPE LABEL Jun 8, 2023 · The most common use case for the ‘umount’ command is when an external device, like a USB or an external hard drive, needs to be safely removed from the system. Open files. : Jun 25, 2012 · You cannot unmount the partition where the system you are running is. use the device is found by lsof(8) or fuser(1). umount: /mnt/lustre: target is busy. ”。. fuser -v /path gives: USER PID ACCESS COMMAND. 17:23. However, be cautious as this may lead to data loss or corruption if the target is indeed in use. Discover effective methods to identify and terminate processes holding the mount point, force unmount, and troubleshoot related issues in shared mount points, NFS, remote filesystems, and virtual environments. However, if this filesystem is in use – say, you have a terminal open that’s accessing umount --force or umount -f (equivalent) If that fails, then use: umount --lazy or umount --l (equivalent) The "lazy" option will "detach the filesystem from the filesystem hierarchy now, and cleanup all references to the filesystem as soon as it is not busy anymore. -f – Force unmount (in case of an unreachable NFS system). On reboots, the kernel usually performs an orderly shutdown unmounting everything if it can. Note: Old hdd also had Old OS installed on it as you can see in fdisk -l. Jun 6, 2020 · Re: Unmount fail: /oldroot/sys: target is busy - causing improper shutdown If for some reason you need the nvidia modules in initramfs, an alternative fix for this issue can be found in this post which I made for a related nvidia issue, this will unload the nvidia modules after X exits so it will no longer keep the /oldroot/sys target busy. Note: To find the exact application name of these pids you may use this command. The guest SO is Ubuntu 12, with encrypted LVM and home. There is a way to detach a busy device immediately - even if it is busy and cannot be unmounted forcefully. ux yi hm ca op rn ep hj ic gx