Warframe clans discord. Oct 24, 2023 · Cross Platform Clans.

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Warframe clans discord. Follow these steps to join a clan.

Warframe clans discord Wolkoff sur discord pour une invitation au clan. If you need a clan or alliance please join! We offer: • Warframe Clans with everything unlocked • Active Voice Chat channels • An LFG channel for recruiting in squads • In depth guides about the game • Riven checkers Any skill level is welcome, including new Warframe is a free-to-play cooperative third-person shooter video game developed by Digital Extremes and spans multiple platforms including playstation, xbox and pc. Whenever crossplay players can join clans console players are welcomed! OUR MISSION Iron Lords, is Oct 24, 2023 · Cross Platform Clans. Apr 24, 2022 · Bonjour, bonsoir à tous Tennos ! Bienvenue chez ABSLT ! Qui sommes-nous ? : ABSLT est un clan francophone, qui à pour vocation de devenir international qui compte à ce jour quelques membres avec pour objectif, l'entraide, la bonne humeur et bien sûr d'évoluer tous ensemble. Sep 1, 2019 · Réunis autour du discord communautaire, nous sommes présents sur une multitude de jeux qui varie souvent mais dont les origines et la base solide tournent autour de Warframe et League of Legends. Jul 14, 2022 · même chose mais je voulais tester le serveurs discord pour voir s'ils sont actif dans la soirée à cas d'ennuie. ALL weapon research finished in ALL clans, with Ignis Wraiths available on request. Unlike Cross Platform Play, Cross Platform Clans are not enabled by default. gg/ironlords The requirements is to join the discord server and let the staff know you're here for the Warframe clan! We're also recruiting other clans to our alliance Iron Vanguard. Welcome to the official Warframe Discord server - a port to Warframe news, live chats, giveaways, and more! | 215378 members Feb 15, 2019 · PC/PT/BR - Clã Knights Templar estamos recrutando novos membros (aberto pra iniciantes) / Discord / WhatsApp. Vous pouvez trouver plus de détails concernant les amis et des Clans / Alliances Cross-Platform sur les Forums. Oct 21, 2024 · Social Community:** Engage with fellow Warframe players through our Discord hub, forging lasting friendships and camaraderie. (I know there are some :D) Sep 25, 2024 · 🎉 Bienvenue dans ZenFrame ! 🎉 Salut Tenno ! Nous sommes ravis de t'accueillir dans notre clan ZenFrame, un clan Fantôme Rang 9 (pour le moment 😀 ) qui se développe avec l'équilibre parfait entre puissance et sagesse. TAA will also act as mercenaries to make sure nodes May 24, 2019 · Tretet der Discordgruppe "Warframe Xbox Germany" bei. We're not big and we don't want mass numbers of people you barely know, but we're a close group of friends and the clan has been around since 2013, so we got all researches and a completed dojo. Our Promise as Community Players we will always serve the Warframe Community's wants, and serve the needs of all players within every clan, regardless of whether you are Ghost, Shadow or Storm-tier. - Current members are based in Europe, but we are very flexible time-wise so we are compatible with other time zones as well. we need clans to trade and research clan tech items and such. Right now we're running a obstacle course event for a free Xaku Prime set! If you want to join. Oct 25, 2016 · So back to the question, you shouldn't have any trouble finding friends or Clans on Warframe, there are quite a few Clans that singularly cater to LGBT as well, - if you want that level of security or if sexuality as a whole is that big of a thing to you and you take pride in it, go for it(or them). What we offer is Spicy Lewds(18+), Contests & Giveaways, 100% Weapon Research, MC server, Academy for new or returning players, Pretty Dojo and 4000+ members/150+ boosted Discord! Sep 4, 2024 · Hi BosnianJoe, Mactics here :) My clan is not exclusive to tier 3 subscribers whatsoever. The Kit provides various WARFRAME-related renders, banners, images, and more. Here you can chat and play with other Tenno, Find clans, or grow your own, join the LFGamers Alliance, Trade, Chat, Gossip about lore, and much more! Warframe LFG is a safe and amazing community for Tenno to meetup and play Warframe with! Join over 3k members! Multi games clan and anime server! Server for both warframe players and players of solo leveling arise to join! Calling all gaming enthusiasts! We have a retro console giveaway about to start on our discord server! Key features • Dedicated channels for your favorite games • Free game servers • TCG news. Aktive Members, alle Infos rund ums Game, Themenbereiche und Diskussionen https://discord. Clans in House: Druids of the Lotus Noodles Fused Veggies Jan 30, 2024 · Nous sommes La Confrérie, un clan exclusivement dédié à Warframe. Jun 12, 2019 · Recrutement de Clans / Alliances [Clan Tempête PC FR] 🔥 Firestorm recrute | 🔊 Discord | Tout niveau [Clan Tempête PC FR] 🔥 Firestorm recrute | 🔊 Discord | Tout niveau Mar 7, 2025 · Clans are groups of players associating themselves under a single name, similar to a team, but potentially on a much larger scale. 2 week inactivity limit unless a reason is provided. DEC - Division Especial Cer… 4 days ago · Join our Discord using this link: https://discord. Provided squads are formed, you don't always manage to keep these playe Oct 8, 2020 · Joining is simple, just join our discord, and ask to be invited by our staff. Join Now! Leave a comment below with your Clan name, Clan Size, Member Count and In-game Name. Centurion (Soldier) an Evocati that shows promise will rise up to the rank of the Legion, they will now be a full fledge member of the army known as "Centurion". Oct 30, 2022 · Click here to join the Community Discord server! "The Lotus Consortium is beginning to recruit clans from the XBOX platform! While we understand your clan won't be able to receive an invitation in-game, we will send you one when the accessibility arrives!" Member Capacity 480/600. We're a gaming community and a family of Warframe and Destiny 2 clans Discord servers are organized into topic-based channels where you can collaborate, share Jun 18, 2019 · Unisciti ORA al server Discord (PJO): https://discord. Join Warframe Discord Aug 30, 2019 · Recrutement de Clans / Alliances ~🔱 Golden Spear 🔱 / Recrutement OFF / Discord communautaire / Warframe Creator ~ ~🔱 Golden Spear 🔱 / Recrutement OFF / Discord communautaire / Warframe Creator ~ Jun 21, 2021 · [DE] Hallo liebe*r Leser*innen, ich bin Astralop und suche nun schon seit mehreren Wochen im Recruitment-Chat nach einem Clan - wie ihr natürlich wisst ist in EU nichts los - in NA habe ich regelmäßig nach aktiven Clans gesucht, jedoch vergeblich. Nov 5, 2024 · Bienvenue chez "Les Bannis" Un espace convivial dédié aux passionnés de Warframe, mais pas seulement ! Nous sommes une communauté diversifiée où le respect et la bienveillance sont au cœur de nos interactions. what are your thoug Jan 11, 2025 · We have a discord available if you'd like to voice chat and or want to play other games with our members. Feb 15, 2019 · PC/PT/BR - Clã Knights Templar estamos recrutando novos membros (aberto pra iniciantes) / Discord / WhatsApp. Si le courant passe bien et que l'aventure vous tente, vous deviendrez après acceptation de notre invitation, un véritable “Loup” paré à chasser auprès de vos frères. With the founding clan, Shadow Viper Clan, leading the way, we are building something powerful—a network of dedicated, skilled Tenno who work together, grow together, Welcome to Spectrum Syndicate, an inclusive and vibrant LGBTQIA+ focused Warframe Discord server! 🌈🏳🌈 | 3435 members Oct 21, 2024 · CULT OF THE BLACK LOTUS Join our Discord Server Here Join our eternal order, and become one with the shadows. - Avoir discord et un micro si vous souhaitez participer à la vie de votre futur Alliance. We'll get you your first for free! - We love hosting tournaments and events in our dojo. Embark on your journey with us today! Feb 26, 2023 · Does it make sense to join the clan, is there a clan I can join right now? Jun 27, 2021 · just in case anyone catches this thread and would like to join a christian clan. Access to our Community-tier, level 3 Discord with eidolon bots and voice . Abbiamo creato una sezione apposta per questo fantastico gioco in gioco che potete comunicare e giocare con videogiocatori sia professionisti che novellini sparsi per tutta l’Italia Aug 20, 2017 · 💥 Phoenix Family 💥 Largest Clan Family, Active Discord, Events, Giveaways 💥 Recruitment Open 💥. PC; Moon Jan 22, 2015 · The Spectral Sabers are currently allied with EA Celestial Dragons alongside other clans such as Destroy All Monsters, ShUn, Primordial Horsemen, Grindhouse, NextGen Ninjas and more. Dec 20, 2021 · Hello Tenno ! Nous sommes un petit groupe de potes qui cherche de nouveaux partenaires ! Notre Clan, Les Loutres de Guerre, est en pleine floraison et nous vous invitons à le rejoindre pour nous aider à le faire grandir ! Ayant pour l'instant 6 membres à notre actif, du débutant au jeu à interméd Jan 31, 2015 · [ Clan CrossPlatform ] 🌌 Les Bannis 🌌 Recrutement OUVERT - Discord Obligatoire pour voc 🔊 By Stefdusud , November 5, 2024 All Platforms May 18, 2019 · -Et simplement venir partager des moments de bonheur et d'insouciance sur discord. My advice is to find a large clan and contribute resources to show some value. Our Dojo Aug 30, 2019 · On essaye de voir un peu partout après des clans potentiellement intéressé par notre offre en or afin de conquérir le système solaire (ou du moins presque). The reason inactivity kicks exist is to keep those slot clear for players who are active and contributing. PC; Moon May 4, 2023 · What Are Showcased Dojos? Every month, a new set of Dojos appears on the Star Chart for all Tenno to visit! The Warframe team selects these Dojos based on designs shared in this quarterly event. A Fan Site Kit is available for download to help clans make their websites look legitimate. Largest Australian Warframe Clan Community in the game. Apr 6, 2018 · We are working on a discord, in which we will have clan discussion and a place for furries to talk in general, if you for some reason are not able to get in. • Accepting Ghost - Mountain tier clans only • Each clan MUST have a minimal of 10 players per clan to join. Serpent Dynasty is We're a gaming community and a family of Warframe and Destiny 2 clans - we'd love to have you! | 23263 members Warframe LFG is a safe and amazing community for Tenno to meetup and play Warframe with! Join over 3k members! | 7054 members Feb 28, 2024 · L'alliance et Clans Defenders United : Née de l'union de trois clans majeurs : TheDefenders I, TheDefenders II, la Sentinelle, ils forment un noyau solide autour duquel gravitent d'autres clans alliés, contribuant à notre communauté. Assurez vous de laisser votre nom de joueur dans votre réponse pour que nous puissions vous contacter facilement. Apr 18, 2019 · I haven't had much experience with clan searching but you might have some luck searching for Australian Steam groups as well, there are definitely more of them and there's a good chance that some might have a clan on the side, or even just members who play Warframe that you could join without a clan. There are many reasons some of us choose to play solo, but it would still be nice to have a discord group for sharing ideas or strategies with like-minded people or to team up on the occasions when it makes sense to do so. Big as in moon clans that just care about numbers and that's it. Our discord is here: https://discord. Sep 25, 2018 · Find other players, clans, and alliances! Jan 18, 2019 · Nous mettons à disposition un discord alliance pour maximiser le partage et la bonne entente Pour plus d'informations rendez-vous sur le discord https://discord. Enjoy a supportive environment with active members, regular events, and comprehensive guides. I was curious if there are any clans that RP in game? Not publicly, but through missions, or in Dojo's or the like. As mentioned above, we do have 100% research of every lab and resource future-proofing for upcoming Warframe/Weapons/Misc researches as well as Rail-jack Dock(Empyrean). I was a warlord of a clan in an alliance a few years ago. Si tu possèdes Discord, tu es plus que le bienvenu parmi nous ! Ici, entraide et Feb 16, 2015 · Currently in warframe ,clans are a pretty intresting aspect of the game. If interested in joining the alliance, Contact study_0 to check available spacing. · An awesome looking Alliance logo aesthetics for your shoulders. Find and join some awesome servers listed here! The largest community-run Warframe Discord aiming to host a space for Tenno to discuss Warframe, and get the latest info | 267413 members We’re an up-and-coming Warframe community server looking for new members. Dec 22, 2016 · · A large discord channel to communicate across all clans. Some stuff happened and the leader of the alliance (a guide of the lotus back then) who initially pushed for us to turn our single large clan into an alliance of smaller clans to promote individuality decided to drop a massive text rant in the discord server, said the server was going to be deleted in 24hr’s, called us all toxic Aug 30, 2019 · Hello les tennos ! Bienvenue sur la page du clan Golden Spear ! Je suis MissFwuffy, je fais partie du programme Creator de Warframe spécialisée en Captura, je suis palier 29 et je joue à Warframe depuis 3 ans ! Cette page servira de recrutement pour tous les nouveaux membres motivés et prêts à no Nov 23, 2015 · I would like to know why players can't be in more than 1 clan? Is it really so hard to let us join multiple clans? Why limit us to just 1? Jan 27, 2021 · Puis rejoindre notre Discord : https://discord. Enter your basic info and we'll match you with 100 like-minded players to have a permanent Warframe clan, or search our Warframe LFG for a quick game. Add Anarchyprincess00 on Discord to join. Aug 17, 2017 · La team Overburned recrute notre clan se base sur l'entraide et le partage a travers l'univers de warframe pour cela il vous faudra : -être minimum rang 5 sur Warframe -pouvoir jouer assez souvent -être simpa et respectueux -avoir discord (si oui ajoutez moi ayden278056#9978) -profiter de la vie Aug 31, 2020 · Waifu & Imouto Kingdom clans are recruiting! Now is your chance to join the most active & welcoming anime-themed clan on Warframe. gg/jfTaUx7 Jan 7, 2016 · It works like skype, but then more suited for games and Therefor used in warframe as well. We're old people, we have no time to be strict with events etc. Tenno joining from different platforms will have access to that Clan’s Dojo, Research progress and Clan/Alliance chat. Follow these steps to join a clan. In fact my primary concern is recruiting newer individuals to warframe that are involved in my community (active in my stream/discord chats) OR experienced warframe players willing to help out those newer players. Welcome to TX-League, the ultimate Warframe clan community! Join our ranks and collaborate with fellow Tenno in epic missions, strategic gameplay, and resource sharing. Jul 4, 2015 · was the term for a soldier in the army of the old earth, the name was adapted to by some clans, the title is usually given to the new recruits. Dec 20, 2019 · I would love to see a discord alliance for solo clans (or even solo players). Never liked how clans required Discord though. If you don't know how to navigate the Warframe UI or Discord(App not browser), here are some examples: Winter is a Cross-Platform collection of Warframe clans on Mar 9, 2025 · Applications for The Celestial Voidknight are now open and can be found on the Discord announcements page! We’re already one of the fastest-growing alliances/clans in the game, having gained nearly 900 members on our Discord in just two months! Join our Discord to learn more today: https://discord. To enable Cross Platform Clans, your Clan’s Founding Warlord must choose to enable it in their Clan Management settings. List of Discord servers tagged with warframe-clan. Featuring giveaways, active mentoring, an active Discord, with a free and fun environment. RED RIBBON ARMY: Complete research unlocked for all members. gg/GXTX5wk Vous y trouverez les personnes que vous pourrez contacter directement ou dans le jeu. Als sich dann mal ein oder zwei Clans gemeldet ha Aug 20, 2017 · 💥 Phoenix Family 💥 Largest Clan Family, Active Discord, Events, Giveaways 💥 Recruitment Open 💥. May 27, 2016 · Clan nuevo RECLUTA!!! Trimorphis busca jugadores +18 sin requisito de maestría! TODOS SON BIENVENIDOS! ☺️ Dec 5, 2024 · - Newbie-friendly: We will help you and carry you with anything you need (: Founders are very active on discord and game so someone is there to help essentially 24/7. Sep 25, 2018 · Find other players, clans, and alliances! Apr 9, 2014 · We are willing to help clans of any size, and TAA will remain a formidable force in Warframe. ~ Sur Warframe : ~ Notre clan Warframe est un clan tempête de niveau 11 comptant actuellement 75 membres in game. 2 days ago · Hey all, I am currently looking for a clan for mature folks (25+). Nous vous invitons à nous rejoindre sur le canal Alliance, à bientôt ! Mar 31, 2024 · Si vous êtes intéressé à nous rejoindre, veuillez répondre à ce message ou contacter ChicoTossS en jeu ou . I prefer ghost or shadow clans with minimal members. Notre objectif principal est de rassembler des joueurs, joueuses de tous horizons souhaitant partager des moments conviviaux. Attention: 1. Si vous êtes intéressés par notre clan, merci de bien vouloir laisser un message soit sur Discord (ID : Yoshi#1940), soit sur Warframe, soit sur le forum. I happen to be the clan master of clan Hoorn. Inclusive of players from MR 0 to L4. gg/voidbound Edited 19 hours ago by --Gunson-- May 29, 2021 · Ouroboros Dynasty is an All Platforms Alliance made of sister clans Serpent Dynasty and Venom Dynasty, looking for new members to join our community! We are an international clan, looking for players of all types to join our community and help us grow into a flourishing space. Dec 3, 2017 · Recrutement de Clans / Alliances ; • Welcome! Read the posting Guidelines! • Lavos Prime Access is Live! • Warframe: 1999 has arrived! • Read the Devstream 184 Overview • Cross Platform Save is live! May 2, 2013 · Yeah, you like the sound of title? Me too If anybody has played warframe, you know the chat system is a little difficult to control, esspecially if you want to chat with a group of people interested in the same things as you. Aug 13, 2016 · If you are a Warlord/Member who is interested to join our Alliance; please have your Warlord contact flapvsjack#6812 via Discord. Joining this server will allow you to not only join a clan but also to find other squads to do difficult missions and connect with new friends as well. I'm not against discord based RP, but it seems most groups are closed and not recruiting. I am online regularly and not the best at keeping up with chat or discord but still open to run with groups and helping with eve Feb 23, 2024 · Tenno Nation Looking for Active Clans To Join our Alliance | No Discrimination Tolerated | 1k+ Tenno | Discord | Monthly Meetings | weekly Giveaways :lotus::recruiting::squad::sun: comment your clan name for an invite we do weekly meetings Saturday and sundays 9pm est live streamed on YouTube @Th Jun 12, 2019 · Nous n'acceptons pas les joueurs qui rejoignent le clan uniquement pour se servir des ressources du dojo. ༺☾🌘☽⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅☾ Who We Are ☽⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅☾🌒☽༻ ⊰ Moon Clan | Rank 11⠀⊱ Our roots run deep, and our growth is unyielding ⠀ ⊰ Fully Researched Dojo⠀⊱ A sanctuary forged in the void’s embrace ⠀ ⊰ Regula Big clans, absolutely hate them. Vocal régulier requis Ou mp @Trollus31 ou @ Lenain13 Apr 24, 2022 · Bonjour, bonsoir à tous Tennos ! Bienvenue chez ABSLT ! Qui sommes-nous ? : ABSLT est un clan francophone, qui à pour vocation de devenir international qui compte à ce jour quelques membres avec pour objectif, l'entraide, la bonne humeur et bien sûr d'évoluer tous ensemble. how ever i feel clans lack a social aspect a clan could have a huge great dojo but ultimately the uses just come down to trading and research. - AUCUNE EXPÉRIENCE sur le jeu en particulier à avoir. TAA will also act as mercenaries to make sure nodes Jan 31, 2015 · [ Clan CrossPlatform ] 🌌 Les Bannis 🌌 Recrutement OUVERT - Discord Obligatoire pour voc 🔊 By Stefdusud , November 5, 2024 All Platforms Apr 20, 2020 · Warframe FR Salutations, Tenno de tous horizons! Quelques soient nos planètes respectives, plateformes, nos Clans, Alliances, nos compétences et nos passe-temps favoris, nous avons tous au moins trois choses en commun: nous jouons à Warframe, nous parlons français et nous avons besoin des autres May 18, 2019 · -Et simplement venir partager des moments de bonheur et d'insouciance sur discord. Als sich dann mal ein oder zwei Clans gemeldet ha Jan 19, 2020 · Salut à tout les Tennos, le clan Team Maggle recrute ! Nous sommes un petit clan qui vient de se créer, nous recherchons des joueurs qui veulent juste jouer en communauté, s'amuser au sein d'un clan et d'une alliance basés sur le partage et la discussion, tout type de joueurs. gg/voidbound Looking for a welcoming, tight-knit, kind, and helpful Warframe community? Look no further! Voidbound Sovereign is an alliance composed of four sibling clans, all of which have completed maximum research and pigments. Si intéressé et que tu as des questions je te laisse mon discord ; Valy#2512 May 17, 2021 · Method 1: Use Discord. An available member with the permission will be more than happy to invite you when they are next in game. gg/dSekTMy Una fantastica community di Gamers italiani e svizzeri qui troverete molti giocatori di warframe. (mandatory for clan leaders) · Future expose to sister alliances. I have set up my own clan and slowly building up the dojo/research, so any christians( and any one else for that matter ) out there that wanna be part of a christian values based clan, look me up. Les CONDITIONS pour nous rejoindre ? - Avoir installé au préalable WARFRAME (c'est toujours mieux). Engaging in Alliance-wide events and contests. Warframe FR c'est l'enfer personne ne m'aide, je suis en colère contre Warframe FR à cause de l'inactivité dans la soirée. gg/QcteCKb As well, our club is here if you want to represent on the forums as well: Jan 27, 2021 · Puis rejoindre notre Discord : https://discord. Would love to help contribute to smaller or larger clans, especially a place with little to no drama. Feb 15, 2025 · Il y a une présence quotidienne sur Discord (environ 5 actifs vocaux/jour), nous vous conseillons alors FORTEMENT de nous rejoindre en vocal sur Discord… Et ce n'est pas pour rien ! Il n'est pas viable de jouer ensemble sur Warframe si vous n'êtes pas présent vocalement (imaginez jouer en étant en train d’écrire… un enfer !). Afin d'élargir notre cercle de discussions autour du jeu, l'alliance propose un regroupement de clans, l'occasion de nouvelles rencontres et le partage de conseils sur Warframe. We're the founders of the 35,000+ member Gilded Phoenix Alliance. Les Comptoirs d'échange dans les Clans Cross-Platform autorisent actuellement uniquement les échanges entre joueurs de la même plateforme, car nous explorons toujours les options pour les échanges Cross-Platform. Aug 21, 2019 · And if given the chance we may expand over several different Clans in the future! About our Clan dojo:-We have won Second Place on Warframe 2019 Featured Dojo contest. With this in mind, we also prefer it if we can get to know each other a little bit so we will keep our clan small. Vous l'aurez compris, nous ne recherchons pas la compétition, l'optimisation ou le try Aug 21, 2019 · Hi there! Andromeda is a safe-space gaming community for people who identify as female and/or LGBTQIA+. • Each clan must have at least 1 Warlord to join our Discord server to be part of the Alliance. Let us know on our discord server! Sep 26, 2023 · "WARFRAME PC FR" L'alliance WARFRAM PC FR regroupe les clans francophones. gg/UcHDBh4. Dec 10, 2024 · - An active discord - A friendly team of veterans that love helping new players - If you don't have a Prime set. Jeu - Warframe mais pas que 🎮 Bien que Warframe soit notre jeu principal, nous accueill Warframe Looking for Group and Warframe Clans. Warframe Clans Warframe LFG Warframe Discord Bot Warframe App Apr 11, 2021 · Bienvenue chez les 🦋 Kings Of The Fairies 🦋 Salut à toi, jeune Tenno ! Nous avons le plaisir de te présenter notre clan, les 🦋 Kings Of The Fairies 🦋, un groupe chaleureux et convivial de passionnés de Warframe. A noter aussi que le recrutement chez nous se fait en vocal sur Discord. We are dedicated to creating a welcoming and safe environment for people of all minority gender and sexual identities, and from every corner of the Earth. Feb 26, 2024 · A small clan for active members new and old alike. The easiest and the best way to join a clan is to use the Warframe Discord server. Dsl. It is my understanding from what people tell me that there are a few furry clans with waitlists, so if for some reason we will to capacity you can still socialize there. I see a lot of months old posts with little to no real activity. There isn't the sense of being a part of a community in those. Jun 7, 2020 · Very Active - 10 days AFK timer on all clans, over 15,000 messages in our Clan Discord daily. May 1, 2023 · https://discord. By M4ykeTemplar , April 19, 2023 PC Jan 11, 2019 · I'm new-ish to this game but I really enjoy what warframe brings to the table. Apr 9, 2014 · We are willing to help clans of any size, and TAA will remain a formidable force in Warframe. Apr 2, 2019 · Clans only have so many member slots available depending on tier. Jun 21, 2021 · [DE] Hallo liebe*r Leser*innen, ich bin Astralop und suche nun schon seit mehreren Wochen im Recruitment-Chat nach einem Clan - wie ihr natürlich wisst ist in EU nichts los - in NA habe ich regelmäßig nach aktiven Clans gesucht, jedoch vergeblich. Mountain clans aren't much better to me. Unlike similar titles, Warframe offers fast-paced action making it an essential title for any clan. L'alliance Defenders United est aujourd'hui une communauté forte unis par la passion de Warframe. Templar (Sage) Warframe LFG is a safe and amazing community for Tenno to meetup and play Warframe with! Join over 3k members! | 7153 members Mar 9, 2025 · Greetings, fellow Tenno! The Nova Syndicate is a brand new alliance seeking to unite clans of all sizes across the Origin System. Ici, nous privilégions la bonne ambiance, l'entraide et le plaisir de jouer ensemble. acmwbm mawedq mdaq pdjt fdnqil xgkkxfg fiss cpde flamk pogv lzdjr tiydn eoqyl kwqeofun saqbgbu