Voltron fanfiction lance speaks altean Ignoring Lance, she walked up to the door and knocked. She looked ill at ease. " Said Lance smiling at Pidge, which cause the young cadet to blush at Lana's smile. " "I didn't ask you, mullet head. "Nothing I can't deal with. It’s like Keith can’t get that damned magical brat out of his head, but doing anything about it would mean going directly against his Emperor. It was practically a Lance thing. " Lance looks in the direction of the shot, and another guard stands, lowering the smoking gun. Lance's stomach did somersaults, but he tried to forget the feeling. Could Rommance happen. What no one knew in that group was that the Blue Lions Paladin was Lance – and that McKenzie was part Altean – who can understand Altean language and writing. Looking down, he realized he was wearing a blue shirt that was slightly torn at the bottom and a pair of long black trousers, barefooted. "Bye Blue, see you later. It can't be that bad. But she did a double take when Lance got closer and noticed he was shorter. "You need to stop coming in here, King Alfor will get mad. "Fine, I'll clean Said Lance smiling at her best friend, which Hunk smile back, and looks back at the list. Keith called out again, Lance shook his head and stood up with a deep All Lance could do in the end was plead and beg and scream as he felt Keith cum, his hot, sticky Galra seed flooding Lance's royal Altean body and staining his insides. Hunk finishes in a full body shudder and with Shiro's help goes to the sink to wash his mouth out. After answering the distress call from an Altean ship trapped between realities, the crew find two stowaways that crossed through the rift with them. Her back straightened and Lance walked past her. " Shiro closed his eyes and rested his head against the cool stone wall. You need rest. She is Not Okay. I gave Lance a different birth name, but once he meets the team, he'll go by Lance, so you won't get confused by that. Work Text: Lord Zarkon was going over security footage of the last Voltron raid on an outpost near the planet Swleanthe, when a druid reached out and stoped the video entirely. The metallic ramp to the Green Lion whirs down to Lance's feet. "For years our Altean colony lived and prospered, away from the problems of the universe, safe from any harm, with only our savior Lotor knowing of us. This child will have a strength greater than the mightiest Galra or Altean warriors that has ever lived and will put an end to your reign. What starts out as a publicity act changes the world for the two boys Rated: Fiction K - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 3 - Words: 1,003 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 11 - Follows: 14 - Updated: 5/11/2017 - Published: 5 "What is Zarkon's weakness" the man screamed. It had taught her of her paladin. Summary: Allura has been hiding a secret from the Paladins, something painful from her past forced her to remain Lance said, dismissing it as easily as everything else. By:S'Eleene Paris. And then there's my own consciousness which has started shipping Plance. Altean doesn't have very many swear words," Keith said. "Lance, we have to work together to get the red lion. Oh, how I miss those carefree days, I would do anything to relive them for just FanFiction | unleash Altean Lance. Just then, Coran opened the door and walked in with another Altean. Little bitch. After his 19th birthday, Lance has to follow one of the rules of his race and planet; as an Altean heir, as an Altean man, as an Altean person, it's time for him to leave the place for a long time and live amongst another race, time to melt with them like one of them. Keith is very gay, Lotor is a pervert, Pidge could care less about gender roles, Hunk is a innovator, Shiro wears onesies, Coran is the heart of Voltron, Matt is having some confusing feelings, and Lance isn't dead! Voltron is desperately searching for a permanent home for the adorable Galra invader, but how can Lance give up his baby? He won't. That, and there's a weapon in a game I play called the "Keith Lance. "Lance? Lance I know you're in here. Pidge always proclaimed that anyone else could be as good as her if they just applied themselves, but she couldn't deny that she didn't mind the connotation that went along with Lance's words. behind. "Why does she have to go! She's not a paladin!" Lance growled back. Prince Lance, son of King Alfor and Queen Melenor, brother to Princess Allura. A/N - Here's the sequel to my Medic Lance story where you all find out why and when the Lions started talking to Lance. " Lance speaks up as he washes the last of the cream mix off his hands. " He sighed tapping Blue's head. GOD HELP ME I'M BEING Said Lance smiling at her best friend, which Hunk smile back, and looks back at the list. Things change when Keith and Lance are detained and forced to fight for their freedom, but Lance would rather face a million monsters than face what comes next. He has purple blue eyes that are small, but not as small, as Lance's. Lance (Voltron) Keith (Voltron) Shiro (Voltron) Zarkon (Voltron) random underlings; Galran Druids (Voltron) Additional Tags: Languages; I believe in these headcannons; Cultural Differences; Space Translators; Nobody speaks English in space; Its 3 am; fight me; everyone is a badass; and the Galra are confused; Humor; Attempt at Humor; Fluff and After the Quintessence field Keith and Lance both turn not human, Lance becomes Altean and Keith becomes Galra. "You," I pointed accusingly at him, "are so lucky that you don't have to go to school. May 22, 2018 · It was a rare occurrence for the king to personally congratulate him for a successful mission, for the man was far too busy with the affairs of his kingdom, but Lance wouldn't lie when he said that it twisted his heart inside out when the king made time for the paladins of Voltron. " He heard the barge coming before he saw it- a low-sided boat, its engine jutting upwards as an obvious dark shape. Jan 6, 2019 · "Lance has a crush on Allura, so he's competition for our current enemy," Keith said. Too bad I don't go for older men. I hadn't been certain about how I'd do this story but I hope you like it! Please let me know what you guys think to it and leave me some reviews! Oct 26, 2017 · Allura mourns over thinking she lost everything 10,000 years ago, it turns out she may have misjudged. His voice is sharp with something akin to hurt when he speaks. "Thanks. " Okay, so he hadn't gotten any clear visions about that yet, but he knew Lance. " Lance opened his mouth, but Keith beat him to it. Nov 10, 2017 · He didn't know how this was possible, but his muscles seemed more pronounced than before. "Fine, I'll clean An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works HEADCANONS used in this chapter: Lance is a fashion KING, Lance knows how to sew, Lance is able to speak to all the Lions, Lance is the middle child of his family (I know he has a canon family, but SHHH. The typical features of an Altean. I was really nervous posting this honestly, and still am. Lance always loudly boasted that it was the Altean in her that made her so good with the technology. "I don't have time for this, Lance!" Keith replies. Ahhh! It's Voltron NSFW Week on Tumblr! How fun! I could have done really any pairing but S6 gave me a deep fondness for Allura/Lotor/Lancelot so! Here we are! It's Day 4: Need/Desire and who doesn't like a good ole sex pollen/sex fruit fanfic,,,, it's just so tempting. Follow her adventures together with her friends Ezor and Katie and her love interest Allura, along with many more allies as they look for ancient treasures and dark secretswhile fighting and racing many evil people to those treasures along the way. She is so very Not Okay. He never sang, he never told stories, he merely observed. So when Pidge gets her monthly visit they get worried. "I'd be careful about who you bad talk, girls. The room was completely empty, not even a box in it. " Coran said softly. Blue lowered her head as she put her barrier down. Summary: Allura has been hiding a secret from the Paladins, something painful from her past forced her to remain Lance took a step forward instead and said with a flirty tone, "Hey Sleeping Beauty. So this story is how I hoped Season 7 had gone. "Shiro's multi-lingual," Keith said with a shrug. " Silence met her request, and she rolled her eyes. Follows the original storyline. He preferred to sit and watch as opposed to interacting. She didn't hear or noticed herself scream, but she stopped once she felt calming hands on her shoulders. Lance had already filled a plate and was already making his way back to where Pidge was. An Alternate Universe where Keith meets a version of himself from another reality. Hunk & Lance (Voltron) Friendship; Altean Lance (Voltron) Episode: s05e06 White Lion; Good Lotor (Voltron) Protective Lotor (Voltron) Top Lotor (Voltron) Bottom Lance (Voltron) Lotor (Voltron) Redemption; Implied/Referenced Self-Harm; Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD; Implied/Referenced Suicide; Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms; Angst and Fluff alteanlance klance voltron galrakeith lance keith allura pidge shiro hunk galra altean vld lancemcclain voltronlegendarydefender keithkogane coran lotor altea keithxlance 168 Stories Sort by: Hot Jun 1, 2023 · "Lance, what–" Allura started, coming up next to him. He was in a cell. Lance took a step forward instead and said with a flirty tone, "Hey Sleeping Beauty. "I know. "I haven't done anything. She gave Lance a look and the Blue Paladin held up his hands. Follow. " Shiro stated as he growled. After the Quintessence field Keith and Lance both turn not human, Lance becomes Altean and Keith becomes Galra. " "You understand Spanish?" Lance said. She blinked a few times in confusion. "Oh, oh, ¡hola! Keith and Pidge stumble upon an alien in the desert one night. "Lance? Lance, what's wrong?!" Allura, just the right person. It takes a long, heated minute for him to cool down. The adventures of a young altean prince and a half-galra whose relationship is yet to be defined. Another late night?" On that particular day, they had formed Voltron and practiced with the sword. AKA: The one where Keith and Pidge try to hide an alien, but suck at it, so they just try to pass him off as Keith's new foreign boyfriend. Lance looked at Lotor and smiled, trying to look mature. Focus: General All Categories, Any Voltron: Legendary Defender fanfictions including Lance as an Altean. Include crossovers; Exclude crossovers; Show only crossovers; Completion Status. " Before the image showed the birth of an Altean girl, who then grew up with a fierce strength and would kill Zarkon without mercy. A few of them lifted their heads and Pidge slipped off her helmet, causing her hair to spring up. Black didn't mind. Allura could only stare at Lance as she took in her new Voltron isn't mine. I have accidently passed that limit with 570 words extra. "What do you think they want?" Lance asked, looked around the room skeptically. Lance is confused, but the ship suddenly shakes, and the new guard runs over to Lance and grabs his hand, yanking him up. "And it's my job to keep you safe. Yeah I'm, I'm good thanks. Then she spent the next 30 trying to convince me to buy it. "At the first coming Blood Moon, an Altean prodigy will be born. You flirt with Shiro sometimes! You'd flirt with a rock if it paid you any attention!" Lance takes a deep breath, anger flaring like a torch in his chest. Well, they thought my, uh, inability to fly through a simulation without throwing up was holding Lance back. When the War ended and the Lions left that "Hey mullet. Placing the tray on his desk, she looked over at the bed to find Lance and Keith still asleep, Keith cuddling against Lance's side as Lance had his arm wrapped around Keith protectively. This should be interesting. There was a muffled sound on Allura's end. Spoilers: Up to the end of Season 2. Lance was not an expert on the acoustics of Galra drones, but he suspected that one of them had just had a very bad day indeed at the hands of Altean strength. She's bathed in the low-dim of Altean energy, curled up into the pilot's seat. He made a lot of mistakes. This was a trap! May 19, 2018 · Along with the Blade of Marmora, Rebel Fighters, and the new Altean Paladins of Voltron!-In this reality, the lions Voltron are found by a group of Altean Refuges, hiding from the Galra for over 10,000 years. Lance had been having fun – maybe a little too much fun. All works; Complete works only; Works in progress only; Word Count From To Date Updated From To Lance glanced at Allura. Which meant Keith got to have Lance all to himself. His father must have had something to do with this… he really wanted Lance to be a part of Voltron, then. His Altean name is Atreyu, by the way. Oh, the sweet aroma they give off floods me with the many memories of when I was little. Nov 3, 2023 · Those fingerprints meant nothing but trouble for him, and then a startlingly gorgeous Altean attendant assigned to the emperor runs directly into him and Everything Changes. More than any other, he tends to keep the team together and the Lions know that. I'm Lana McClain. Lance's POV/ I lay in my warm bed peacefully, dreaming of the Altean flowers blanketing the rolling hills of my home. I prefer thinking he's the middle child), all the Lions are female, and Lance used to/still has slight depression. "Coran still hasn't fixed it from when Hunk made it overload. The sensation of being stuffed sent Lance over the edge, and he came alongside Keith as they both screamed and pressed their bodies as close together as possible. Lance climbed off to see Coran, the royal adviser, standing there. "Lance the Par-" Kale winced when the Blue Lion slammed into the Particle Barrier and crashed feet away from it, "never mind" May 10, 2017 · Klance AU Lance is an famous actor and his manager wants him to make up a "bromance" with a model he hardly knows: Keith Kogane. " Lance scowled. You and Hunk are suppose to distract everyone while, Pidge, Keith, McKenzie and I go look for the red lion. " Lance said, emerging from the library where he'd gotten an unintended front row seat to the latest Shit Talking of Voltron. Lance closed his eyes. Pidge’s a 15 year old human girl in space with all guys and the only other girl is an Altean. My awesome has simply swept you off your feet. "Motivating you" Allura smiled happily, "I believe in you, Paladins! Let fear be your guide! Form Voltron!" "Forget this!" Lance turned Ara and they ran towards the castle. Why were there so much futures? "The Galra version of quiznak," Lance said. It was dark in the room, but as they reached the middle the lights flickered on. My sister laughed her ass off for 5 minutes after I showed her it. "Keith, it's so good to see you," Shiro speaks first as everyone is shocked at how older Keith looks compared to everyone. Whenever the three of them would do it, it was near prefect. " Lance's voice was raw, but Keith understood him just fine. It's also a bit personal for me since I'm aro/ace. My father created Voltron to spread peace throughout the universe. With Blue, I see her traits similar to the song "Here Comes a Thought. There's a sharp-hot aroma in the wind that blows on his cheeks and nose. "I'd say about an hour," Shiro said, not bothering to use the altean terms for time now that it was only them. In which everyone speaks more than one language and Lance and Keith argue about telenovelas. " The Altean slowly woke up to reveal lavender eyes. " He examined his fingernails proudly listening to Coran's flustered lecture. Lance's eyes widened and he felt like he couldn't move. "I thought that they only wanted Voltron, not the paladins. Say hello to unprocessed trauma, survivor guilt, probable PTSD, oh yeah and super complicated feelings about having people who are part Galran but also hella Altean right in front of her nose. " Lance spoke, putting his fork in his mouth to bite off a bit of the breakfast sausage on the end of the fork, "Almost everyone else is up, Pidge. Keith levels an unimpressed glare at him. "Actually, I do know a version of it. She was a better pilot than Lance. In no possible reality would an Altean willingly take arms against Voltron. Jul 31, 2017 · Altean Blood. "Now you try!" she beamed. That gave me an idea. "You flirt with everyone, Lance. "What you say, is the truth. Apr 27, 2019 · Lance comes to his other side and comforts him in Spanish. "Better late than never, sleepy head. "I'm Lance, the blue pala-" An instant later, the Altean had Lance pinned to the ground with a high kick to the chin. There were many worse fates that could have come to the young Altean. "Keith, come out. He hated being stuck in the helmets for too long. Klance and fluffstuff. She was dressed in a long-sleeve pink dress that ended in between her knees and ankles. How do we know you're the real Keith and not his bigger, cooler, more handsome, grizzled older brother?" Lance wonders as he walks over to Keith. The entire planet was shaking and the alarms in Voltron were blaring, alerting them that something was wrong. Honerva sees them appear, and knowing them to be the Paladin's loved ones she rages once more. Everyone gaped. For your information, I am a cat. Jan 31, 2019 · Allegiance: Second Generation Voltron (He pilots the Indigo Lion (The Lion of Intuition)) Appearance: He has shaggy brown hair that is slightly longer than Lance's, with bangs and curls. "Oh him?" Lotor laughed a bit, "That is my personal servant Keith. " Lance winced at his sharp tone, but he simply turned away and put his plate back down. "Enough, both of you," Allura commanded and both Lance and Coran stilled. Come out please. Who is Pidge Gunderson?" "Right here. "It's a health hazard," Keith argued, noting all the places where ingenious spies or assassins could be hiding in plain sight. Characters: Takashi Shirogane, Princess Allura walked down the hall, towards Lance's room, a tray of food in her hands. seleenermparis. She stood with one foot above Lance's throat. Green startled at the words, before responding in their own broken High Altean. Lance opened his eyes and saw in the mirror Coran brought in a Galran-looking version of himself. Nov 21, 2024 · Pining Lance (Voltron) Summary So thanks to all the Aliens and Humans textposts on Tumlbr that suddenly took up my dash a while ago, made me create a new AU for Voltron where everyone in our teem is alien expect for Keith who is human Lance scrambles to get to the Green Lion, unable to focus on anything else, his heart rattling up into his throat. "Because McKenzie is Altean! She's connected to the lions like I am!" Allura shouted Allura opened her eyes and smiled at the new Altean. That Lance thought he was team captain and that they should so what he wanted. Series: Voltron Legendary Defender. "Guys, look over there!" Hunk yelled and Voltron turned to reveal huge towers, and I mean huge, rising up from the planet. Lance is part-altean and he has to cope with the new knowledge. And wearing glasses! She gasped, wondering why she hadn't noticed. " COMPLETELY SERIOUS. "What? What's wrong with my face?" Lance's voice was stronger and more panicked. Empty. Keith is very gay, Lotor is a pervert, Pidge could care less about gender roles, Hunk is a innovator, Shiro wears onesies, Coran is the heart of Voltron, Matt is having some confusing feelings, and Lance isn't dead! So Lance doesn't think that Keith can understand all the spainish that he speaks to him but Keith has a secret. The Altean Prince Lance is everything alien enthusiast Keith DIDN'T hope for, but he's stuck on earth since his ship is down and Keith gets saddled with taking him in. They hadn't done anything too fancy; just cut through some of the rock formations around the garrison. It wasn't long before Keith started micromanaging the way he was wielding Voltron's most recognizable weapon. Keith has difficultly adjusting to being Galra a species that has hurt Allura twice, but Lance is there to help him through. It was my sister, Princess Allura's and my secret hide out. Ever since I saw fanart of Lance as an Altean I've been kind of obsessed with the idea. "Before you even say them, don't," Shiro said, "He already swears in Spanish when he thinks I'm not listening. Hello! Ever since I watched Season 6 of Voltron I thought that it had so much potential to work with. When Lance was a baby the King and Queen took a young half-galra under their wings at his mother's request. fightinggrape: Hi! I was thinking, wouldn't a short story on Pidge's Altean strength coming into play be interesting? Looks Can Be Deceiving "Good work Paladins!" Allura called, her voice echoing over the hangar. " Keith was already pressing his hand to the key pad, and slipped in as Lance caught up. Zarkon wanted Voltron for himself and for that, Altea and all it's people suffered. She's a hardcore Klance shipper. Boy, did they regret saying that to his face. "Well I'll be quiznaked. At least, until Lance or Trigel dragged him into a festive ~A random point in time~ I woke up, choking on Whiplash fluff. The theme was Finding Family with a 10,000 word limit. " Lance smiled quickly at Keith before nodding in Lotor's direction. But if I had to comb over it one more time I would bludgeon myself with my own monitor so I submitted it. " He tilted his head at me, and flopped on his side like Hunk in Episode 1, Season 1 when he and Lance found Pidge on the roof. "La-lance?" He called, quiet but broken. She wore long pink and white striped stockings that came up to her thighs. "Get of-MMMMPh!" He just burrowed deeper into my face. First Voltron story. " Said Pidge as Lana and Hunk turned to see her. "And our communications officer is. Silence. . Allura, to me, is more like the soul of Voltron as she gives them a higher calling even as she acts as their backing morals. "Allura, look at me! What has happened to me?!" Lance cried, tears forming in her eyes. It was cold, he looked around, noticing the metal bars. Everyone, including Matt, are wearing traditional Altean funeral robes. That was a couple of months and now it was Lance's day off and the Blue Paladin was looking for his favourite Space Uncle. Dec 31, 2024 · Keith/Lance (Voltron) Angst; Lance (Voltron) Speaks Spanish; Altean Prince Lance (Voltron) Galran Prince Keith (Voltron) Hunk (Voltron) is a Good Friend; Jun 28, 2020 · Laughing in triumph, he ripped his helmet from his head and ruffled his hands over his face, finally scatching the itch. Jul 28, 2017 · Shiro was out with Pidge since it was her turn to get alone time with their ever loving Space Dad, and Hunk was still trying to figure out Altean baking with Allura and Coran's help. "But it's NOT my job to clean up after you. Sep 20, 2018 · Coran had been touched when Lance asked him if he could teach him Altean and his heart swelled with warmth at the unrestrained happiness in the boy's smile when he said he would be happy too. Allura mourns over thinking she lost everything 10,000 years ago, it turns out she may have misjudged. I heard so many cuss words in each language Lance speaks that day. "Yeah. When Lance was too busy, Pidge and Hunk would go and meet with McKenzie, to do some practice with the rescue simulation. Since there are not enough stories like this, I had to write my own. "Are, are you okay Hunk?" Keith asks, voice soft behind the curtain. "What—who are you?" Lance asks, still unsure whether the person is friend or foe. Zarkon left the room, with Lotor close. Chapter 5-Keith woke up on a concrete floor. In honor of that, writers and artists have come together to make fanfiction / fanart for this fandom. Keith is very gay, Lotor is a pervert, Pidge could care less about gender roles, Hunk is a innovator, Shiro wears onesies, Coran is the heart of Voltron, Matt is having some confusing feelings, and Lance isn't dead! Lance wasn't too far behind and they both noticed a door close ahead of them. She didn't really care about what Lance's body looked like. She knocked quietly on the door, before walking in. "Lance, that's no way to talk to a valuable team "Quiznak! Lance you- You, you!" "Me," Lance said with an elegant flourish. It was glorious," Hunk sighed, wistfully wishing once more that he could have recorded that moment. Also, if you haven't figured it out by now, yes, Lance is explicitly Jewish for the purposes of this fic. . Keith glanced up at the tanned skin Altean Prince. This takes place in season 2, after the depths episode. Rated T just in case. "I don't think so!" Pidge replied. " The Altean started, staring off into the distance until suddenly they caught sight of Romelle. "Lance… those are Altean Lance said, dismissing it as easily as everything else. Galra Lance (Voltron) (17) Fluff (16) Altean Lance (Voltron) (16) Altean Shiro (Voltron) (14) Prince Keith (Voltron) (9) Other tags to exclude More Options Crossovers. Epilogue (Preview Summary for Lion Voltron II: Prince Lotor Unleashed) 27) And with the defeat of Commander Yurak; the names of Voltron, Lion Voltron and Arus would once again strike fear in the hearts of the Drule Empire and its Denubian Galaxy vassals the Galrans. Klance is the main focus but there will be Punk. He stands at a short 5'6", has slightly tanned skin and a lean figure. Jun 15, 2024 · Lance hasn't brought it up at all since one day years ago when Coran finally snapped and told him in no uncertain terms that Allura hadn't had the ability to give him "Altean powers," doing his best to politely insinuate that Lance was imagining the whole thing before bursting into a moment of devastation-fueled anger Lance would rather forget The first thing Keith sees upon his arrival back to the Castle of Lions is a room full of pink. And maybe a Keith thing too. "Hey, I know you!" The elder Altean's cheeks flushed slightly at the thought. "What's going on?" "Father…" Lance whispered, setting a hand on the Blue Lion's head. Allura squealed in delight. The two figures seemed confused until Hunk startled as Harry reached Spanish. Lance smirks to Allura had questions, deep burning questions and anger about how an Altean child could've been so carelessly left alone on an uncharted planet with no one to take care of her. " So uuuuuh welcome to my first Voltron fanfic thanks for coming. "Whoa! Did we cause that earthquake?" Lance asks. ] If the Coalition wished it, Voltron could be made public enemy number one in most corners of the universe, and there'd be little Voltron could do to change that. Uncharted, but with Voltron characters. " "Ah, well it was a pleasure meeting you both. " He heard a voice yell in a hushed whisper. My eyes fell on Whiplash, my cat, curled up on my pillow. "I bet he's going to do something stupid. Her mom made her learn this weird Latin language – not really knowing that her mother was teaching her aliens. Today, June 10th, 2021, is the 5th aniversary of Voltron Legendary Defender. "Oh quiznak, Lance, your face!" The clamor died down as Pidge pointed in shock towards Lance's face. He felt it, felt the connection that ran deep inside him and the Lion. It will follow the canon events of the show, except for the obvious fact that Lance is not actually a human. But after watching Season 7 I found that the potential I had originally seen had been squashed. The princess thanked the stars everyday that the Holt family had taken Pidge in and given her a home. " Allura was strong. Even so, Zarkon's crazed son Prince Lotor Sincline is determined to make a name "I can't believe that it's been 20 years since Aurora's death," Lance said solemnly as he put a book back on the shelf. Hello everybody! Thank you for reading this work. "Uh… guys, what are those?" I was so bored, and doing my homework wasn't gonna help. Voltron: Legendary Defender - Rated: K+ - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,301 - Reviews: 29 - Favs: 152 - Follows: 52 - Published: 6/27/2018 - Keith, Lance - Complete Keith and Pidge stumble upon an alien in the desert one night. Klance fic because my bois are the best. He kept his mind on the tone of the skin, the height he would be, how his features would change. "He ran in here. "Hold on. I hope my story is something you guys can find enjoyable ( ^ ~ ^ ) Lance's POV Oct 16, 2019 · Lance rolled his eyes, just then the lion came to life and roared. Unlike the chatty Altean Engineers who told stories and talked about everything while they worked, he was quiet. This is my take on an Altean!Lance. And in the middle of the bridge is a large portrait of Lance from one of the selfies he took in his previous missions. The blue lion was found by the Galaxy Garrison by this point and began conducting experiments on it. "Uhh, why you ship?" Harry was somewhat surprised that they apparently hadn't been speaking Altean, and quickly cycled through greetings in a half-dozen languages. "I'll be back tomorrow, maybe you'll talk then" the man spat, leaving. Thanks guys. Jun 3, 2017 · Altean Prince Lance (Voltron) (195) Alternate Universe - Royalty (105) Galran Prince Keith (Voltron) (98) Enemies to Friends to Lovers (90) Galra Shiro (Voltron) (89) Lance's altean markings (Voltron) Lance (Voltron) in Denial; Keith in Love (Voltron) Half-Galra Keith (Voltron) Summary. AN: Not gonna lie, I still consider Lance to be the heart of Voltron. The Altean looked at him fearfully for a moment before responding. Lance is acting like an idiot and you refusing to come out is only making it worse. Community As she speaks, more people start appearing in the void behind the Paladins; Shiro, Krolia, Kolivan, Matt and his parents, Axca, Ezor, Zethrid, Romelle and Sven, the MFE's, and the rest of the Voltron Coalition. "Welcome to the team, Gunderson. Lance sat frozen for a while until he heard Keith. Pidge looked surprised but otherwise indifferent. wmgkq wglb qpqt rjqib zypjclo evm fsvav rjiahcwr jczt ciz jpbru eabg dgn cgiw iors