Unifi controller docker synology. I also have a FQDN configured.

Unifi controller docker synology There are trade-offs of course. Sep 26, 2020 · Docker Synology: ecoDMS, ecoMailz, MotionEye, Unifi-Controller Surveillance Station: Lupus IP-Kams, Dahua-IP-Türsprechanlage Netzwerk: Router Vigor2952, Router Vigor 2926, Modems Vigor 165, Vigor Switch G-2260, Kabelmodem TC4400 Unifi controller op Synology Docker omzetten naar RaspberryPi. S. Next to this certificate I let this service make a certificate for the Unifi controller. Full setup instructions to guide you through the whole process! Dec 30, 2024 · However, in this post we are going to install the Unifi controller on a Docker container on your Synology NAS! First of all, make sure your Synology NAS supports Docker. To perform this setup you need to install Docker on your NAS. DSM 5. Nachdem ich Aug 19, 2020 · So far I have the UniFi Controller up and running in a docker package and am able to access it when VPN'd into my NAS. 63% CPU and 838MB RAM (of 4GB). Select Create to create a new Project. Habe jetzt was gelesen, das es die neue UCG-Max gibt, aber wie es mit allem Neuen ist, ist es nicht verfügbar bzw. Falls noch nicht geschehen, muss zuerst Docker (ab DSM7. Sep 13, 2016 · Synology has just released DSM 5. Nachdem ich geupdatet habe wird das Paket nicht mehr unterstützt, weshalb ich auf ein Docker-Image wechseln wollte. Mar 26, 2019 · So I need some expert networking + synology help. Then you can save a time with this one. Dazu öffnet man in DSM das Package Center und sucht nach Docker zur Installation. Damit ergibt sich die Möglichkeit, immer auf eine laufende UniFi Controller Instanz zugreifen zu können. It allows you to manage multiple wireless networks using a web browser. Dec 31, 2023 · Installing the Unifi Network Application via Docker is super easy and saves the purchase of a new cloud key or controller. From Safari or Chrome on OSX or Windows, I can hit DSM on 5001 and the Unifi Controller on its Jan 13, 2021 · A-/AAA-Record UNIFI mit der IPv4-/IPv6-Adresse der Synology NAS; Ist der Hostname UNIFI im Netzwerk verfügbar und auflösbar klappt’s auch mit dem automatischen Deployment von UniFi Geräten ohne manuelle Anpassungen. Aug 19, 2020. Update eines Unifi Controllers auf der Synology NAS in einem Docker Container. 1. 2. Prerequisites, based on main Unifi/docker tutorial document: #Location of the docker container in Synology (up to your setup, but it will help you understand my guide): /volume1/docker/unifi #Name of the container: unifi #Move your issued certificate pair (crt+key) to docker/unifi Dec 30, 2024 · Controlador Unifi é um software obrigatório se você tiver qualquer equipamento Unifi, como os famosos Pontos de Acesso Wi-Fi. Aug 21, 2022 · In diesem Video zeige ich Euch, wie man den Unifi Controller unter Docker auf einer Synology installiert. Mar 18, 2020 · A: USG, UniFi AP-AC-Lite x 2, UniFi AP-AC-Pro, UniFi Switch 8, UniFi Switch 8 POE-60W, UniFi Switch 16 POE-150W, UniFi Switch 24. docker rm unifi. x using Docker and Docker Compose as a log ingestion and observabilityu. When I try to open the website my-synology-ip-address:8443 my unifi controller page does not open. This list is updated from the most current docker-compose. en maskine som kører Windows, Linux, eller macOS samt på en Cloud Key hvis man har løbt sådan en. 2 - what does exactly mean the "memory creep" in your case? More detailed description is needed. You'll need to run chown -R 999:999 on whatever location you have your unifi volume in. com/de-de/dsm/packages/ Step 3 – Download the backup from UniFi Controller. Apr 30, 2024 · Installing and running the UniFi Network Controller on a Synology NAS. 5GB to 1GB until I have 100% ram usage and more on my NAS. App, now he shows me operation failed. Finally, we’re going to reset the container itself: Docker > Container > [your-unifi-controller] > Action > Reset > Yes Nov 17, 2018 · Guiden her, vil kort og præcist vise hvordan du kan installere Unifi Controlleren via en Docker container på en Synology NAS. (By default, the Docker container usually gets the internal address 172. Run a UniFi Controller on Synology for remote Network Remi. 0 Docker 安裝教學》這設架文章教學,那麼現在不像從 UniFi Network Controller 後台直接升級,除了 SSH 指令之外,可透過 Docker 安全升級方法了。 Jan 6, 2022 · This tutorial shows how to self-host the Unifi Controller on a Synology NAS! Since the Unifi-Controller easily runs in docker and Synology NAS devices are ge. I now need to work out how to add the actual devices at the other physical address to the controller. “ Nun den Controller anhalten. My end goal was to have a decent platform to host UniFi device logs for troubleshooting in case I need to look up some info. Apr 24, 2023 · Nếu bạn có Synology NAS thì bạn có thể cài Docker để chạy Unifi Controller trên nó. FUSE and user space filesystems Mar 20, 2018 · De UniFi Controller op een Synology zonder Docker, in mijn geval een DS916+ 8GB, deze heeft een Intel x64 proccesor. U kunt dit op twee eenvoudige manieren controleren: Of course - to login into UniFi controler you use - 443 - so you can map this port to 1443,2443 or whatever you want. Normalt ville man installere Unifi Controlleren på f. Aug 19, 2009. 101' UniFi-Network Please not this part is not persistent and needs to be done after each reboot (I need to write a script and add is to DSM scheduler) sudo ip link add UniFi-Bridge link Feb 14, 2024 · Install the latest Unifi Network Controller on Synology NASIn this video: How to install Unifi Controller on Synology NAS💡Official Documentation:TBU💡Comma Nov 15, 2024 · The launch of docker unifi-network-application is finished. 2. I Jan 30, 2018 · Hempie heeft een nieuwe handleiding geplaatst: UniFi controller in Docker op een Synology NAS - Een UniFi-controller uitvoeren in een Docker-container op een Synology NAS Bekijk deze handleiding Dec 29, 2022 · Running a Unifi Controller, and trying to load the NAS's SSL Certificates, so they are recognised by the Controller software (front end, when logging in for example). Sep 30, 2018 · I virtualized the Unifi video software in Docker, now I have two problems in the application, so I had to reinstall it. Unifi controller is a docker image and SABnzbd is from the Synology Community package. Click OK. eks. From Safari or Chrome on OSX or Windows, I can hit DSM on 5001 and the Unifi Controller on its Feb 19, 2025 · Weiß jemand, ob es aktuell für Synology ein Dockerimage mit UniFi Protect gibt, damit ich die G4 in Betrieb nehmen kann? Betreibe dort aktuell meinen Controller und dachte das reicht. E. Create a new docker network with the macvlan driver, in my case bond2 is the interface i want to link it to: sudo docker network create -d macvlan --subnet= Oct 12, 2016 · Synology Docker - UniFi Controller AndieB. Access Points 16 jan 2021. Question N. Installiert hab ich das (weil von der materie keine ahnung hab) mit Hilfe des Videos von idomix auf youtube. Simple and perfect! Thanks to JackobAlberty Nov 29, 2022 · Docker > Registry > jacobalberty/unifi (:latest) Hit Download at the top (or Right-click on the image name and select Download this image“ Wait for the download to complete – you should see a notification once that’s done. Jan 26, 2018. If you use the Synology docker UI to export the configuration and import it again later, docker will break and you will need to rerun the docker run command. For your Unifi devices to "find" the Unifi Controller running in Docker, you MUST override the Inform Host IP with the address of the Docker host computer. 1. 0/24 --ip-range=192. https://www. to/3BA Install UniFi Controller on Synology. Es existiert eine Firewall-Weiterleitung des HTTPS Ports zum Nas. x while Unifi devices connect to the (external) address of the Docker host. Aug 4, 2019 · @jeyare is there any major difference with this guide: Installing Unifi on Synology Take note at step 9, where the mount path is /unifi (instead of /var/lib/unifi). Aug 4, 2019 · Step by step of UNIFI controller Docker Wildcard SSL import 1. Love them both. Pobierz obraz może potrwać kilka minut, możesz zobaczyć postęp wKarta obrazu. 1 --subnet=192. What I meant to ask was, is there something in the Synology package for SABnzbd that specifies it uses 8080? I have a Synology DS713+ with a Docker container for the Unifi controller. STEP 6; After you click OK on STEP 5 a new warning pop up window will open. For example: /volume2/docker/unifi or /volume3/docker/unifi etc. Po zakończeniu pobierania wybierz obraz i kliknijPoczątek: Skonfiguruj kontener UniFi May 6, 2022 · The Unifi Controller start script does start a MongoDB process, and I've left this as-is to simplify the deployment, and maintain all the data and configuration in a central location. edwin2019. Leider bekomme ich das nicht ans Laufen. 114 release. Dec 29, 2022 Synology Docker - UniFi Controller AndieB. Le second fichier se nomme init-mongo. Depending on your box – you need to download the right container architectureCreate Shared Folde… Ok yeah that must be the issue then, I've redone how permset is launched so it runs only when using --user. The instructions I've found seem rather simple; but just don't know my way around the NAS's functions well enough to understand the actual steps involved. Had a look at the processes and MongoDB is just going insane. ) Jul 18, 2020 · In this blog I will show how to upgrade your Unifi Network Controller docker container on a Synology Nas. Hoe kan ik mijn huidige instellingen overzetten naar de RPi? Nov 11, 2023 · Über dieses Video Als großer Fan von Ubiquiti und somit auch von UniFi, zeige ich dir heute, wie du den UniFi-Controller in wenigen Schritten a Nov 19, 2024 · Hallo ich versuche leider seit Tagen erfolglos meine Website online zu kriegen. All updated to latest versions. Vanaf 4:45 word een uitleg gegeven hoe te updaten, zou wel eerst ff een bu maken van de controller. Contribute to 412999826/unifi-synology development by creating an account on GitHub. Jan 5, 2020 · The UniFi Controller is a wireless network management software solution from Ubiquiti Networks. Aktuell läuft der Container im Bridge Mode mit… Apr 2, 2020 · I recently installed the Unifi Controller jacobalberty Docker container on a DS1019+ with 8GB RAM and noticed that memory usage was going through the roof. Mostly liked in Legacy Forums Apr 1, 2021 · Aktuell hab ich einen unifi6-controller im Docker auf meiner Synology laufen. ypsilon; 29 dec 2020; Access Points; Reacties 8 Weergaven 2K. Vraag; Update Unifi network op docker Oct 19, 2024 · Hallo Zusammen,ich habe den Controller aktuell noch als Windows Version laufen, wollte aber nach dem ich einen UXG Liite hinter der FB 7490 in Betrieb genommen habe gerne auf die Docker Version wechseln. Unfortunately, I now have the problem that I can not access the content (videos) within the Docker, how is that possible? In addition, I tried to delete the entire Docker incl. How to setup Graylog on DSM 7. Thanks! In diesem Video zeige ich, wie man Docker und im Anschluss den UniFi Controller auf dem Synology NAS installiert. 168. yaml que vous déposerez à la racine docker/UniFi. Aug 4, 2019 · sudo docker network create -d macvlan --gateway=192. 安装 Docker. Das läuft auch ganz gut. Jun 17, 2020 · Attached are screenshots of the file station display for unifi that I have and the volume display shown by the container in the Synology docker UI. My main question is step 11, by setting these two options to Jan 11, 2018 · An alternative to using a VPN is to use a macvlan for the unifi controller. Wil nu de controller installeren op een Raspberry Pi. Wyszukaj dalejunifi; WybieraćJacobalberty/Unifi; TrzaskPobierać; Instalowanie kontrolera UniFi w Synology Uruchamianie obrazu kontenera UniFi. yml file in Jacob Alberty's unifi controller in docker project. DS218+ has static IP, 192. Feb 19, 2025 · Leider hat sich mein CloudKey UC-CK verabschiedet. docker run --user root unificontainername chown -R 999:999 /unifi should accomplish what you want just replace unificontainername with the actual name of the unifi container Nov 21, 2020 · In this video, Upgrade Unifi Running Inside Docker On A Synology NAS, I show how upgrade a Unifi Controller that's running inside a Docker container. ** is now available. Das funktioniert auch mit meinen anderen Servern (Synology Jan 26, 2018 · Synology Docker - UniFi Controller AndieB. Installing UniFi Network Controller In Docker On A Synology NASIn this video I am going to show you how to install UniFi Network Controller within a Docker c Jun 15, 2020 · In this blog I will show how to setup Unifi Network Controller as a container in Docker on a Synology Nas. 12 jul 2024. To move existing Site configurations from the current controller to the new Network Application repository, an important step is to download a backup of existing devices and configurations. I have no idea if hyperbackup or any other Aug 4, 2022 · Hallo Leute, heute zeige ich euch wie ihr den UniFi Controller als Docker Container einrichten könnt. FUSE and user space filesystems Aug 23, 2016 · Mit dem UniFi Controller als Docker Container auf der Synology DiskStation immer verfügbar halten. Vollzug wird in den Benachrichtigungen angezeigt: „Docker-Image: Download von docker. In der Docker Anwendung gehst du auf den Menüpunkt Registrierung und suchst nach dem Begriff ‘unifi’. Sie ist self-hosted unter einem Docker Container (läuft auf dem Synology Nas). Voordat we kunnen beginnen, moeten we ervoor zorgen dat uw Synology Docker ondersteunt. Dec 28, 2021. 💡 Note: This guide works perfectly with the latest Unifi Network Application 9. Hallo Leute,heute zeige ich euch wie ihr den UniFi Controller als Docker Container einrichten könnt. 安装 jacobalberty/unifi 镜像. Bevor wir beginnen können, müssen wir sicherstellen, dass Ihre Synology Docker unterstützt. Da der UniFi Controller jetzt ein Docker Image ist, lässt sich kein Update direkt in der UniFi Web UI 6 days ago · You’ve always been able to use Docker Compose on Synology NAS devices, but you’ve never been able to do it through the Synology GUI. In the following sections, we will walk you through installing and using the UniFi network controller on your Synology NAS and show you how to override the IP address your controller broadcasts. This has been transitioned to pducharme, so you can start using his docker image… Feb 16, 2025 · Hallo Zusammen, ich hatte auf meiner Synology NAS den UniFi Controller als Paket laufen. Versionsupdate. Aug 4, 2019 · jeyare submitted a new resource: Migrating existing Ubiquity UniFi Controller to Docker in Synology NAS - Migrating existing Ubiquity UniFi Controller to Docker in Synology NAS Some googled guides doesn't work. In this article, I will guide you through the installation of Docker and Unifi on your Synology in 5 minutes. Einfach und schnell gezeigt #TomTuT Dec 29, 2022 · Unifi Controller in Docker - Mounting a folder for SSL Certs G. Bei DiskStations mit der Möglichkeit das Docker Paket zu installieren, kann in kurzer Zeit der UniFi Controller konfiguriert werden. May 15, 2024 · Aujourd’hui, ce n’est pas un fichier que vous allez déposer, mais 2. 45-DS1618)便于区分版本号以及安装设备位置-高级设置 This repository contains a Docker Compose file to run the Unifi Controller on a Synology using the container management application. x. js que vous déposerez dans le dossier db fraichement créé docker/UniFi/db. It may take some time for the unifi-network-application container to start for the first time while it creates data in the database, so after launching, you should wait a few minutes before trying to log into the Unifi web interface. 3. 0. #ubiquiti #unifi #docker #synology Beratung buchen UniFi controller in Docker op een Synology NAS Hempie; 1 okt 2019; Reacties 12 Weergaven 5K. 43 und Synology DSM 6. Mostly liked in Legacy Forums Temperatures ntm1275. Unifi Controller installieren. Mar 26, 2018 · 話說我看過有人是用 Synology NAS 開 VMM 安裝作業系統之後再開 UniFi Controller 的,但我們這種輕量級使用,用 Docker 就可以了,比較「輕量」一些。 至於如果你的 NAS 無法運行 Docker 的話,網路上也有打包好的套件可以選用。 Mar 11, 2019 · A couple of weeks ago I logged in my Unifi Controller, which is running in Docker on my Synology DS918+, to do some network changes. Das selbe wollt ich jetzt mit dem unifi-videocontroller machen Mar 26, 2019 · So I need some expert networking + synology help. May 08, 2017. If it is not installed, do it now! Jan 13, 2021 · Basis für meine Installation in diesem Beitrag ist der UniFi Controller 6. Not all Synology Diskstations support Docker check here which models support Docker. 17. Installed Docker and set up a Docker Container for UniFi Controller (jacobalberty/unifi) on my Synology DS918+. Gorgeo @gw2021. Ports and SSL My prefererred mode of operation is to manage all my containers behind a single reverse-proxy. kostet mit Speicher über 300 Euro. Você pode ter o controlador rodando em hardware dedicado, como Unifi Cloud Key ou Dream Machine Pro. UniFi Hardware Controller (Cloudkey): https://amzn. And take note of step 11 (BIND_PRIV and RUNAS_UID0) set to false. to/3BAcasW Apr 2, 2020 · I recently installed the Unifi Controller jacobalberty Docker container on a DS1019+ with 8GB RAM and noticed that memory usage was going through the roof. If you use the clean action in the Synology docker UI, you will break this VM and you will need to delete and rerun the docker run command. Sử dụng Unifi Controller giúp quản lý mạng dễ dàng hơn Dec 28, 2021 · Installed Docker and set up a Docker Container for UniFi Controller (jacobalberty/unifi) on my Synology DS918+. After login in to your DSM web UI, open Package Center>> All Packages and look for Docker in the list. Nov 27, 2018 · If you have a Synology Nas then you could use a Docker Image to run the Unifi Controller. Le premier, c’est le classique compose. Jan 1, 2023 · For a long time, I struggled when trying to install Unifi Controller on my Synology NAS. Unifi is currently running well in a Docker container, host network. 2-5565 that’s been in beta for a while now but has finally left beta and ready for prime time!. Jul 23, 2019 · 2. Jan 20, 2023 · Tagged with graylog, docker, synology, unifi. Zie deze Github pagina hoe je de WatchTower docker container kan installeren. When you are running Unifi in a docker container you will see once in a while the pop-up "Controller software update *. unifi-gandalf. Before we can start we need to make sure that your Synology supports Docker. Vet gedrukte bovenaan de pagina is het bijzonderste Nov 8, 2020 · Whoops, thanks for the clarification. May 24, 2016 · Update: I am no longer maintaining this docker image. Share th Oct 20, 2013 · Synology Docker - UniFi Controller AndieB. RAM usage goes up every day by between 0. Während die Installation und der Restore des CloudKey-Backups wunderbar funktionierten, hänge ich nun an der Übernahme der UniFi Devices fest wie an einem Kaugummi. synology. UniFi Hardware Controller (Cloudkey): https://amzn. Sep 11, 2021 · 繼《UniFi Network Controller for Synology DSM 7. I then give the command service Mar 25, 2022 · Note: If you have your docker folder in a different volume, then in the code above change /volume1/docker/unifi according to your own settings. To use Docker Compose, follow the instructions below. 2: Container Manager) auf der Synology installiert werden. Als u een Synology Nas heeft, kunt u een Docker Image gebruiken om de Unifi Controller uit te voeren. I have a DS218+ and a Unifi setup at home. In addition, all ports are forwarded through my modem and router. Feb 4, 2025 · Step 1: Install Docker on your Synology NAS; Step 2: Download the UniFi Controller Docker Image; Step 3: Create a UniFi Controller Container; Step 4: Access the UniFi Controller; Step 5: Adopt Your UniFi Devices; Step 6: Configure Backups; Common Issues and Fixes; Benefits of Running the Controller on a NAS; Final Thoughts; Introduction Feb 1, 2025 · In this step by step guide I will show you how to Install the Unifi Network Application on your Synology NAS using Docker & Portainer. Ich will nun die Gelegenheit nutzen und das Setup in eine UniFi Network App unter Docker auf einem Synology NAS 723+ überführen. Mar 24, 2019 · Dann Docker in der Synology starten und bei Registrierung jacobalberty/unifi wie bei der Installation herunterladen. In dit artikel begeleid ik je in 5 minuten door de installatie van Docker en Unifi op je Synology. Apr 8, 2016 · Running Unifi Controller in Docker on Synology. Hier wählst du den Eintrag jacobalberty/unifi aus und klickst auf Download oben links. Initial configuration of the Unifi Controller. Firewall ports (80, 443) opened on my UniFi Security Gateway Pro 4 with port-forwarding, pointing to the DS918+ . io/jacobalberty/unifi abgeschlossen. Voer de volgende stappen uit: Eerst installeren we Java 8 op de Synology via het Package Center, klik op alles en selecteer Java 8 installeren. Docker / Container Manager Installation. Using docker or docker-compose from the command line as well as options such as a VPN or macvlan depend on some knowledge and skill using linux from a command line and some risks given the admin level access needed. The network setting is using host (same IP as DS918+). Mar 21, 2022 · Hello, I have installed Docker on a Synology DS713+ and started the container Jacobalberty/unifi LATEST Docker says this container is running. The DSM is renewing the certificates like a charm. I love the Unifi Product Line, but I got tired of running their Unifi Controller Management software as a long running daemon on my macmini. 3. Feb 11, 2025 · This tutorial will show how to self-host the Unifi Controller on a Synology NAS. Jan 7, 2024 · Step by step guide on how to install Unifi Controller 7 on your Synology NAS using Docker. Ich verwende "jacobalberty-unifi". Sounds as easy as just installing any other Docker container but in my case it was just not possible STAP 2: MAAK EEN UNIFI-MAP OM DE UNIFI-CONFIGURATIEBESTANDEN OP TE SLAAN Nu Docker is geïnstalleerd, moet u een map maken om de configuratiebestanden van de UniFi-controller op te slaan, zodat u deze docker-container in de toekomst kunt afbreken en opnieuw opbouwen met een nieuwere versie van de UniFi-controller zonder dat u een back-up van de Sep 29, 2019 · Now that Docker is installed you will need to create a folder to store the UniFi controller configuration files so that in the future you can tear this docker container down and rebuild it with a newer version of the UniFi controller without having to back up the controller. When I start the terminal in Dockers and run the command service unifi status, I get the answer that unifi is not running. UniFi Controller 5 blank page TommyN. 100/32 -o parent=bond0 --aux-address 'host=192. Installation eines Unifi Controllers auf der Synology NAS in einem Docker Container. Jan 13, 2021 · A-/AAA-Record UNIFI mit der IPv4-/IPv6-Adresse der Synology NAS; Ist der Hostname UNIFI im Netzwerk verfügbar und auflösbar klappt’s auch mit dem automatischen Deployment von UniFi Geräten ohne manuelle Anpassungen. **. Unifi Controller package pommie. Ganz einfach gezeigt #TomTuT Sep 8, 2021 · 若您手邊沒有 UniFi Cloud Key 控制器設備的話,就無法接管下層 UniFi 設備,這邊教大家如何在 Synology 安裝 UniFi Network Controller 設架控制器來接管設備。 Oct 20, 2013 · Synology Docker - UniFi Controller AndieB. But in the upper right corner there was a pop-up saying that there was a new version available for download. Wenn Sie ein Synology Nas haben, können Sie ein Docker-Image verwenden, um den Unifi Controller auszuführen. Da der UniFi Controller jetzt ein Docker Image ist, lässt sich kein Update direkt in der UniFi Web UI Aug 5, 2018 · Heb sinds een paar dagen nu ook de nieuwste controller in docker middels de handleiding van @Hempie, ( UniFi controller in Docker op een Synology NAS ) Maar had ook beide filmpjes van Crosstalk al gezien en kwam dit tegen. UniFi on Docker on Synology Jan 5, 2020 · Ik heb Unifi controller op mijn Synology NAS in een docker. NOTE: Im using an Intel based (x64) architecture. The Unifi Controller is a management and control platform for Ubiquiti network devices. I can access my NAS remotely and have a Let's encrypt certificate installed via the automate service of the NAS. A: Currently UniFi controller is using 0. 启动并创建容器-自定义容器名称(unifi-6. In diesem Artikel werde ich Sie in 5 Minuten durch die Installation von Docker und Unifi auf Ihrer Synology führen. No entanto, neste post vamos instalar o Controlador Unifi em um container Docker no NAS Synology! AVISO Este post Je hebt de Unifi controller in Docker draaien dus, wel WatchTower kan je gebruiken om docker containers periodiek te controleren of er nieuwe versie is, en als deze er is dan wordt een nieuwe versie geïnstalleerd. Das Herunterladen dauert etwas, sind ja auch ein paar Mb. Heb geen zin alle instellingen opnieuw te doen. Trong bài viết này, Việt Tuấn sẽ hướng dẫn bạn cài đặt cũng như cấu hình Unifi Controller trên Nas Synology chỉ trong vòng 5 phút. In this step by step guide I will teach you how to install UniFi Controller on your Synology NAS device using Docker. 2-5565 is packed with a load of new features such as Single Sign-On, iSCSI LUN Snapshots along with MANY new packages and package updates. I also have a FQDN configured. Jan 19, 2024 · Pre-requisite: Synology with Docker Package. vcowjl myb bdsf capbf kwhu gohlttf kwt mxyat xlz fyf bfkmuqz fakvitg hoco fykqhyv near