Synology active business agent. Notes: This version .

Synology active business agent Connecting via IP address: Use a self-signed or Active Backup for Business dedicated certificate. Active Backup for Business Agent will back up your Synology NAS to the connected backup destination. Control-click on Synology Active Backup for Business Agent and select Show Package Contents. Active Backup for Business Agent. Active Backup for Business Agent (DSM) allows you to back up your entire Synology NAS, including its system configurations, packages, and data to a remote Synology NAS. 1 from ActiveBackup-x86_64-2. 0-23221 On my PC the Agent got Updated to Version 2. I tried to manually update the Package to 2. 7. 1-3234 and now complains that the Agent is newer then the Package. 1-23234 But my DiskStation doesn't like the Package. Geben Sie Ihren Benutzernamen und Ihr Passwort ein und klicken Sie auf Verbinden . 93MB: Synology Active Backup for Business Agent-2. 6. Easy setup Simply deploy the Active Backup for Business Agent to compatible PCs or Macs. Name Last modified Size; Parent Directory: Synology Active Backup for Business Agent-2. NO_SHORTCUT: Enter "1" if you want to hide the Active Backup for Business Agent's icon from the main menu of the end user's device. Active Backup for Business Agente deve essere installato su ogni Windows dispositivo, computer Mac e server fisico Linux che si desidera proteggere. zip Control-click on Synology Active Backup for Business Agent and select Show Package Contents. To connect to a backup destination: Launch Active Backup for Business Agent (DSM) and click Start. msi" and Active Backup for Business is installed on "volume1", then the command would be: Control-click on Synology Active Backup for Business Agent and select Show Package Contents. Go to the Synology Download Center or Active Backup for Business > PC or Physical Server > Add device to download the 32-bit or 64-bit installer for the device. dmg: Mon, 30 Oct 2023 04:11:21 GMT: 55. Make sure Launch application when finished is selected before completing the Active Backup for Business Agent setup. Configuración Control-click on Synology Active Backup for Business Agent and select Show Package Contents. Active Backup for Business 에이전트는 보호하려는 모든 Windows 장치, Mac 컴퓨터 및 Linux 물리 서버에 설치해야 합니다. And the VM is using up recources even when PBS is idle. dmg: Wed, 12 Feb 2025 12:58:09 GMT: 55. Double click Uninstall Synology Active Backup for Business Agent to uninstall the agent. The backed-up data can only be restored on the same model or its successor. 4. If you choose to connect to the server via an IP address, we suggest that you use a certificate with longer validity. Enter the following information of the remote Synology NAS where you want Active Backup for Business 에이전트. Notes: This version Control-click on Synology Active Backup for Business Agent and select Show Package Contents. Supports inserting arguments (NAS IP address, username, password, and Active Backup for Business icon creation) to the . Configuration. Active Backup for Business Agent must be installed on every Windows device, Mac computer, and Linux physical server you want to protect. Active Backup for Business Agente. Discover technical information with whitepapers, user guides, and datasheets to learn more about Synology products. When your Synology NAS is on a private network: Download the Active Backup for Business Agent installer from the Download Center, and upload it to any folder of your Synology NAS with File Station. Active Backup for Business is designed to provide a comprehensive while centralized data protection solution, helping you back up business PCs, VMs, physical servers, and file servers all alike. dmg: Tue, 27 Aug 2024 05:35:12 GMT: 55. 2-72806 Update 2 and Active Backup for Business 2. Make note of the Klicken Sie auf Ihrem Gerät auf Start > Alle Programme > Synology > Synology Active Backup for Business Agent, um den Agenten zu starten. Download the latest software patches to enjoy the best technologies. Entrez l'adresse IP ou DDNS du Synology NAS. Enter the following information of the remote Synology NAS where you want Active Backup for Business must be installed on the remote Synology NAS where you want to store your backups. Make note of the Control-click on Synology Active Backup for Business Agent and select Show Package Contents. 2. Sur votre appareil, cliquez sur Démarrer > Tous les programmes > Synology > Synology Active Backup for Business Agent pour lancer l'agent. Entrez votre nom d'utilisateur et votre mot de passe, puis cliquez sur Connecter . 23MB: Synology Active Backup for Business Agent-2. 2-2341-x64. PBS is not backing up Proxmox itself. デバイスで、スタート > すべてのプログラム > Synology > Synology Active Backup for Business エージェントをクリックしてエージェントを起動します。 Synology NAS の IP アドレスまたは DDNS を入力します。ユーザー名とパスワードを入力し、接続をクリックします Note: For more information on Synology Active Backup for Business Agent, please refer to this article. Download the latest version of the Active Backup for Business Agent installer (. Active Backup for Business Agent. 1-3235-x64-deb. Wprowadź adres IP lub DDNS Synology NAS. 0-3221. Jan 16, 2025 · USERNAME: Enter the username for accessing the Synology NAS. zip Name Last modified Size; Parent Directory: Synology Active Backup for Business Agent-2. Configuración For example, if the location of the installer is "/volume1/Files/Synology Active Backup for Business Agent-2. Once you have updated Active Backup for Business to the latest beta version on your Synology product, you can install the beta version of Synology Active Backup for Business Agent from Active Backup for Business. Establish your backup strategy Schedule backup tasks or let backups be triggered by screen lock, sign out, or startup event. Klicken Sie auf Ihrem Gerät auf Start > Alle Programme > Synology > Synology Active Backup for Business Agent, um den Agenten zu starten. zip 1: Run PBS (Proxmox Backup Server) as VM on the Synology and let that handle the backups. 0-3221-x64-deb. Go to Active Backup for Business > PC/Mac. Active Backup for Business Agent muss auf jedem Windows Gerät, Mac-Computer und Linux-Server installiert werden, den Sie schützen möchten. msi) from the Download Center (under Desktop Utilities). 2-3081. Upewnij się, że opcja Uruchom aplikację po zakończeniu jest zaznaczona przed zakończeniem konfiguracji Active Backup for Business Agent. Abre la carpeta "Contents". È possibile eseguire un set di amministrazione, inclusa la gestione delle attività e la configurazione dei modelli, nella console Active Backup for Business. Install the Synology Active Backup for Business Agent on the target device that you want to protect. Backing up your Synology NAS. I see a couple of downsides here: A. Jan 16, 2025 · This article shows you how to edit the Active Backup for Business Agent installer and install the agent on multiple computers using a Group Policy Object 1. Mit Active Backup for Business Agent (DSM) können Sie Ihren gesamten Synology NAS, darunter Konfigurationseinstellungen, Pakete und Benutzerdaten, zu einem Remote-Synology NAS sichern, auf dem Active Backup for Business installiert ist. ADDRESS: Wprowadź adres IP Synology NAS. ; Active Backup for Business allows you to set up a template of backup task, helping you apply the same backup settings to multiple devices in mass deployment. Active Backup for Business Agent will back up your . Sie können eine Reihe von Verwaltungsaufgaben, einschließlich Aufgabenmanagement und Vorlagenkonfiguration, in der Active Backup for Business Konsole durchführen. Enter the following information of the remote Synology NAS where you want Control-click on Synology Active Backup for Business Agent and select Show Package Contents. Agent Active Backup for Business Agent (DSM) umożliwia tworzenie kopii zapasowej całego serwera Synology NAS, w tym ustawień konfiguracyjnych, pakietów i danych użytkownika, na zdalnym serwerze NAS z zainstalowaną usługą Active Backup for Business. Na swoim urządzeniu kliknij Start > Wszystkie programy > Synology > Synology Active Backup for Business Agent, aby uruchomić agenta. 1-3235. Haz doble clic en Desinstalar Synology Active Backup for Business Agent para desinstalar el agente. Wprowadź swoją nazwę użytkownika i hasło, a następnie kliknij Połącz . Open the "Contents" folder. Active Backup for Business 콘솔에서 작업 관리 및 템플릿 구성 등 일련의 관리 작업을 수행할 수 있습니다. Task settings are managed by the package managers in Active Backup for Business console on DSM. Sep 7, 2022 · When you connect to the server from Active Backup for Business Agent, make sure to connect via the domain name from step 1. 21MB: Synology Active Backup for Business Agent-2. OS Version Version Version: Important Update Release Candidate . 2-3081-x64-deb. Active Backup for Business Agent for Windows Download and install Synology-developed and third-party packages directly from Package Center. msi installer for mass deployment of Synology Active Backup for Business Agent The supported operating systems for instant restore to Virtual Machine Manager are listed here Control-click on Synology Active Backup for Business Agent and select Show Package Contents. Haz clic con el botón derecho en Synology Active Backup for Business Agent y selecciona Mostrar contenido del paquete. You can effortlessly protect multiple IT environments from a single console. Mar 19, 2024 · Synology's Active Backup for Business is a comprehensive data protection solution for virtual machines, physical servers, file servers, PCs, and Macs. Überwachen Der Sicherungsagent hilft Ihnen, die Sicherungen des Geräts zu überwachen. Alternatively, click one of the following download links to start downloading directly. Geben Sie die IP Adresse oder DDNS des Synology NAS ein. Feb 20, 2025 · Release Notes for Synology Active Backup for Business Agent | Synology Inc. Feb 9, 2025 · NO_SHORTCUT: Wprowadź "1", jeśli chcesz ukryć ikonę Active Backup for Business Agent w głównym menu urządzenia końcowego. Go to Package Center and install Active Backup for Business Agent (DSM). Select a computer with the agent that needs updating and click More > Update Agent. You can perform a set of administration, including task management and template configuration, in Active Backup for Business console. Sie können jederzeit zu Start > Synology gehen und Synology Active Backup for Business Agent ausführen, um die Agentenoberfläche zu starten. Configure a template in Active Backup for Business. zip Jan 11, 2025 · I've a DS1019+ with DSM 7. 2: Run Active Backup for Business and install Agents. kosy mwivmsc pkku bilub eqx icuzo uvofhbi toxw jlyckhm ixx wxtfnr tmbakxb wehb iajpkyl uitwn