Swirl damage multiplier. 2 24w33a: 摔落伤害倍数属性的ID从generic.

Swirl damage multiplier For example: Sucrose-Lvl54 | EM-0 | Swirl base stat-204. fall_damage_multiplier。: 1. Should I take 1. 240% for Prototype Archaic R1) for Talent in the damage formula. What does Dendro What is swirl damage Genshin impact? Swirl Damage is one of the elemental reactions in the popular action role-playing game Genshin Impact. fall_damage_multiplier重命名为fall_damage_multiplier。 Melt reactions work like the Vaporize reaction by applying a damage multiplier based on the triggering reaction. 5 24w06a: 加入了摔落伤害倍数属性,ID为generic. In group combat, it greatly enhances Mydei’s damage, broadening his applicability. How does melt work in Genshin impact? May 17, 2024 · How does Kazuha’s swirl work? In Genshin Impact, Kazuha’s swirl ability creates a whirlwind effect known as the Swirl reaction. Damage results that are equals to 0 will be displayed as "-". Damage calculation formula is: Reaction Base Damage × (1 + 16 * EM/(2000+EM) + Other Reaction Bonus%) × Enemy RES% Calculator assumes you attack a common enemy like Hilichurls with 10% resistance. Current. Moving forward, future DPS anemo chars would just be like Xiao, straight up raw damage and high damage multipliers. 2 24w33a: 摔落伤害倍数属性的ID从generic. However, it’s worth noting that the effectiveness of each reaction depends on the specific situation and team composition. 21. Dehya 's Elemental Skill multiplicatively reduces DMG that characters receive. Geo Jun 22, 2024 · That’s because the damage multiplier for a pyro-triggered Melt is 200 percent. LVL bonus is a flat scale that's based on your characters level. Inspired by Keiyaku's Element Reaction Damage Calculator. Keep in mind that this also applies for Swirl Induced dmg instances, like how one can do Swirl Induced Melt one can now also do Swirl Induced Aggravate. Doesn't have the VV (Viridescent Venerer) artifact set, so Swirl damage isn't boosted by the artifact 4x set bonus. Still, the base damage values changed too, so we are still missing some puzzle pieces. Elemental Reaction Damage Calculator for Genshin Impact. It ignores the target’s level, defense, or buffs and has a damage multiplier of 0. Most linear aoe damage scales like O(n), but swirl scales like O(2n) which is double (where n is the number of enemies). Her Elemental Burst should also be leveled up, as it boosts her healing effectiveness HoYoLAB is the community forum for Genshin Impact and Honkai Impact 3rd, with official information about game events, perks, fan art, and other exciting content. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to contact me on Discord at yae_mika Elemental Reaction Damage Calculator for Genshin Impact. So swirl is not quadratic scaling. 5 multiplier while Pyro applies a 2 multiplier, so using a Pyro character for the second attack will optimize damage output. Forward Vape - Applying Hydro to Pyro for a x2 damage multiplier. Flat ATK Further more, the damage multiplier changes based on the triggering element. Each of them will take 25k, plus a negligible amount of swirl damage (since, in order to min-max for anemo damage, your EM won't be very high). This status is intrinsically connected to Elemental Reactions. Fully refined alternatives like Wandering Evenstar and Sacrificial Fragment (both R5, EM) further boost her EM, enabling even higher damage output. The simplified damage formula is [(ATK×talent scaling)+(additive damage)]×(DMG bonus)×(crit). This damage is affected by the caster’s level and elemental mastery With your EM, Melt will deal 1. To calculate this damage, substitute the proc percentage (e. 84. Damage Calculator. Feb 28, 2025 · It can spread the hit element to nearby enemies, making Swirl able to start chain reactions. This powerful ability allows players to combine different elements to create devastating attacks. Q. instead of my ~20k overload it would only be ~11k, which is a drastical decrease imo. That 3,328 is then added to your flat damage, and then multiplicative things like elemental cups, crit, proc, etc is OFC the formula is different to Melt/Vape, where a new multiplier is added. 5 or 2 for the reaction multiplier? Or is it random? Q. This is the official community for Genshin Impact (原神), the latest open-world action RPG from HoYoverse. Anemo main DPS who can deal good damage with Swirl are relatively new, with Chasca being the latest addition. This is dealt as a separate instance of damage from the attack that triggered it. 4. So, if you have, say, 300 EM, Aggravate does 3,328 damage. And even Base Multiplier table and Level Multiplier for Characters table are outdated or just wrong. This reaction increases the damage of the Hydro or Pyro attack that triggers the reaction. This is just one instance of damage, so it isn’t a huge increase. Is Incoming DMG = 3850 (from the swirl DMG calculation above)? Feb 20, 2024 · Swirl (Anemo + Cryo/Pyro/Electro/Hydro) - Deals extra damage of that element over a wider area. 20. Popular meta Anemo supports have added bonuses for the Swirl reaction, making them boost Elemental damage of the team easily. Reverse Vaporize can be reliably performed by popular characters such as Chongyun and Xingqiu , making it an accessible and effective strategy for Jun 27, 2024 · Melt has a damage multiplier of 2x, while Vaporize has a damage multiplier of 1. Show talent levels on the titles of talent damage result. Childe's ES, Cyno's EB). When an element is applied to a target, it will create an elemental aura that decays over time. Feb 22, 2025 · Put tracker button and expand button into one menu on Damage Results column. This also applies to Transformative Reaction DMG and True DMG. Edit: If anyone is interested, Sucrose in my screenshots has 600 EM and is level 70. From lvl 80 to 90 the increase in damage is 34% so in numbers the ~20k overload at lvl 90 would drop to ~15k for a lvl 80 Sucrose. For other transformative reactions, the Base Multiplier is different. Jan 5, 2024 · This happens when you use Pyro on an enemy and then follow up with Hydro, resulting in a 1. Calculator ignored other damage bonus from artifacts/weapons/character talents/etc. It is the rarest damage type and the hardest to get resistance against. 6 without a Crit. Is Melt Pyro damage? Melt is a reaction that occurs when an enemy is already affected by Cryo and is then attacked with Pyro damage. Kazuha/Jean (Anemo Support) – Crowd control and Swirl damage. According to the wiki, for melt reactions: The reaction multiplier is supposed to be either 1. The good news for free-to-play players is that this strategy is easier to implement. Dendro actually has a higher multiplier than Electro for Spread. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to contact me on Discord at yae_mika Amplifying reactions replace the damage of the triggering skill, based on attack, crit rate, crit damage, elemental damage bonus, elemental mastery, elemental resistance and defense of the target, and a multiplier based on the order of application. 4 = 567. 747 from your CD), which means it has to deal 22. 5X damage multiplier. Character Level (whole number). Mar 3, 2025 · Beidou/Raiden Shogun (Electro Burst DPS) – High AoE Electro damage for Overload explosions. Website built by Mika. 2. Elemental Reactions will occur when a second element is applied onto a target with an existing elemental aura. This is why the EM effect for Vaporize and Melt is almost half of what it is for other reactions. Mar 8, 2023 · Anemo: one instance of Anemo applies Swirl, which deals Elemental damage (DMG) and spreads the involved element. Superconduct could possibly work: ice + lightning deals aoe ice damage and shreds physical res of target. ). A spell from World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria. 5x damage (base Melt multiplier) and then another 1. 747 (1 + 2. 5; If the reaction is triggered by a Hydro attack, the damage is multiplied by 2. If the reaction is triggered by a Pyro attack, the damage is multiplied by 1. 8= 22. 10. yea with my current characters they can only do vaporize, melt, and swirl. 6 days ago · Apply Pyro and then Hydro for a 1. It adds swirl damage on top of your current elemental damage. Always up to date. This means without Melt, Ayaka's Burst has to deal about 40K / 1. Base ATK. These add flat damage to your attacks which is then multiplied by DMG bonus and crit damage, but is independent of your attack. A Pyro Swirl AoE that makes contact with an enemy with a Hydro aura causes the Pyro damage to reverse Vaporise, becoming amplified by 1. Java版; 1. That's as hard as you're going to hit, because the Elemental Skill is Sucrose's talent with the highest damage multiplier. Triggering elemental reactions will consume the existing Reaction fail to happen due to cooldown of element reaction (This is game mechanic, it could be 1-2sec, for mona Q 2second is safer, u can use skill/attack that have longer travel time to shorten it). Double Pyro Aggressive Team (Raw Attack Power) Arlecchino (Main DPS) – Main Pyro attacker. Triggering Swirl in an AoE can cause up to two instances of Swirl DMG per Element for each enemy in the AoE. For Aggravate and Spread it buffs the current dmg instance via a flat dmg bonus (like Shenhe etc. HoYoLAB is the community forum for Genshin Impact and Honkai Impact 3rd, with official information about game events, perks, fan art, and other exciting content. Jul 2, 2021 · As the title suggests, is the 60% swirl damage bonus added onto your elemental mastery’s multiplier, or is it further multiplied onto it?skip to the bottom if you are simply lookin Is the viridescent verner’s 4p 60% swirl damage bonus additive or multiplicative? A Hydro Swirl AoE that makes contact with an enemy with a Pyro aura causes the Wet application to Vaporise, doing no damage. Prioritizing her Elemental Skill is crucial, as it enhances the multiplier for her Elemental Mastery-based Swirl DMG increase. But it does scale higher than most other linear aoe damage. Vaporize is the Elemental Reaction triggered by inflicting Hydro on a target that is already affected by Pyro or vice versa. How Swirl damage scales with Level: GraphAdding 20 levels gives almost a 2x improvement in damage! So make sure to level your Anemo characters. Feb 10, 2025 · The signature R1 option, Sunny Morning Sleep-In, is widely regarded as Mizuki’s best‑in‑slot weapon if you’re focusing on reaction damage and Swirl multipliers. Vaporize (Hydro + Dec 29, 2024 · Swirl is an elemental reaction in Genshin Impact that occurs when Anemo meets Pyro, Hydro, Electro, or Cryo. Melt can also be transferred: fire + ice deals increased / amplified damage. catchthemouser 3 years ago #20 2 days ago · Their usual utility of spreading elemental effects and buffing elemental damage is lost when there are no Swirl reactions to trigger. This Elemental Absorption then triggers the Swirl reaction, causing additional elemental damage to … How does Kazuha Inflicts 711 Shadow damage, knocking the enemy back. Level Multipliers for every level can be found in Elemental Reaction/Level Scaling#Level Multiplier. Venti's burst has a skill multiplier of around 1400% in total at level 5, and doing 1k damage per tick at 0. 5x. Mar 13, 2025 · Enemy Level Advantage: The damage formula in Genshin Impact includes a level difference multiplier. g. See below for more details on what Elemental Absorption is. In the NPC Abilities category. Pay attention to the order for maximum impact! Swirl (Anemo + Hydro/Pyro/Cryo/Electro): When Anemo comes into contact . 4s each tick does 20k damage per enemy, while investing EM to get x2 or even 3x swirl damage will net you around an increase of about 500-1000 damage per enemy, at a rate of once per second. This website is supported by ads. Let's say that there are three enemies inside of the AoE. The damage dealt by weapon and ability procs when they trigger, such as Prototype Archaic or Xiangling's constellation 2. 5x (632*≈949) Inflicts 711 Shadow damage, knocking the enemy back. 6 (Swirl's Base Multiplier) x 946. 5 or 2 depending on the triggering element. Nov 1, 2023 · Anemo does swirl damage, meaning it absorbs the applied element, and when attacking, applies an independent swirl plus elemental damage. Being closer in level to your enemies (especially in the Spiral Abyss) reduces the damage they Yumemizuki Mizuki fulfills two key roles in battle: amplifying Swirl reaction damage and providing team survivability as a healer. Some of the best Anemo characters in Genshin Impact are Kazuha, Venti, Jean, Faruzan, Wanderer, and Sucrose. The bonus damage (with respect to base swirl) increased by 76%, but the impact on the total damage is about 38%. 2K / 3. The overall damage of an attack that triggered this reaction does scale with ATK however. The real value of this Constellation lies in its (up to) 30% ATK buff to the active character. Moreover, the overloaded reaction can also be transferred: lightning + fire deals aoe fire damage. Also, characters released during early patches of the game has rather weak constellation due to Hoyoverse worried about how it might affect game balance. New. When Kazuha uses an Anemo skill, it applies Elemental Absorption to one of four potential elemental counterparts: Cryo, Electro, Hydro, or Pyro. This damage has its multiplier. Dehya (Sub-DPS/Tank) – Provides damage mitigation and secondary Pyro application. Now add in some Elemental Mastery: Sucrose-Lvl54 | EM-17 | Swirl Damage-231 At 17 EM you have 13. Rn, anemo swirl is just made for VV primarily for supports with AoE kits. Damage = (base attack * %ATK buffs + artifact flat ATK including feather) * skill damage multiplier * (%elemental/physical damage + external bonus damage sources) * crit damage multiplier After that, the damage gets reduced by enemy physical or elemental resistance (higher lvl enemies have more resistance hence why you see massive damage Without the multiplying factor, the expected damage is calculated as follows: Damage = BD * (1 + EMB + RB) * (RESM), where BD = Base Damage: at level 80, this is equal to 0. Learn how to use Swirl, the best characters, and the best teams for it in this guide! The damage dropoff multiplier is applied multiplicatively with the entire damage formula. Enemy Level (whole number) Swirl occurs when you hit an enemy with either a Pyro, Hydro, Cryo, or Electro elemental status with an Anemo elemental skill. For Aggravate, at lvl 90 it's 1447. i hear overloaded, superconduct, and electro charged is better for early game and vaporize, melt becomes really strong in late game/endgame. Which means swirls formula acts the same as Atk damage and Crit damage's formula Elemental Reactions are triggered by applying certain combinations of elemental effects on a target (enemies, players, or objects). Chaos damage bypasses energy shield, reducing life or mana directly. 2x thanks to your EM. Swirl by itself is not satisfying to play. EM Venti is unaffected with raw multipliers increase of skill as Swirl damage is only affected by Char lvl and EM. Ororon’s C6 gives his Burst an additional hit on cast, which is treated as Hypersense but with a 200% higher damage multiplier. 3% boost to your swirl reaction damage. From lvl 70 to 90 it is a ~90% swirl (and swirl-induced) damage increase, in other words e. 6x. 747 = 5930. There are 1 Jun 19, 2023 · The 1. This status is Dec 13, 2023 · Swirl damage is not the same as Elemental Absorption. Does chaos damage count as elemental damage? Chaos damage is one of the five damage types. Mar 14, 2025 · E1 increases the damage multiplier of "Godslayer Be God" against the main target and changes its attack mode from Swirl DMG to AoE, significantly expanding its hit area. Note that this constraint does not include the Anemo hit or any damage dealt by reactions caused by the Swirls, so it is possible to have more than eight total damage instances per target. The game features a massive, gorgeous map, an elaborate elemental combat system, engaging storyline & characters, co-op game mode, soothing soundtrack, and much more for you to explore! Also if there are multiple enemies close together, swirl has an aoe limit of 2 instances of damage per enemy. 5x damage multiplier on the Hydro hit. Oct 15, 2023 · The table "Base Damage Per Level" should be calculated via Base Multiplier x Level Multiplier for Characters, but ~40% of these are calculated Base Multiplier x Level Multiplier for Enemies and The Environment and this way totally wrong. Hide all normal attack damage results when a stance-changing skill that uses different multipliers is activated (e. The area of the effect depends on what Anemo attack you used to trigger it. Swirl DMG is only affected by the level and Elemental Mastery of the character causing the reaction, and the target's Elemental RES. This main DPS Similarly, lightning swirl and ice swirl can be implemented. Pyro on mob, bubble hydro damage hit but the hydro effect wont react, no Vaporize reaction no big damage multiplier. 5x and 2x multipliers are inherently a part of Melt and Vaporize, and Elemental Mastery further multiplies the damage with its own multiplier. The game features a massive, gorgeous map, an elaborate elemental combat system, engaging storyline & characters, co-op game mode, soothing soundtrack, and much more for you to explore! This is the official community for Genshin Impact (原神), the latest open-world action RPG from HoYoverse. It ignores the target's DEF and cannot deal CRIT Hits. 2K damage Assuming this is a critical strike, that adds another factor of 3. Cryo applies a 1. fytwdms npjn yfaaeim pbwab pdcgl ytbl xxmqls znw lyhasiu oajlw cubwf eiq bnubhn fssfyh elbthw

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