Skyrim cleric build reddit. 76 votes, 12 comments.

Skyrim cleric build reddit That mod is geared to more of an extreme immersive roleplay approach and not a classic cleric build like you're asking for, and it's not 100% compatible with Ordinator because it alters shrines. it wouldnt really synergize with cleric at all if your goal is being support I've been playing Skyrim for a long time, like many of you. Specially with more feats. For anything else My character got teleported to Skyrim from the continent during a fight with a sorceress, with no way back. From now on you are mostly set. V. People who have played a Cleric in D&D will be familiar with this kind of thing. I'm thinking more of a mage build?. At Cleric 14 you got another Divine Strike boost, so now you're sitting at 2d6+3d8+10 plus 1d8+5. Previous OP build 1: Dual-wielding daggers with a Hircine-worshipping werewolf. A growing collection of some of the most immersive and all round fun Skyrim builds Oct 2, 2020 · Enderal Font for Skyrim Equipment HUD Experience Multipliers EZ2C Dialogue Menu Floating Damage Fried’s Female Skin Textures Honed Metal Immersive HUD Immersive Sounds – Compendium Imperious Races Landscapes Lock Overhaul Luminosity Majestic Mountains moreHUD Necromancy 101 Night-Eye Overhaul No Spinning Death Animation Noble Skyrim Stendarr's Light - Cleric Gear and Equipment Frankly HD Dawnguard Armor and Weapons Ritevice - Sword of Stendarr Dawnguard Arsenal SSE Tower of Stendarr Shield Magic: Forgotten Magic Redone SE - Adds Paladin Spells Triumvirate - Mage Archetypes - Has a Cleric archetype Quests. Purge helps keep the knight cleric’s magicka full so healing spells and buffs are never in short Jan 9, 2025 · I use mods, of note Apocalypse & Ordinator, and they make Restoration very viable on its own. 7M subscribers in the skyrim community. My cleric has been the most powerful character I have ever made. My only 2 builds since I cant stop playing the shadow mage (Too fun). the moth priest robes are a light grey and i think they would suit that purpose, and one of the magic school robes is like a purplish grey, i think restoration but im not positive, whichever ones the vigilants of stendarr wear, not white, but fit the vibe i think, and restoration would be a focus of your build anyway most likely, i would recommend doing dawnguard there are helpful restoration There's a mod I'm looking forward to playing called 'Growl: Werebeasts of Skyrim', which is an Overhaul of Werewolves in a similar fashion. the whole 2/10 Tempest Cleric/Storm Sorc, 1/11 Tempest/11 Wizard, 2/2/10 Wizard, Sorc, Tempest cleric builds are still pretty confusing to me. After googling Skyrim character builds (to no avail), I decided a post to the r/Skyrim community would be helpful to spark creativity with character building. General Playstyle: Clad in ebony armor and a shield, equipped with shock magic and a mace, you’ll be electrocuting bandits, blocking hits from giants, and smashing bones with your weapon. Magicka never depletes, stamina regenerates immediately out of combat, and running speed is basically Usain Bolt with rocket skates. The character has converted to Golden Saint. I needed the thick armor and the perks just to survive for several levels. Go 5 levels in ranger, take a 2 level dip in cleric and then rush for ranger 11. ) Illusion needs to be focused on early and fully perked to stay effective vs leveled enemies. Then do a necromancer build through the reworked restoration skill tree. Does anyone have any suggestions for any mods (gear, ga A sub-reddit started to address the lack of builds for Skyrim. Stealth? Mage? All out melee. The archery, sneak and illusion trees are obvious, but i think i should choose other 2 trees, maybe smithing and enchanting? And should i upgrade magic/health/stamina equally? I don't know. Its 4 effects are: Fortify Two Handed, Stamina Regen, Fortify Illusion, Resist Fire. Human to pick up Resilient Wis, then getting Telekinetic at Cleric 4 is, I believe, slightly more optimal than pure Cleric. Posted by u/vancouverotter - 2 votes and 3 comments Download the Ordinator Perks mod and Apocalypse Magic of Skyrim mod. Feel free to post all unique character build ideas you guys have! Information to include: Race, Standing Stone(s) to choose, perks and stats. For anything else The two builds I enjoyed the most btw was the stealth illusionist and the deathknight, which is why I thought about re-creating it in vokrii rather than something more cliche. So your main school would be illusion or alteration (or restoration of you want to do a cleric build. The backstories and rp makes these builds 100x more fun to play but mods like Ordinator and Sacrosant made them come to life Twilight cleric would be great for initiative if life cleric is banned. Perhaps less a full-blown Paladin/Cleric type and more a zealous supporter of Talos. You get to choose a god to worship, Daedra, Aedra and even race specific ones like Auriel. Cleric - Vigilant of Stendarr. For anything else the goal of the build is to build around Rogue's Parry in the 1-handed tree, but the meat of it is based on Block Runner and Quick Reflexes. My query is about the Fortify Destruction and Magika Regen enchantment and enchanting altogether. The deathknight build btw was a two-handed warrior that used frost magic and reanimation spells, and also abused the necromage perk. TLDR: The Regen rate on 'Fortify Destruction & Magika Regen' doesn't increase with potions or different soul gems. 1. I've also heard a lot of good about 'Thunderchild' and 'Wintersun: Faiths of Skyrim', but these four aren't available to me on PS4 As for Character ideas? Here, you can steal some of mine! A sub-reddit started to address the lack of builds for Skyrim. I asked some time ago specifically about fudgemuppet's paladin build. A subreddit about the massively popular videogame The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, by… Cheeky Kalashtar-with-Con saves and lots-of-spell-slots build: Sorcerer or Artificer 1, Twilight Cleric 11. A former criminal who has repented and is now a champion of Talos, sworn an oath to protect Skyrim and adhere to the "Nord" way. and by then, youre a whole spell level and a half behind the curve just to get the ability to take the Attack action from your echo's location. I am a big fan of builds and I intend to be posting some of my own as well as builds I have found. Since then, he's been wandering Skyrim for contracts, and setting up a witcher school in Skyrim to deal with all of the monster problems they have to deal with. PRIMARY Light Armor or Heavy Armor Alteration (Shadow Mage + Druid + Shaman) Illusion (Shadow Mage + Warlock + Cleric) Archery in case of HA: Two handed weapons Secondary Smithing Enchanting Alchemy A sub-reddit started to address the lack of builds for Skyrim. Once I learned about the Tempest Cleric ability to get max Lightning damage on some rolls, I knew I wanted to build Shadowheart around it. Choose one that compliments how your going to play. A growing collection of some of the most immersive and all round fun Skyrim builds Oct 2, 2020 · Enderal Font for Skyrim Equipment HUD Experience Multipliers EZ2C Dialogue Menu Floating Damage Fried’s Female Skin Textures Honed Metal Immersive HUD Immersive Sounds – Compendium Imperious Races Landscapes Lock Overhaul Luminosity Majestic Mountains moreHUD Necromancy 101 Night-Eye Overhaul No Spinning Death Animation Noble Skyrim Jul 1, 2024 · Keep reading to learn about the best builds you can use in Skyrim Special Edition in 2024. Warlock - Didn’t start yet. By universal I mean, its the 2nd most valuable/sellable garden grown combination, along with making your weapon stronger, your character faster, and well - resist fire The Build. Nice! Thanks for the comment. I usually play more often as a vampire lord for RP purposes but today I decided to make a Dawnguard/Vigilant build. If you're struggling to find some good builds, I'd recommend checking out these articles for inspiration: Drok, Orc vampire spellblade. This prompted me to become curious as to what all of your favorite character builds are? I would really appreciate it if any of you dropped a comment below describing your character. For anything else echo knight is cool, but itll put you behind as a cleric by a lot since you have to give up at LEAST 3 levels before you start getting cool stuff. Fighter 1 / Light 11 is fine if you want heavy armor and martial weapons on your light cleric. Sadly maces don't have any decent unique versions, what I would recommend is immediately heading to the dawnguard and completing the questline up until you start getting radiant sidequests which will reward you with the Dawnguard Rune Axe and Dawnguard Rune Shield. I'm not doing the usual Paladin build, I personally hate heavy armor and 2 handed builds. Oct 1, 2017 · Each path will have an equipment set, a stat spread, a new skill, a perk spread, how the content specific to their path affects how you can play, and a special move specific to that path. So far, it doesn't seem like there's going to be any possibility of building a Cleric class with the vocations available, nothing that will use blunt weapons or A sub-reddit started to address the lack of builds for Skyrim. So, alteration or Conjuration would be your best choice for a magic school. A 'universal' potion recipe for your build - Dragon's Tongue, Fly Amanita, Scaly Photiola. If that's the case, I would also recommend parting with Odin and Mysticism in favor of {{ Tomebound }}, which has flesh spells you can use on other targets. The way I see a build like that working is you avoiding combat at all costs, just buffing up and healing your allies. The knight cleric is also responsible for keeping allies alive and buffed. The knight cleric's role is primarily that of a tank, taking the brunt of the enemies’ attacks so a follower may attack with impunity. For example I once did a Knife and Fork dual wielding build. VIGILANT SE Undeath Remastered A sub-reddit started to address the lack of builds for Skyrim. Firstly, I intend to use the One-Handed skills, specifically with a mace. 2d6+2d8+10 plus 1d8+4 At Cleric 9, you get "Holy Weapon" which gives you an extra 2d8 radiant damage on every attack for the next minute. Plan your TES 5: Skyrim character build. Instead of summons, get yourself a strong follower and focus on buffing and protecting them. Join the Dawnguard, you get some sun spells which are perfect for a cleric. However, I have a few questions/ideas regarding skills. Of course by the end I was an unkillable monster. Player Homes, Immersion. It doesn't fundamentally change things like how you need to build your character, but it does do things like expand on what's already offered and balancing certain builds. Generally the idea of a cleric build has been based on the divine blessings you get at shrines, and building around those. This is the classic paladin build. If we’re going full optimisation, starting in Sorcerer for Con saves, Absorb Elements & Shield, then going Cleric. However I’ve been wondering about the viability of mage only or destruction magic focused builds on legendary. Im assuming its a straight Cleric since you didnt say anything about multiclassing. Souls games have always been Faith and Strength, Lords of The Fallen was Radiance. You will have high mobility and versatility. But I rather like the D&D cleric that is actually a caster of divine magic, festooned in armor, buffing himself and his allies. Stendarr is for paladins. My cleric went with full heavy armor, but I was using the mace and I'm already not the best at combat, so I'd get hit a lot. Rest take cleric. A sub-reddit started to address the lack of builds for Skyrim. For anything else Anyways since I am genuinely with so much ideas for builds that I literally cannot chose, I am asking all of you to give me your interesting and fun builds you tried and recommend. For anything else Current OP build: Magnus-worshipping Breton spellsword with the Aetherial Crown and the Andromeda versions of Atronach and Steed stones. I wanted a mace of molag bal build and and vampire warriors just feel nice with sacrosanct Serrasalmus, holy paladin of standarr, restoration, heavy armour, sword and board. We will need thar HP regen. So what I have already is a Dunmer woman, I used Alt. Power wise it would be a smidge worse than Sorc 1 / Light 11 or even straight Light 12, but not gimped at all. I played a Cleric type back on the 360 so no mods either. Wondering what fits it better for gameplay, as the rp works with either quite well. Evil mages around Skyrim have been guided by this very powerful Warlock. I build him Dextrous but you could also go Str. Illusion is the default suggested school of magic for the build, but you can use multiple as long as you can afford all the perk points. Here is the result, if you like Lightning damage, you will love this : The build I did is a mix of Cleric, Sorcerer and Wizard. Nocturnal gives him shadow powers. Plus, our cleric is more like a priest who took up arms, than a knight turned into religion. Despite being around for over a literal decade, The Elder Scrolls V continues to garner a massive player base even today. Cleric Tempest 2 give you heavy armor proficiency and the ability to max your dice on a lightining/thunder spell once per short rest. Goes great with the guild starter and notice board mods. It’s made by the same person of Ordinator. I'm thinking of buying skyrim vr, I haven't played in a while. Get Booming Blade cantrip. The Crusader of Meridia Jan 9, 2025 · I use mods, of note Apocalypse & Ordinator, and they make Restoration very viable on its own. But Requiem doesn't really support a build The Tempest Cleric. Long story short, the build was a two-hander with restoration that had you wearing robes. The build will be somewhat lacking specialization, so hire a follower to help in combat, buffed with Leadership perk in Speech. If life cleric is not banned, then it's usually worth it to just take the L, take more damage due to less round 1 nova, and heal it back up later (you'd need to take like 900 damage or something silly to lost initiative - or die - for twilight to outperform life) Ranger 5/Cleric 8, the first Divine Strike kicks in, and you grab a WIS asi. Instead use Patron Gods of Skyrim , which adds a new patron god system and leaves the vanilla shrines intact. Which is cool, and has several mods based on it. Just super good, easy, and fun to play and build around. Heck, a Battle Cleric build with those mods gets nuts. Purge helps keep the knight cleric’s magicka full so healing spells and buffs are never in short Sep 28, 2024 · The Forge Cleric (Skyrim Anniversary Edition Build) To some denizens of Tamriel, the forge is sacred. For anything else Lastly is my current character build: Its a HW 11/Twilight Cleric 9 build. I want to start another in depth playthrough, and I want a unique character build to create along the way. After all that done you can go and find cleric spell wendor and get your spell pack. Unless you want to do a bound weapons build I would choose alteration. Your restoration skills give you an advantage over the kind of profane beings the paladin seeks to cleanse from the world: draugr, necromancers, and to a lesser extent, dragons. It was a fun one! Unfortunately I created the Amulet of Kings myself using a mods meshes and textures that is already on the Nexus (but doesn’t work) and made my own lore friendly enchantments… BUT! If you’re playing a Paladin build in the veins of Dungeons & Dragons, I recommend the “Wintersuns - Faiths of Skyrim” mod. Help Neloth collect all Black Books, become like Thanos. You don't lose out on armor cause it's a Cleric class feature, you only trade Wis+Cha saves for Con+Cha or Con+Int saves. And I did. The knight cleric is able to render enemy mages useless by damaging and saping their magicka and preventing them from regenerating more. I would like to make a life cleric, so someone who focuses a lot on restoration, but… The knight cleric is able to render enemy mages useless by damaging and saping their magicka and preventing them from regenerating more. It was a truly unique experience that I would recommend playing through. Enjoy! Honestly depends on how you want to play it. Build Imperial Vampire This is the optimal build for the Legend, hybrids are only possible in elementary school. Latest entry into the Melee/Magic Build. Race: Imperial Class: Crusader Atronach Stone Weapon: Golden Mace, Golden Shield Spellsword is my favorite too, and I place a lot of restrictions on it — medium or light armor only, no archery, no stealth builds, usually only two branches of magic (and limit destruction to one tree), no shields, and nothing greater than one-handed. 76 votes, 12 comments. This skill even works against dragons whose powerful breathe attacks are tied to a 150 point magicka pool. The knight cleric is a fluid mix of crusader, defender, and supporter fighting tactics. Goal, collect all Daedric Artifacts. Typical summoner builds are a pretty strong play style in this game, but to be more of a “healer” I would avoid conjuration, especially the undead. i'll make it quick because i hate long Reddit posts lol. You delay spellcasting (but not slot progression) by a level, but starting at level 10 it shouldn’t Just curious has anyone seen a playthrough or anything where they do a pure Cleric challenge, only your follower can deal damage the only thing you… Another build is going crusader with Animal domain with more combat focus, potentially going melee but ranged also works. I've had fun with all of these builds. I never used magic much, so I thought I'd give it a go this run. Take Find Familiar for the spell that comes with your Feat. That's why i'm asking you guys some tips on what would be the best for this build. Working metal is a holy calling and as such, these craftsmen can shape and enchant ore to their highest potential. Tempest Cleric Human Variant with Wizard Mage Initiate Feat. Feats you only need war caster. For anything else Subreddit Dedicated the Skyrim Mod "Requiem" subtitled "The role playing overhaul" the mod aims to create an immersive experience that provides a good base for player progression with classic RPG aspects influencing design. It's best used with an Imperial character. Alternatively you could do a meme build. Diety: Arkay. Restoration is your friend, the turn undead spells really help and even if the undead is to high level for the spell to work they will still get staggered. This has been a very enjoyable way of playing on legendary for me, especially with survival mode enabled. At Cleric 12 grab another WIS ASI. I spent hours trying to find a good mix. For anything else Hey everyone, I'm looking to start a new build as a Paladin soon, using 2h, heavy armour, restoration, all that good stuff. A growing collection of some of the most immersive and all round fun Skyrim builds Oct 2, 2020 · Enderal Font for Skyrim Equipment HUD Experience Multipliers EZ2C Dialogue Menu Floating Damage Fried’s Female Skin Textures Honed Metal Immersive HUD Immersive Sounds – Compendium Imperious Races Landscapes Lock Overhaul Luminosity Majestic Mountains moreHUD Necromancy 101 Night-Eye Overhaul No Spinning Death Animation Noble Skyrim The knight cleric is able to render enemy mages useless by damaging and saping their magicka and preventing them from regenerating more. I had forgotten about this post, might spark me to play Skyrim and this build again. For anything else The rest of my build is set pretty much. Clerics use maces in other titles, and the Vigilants of Stendarr use them I'd like to roleplay this sort of build. Maybe wood elf, breton or high elf. I prefer not to level any character above 24-27 because the game is balanced for those levels and I don't use the unofficial patch because it kills the balance of the original game, makes it balanced for higher levels, but it makes no sense - it's a waste My favorite build ever was a Skyrim master assassin that used his claws instead of weapons. There are a few places where the cutlery you find can be equipped as a weapon. For anything else Skyrim/Oblivion/Morrowind has always been restoration and one handed/blunt weapons major skills. 6M subscribers in the skyrim community. You stay in block 90% of time until the enemies inevitably proc Quick Reflexes, and then slap them with a free crit from Rogue's Parry. 1 less spell in every level though Going basic cleric with animal and plant is also an option. Start to start her out as a Vigilant of Stendarr. First time posting on Reddit, sorry if i make a mistake. My last few Skyrim playthroughs have been on legendary difficulty and used two-handed weapons as my main way of dealing damage. For anything else A sub-reddit started to address the lack of builds for Skyrim. For my next playthrough of Skyrim, I was hoping to do a priest/cleric build. At 5th level it adds on an extra 1d8 to your melee to every hit plus if the enemy willingly disengages it does more. It can be just normal Skyrim builds or other videogame characters, also RP characters and builds are highly appreciated. Restro left hand, mace right hand, with heavy boots and gauntlets but robes otherwise. One of my favorite play throughs was a Breton cleric. I'll be using all the Enai mods, and I plan for the endgame quest line for my character to be Vigilant. Born-Again, so to speak. I want this to be a place to post builds for different playstyles, a place to receive critique on builds and help making them, and a place just to talk ideas out. A subreddit about the massively popular videogame The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, by Bethesda studios. vapb vtyehh wgy llq uqmfa btoyp mtu dqkx eczre wzxp cdadkw vlrjt oyri deodjw epz

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