Shopify dns ip.
Mar 18, 2021 · Hyde here from Shopify.
Shopify dns ip "Impossible de trouver l'adresse IP du serveur / DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN" J'ai réinitialisé les paramètres DNS mais jusque là ça ne fonctionne pas. If you continue to have issues after 48 hours once you save the changes definitely let me know here. The servers are Jun 1, 2022 · A DNS query (or a DNS request) is a request for information sent from a user’s device (called the DNS client) to a DNS server. Autres expressions : adresse de protocole Internet. Steg: Fra Shopify-administrator går du til Innstillinger > Domener. Like an address in a GPS device. Sebbene 23. The most common type of DNS query is a request for the IP address associated with a specific domain. Mar 18, 2021 · When it comes to pointing a third-party domain to your Shopify store you will need to ensure that you point your root domain's A record to the Shopify IP address: 23. Onayla'ya tıklayın. Finding Your Shopify IP Address. Check Domain IP With Different DNS Servers. Haz clic en Confirmar. com, WhatsApp: +917012490592 - Skype: live:197268f709e05aec Finn din gjeldende Shopify-IP-adresse. Klikkaa verkkotunnusta, jonka IP-osoitteen haluat löytää. 32 Jun 1, 2022 · A DNS query (or a DNS request) is a request for information sent from a user’s device (called the DNS client) to a DNS server. Se necessário, altere o nome do host para o símbolo @. 在 Shopify 后台中,转至设置 > 域名。 点击要查找其 IP 地址的域名。 依次点击域名设置 > 编辑 DNS 设置。 在 A 记录 部分中,在指向列中找到您的 Shopify IP 地址。 Caso você use um domínio de terceiros, o endereço IP da Shopify será 23. Les enregistrements qui sont importants à regarder sont les enregistrements A et les enregistrements CNAME. Aunque 23. 69. I'd encourage you to review those records above and make any necessary Alan adı ayarları > DNS ayarlarını düzenle'ye tıklayın. Si tratta di un Valitse Lisäasetukset-osassa Palauta DNS-asetukset. To find your Shopify IP address or manage DNS settings, navigate to the Domains page in your Shopify admin. Mar 25, 2022 · Aponte o registro A para o endereço IP da Shopify 23. I moved my domain and the domain hosting to Shopify from Google. To ensure your custom domain correctly points to your Shopify store, you must update the domain's DNS settings, which includes setting the A record to Shopify's IP address. Si usas un dominio externo, la dirección IP de Shopify es 23. En la sección Configuración avanzada, haz clic en Restablecer configuración del DNS. So glad to have you here Shay. Feb 19, 2025 · DNS(Domain Name System)とは、IPアドレスとURL(ドメイン名)を紐づけ、管理するシステムのことです。ここではDNSサ―バーの仕組みや役割や設定方法をインターネット初心者向けに簡潔にわかりやすく説明します。 How to Change DNS on Shopify: A Step-by-Step Guide for SuccessTable of Contents Understanding DNS and Its Importance for Your Shopify Store Preparing to Change Your DNS Settings on Shopify Step-by-Step Guide: Changing DNS Settings on Shopify Troubleshooting and Support Conclusion FAQ Section Int Obwohl sowohl das DNS als auch die IP-Adressen eine Rolle beim DNS-Lookup-Prozess spielen, erfüllen sie sehr unterschiedliche Funktionen. I'm truly grateful. Shopifyドメインでは、いつでもIPアドレス間の切り替えを行うことができます。現在ご利用のShopify IPアドレスを調べるには、[DNS設定] ページの [Aレコード] セクションで [アドレス] の値を表示します。 別名: Internet Protocolアドレス. Enregistrement MX ShopifyのIPアドレスを見つける方法:ステップバイステップガイド目次はじめに基本の理解:IPアドレスとDNS設定Shopify IPアドレスの見つけ方トラブルシューティングとサポート結論FAQセクションはじめにオンラインストアの管理における技術的な側面に戸惑ったことはありますか?特に、IP Here's where the Shopify IP address comes into play. Feb 19, 2025 · DNS(Domain Name System)とは、IPアドレスとURL(ドメイン名)を紐づけ、管理するシステムのことです。ここではDNSサ―バーの仕組みや役割や設定方法をインターネット初心者向けに簡潔にわかりやすく説明します。 How to Change DNS on Shopify: A Step-by-Step Guide for SuccessTable of Contents Understanding DNS and Its Importance for Your Shopify Store Preparing to Change Your DNS Settings on Shopify Step-by-Step Guide: Changing DNS Settings on Shopify Troubleshooting and Support Conclusion FAQ Section Int May 31, 2023 · Thank you for the screenshot! It looks like you have your DNS setup properly. For free. , www. Das DNS ist ein allgemein anerkanntes Werkzeug, um Domänennamen mit computerlesbaren IP-Adressen abzugleichen. Alan adlarınızdan biri için IP adresini doğrulamanız gerekebilir. Para conectar un dominio existente, debes establecer tu registro A en la dirección IP de Shopify. Mastering Shopify: How to Find and Edit DNS Settings on Your Shopify StoreTable of Contents Introduction Understanding DNS and Its Importance How to Access DNS Settings on Shopify Editing DNS Records Advanced Tips Conclusion FAQ Section In the era of online businesses, understanding the nuances Lors de la connexion de votre domaine à Shopify, la meilleure adresse IP pour votre région vous est proposée. Cliquez sur Paramètres du domaine > Modifier les paramètres DNS. Feb 9, 2025 · Start selling with Shopify todayStart your free trial with Shopify today—then use these resources to guide you through every step of the process. Simply edit your A Record to point to Shopify's IP address and change your CNAME Record from “www” to “shops. com On the domains Jul 30, 2021 · Ciao @GioM . Does Shopify have DNS? Yes, Shopify provides DNS services to manage your domain's DNS records, allowing you to configure and customize how your domain directs traffic to Dec 8, 2023 · Hi, the IT department of the company I work for is blocking the IP address of Shopify's DNS (23. L'enregistrement A de votre domaine doit pointer vers l'adresse IP de Shopify : 23. 65 sea el valor predeterminado, tu registro A puede mostrar una dirección con una identificación de host (el último conjunto de los 4 conjuntos de números en una dirección IP) diferente después de conectarse a Shopify. Find out what applications use this IP. For example, if you wanted to visit shopify. 1. The A record will point to Shopify's IP address 23. 65; The www CNAME record shops. Haz clic en el dominio que deseas configurar. 74 Jan 31, 2025 · The most common type of DNS query is a request for the IP address associated with a specific domain. com. Para conectar um domínio existente, defina o registro A para o endereço IP da Shopify. 227 Dec 7, 2021 · Point the A (@) record to Shopify's IP address, which is 23. Vous pouvez trouver votre adresse IP Shopify actuelle en affichant la valeur Pointe vers dans la section ENREGISTREMENT A de la page Paramètres DNS. Clicca su Impostazioni del dominio > Modifica impostazioni DNS. Aponte o registro CNAME com o nome www para shops. Dit is nog steeds een geldig A-record voor je domein en duidt Apr 18, 2024 · Erreur lors de la récupération de l’enregistrement nameserver du domaine: Ouvrez les paramètres DNS de votre fournisseur de domaine pour . Clicca sul dominio che desideri configurare. Finn Shopify-IP-adressen i kolonnen Peker til i seksjonen A Feb 20, 2025 · Whether you’re trying to connect domain to Shopify or setting up Shopify DNS settings, follow these detailed instructions: Locate the DNS Management: Log into your domain provider’s account and find the DNS settings panel. Ändere die folgenden Einträge: Verweise den A-Eintrag an die Shopify-IP-Adresse 23. For connecting a third party domain to Shopify, you need the following: The Shopify IP address 23. You might need to confirm the IP address for one of your domains. If you buy a domain through Shopify, or transfer your domain to Shopify, then your domain can have any of the following IP addresses: 23. 32 如何查找我的Shopify IP地址:逐步指南目录 介绍 了解基础知识:IP地址和DNS设置 查找您的Shopify IP地址 故障排除与支持 结论 常见问题解答 介绍 您是否曾因在线商店管理的技术细节感到困惑,特别是涉及IP地址等方面?也许有人告诉您需要Shopify的IP地址才能正确连接您的域名,确保一切运行顺利,但 Aug 19, 2024 · View Shopify IP Address: Once your domain is connected, the Shopify IP address should become visible. Nov 2, 2023 · To clarify, did you move your domain hosting to Shopify or did you update the DNS information so that it points to your new Shopify store? Our DNS setup is generally quite straightforward regardless of those two options: Connect your third-party domain to Shopify manually · Shopify Help Center Jan 31, 2025 · The most common type of DNS query is a request for the IP address associated with a specific domain. Start your online business today. Por este motivo, Shopify no tiene control sobre la gestión del mismo, ni la configuración de los registros DNS. 4. 65 a 23. Shopify uses a few specific IP addresses for all Shopify stores. 65 and point your subdomain's www CNAME record to the Shopify-hosted domain: shops. If necessary, change the Host name to the Mar 30, 2024 · These DNS Records include: Point the A record to the Shopify IP address 23. Feb 5, 2025 · Set up a custom domain for your Shopify store by configuring DNS settings with Shopify’s IP addresses (IPv4: 23. Hoewel 23. 65. May 31, 2023 · Thank you for the screenshot! It looks like you have your DNS setup properly. Dans votre interface administrateur Shopify, accédez à Paramètres > Domaines. In your screenshot, the first record A/@/IP Address, you will want to edit the record and change the IP address to Shopify's: 23. The A record will need to point to the Shopify IP address: 23. El DNS traduce la URL que introduces en un navegador web a una dirección única de protocolo de Internet (IP), similar a un número de teléfono. Aug 18, 2022 · You can follow my steps to find your current Shopify IP address. Klikk på domenet som du vil finne IP-adressen til. com . For third-party domains, modify the A record, AAAA record, and CNAME to point to Shopify’s servers. Vaiheet: Siirry Shopify Administa kohtaan Asetukset > Verkkotunnukset. If necessary, then change the Host name to the @ symbol. Here's my DNS info as accessed through Shopify, Settings, Domains, edit DNS settings: There is one A record that points to 23. g. Sep 10, 2024 · Una query DNS (o una richiesta DNS) è una richiesta di informazioni inviata dal dispositivo di un utente (chiamato client DNS) a un server DNS. 227. com) into the corresponding IP address. From your Shopify admin, go to Settings > Domains. 74) and thus all Shopify stores under that fail to load. Learn what a DNS server is and how DNS works, and review types of DNS queries. Es como una guía telefónica para la web. 65 (This is the standard Shopify IP address used for connecting most domains. This ensures a direct line to Een IP-adres is vereist om een computer te laten communiceren met andere apparaten via internet. Trovare l'attuale indirizzo IP di Shopify Jan 31, 2025 · The most common type of DNS query is a request for the IP address associated with a specific domain. In the A RECORD section, find your Shopify IP address in the Points to column. com, your computer would send a DNS query to a DNS server to ask for the site’s IP address. Encontrar tu dirección IP actual de Shopify How Do I Find My Shopify IP Address: A Step-By-Step GuideTable of Contents Introduction Understanding the Basics: IP Addresses and DNS Settings Finding Your Shopify IP Address Troubleshooting and Support Conclusion FAQ Section Introduction Have you ever found yourself puzzled by the technical as Mar 12, 2025 · Once you’ve got Shopify's IP address, you can use it to configure your domain’s DNS settings. yourstore. Jun 1, 2022 · The most common type of DNS query is a request for the IP address associated with a specific domain. Jul 23, 2023 · For connecting a third party domain to Shopify, you need the following: The Shopify IP address 23. Als je een extern domein gebruikt, is het IP-adres van Shopify 23. Detailed instructions can be found in Jan 31, 2025 · The most common type of DNS query is a request for the IP address associated with a specific domain. Cambia los siguientes registros: Apunta el registro A a la dirección IP de Shopify 23. Steps: From your Shopify admin, go to Settings > Domains. Sempre tirava minhas dúvidas rapidamente com a shopify. Change the following records: If you use a third-party domain, then Shopify's IP address is 23. No, non è possibile puntare uno stesso dominio a più indirizzi IP. Hitta din nuvarande Shopify IP-adress. Du kan behöva bekräfta IP-adressen för en av dina domäner. Ch Dal pannello di controllo Shopify vai su Impostazioni > Domini. 65 . Não tem uma maneira mais fácil de contato Jan 31, 2025 · The most common type of DNS query is a request for the IP address associated with a specific domain. 36 Nov 14, 2023 · Were you able to double check the DNS settings on your GoDaddy account to make sure that they still adhere to the specification outlined on this resource? A record - pointing to the Shopify IP address of 23. Point the A record to the Shopify IPv4 address 23. Je huidige IP-adres van Shopify zoeken. 您可能需要确认您的某一域名的 IP 地址。 步骤: 在 Shopify 后台中,转至设置 > 域名 。 点击要查找其 IP 地址的域名。 依次点击域名设置 > 编辑 DNS 设置。 在 A 记录 部分中,在指向列中找到您的 Shopify IP 地址。 详细了解 IP 地址。 May 31, 2023 · Thank you for the screenshot! It looks like you have your DNS setup properly. 查看目前的 Shopify IP 位址. Click “Manage” next to Advanced DNS Records, then update the A Record, CNAME Record, and any other necessary DNS settings to point to Shopify. Q: What DNS records do I need to set for Shopify? A: You need to set the A Record to Shopify’s IP address and the CNAME Record to point to shops. Sep 24, 2024 · El DNS localiza y presenta la página web que estás buscando en cuestión de segundos mediante una serie rápida y compleja de protocolos de Internet. Klicka på Domäninställningar > Redigera DNS-inställningar. com; To apply the changes: On your domain provider’s website, log in to your account. Jun 18, 2024 · Shopifyの場合は、www. Klikk Domeneinnstillinger > Rediger DNS-innstillinger. Click the domain whose IP address you want to find. May 7, 2024 · Se o lojista comprou um domínio com terceiros e quiser conectá-lo à loja da Shopify, ele precisa primeiro editar suas configurações de DNS na conta do provedor de domínio da seguinte forma: Aponte o registro A para o endereço IPv4 da Shopify, que é 23. Agora para obter um resposta somente por aqui. 65, IPv6: 2620:127:f00f:5::). 38. Det kan hende du må bekrefte IP-adressen for et av domenene dine. Find your current Shopify IP address. Klik op Bevestigen. Suche nach den DNS-Einstellungen oder dem Domain-Verwaltungsbereich. There is one CNAME record: www shops. Steg: Gå till Inställningar > Domäner i din Shopify-administratör. fr et vérifiez que l’enregistrement est paramétré correctement. We have a couple of IP addresses that can be used. Cliquez sur Confirmer. On your domain provider’s website, log in to your account. This is the A record and CNAME record - host names are not something you need to edit. 3. I'd encourage you to review those records above and make any necessary Wanneer je je domein verbindt met Shopify, krijg je het beste IP-adres voor jouw regio. Verifique se todos os números batem! Um número diferente pode tirar seu site do ar. Nella sezione Impostazioni avanzate, clicca su Ripristina impostazioni DNS. Jan 24, 2023 · Busca la configuración del DNS o el área de gestión del dominio. Bien que 23. Klicka på Bekräfta. To connect an existing domain, you need to set your A record to Shopify's IP address. Oct 27, 2020 · once your domain is connected and verified on shopify backend you are all good to go. ドメイン名有りのドメイン名をShopifyのサーバーへにリダイレクト(転送)するように設定します。 Shopifyストアにドメインを設定する. May 18, 2019 · Lorsque vous voyez ce genre de problème de connexion avec un domaine, il est bon de vérifier tous les paramètres DNS sont bien configurés. 65 de standaard is, kan je A-record een adres met een andere host ID (de laatste set van de 4 sets nummers in een IP-adres) weergeven nadat je verbinding hebt gemaakt met Shopify. Agora você precisa adicionar os dois domínios à Shopify. Adımlar: Shopify yöneticinizde Ayarlar > Alan Adları 'na gidin. Note: 🔥 Cadastre-se na SHOPIFY por aqui e pague apenas $1 Dolar nas 3 primeiras mensalidades: https://host2b. Klik in de sectie Geavanceerde instellingen op DNS-instellingen opnieuw instellen. com。 ShopifyのIPアドレスを見つける方法:ステップバイステップガイド目次はじめに基本の理解:IPアドレスとDNS設定Shopify IPアドレスの見つけ方トラブルシューティングとサポート結論FAQセクションはじめにオンラインストアの管理における技術的な側面に戸惑ったことはありますか?特に、IP Nov 2, 2023 · To clarify, did you move your domain hosting to Shopify or did you update the DNS information so that it points to your new Shopify store? Our DNS setup is generally quite straightforward regardless of those two options: Connect your third-party domain to Shopify manually · Shopify Help Center Jan 31, 2025 · The most common type of DNS query is a request for the IP address associated with a specific domain. Saatat joutua vahvistamaan yhden verkkotunnuksesi IP-osoitteen. Dans la section Paramètres avancés, cliquez sur Réinitialiser les paramètres DNS. Our tool supports five different global DNS servers from which you can pick. If necessary, change the Host name to the @ symbol. 36; 23. 65 soit la valeur par défaut, votre enregistrement A peut afficher une adresse avec un autre ID d’hôte (la dernière série des 4 séries de chiffres d’une adresse IP) après la connexion à Shopify. br/shopifyEsse vídeo lhe ajudou? Então se inscrev Mar 12, 2023 · Hey , You will need to obtain the DNS records from your domain registrar or hosting provider in order to connect your domain to your Shopify store. com To apply the changes: On your domain provider’s website, log in to your account. Stappen: Ga in het Shopify-beheercentrum naar Instellingen > Domeinen. The DNS server replies with the IP address that your computer uses to connect you with the Shopify website. They claim their evidence of malicious activity is the entries on the IP abuse database website as well as an internal firewall that recorded some traffic that it flagged. You can find more information at the link Our URL to IP checker is completely free to use, and it does not require any sort of sign-up or registration. Als je een bestaand domein wilt verbinden, moet je je A-record instellen op het IP-adres van Shopify. The domain name Aug 7, 2023 · Ändere nun deine DNS-Einträge im Konto deines externen Domain-Providers: Logge dich auf der Website deines Domain-Providers bei deinem Konto ein. 2. Clicca su Confirm (Conferma). Enregistrement MX 对于新手来说,DNS设置可能令人望而生畏,因此让我们解释一下A和CNAME记录是什么: A记录 - 将您的域名指向一个IP地址。在这种情况下,是Shopify的IP地址。 CNAME记录 - 将子域名(如www)重定向到一个域名。使用Shopify时,您可以将其设置为指向 shops. Jun 19, 2023 · Te dejo un enlace con más información para editar la configuración DNS de un dominio administrado por Shopify. Modify the A Record: Replace any existing IP address with the one provided by Shopify. I hope that helps! Dec 7, 2021 · The DNS settings they will require will be: Point the A (@) record to Shopify's IP address, which is 23. Adjusting these DNS settings will allow you to be able to use the domain, once you gain full ownership of the domain you can look into transferring it to Shopify for easier 查找您当前的 Shopify IP 地址. Il tipo di query DNS più comune è una richiesta per l'indirizzo IP associato a un dominio specifico. Al conectar tu dominio con Shopify, se te ofrece la mejor dirección IP para tu región. The DNS information is there so that the website host knows where the domain is supposed to point to. Tip: If you already own a custom domain and you want to manage all your domain settings from your Shopify admin, then you can transfer your domain to Shopify. Data also includes hostnames, domains, point-of-presence, ASN, geolocation and more. There's more on that here. Mar 18, 2021 · Hyde here from Shopify. Votre domaine Shopify peut passer de l’une de ces adresses IP à l’autre à tout moment. If you are using a third party domain, you will need to configure your DNS settings to point to Shopify's IP address. Klik op Domeininstellingen > DNS-instellingen bewerken. This page provides details on IP 23. 65 to 23. Point the CNAME record with the name www to shops. May 28, 2020 · Bonjour, Depuis hier il est impossible d'accéder à la page d'accueil de mon site, car le message d'erreur suivant s'affiche. Click Domain settings > Edit DNS settings. Cliquez sur le domaine que vous souhaitez configurer. Find the DNS settings or domain management area. Si compras un dominio a través de Shopify, o transfieres tu dominio a Shopify, tu dominio puede tener cualquiera de las siguientes direcciones IP: 23. Oct 26, 2021 · Solucionado: Olá, Eu mudei de servidor para hospedagem de domínio e estou precisando dos apontamentos da shopify para DNS! Porque não está mais disponível o chat em inglês. Trouver votre adresse IP Shopify Desde tu panel de control de Shopify, ve a Configuración > Dominios. Haz clic en Configuración del dominio > Editar la configuración del DNS. All you have to do is open the tool, enter the domain name, and get the information you need. 65and the CNAME record with the name www will point to shops. We've covered the basics of DNS settings, how to access and modify them on Shopify, and the specific types of DNS records you'll work with. MXレコード Apr 10, 2022 · It does look like your DNS hasn't been setup properly yet. We have a Quando colleghi il tuo dominio a Shopify, ti viene offerto l'indirizzo IP migliore per la tua area geografica. 在高级设置部分中,点击重置 DNS 设置。 点击确认。 查找您当前的 Shopify IP 地址. 65 sia l'impostazione predefinita, il record A può visualizzare un indirizzo con un ID host diverso (l'ultimo gruppo di cifre dei 4 che compongono un indirizzo IP) dopo la connessione a Shopify. . Delete any other A records on the domain if there are any present. com”. 65; Aponte o registro AAAA para o endereço IPv6 da Shopify, que é 2620:0127 Mar 30, 2024 · These DNS Records include: Point the A record to the Shopify IP address 23. myshopify. This section allows you to edit DNS settings if you own a Jul 23, 2023 · Hello, . Jun 5, 2019 · Lorsque vous voyez ce genre de problème de connexion avec un domaine, il est bon de vérifier tous les paramètres DNS sont bien configurés. You'll need to point the CNAME record with the name www to shops. Si has conectado tu dominio a Shopify significa que este está controlado por un proveedor externo. ) Update Your Domain's DNS Settings: Jan 17, 2021 · Shopify recommended (most third party domain hosts): 2620:0127:f00f:a:: Zoho webhosting: 2620:0127:f00f:0005:0000:0000:0000:0000 For more details on this - The process of condensing an IPv6 address involves removing consecutive blocks of zeros and replacing them with a double colon `::`. From A records that direct your domain to an IP address, to CNAME records for subdomains, and MX records for email routing—each plays a vital role. 65; CNAME record - with the name www to shops. For the IP address, as long as you have the "Shopify IP" confirmation next to it, you are good to go. 65 The www CNAME record shops. Gelişmiş ayarlar bölümünde DNS ayarlarını sıfırla'ya tıklayın. Remarque : il faut parfois jusqu’à 48 heures pour que les mises à jour DNS prennent effet. When it comes to pointing a third-party domain to your Shopify store you will need to ensure that you point your root domain's A record to the Shopify IP address: 23. Se você comprar um domínio da Shopify ou transferir um para nossa plataforma, ele terá um destes endereços IP: 23. Jan 31, 2025 · The most common type of DNS query is a request for the IP address associated with a specific domain. it takes few hours to move dns entries to your shopify store The Leader Media , Shopify Agency for Brands Hire Us- Email: support@theleadermedia. Aug 24, 2023 · DNS on Shopify is a system that helps route internet traffic to your Shopify store by translating your domain name (e. If you still don’t see it, you can use the following default Shopify IP addresses: 23. The domain name system (DNS) connects domains with IP addresses. Quello che potresti fare è creare un sottodominio appositamente per queste pagine su Aruba e poi ovviamente dal tuo sito Shopify dovrai modificare ogni link a quelle pagine con il sottodominio. Klikkaa Vahvista. Dec 8, 2023 · Hi, the IT department of the company I work for is blocking the IP address of Shopify's DNS (23. Jul 23, 2023 · The Shopify IP address 23. Mevcut Shopify IP adresinizi bulma. 您可能需要確認您某個網域的 IP 位址。 步驟如下: 在 Shopify 管理介面 中,前往「設定」>「網域 」。 按一下您想查看 IP 位址的網域。 按一下「網域設定」>「編輯 DNS 設定」。 您可以在「A 記錄」區段的「導向」欄內看到 Shopify IP 位址。 Jan 31, 2025 · The most common type of DNS query is a request for the IP address associated with a specific domain. 32; 23. Mogelijk moet je het IP-adres voor een van je domeinen bevestigen. Shopifyn nykyisen IP-osoitteesi etsiminen. Change the following records: Point the A record to the Shopify IP address 23. Klicka på Återställ DNS-inställningar i avsnittet Avancerade inställningar. DNS設定が反映されるまで時間がかかります。以下の作業は少し時間をおいてから行いましょう。 Jul 5, 2022 · In order to connect your third-party domain to Shopify, you will only need to edit two record types in your DNS settings. Point the CNAME (www) record to shops. Shopify uses multiple IP addresses for redundancy and high availability. dovdrcqdtkylvvmotlisaocfwhafwakvwhulvdxahxkvdtvrayfazwveibbhfepemsfxsujzxkbgzz