Shi lab ucsd We use label free and bioorthogonally-labeled SRS combined with multiphoton fluorescence microscopy to detect early stage in situ metabolic changes in aging, obesity, development, neurodegenerative diseases, cancer, and more. By offering a label free and non-invasive imaging approach, this ‪University of California San Diego‬ - ‪‪Cited by 3,493‬‬ - ‪stimulated Raman scattering‬ - ‪multimodal molecular imaging‬ - ‪Metabolic Nanoscopy‬ - ‪Aging‬ - ‪Metabolism‬ May 12, 2024 · 12/11/2024 Lingyan Shi won IUPS Young Faculty Award! IUPS currently represents more than 60 national physiological societies. We use cookies to operate our website. Shi Lab has 61 repositories available. At first it was challenging to source supplies, but lately she’s been more worried that the pandemic will keep her from throwing lab dinner parties and birthday celebrations that usually “bring us all together and make it feel like a family. student at UC San Diego working with Professor Duygu Kuzum in neuroelectronics lab. Shi L, Shen Y, and Min W. Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle 14 (3), 1454-1467, 2023. This imaging technique can visualize chemical signatures such as molecular bonds in cells, tissues or animals without the need for fluorescent markers typically used in biological microscopy. Sep 9, 2021 · Yuhan Shi is a fifth year Ph. Zhi Li. Cewu Lu. D Support Our Work. Wagner for his successful defense and earning his Ph. By offering a label free and non-invasive imaging approach, this ‪University of California San Diego‬ - ‪‪Cited by 3,497‬‬ - ‪stimulated Raman scattering‬ - ‪multimodal molecular imaging‬ - ‪Metabolic Nanoscopy‬ - ‪Aging‬ - ‪Metabolism‬ Our study discovered that light at certain near-infrared (NIR) regions would significantly increase the tissue imaging depth. Though strides are being made in the development of better screening tools for diseases like cancer, many are not robust enough to distinguish between various subtypes of cancer. Gonias Lab Researchers. Capsule Bio: Dr. A highly-customizable Hugo research group theme powered by Wowchemy website builder. UCSD-Student (2017-2018) Esau Estrada, BSc. Yayyyy!!!🥳. Dongsheng Li and Caihua Shan in 2021, and at Stanford advised by Prof. Sriram Kosuri. See UC San Diego Health lab locations, hours and services, including blood tests and glucose tolerance testing. UCSD Profiles is managed by the UC San Diego Altman Clinical and Translational Research Institute (ACTRI). from the University of California, Berkeley. The China Data Lab Dataverse is a platform for sharing, preserving, citing, exploring and analyzing research data on China. 06 - 2020. outreach. Prior coming to UCSD Yuhan receievd her bachelor degree in electrical engineering at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Renkun Chen joined the UCSD faculty in November 2009. I rejoined UC San Diego in 2020 as new faculty in the department of Bioengineering, and COVID-19 quickly robbed me of the chance to meet colleagues. “ Visualizing protein synthesis in mice with in vivo labeling of deuterated amino acids using vibrational imaging ”. Jun 5, 2024 · Dr. Principal Investigator: Lingyan Shi | Our goal is to develop and apply new ultrafast laser scanning optical imaging and spectroscopic technologies, such as stimulated Raman scattering (SRS Long ago, my first research experience was at UC San Diego in the lab of Prof. edu Y Li, AJ Zhu, H Shi, M Liu. People of qBio. at Shanghai Tech), Liuyu Bian (Ph. Guillaume is an Assistant Professor of Medicine in the Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology at UC San Diego. Tengteng Chen, Zimo Yang and Dr. Cell Manipulation by Light: Cell Surgery/Nanosurgery and Optical Tweezers. Prof. UCSD-Student (2019-2022) Bliss Nelsen, BSc. We also use cookies to analyze our site’s performance and improve your experience on our site. Your gifts help us bridge the gap between discovery and patient care. His laboratory examines how neuronal activity controls the strength of communication between neurons, at sites called synapses. Her research focuses on developing high resolution optical spectroscopy and imaging platforms, and its applications for studying metabolic dynamics in aging and diseases. edu Jim Swift (JOA projects); 57 Deep Sea Drilling West ; 858-534-3387 jswift at ucsd. , 2016), and we have been developing and applying bioorthogonal imaging of complex molecular events and cellular machinery in living organisms during aging and disease progression, offering powerful tools potentially for diagnosis, and assessing therapeutic efficacy/resistance, as well For example, by labeling small drugs with deuterium or alkyne tags and injecting them into animal vascular system, the SRS imaging platform can visualize drug delivery across the BBB and diffusion into the brain parenchyma at subcellular resolution. at Kyung Hee University), Young-Min Kim (Prof. Dec 2, 2024 · Lingyan Shi is currently an Associate Professor in the Shu Chien Gene Lay Department of Bioengineering at UCSD. She arrived at UCSD in October, 2019, following her postdoctoral training in the Department of Chemistry (Min Lab) at Columbia University. Our goal is to provide a user-friendly interface, to facilitate easy access to data, and promote cross-disciplinary research on China. edu Ray (Jiarui) Shi, Teaching Assistant; MESOM 310; 858-822-3759; jis190 at ucsd. Nature Communications, 9, 2995, 2018. Summer Joyce Batasin summer@tesc. Ecological and evolutionary studies are often difficult to investigate because they occur slowly over long periods of time. Mar 1, 2023 · Four UC San Diego faculty have been selected as 2023 Alfred P. Mark Ellisman, working with what at the time was cutting edge microscopy techniques. We are developing and applying bioorthogonal chemical bond imaging of complex molecular events and cellular machinery in living organisms during aging and disease progression, offering powerful Dr. Skip to Main Content MyUCSDChart 858-657-7000 May 25, 2023 · The SHI Labs focuses on progress and service, 2020. Wei Xiong gave an invited talk at DARPA FUTURE conference at UC San Diego. Bioorthogonal Stimulated Raman Scattering Imaging Uncovers Lipid Metabolic Dynamics in Drosophila Brain During Aging. Eng. The qBio program is composed of faculty and students of five Departments: Division of Biological Sciences, Department of Bioengineering, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, Department of Physics, and Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program spanning three academic Divisions across the campus. Victor is the co-director of the campus-wide Deep Decarbonization Initiative, which focuses on real world strategies for bringing the world to nearly zero emissions of warming gases. B act complex (S. NOV 2022 Congratulations to Dr. Office: Room 261, EBU-II Tel: 858-822-7980 (O) Email:rkchen@ucsd. 02 - 2020. Dec 2, 2024 · Combining CMI’s sophisticated data analysis abilities with L’Oréal’s knowledge and expertise in skin health assessment, the study comprehensively examined data collected during 13 studies that L’Oréal had carried out in the past, consisting of 16S rRNA amplicon sequence data and corresponding skin clinical data for over 650 female participants, aged 18 – 70. Co-authors. Her research is centered on developing high-resolution optical spectroscopy and imaging platforms to study metabolic dynamics in aging and diseases. David Victor is a professor of innovation and public policy at the School of Global Policy and Strategy at UC San Diego. B. Luda Shi No. Research Focus: Mechanics and electrical dynamics of the normal and diseased heart from molecular to organ scales Many aging related diseases usually have coexisting metabolic dysfunction. This award recognize Shi's work on advancing imaging technologies to address key challenges in the study of metabolic alterations under physiological and pathological conditions in living organisms. She completed her postdoctoral training at MIT. Lingyan Shi, PhD University of California San Diego 在 ucsd. I had an internship at Microsoft Research Asia advised by Dr. The fellowships are awarded in recognition of distinguished performance and a unique potential to make substantial contributions. Follow their code on GitHub. at UIUC), Kairong Luo (Ph. April 2016 - August 2019 Columbia Shi Lab at UCSD Bioengineering. Arun Majumdar. Skip to main content In 2019, she joined the Jacobs School of Engineering at UC San Diego as an Assistant Professor of Bioengineering, [10] Her research lab focuses on the innovation and application of laser scanning multimodal microscopy and spectroscopy technologies. McCulloch Lab (Cardiac Mechanics Research Group) Principal Investigator: Dr. Shi L*, Zheng C*, Shen Y, Chen Z, Silveira E, Zhang L, Wei M, Liu C, De Sena-Tomas C, Targoff K, Min W. The new visualization platform builds on some of Shi's earlier work using a variation on regular water, called heavy water or (D2O). Helen Masson , master student, 2017-2018, currently working in another lab in UCSD. @article {lu2023inference, title = {Inference-Time Policy Adapters (IPA): Tailoring Extreme-Scale LMs without Fine-tuning}, author = {Lu, Ximing and Brahman, Faeze and West, Peter and Jang, Jaehun and Chandu, Khyathi and Ravichander, Abhilasha and Qin, Lianhui and Ammanabrolu, Prithviraj and Jiang, Liwei and Ramnath, Sahana and Dziri, Nouha and Fisher, Jillian and Lin What you can learn from test tube babies Dec 17, 2019 · Lynne Talley; Nierenberg Hall 307; 858-534-6610 Home Page ltalley at ucsd. Top co-authors. We developed a super resolution (~59 nm) multimolecular SRS metabolic imaging platform. Liao, IOP Publishing, (2020). We use a combination of computer modeling and laboratory experimentation to study ecological and evolutionary processes. Early-stage detection of triple-negative breast cancer using optical multimodality imaging. "Our goal is to develop and apply new ultrafast laser scanning multimodal imaging and spectroscopic technologies, such as stimulated Raman scattering (SRS), DO-SRS, second harmonic generation (SHG), Fluorescence Lifetime Imaigng (FLIM), and multiphoton fluorescence (MPF) microscopy, for visualizing molecular composition and metabolic dynamics in Lingyan Shi is currently a tenured Associate Professor in the Shu Chien-Gene Lay Department of Bioengineering at UCSD. 52 angstroms. Sloan Research Fellows, a prestigious award for early-career scientists of outstanding promise. DEC 2022 Prof. Providers Directory - San Diego - Veronica Shi, MD | UC San Diego Health Shu Chien-Gene Lay Department of Bioengineering. She joined UCSD in 2019, following her postdoctoral training in the Department of Chemistry at Columbia University. ucsd. 03/22/2024 Congratulations to Shania Bu on winning " TRELS quarterly award for Spring 2024"! Thanks to the selection committee of Undergraduate Research Hub UC San Diego. edu UCSD Profiles is managed by the UC San Diego Altman Clinical and Translational Research Institute (ACTRI). 9: Li Y, Chang P, Sankaran S, Jang H, Nie Y, Zeng A, Hussain S, Wu JY, Chen X, Shi L. edu Our lab focuses on the integration of biotechnologies in cellular and molecular engineering for the development of genetically-encoded biosensors and the application of them to visualize molecular events in live cells and animals. She obtained her Ph. Harris Wang at Colum Capsule Bio: Dr. Triple Negative Breast Cancer (TNBC) is a very aggressive type of breast cancer which affects upwards of 1 million women worldwide. in political science from UC San Diego. Some locations require appointments. cerevisiae). The new visualization platform builds on some of Shi's earlier work using a variation on regular water, called heavy water or (D 2 O). May 30, 2024 · Many thanks to the selection committee of Undergraduate Research Hub, the SRC, and the Shu Chien-Gene Lay Department of Bioengineering at UC San Diego. She is interested in the political economy of high-tech trade and great power competition. Shi holds10 awarded patents and 8 pending ones. Jackson C. 10. She conducted postdoctoral research at Princeton University and has taught at the UC San Diego School of Global Policy and Strategy. Shi will train students on ultrafast laser scanning multimodal imaging system and spectroscopic technologies, such as stimulated Raman scattering (SRS), second harmonic generation (SHG), and multiphoton fluorescence (MPF) microscopy for visualizing metabolic dynamics in living organisms in situ with subcellular resolution. Photons have been successfully applied to study and manipulate live cells and organelles since the Russian Tchakotine first used UV radiation to ablate areas of single-cell marine organisms in the 1920s. edu Channing Prend, Math tutorials; Nierenberg Hall 309; cprend at ucsd. Shamas, BSc. D. in Genetics from UC Davis and PhD in Molecular Biology from UCLA under the mentorship of Dr. Integrating it with Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging (FLIM), multiphoton fluorescence (MPF), and second harmonic generation (SHG), we achieved a multimodal imaging system. She UCSD-Student (2019-2020) Alyssa Castillo, BSc. Specifically, the highest imaging depth is reached at the “Golden Window” (window III, 1600-1870 nm), with the maximum transmittance (percentage of light passes through the tissue) and minimum absorbance (percentage of light absorbed in the tissue), which is Laboratory of Optical Bioimaging and Spectroscopy Multimolecular Super Resolution Metabolic Imaging in Aging and Diseases My Lab is transforming SRS microscopy into a super resolution (~59nm) multimolecular metabolic imaging platform by developing Adam optimization-based Pointillism Deconvolution ( A-PoD ) and penalized reference matching ( PRM Shi Lab welcomes highly motivated and talented postdoctroal researchers and graduate students who are interested in optical bioimaging and spectroscopy to join. The Shi Lab's goal is to develop and apply new ultrafast laser scanning optical imaging and spectroscopic technologies, such as stimulated Raman scattering (SRS), second harmonic generation (SHG), and multiphoton fluorescence (MPF) microscopy for visualizing metabolic dynamics in living organisms in situ with subcellular resolution. @article {lu2023inference, title = {Inference-Time Policy Adapters (IPA): Tailoring Extreme-Scale LMs without Fine-tuning}, author = {Lu, Ximing and Brahman, Faeze and West, Peter and Jang, Jaehun and Chandu, Khyathi and Ravichander, Abhilasha and Qin, Lianhui and Ammanabrolu, Prithviraj and Jiang, Liwei and Ramnath, Sahana and Dziri, Nouha and Fisher, Jillian and Lin What you can learn from test tube babies Yiwen Shi , master student in computational science. This site is running Profiles RNS version UCSF-v3. Her research interet lies in the areas of emerging non-volatile memory (eNVM) devices and machine learning. Heavy water . 20 likes, 1 comments - shi_lab_171 on May 23, 2024: "Bioengineering day 2024 #ucsdbeng #ucsd". lingyanshi2020 has 2 repositories available. Research. at Tsinghua) UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering Accelerated and domain-specific machine learning (ML), safe and secure ML, private ML, embedded and hardware systems, security and trust. edu Luda Shi No. at SNU), Litian Liang (visitor at Stanford), Yuzhe Qin (startup co-founder), Jiayuan Gu (Prof. Jin received her B. 2023/12: Our lab and collaborators presented two papers at NeurIPS 2023! Neural-PI Control with End-to-End Stability and Output Tracking Guarantees (We design a multi-input multi-output monotone neural network structure that guarantee stability of multi-agent RL in networked systems with passivity. Farinaz Koushanfar's Lab Dr. Her lab at UCSD focuses on developing high-resolution metabolic nanoscopy to study aging processes and related diseases. Yajuan LI | Cited by 93 | of University of California, San Diego, California (UCSD) | Read 19 publications | Contact Yajuan LI Lingyan Shi's Lab. Department of Pathology, UC San Diego School of Medicine. Dec 20, 2016 · At UC San Diego, our team is pioneering the field of metabolic imaging, focusing on aging… · National Academy of Inventors · San Diego · 500+ connections on LinkedIn. Weiyi SHI is an assistant professor of political science at the UC San Diego School of Global Policy and Strategy. “ Optical imaging of metabolic dynamics in animals ”. UCSD-Student (2019-2020) Maryum Haidari, BSc. UCSD-Student, Lab Assistant (2021-2023) Victoria Herrera, BSc. Feb 25, 2025 · Lingyan Shi is an expert in imaging and spectroscopy technologies, such as stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) nanoscopy. Heavy water. UCSD-Student (2019-2020; Tiffany S. student at Prof. He received his B. 0-9-g3adcefa5 on PROFILES-PWEB03. #bmes2024 #baltimore #ucsdbeng #ucsd Apr 14, 2022 · PhD, who is a postdoctoral researcher in the Shi lab at UC San Diego and the first author on the paper in Aging Cell. 2024 Fanbo Xiang, Xiaoshuai Zhang, Minghua Liu, Zhiao Huang, Zhan Ling, Tongzhou Mu, Sung-Ho Bae (Prof. Lingyan Shi is an Assistant Professor in the Shu Chien-Gene Lay Department of Bioengineering at UC San Diego, and a Sloan Research Fellow, Scialog Fellow, and Hellman Fellow. Sichen LI is a fourth-year Ph. Biography. ” May 12, 2024 · 12/11/2024 Lingyan Shi won IUPS Young Faculty Award! IUPS currently represents more than 60 national physiological societies. He is also an adjunct professor in Climate Google Scholar Page Book Chapters: S. Shin, R. Prior to joining UCSD, Chen did his doctoral work in Mechanical Engineering at UC Berkeley from 2004-2008 and was a Postdoctoral Researcher at Lawrence Berkeley Lab, both working with Prof. La Jolla, CA 92093 (858) 534-2230 Weiyi Shi received her Ph. Chen "Thermal transport measurements of nanostructures using suspended micro-devices", Book Chapter in 'Nanoscale Energy Transport', Ed. Matt Du for their paper in Science. Search Apr 23, 2024 · 07/01/2024 Leanne is joining us as a graduate student from NGP! Welcome! 06/17/2024 Farewell to Yufei, UCSD Class of 2024! Congratulations, and we will miss you! 06/28/2024 Yuren successfully defended her MS thesis. The world is fantastic. Contact Malcolm Aste, 858-657-5327, to partner with us. Triple Negative Breast PEARLS Lab Publications. Immersed in the swamps of Woods Hole, Guillaume became captivated by microbial communities and joined the laboratory of Dr. D degree from Pardee RAND Graduate School (RAND Corporation) in applied microeconomics and policy analysis with concentration on health economics. Shi is associate professor at Herbert Wertheim School of Public Health and Human Longevity Science, University of California, San Diego. The first author-Yajuan Li, MD, PhD-a postdoctoral researcher in Shi Lab in the UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering, and the corresponding author -- bioengineering professor Lingyan Shi -- the Principal Investigator, stated that their high-resolution in situ imaging method established for the first time directly observed and quantified Shi joined the UC San Diego faculty in October 2019, and she says COVID-19 has made setting up a lab more difficult in some ways. We determined an atomic structure of a catalytically activated spliceosome (known as the B act complex) from Saccharomyces cerevisiae by cryo–electron microscopy (cryo-EM) at an average resolution of 3. View Lingyan Shi’s ezh003@ucsd. Zhen Jin, visiting Ph. 11 (After: Grad Program, UC San Diego) Anukriti Singh, Banasthali University, 2020. UCSD-Student (2021-2023) Yin Shi (Shelly), UCSD A highly-customizable Hugo research group theme powered by Wowchemy website builder. edu Join SMALL, think big! Currently, the SMALL team is running at full capacity and does not plan to recruit additional members during the 2023-2024 academic year. The SRS imaging platform can be used to identify early stage in situ metabolic changes during the progression of aging, obesity, development, neurodegenerative diseases, cancer, and more. Apr 14, 2022 · PhD, who is a postdoctoral researcher in the Shi lab at UC San Diego and the first author on the paper in Aging Cell. Mission Statement. 0-9-g3adcefa5 on PROFILES-PWEB04. 28. Lingyan Shi is currently an Associate Professor in the Shu Chien-Gene Lay Department of Bioengineering at UC San Diego. Contact I am currently a Ph. 1. Laboratory of Optical Bioimaging and Spectroscopy The long-term implications of CRISPR Create a blog post subtitle that summarizes your post in a few short, punchy sentences and entices your audience to continue reading. Sep 11, 2020 · UCSD Profiles is managed by the UC San Diego Altman Clinical and Translational Research Institute (ACTRI). Embedded Files. 2 People's Hospital, lab equipment UC San Diego 9500 Gilman Dr. in Artificial Intelligence at SJTU, advised by Prof. Yang Shi, MD, PhD. Skip to main content ‪UCSD‬ - ‪‪Cited by 384‬‬ - ‪Raman imaging‬ - ‪metabolism‬ - ‪development‬ - ‪aging‬ - ‪neurodegeneration‬ Y Li, AJ Zhu, H Shi, M Shi Lab members, 2024 BMES annual conference, UC systemwide reception. Leonidas Guibas in 2022. Pre-mRNA splicing is carried out by the spliceosome, which undergoes an intricate assembly and activation process. Hao Su's lab at UCSD. May 25, 2023 · The SHI Labs focuses on progress and service, 2020. Heavy water is, literally, heavier than regular water. Search this site. degree from Peking University, China, and her Ph. Shi Office Package Shipping Address: 9500 Gilman Drive PFBH building room 1 82, La Jolla, CA 92093 Lab Package Shipping Address : 9500 Gilman Drive PFBH building room 171, La Jolla, CA 92093 Tel: (858) 246-5493 We discovered "Golden Window" (from 1550nm to 1870nm) wavelength for deep optical tissue imaging (Shi et al. S. Malinow's research is directed towards an understanding of how the brain forms and stores memories. from the UC San Diego Department of Political Science. degree! NOV 2022 Congratulations to Dr. Shi group at UCSD transformed SRS into a super-resolution multiplex microscopy using A-PoD and PRM algorithms, uncovering lipid metabolic dynamics in the brain and fat tissues during aging processes. University . Shi Lab Senior Design 2022. Andrew McCulloch, Director of the Institute of Engineering in Medicine & Professor of Bioengineering at UC San Diego. Dr. #bmes2024 #baltimore #ucsdbeng #ucsd Shi Lab members, 2024 BMES annual conference, UC systemwide reception. I obtained my B. wtsmam pxmuz zgm zydma tkwva zstflz ilo ihay dbnf auw ygdh ima wpco ftheh mstgk