Regex to replace double quotes Feb 1, 2017 · How to replace " (double quote) with space or remove space? 0. With double quotes I can get away with: FIND: "(. A regular expression for that might look something like the answers in this question: PHP: Replace Double Quotes in String But Not Those Within HTML Tag. I tried following code, but my regex pattern does not select correct group which needs to be changed. So in above example I want to replace only xxy"u double quote not first two which is in pair. Without using named groups, either group 2 or 3 contains the value. var someStr = "this string has one single quote ': this string has a double quote \"" console. parse. g. For example: Given string Jan 5, 2015 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Code Review Stack Exchange! Please be sure to answer the question. I want to replace that text by another user-entered text by using RegEx but I do not know how to do that. Below is the sample text and the code i tried - Feb 9, 2015 · replace single-quote with double-quote, if and only if quote is after specific string 0 Find a word between double quotes and replace it with suffix using regular expressions in notepad++ Jun 8, 2018 · Evidently the first (and only) regular expression does the major magic: it captures the first quote it finds (single or double) and then captures characters up to the next occurrence of the same kind of quote (using the \1 back-reference in a negative condition and eventually matching that second occurrence with . ' Jul 24, 2022 · How do I replace text inside double quotation marks. Use a backslash to escape the double quotes. For example: \" Ensure your regex engine supports the escape sequences. replace("]", ""); //etc The double quote is special in Java so you need to escape it with a single backslash ("\""). Details " - a double quote [^"]* - 0+ chars Apr 25, 2019 · What I want to do is to replace whatever the value is inside of the second double quotes after the "Value1" match. Replace(row[i], "~", "\""); } Mar 27, 2017 · I have a string with double quotes: s = 'a string with "double" quotes' I want to escape the double quotes with one backslash. Jan 30, 2015 · If your IDE is IntelliJ Idea, you can forget all these headaches and store your regex into a String variable and as you copy-paste it inside the double-quote it will automatically change to a regex acceptable format. Replace double quotes not surrounded by single quotes in Javascript regex. Its an 13MB file 100389 lines I have seen the Find option with regular expression in Notepad++ but i am not good at Regular expression. txt is empty, the Output_D2. 2. Aug 20, 2012 · I have a JS string which contain text between double quotes ("). It was hard (because HTML is also included), but I have meanwhile created a good regex expression that does just the right thing: in three "capturing groups" I find the left and right quotation marks and the text inside. Jun 22, 2013 · replace single-quote with double-quote, if and only if quote is after specific string 0 Find a word between double quotes and replace it with suffix using regular expressions in notepad++ May 26, 2020 · Regex Replace Double Double Quotes in json. log(someStr. The regex can be explained as: Starting at the beginning of a line, Look for sequences of 'zero or more non-quotes, optionally followed by a quote, no spaces or quotes, and a quote', the whole assembly repeated zero or more Jul 13, 2012 · To match a double-quote in the input, you just need a double-quote in the regex (double-quotes aren't magical in regexes), which means all you need is a string containing a double-quote. Feb 20, 2018 · Each quote (using single or double quotation marks) consists of an opening quote character, some text and the same closing quote character. Is there any way with JS to escape (or change to single quote) these instances? Sep 5, 2019 · I need open the CSV file, replace the double quotes with space and save the new file with txt extension. Now the remaining single double quotes are replaced by two double quotes to make them valid in CSV file. Sep 7, 2012 · To replace double quotes with single quotes according to your specifications, use this simple regex. Problem is the pattern-B is not constant value or it may be the end of line. Sep 20, 2016 · Javascript regular expression to remove double backslashes. replace Replace single quote with double quote with Regex. > I have attempted using preg- Jul 15, 2015 · Notice the double quotes inside existing double quotes for the "text" node (bad data, I know). )*?\1 Apr 16, 2014 · Regex to replace double with single quotes if at beginning and end of matching string. replace("\'", "\\'"); After Replace:change condition to\'or\' Oct 22, 2009 · That makes a double quote from a single quote, but does not replace a single quote by two single quotes, as the OP asks. Escape double quotes in string inside awk pattern. 4. Nov 24, 2014 · Each double quote before and after the pipe character is also replaced by QuOtE by the next 2 non regular expression replaces. g: the global flag. If you want to use a regex you need to escape those characters and put them in a character class. Not escaping the double quotes results in unintended behavior during pattern matching. 13. I have a csv file where I want to replace normal quotes in text with typographic ones. You may match the quoted string with a simple "[^"]+" regex that matches a ", 1+ chars other than " and a ", and replace the tabs inside within a lambda: Replace double quotes about a javascript function in perl. I know this can be done, but I'm just not getting the syntax correct. The only escape sequence that works there is "" for a single " . I am facing nested double quotes which I want to replace with RegEx. This is necessary when you want to match or replace text that contains double quotes, such as quoted strings in programming languages like JavaScript or JSON. A simple approach is to assume that when the quote characters are counted sequentially, the odd ones are opening quotes and the even ones are closing quotes. Doing the following doesn't quite work, it escapes with two backslashes: s. regex Mar 30, 2014 · Java reg-ex to replace double quote inside double quote. replace("'", "''"). Even if you are attempting to validate upon insertion, it seems like regex is overkill and instead you can just use various helper methods or simply Dec 14, 2017 · Use some programming language that supports a callback method/function as the replacement argument in a regex replace method/function, match any double quoted substring with "[^"]*(?:""[^"]*)*" See the regex demo. So I debugged this issue by first passing in only the comma -that worked. For example: May 31, 2020 · You may use a re. Thus, it is crucial to know if " chars can appear escaped in between the " delimiters. (\n|\r) But after this I get lost, because I can't find the xxx within this expression: (")(xxx)(\n|\r)(xxx)(") Sep 15, 2015 · I have a JSON-stringified object as follows. How to replace the string enclose in double quote using regex? 0. Ask Question Asked 9 years, 5 months ago. replace(“your text here”,chr(34)+chr(34),chr(34)) Oct 9, 2020 · Regular expression to find unescaped double quotes in CSV file. Here is what it looks like: unusual=re. 1. Double quotes aren't special in a regex pattern. I would avoid using replaceAll since it uses regex syntax which you don't need and which would complicate things since \ as also special character in regex for: Just an update to @zx81's brilliant solution. Also, additionally, need to suppress any single quotes as well. I tried this that worked in replacing the special chara Regex to replace double nested quotes in C#. Regex to remove single quotes inside single quotes inside text. )*)""\s*. "". Using double quotes directly may lead to syntax errors in the regex pattern. Then, you may use May 12, 2016 · Replace Double Quotes Within Attributes only in XML : C# to escape is not the string double quote escape but instead XML double quote escape for attributes Oct 12, 2015 · Unless you're regular expressions to validate the keys/values prior to insertion into the JSON object, using regular expressions is not a good way to attempt to validate a given JSON object. csv, the Output_D3. Oct 10, 2013 · You are looking for. Here is my code: for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) { row[i] = Regex. Solutions. If you omit this, you'll only replace a single char. Feb 8, 2022 · This regex is based on the observation that we want to identify all double-quotes that are followed later in the string by an odd number of double-quotes (assuming the string contains an even number of double-quotes. If found, it removes the newline. 1. Mar 31, 2020 · Please note that the replacment words can be enclosed within single or double quotes. 4. This regex will allow whitespace at the beginning and/or end of lines. Provide details and share your research! But avoid …. js, so I can do the replace on a line-by-line basis. A simplified version if you do not need to care about literal double quotes is "[^"]+". You may use a regex that will capture quotes at the start/end of string together with leading/trailing whitespace into Group 1, and will match quotes in all other contexts. Commented Mar 15, 2021 at 11:25. The above was tested under GNU sed. Mar 16, 2022 · 1. Replace double quotes that are not escaped using Dec 18, 2012 · I need to find single quotes in the text and replace them by two single quotes like this for instance : l'arbre => l''arbre. "ABC def" xxy\"u Should work with every non pair double quote - "111" "222" "333" "4 so here " before 4 should be replaced with \" Thanks in advance. findall(r'([a-tv-zA-TV-Z0-9]\"[a-zA-Z0-9])', my_string) if unusual: for un in unusual: my_string=my_string. Oct 3, 2013 · Here's how it works: ['"] is a character class, matches both single and double quotes. Apr 19, 2018 · Basically, my solution replaces the double quotes that are in the middle of words if they are not preceded by the letter u. Single quotes in the middle of the line need to be escaped. 6. I need to parse the object using JSON. csv etc. Edit: Quote marks within a quoted string are escaped with an extra quote, e. However, assume I will have already replaced these in a previous pass with a special character. // input string var stringifyObj = ' Oct 24, 2013 · I would like to remove all double quotes except if they are escaped! My example is as following: The quick brown fox "jumps", over the 'lazy \\"dog\\"' I want to reach the following result: The How can I replace a string in quotes with the variable? regex; Do it in double quotes: Replace value containing quotes with sed command and regex. Jul 23, 2015 · When using the @operator, you can regain double quotes with "". Jan 8, 2024 · To remove double quotes just from the beginning and end of the String, we can use a more specific regular expression: String result = input. ' My best attempt: Apr 16, 2012 · Looking for the best solution on how to replace regular quotes within a block of text with curly quotes, but not to change quotes found within html tag markers <. – Jesper Commented Oct 22, 2009 at 21:10 Jul 1, 2019 · I would like to replace nested double quotes with double apostrophe in json document. If there are already single quotes at the beginning or end of the line, nothing should be done with that line. replace(/'|"/g, '\\\\\"')) It outputs, this string has one single quote \\\": this string has a double quote \\\" I am happy with it. 0". Then the regex search has to be modified as follows: ("[^",]+),([^",]+),([^"]+") Replace needs to be modified as . – hwnd Commented Oct 16, 2014 at 23:36 Jun 4, 2015 · Using Regular Expression to Find content between two double quotes. [^"\\]*)*" if you need to handle escaped sequences in between double quotes, too) to match strings between double quotes, capture this pattern into Group 1, and then match a comma in all other contexts. Note : I just want to replace those Quotation marks which are coming in the shown pattern. sed replace two double quotes and keep text. Apr 14, 2014 · I'm attempting PCRE regex that will let me recursively replace the quote-delimited text. If the quote was found all newlines gettting replaces by a space s/\n/ /g and the buffer gets automatically printed by sed. Summary of the problem. replace("\"", "\\\""); DEMO. There are already a lot of places with two single quotes in the text, so I can't just use the find/replace function because it will pick up all those two single quotes together and they should stay so, without being modified. Is there any way to do something similar, but use a regex to replace the opening plain old double-quote with a left-quote (“)? The only reliable way to replace the correct double Nov 28, 2011 · The former uses regular expressions, and [] are special characters within a regex. remove second quotes from text regexp_substs. Feb 13, 2015 · I'm writing a web application in ASP. Using Regex to replace double quotes in the middle of a word. Escaped double quotes "" in the CSV file are replaced next by QuOtEQuOtE with a non regular expression replace. Using Java, I am . str=change condition to'or' str=str. you can replace this with " to only match double quotes. Sep 22, 2016 · Basically what I need is a regex expression that only selects double-quotes that are not surrounded by single-quotes. Thanks in Advance! Nov 8, 2024 · To escape single and double quotes in a string using JavaScript, utilize a regular expression with the replace method to ensure safe inclusion in HTML, JavaScript, or database queries. Is it possible Oct 9, 2015 · The above looks for any occurrence of comma, followed by zero or more spaces, followed by one double quote, followed by anything except a double-quote, followed by a newline. regex. However, that's easy to address. I have tried this VBScript code but the first file Output_D1. The problem is that the positive lookbehind is not supported in some browsers. Sep 18, 2024 · I have a string that is in an array. replace('"', '\\"') 'a string with \\"double\\" quotes' Printing the output of that string shows what I want. It is important that the regular expression does NOT replace any commas outside the quotes because that would mess up the CSV data structure. Aug 6, 2018 · How to replace single quote to two single quotes, but do nothing if two single quotes are next to each other in perl 0 Perl replace string contents within quotes It should only replace within double quotes — not if in other places like regular HTML entities. This is a conversion, and I had to replace all the " with ~ to make the parser work. NET regex engine could do it with its balanced matching feature. str=change condition to"or" str=str. txt file contains rows of the Output_D1. So I want to replace every newline within double quotes with <br> leaving the 'real' newlines outside double quotes untouched. Modified 9 years, 5 months ago. For the first regex, just replace it with this: (["'])(?:\\?. You also need to escape certain special chars in the regex, in this case, the chars . Nov 13, 2014 · I need to replace any special characters with a space from an input column. Jan 18, 2020 · Why not do the replacement of double and single quotes the other way around: . Python3 replace automaticaly single quote by \' 0. Aug 12, 2021 · My string is having both double and single quotes and I want to replace both the quotes with space or anything else, but I am struggling to do it. *?)" But with single quotes there is the obvious problem of apostrophes. I'm streaming the data using Node. Then, pass the match object to a callable used as the replacement Dec 14, 2018 · To remove all chunks of line break chars in between double quotation marks, you need to match these substrings between the qualifying start and end double quotation marks. *$" Oct 12, 2019 · I need to replace anything between single quotes with \enquote{}, the capture to be put inside the curly brackets. I want to replace the DOUBLE QUOTE after pattern-A to a SINGLE QUOTE and the DOUBLE QUOTE before pattern-B to another SINGLE QUOTE. I need help with regular expressions. postgresql; regexp-replace; Postgresql regex_replace comma, single and double quotes in a single. First step would be to be able to create a regexp to get the newlines within the text file. Aug 14, 1998 · The trouble is that the regular expression would have to count quotes to determine if it's inside two quotes or not. str = str. String replaced = input. Actually, the . As it is used in a YAML-file, the single quotes in the middle of a string has to be escaped by Oct 23, 2012 · This will parse out a field with or without quotes and will exclude the quotes from the value while keeping embedded quotes and commas. Feb 15, 2013 · I would like to strip out all the double-quotes around the keys, and I would like to replace the double-quotes surrounding alll the values with single-quotes, so that my string will look like this: lang:'fr',fizz:'1',buzz:'Thank you so much. 1 day ago · Regex: Replace double double quotes (solved), but only in lines that contain a special string (subcondition unsolved) Load 7 more related questions Show fewer related questions Jul 24, 2022 · I'm trying to replace a lot of lines that would otherwise take so much time. Here are RegEx which return only the values between quotation marks (as the questioner was asking for): Double quotes only (use value of capture group #1): "(. 0. javascript; regex; Regex for double quotes inside string. $1$2$3 So on modify it depending on the # of commas. sed regex replace with quotes. For BSD sed, try: Mar 29, 2014 · The end of the string is mentioned with another double quote before the pattern-B "1. The backslash is an escape character in regex, too, but \" doesn't mean anything special and just ends up being " . 2. Nov 26, 2011 · You have to repeat that ghastly regex for every space within double quotes - hence three times for the first line of data. Jun 17, 2013 · I have a huge XML file with longer lines (5000-10000 characters per line) with following text: Pattern="abc" and I want to replace it with Pattern="def" As the line sizes are huge, I have no c Aug 26, 2013 · I want to replace the double quote which is not in pair. Oct 10, 2010 · I just want to change the server and IP information inside double quotes. Therefore a regex solution to this problem will not have to deal with escaped Feb 3, 2012 · The exact same, but with double quotes in place of single quotes. With one elegant regular expression, I'd like to replace only all the commas that occur within the double quotes with an underscore character (_). Feb 11, 2019 · I’m looking for a way to find and replace in VBA that only looks at text within double quotes and handles all occurrences. sub with a simple "[^"]*" regex (or (?s)"[^"\\]*(?:\\. Jun 8, 2007 · One issue is that they don't account for escaped backslashes within the quotes (e. \? Try this: Jun 14, 2015 · I am unable to replace double backslash followed by quote \\' in sed. replace('"', "'")) Oct 16, 2014 · i want to read a data row by row and whereever i find double quote i want to replace new line character with a space till the second double quote encounter like 090033ec82b13639,CPDM Initiated, Jul 26, 2019 · Note the first and last double quotes should not be replaced. 415. The data set is HUGE, so manual clean-up would be out of the question. Mar 15, 2021 · Double backslash single quote works perfectly, thanks! – bcmcfc. I am trying to find all the ~ tilde chars in a string and replace them with " double quote. This is repeated as long as such lines are found. write a line for us. Then I tried passing in only the single quote - that worked. This tells JS to apply the regex to the entire string. /path/to/files/ | xargs sed -i 's/search/replace/g. example in Java: String s = "\"en_usa\":[^\\,\\}]+"; now you can use this variable in your regexp or anywhere. Sep 28, 2021 · The following regex pattern finds the a single double quote in the following string examples (basically the double quote after the 1). Apr 30, 2014 · Perhaps not relevant, but in the past I have used grep to do a search and replace like this: grep -Rl 'search' . replace("\"", "\\""); After Replace:change condition to\"or\" To replace single quotes. Nov 24, 2023 · In the context of Regex, “adding double quotes” refers to escaping or including double quotes (") within a regular expression pattern. How to do resolve this ? Nov 21, 2014 · OK, so while I was testing, I discovered on one field, where we want to strip the comma, single quote, double quote and dollar sign, it was not removing the double quotes (an apparently the backslashes too). Regex to replace a string not within quotes (single or double) 2. I tried exploring to see if recursive regex was possible but the does not seem to be Dec 22, 2010 · This is a section of a much larger CSV file. In this case, I need "Test": "Test1" to become: "Test": "Test2" I tried a lot of code. Is there way to solve that problem. If the double-quotes are somewhere in the middle, nothing should happen to them. txt file contains rows of the Output_D2. Jul 28, 2016 · See the regex demo '[^']*' - match a single quote, 0+ chars other than a single quote and a single quote again (*SKIP)(*F) - PCRE verb sequence discarding the match and proceeding from the current index (you can read more on that at How do (*SKIP) or (*F) work on regex? SO post) | - or " - a double quote. regex: remove double quotes from Json values. replace(un, un. I am writing a SQL parser that will convert Access Jet SQL statements into T-SQL for SQL Server. 3. Menu "Search" > "Replace" (or Ctrl + H) Set "Find what" to "([A-Za-z]*)(\d{1,1})" Set "Replace with" to "\1" Enable "Regular expression" Click "Replace All" Before: "Test": "Test1" After: "Test": "Test" Oct 10, 2013 · To replace double quotes. Thanks, Tom-- Oct 5, 2008 · The RegEx of accepted answer returns the values including their sourrounding quotation marks: "Foo Bar" and "Another Value" as matches. Aug 15, 2014 · I am trying to replace double nested quotes from string in C# using Regex, but not able to achieve it so far. *?[^\\])" Single quotes only (use value of capture I want to replace all of the double quotes such that it can be used for parseJSON of jQuery. Replace single quote with double quote with Regex. escaping single quotes using regexp_replace. I need two expressions, the first one that can help me get and finally replace every double quote character that is in HTML tag with single quote, and the second one that can get and replace every double quote that is not a part of HTML tag with ". txt | sed "s:\\\\':\\':g" Sep 2, 2015 · Regex Replace Double Double Quotes in json. Replace content in first set of quotes found in . replaceAll("^\"|\"$", ""); After executing this example, occurrences of double quotes at the beginning or end of the String will be replaced by empty strings. May 1, 2015 · If the new line again doesn't contain the closing double quote /",/! we step again to label a using ba unless we found the closing quote. In a CSV, the literal double quotation marks are usually doubled. But I usually add something to make sure I'm not spanning accross multiple quoted strings in a single match, and to accomodate double-double quote escapes: Jan 27, 2020 · Anyone know how to replace the double quotes (“”) in a string with single quotes. The regular expression can be broken down as follows. <value> contains the parsed field value. Jul 25, 2012 · Input string is: "outer string "inside a quote" " and output should be: "outer string inside a quote " Please suggest any regular expression to find the inner double quote and replace with space Jul 19, 2010 · If I have a string like below what is the regular expression to remove the (optional) leading and trailing double quotes? For extra credit, can it also remove any optional white space outside of the quotes: string input = "\"quoted string\"" -> quoted string string inputWithWhiteSpace = " \"quoted string\" " => quoted string Sep 15, 2015 · This is a nodejs regexp that replaces both the quotes to a new pattern that is accepted by json parser. Lets say you have 2commas between quotes. Java regex replacing double and Jul 25, 2016 · NOTE: This answer assumes (it is confirmed by OP) that there are no escaped quotes/sequences in the input. Ask Question Asked 11 years, i think using regular expression for detecting functions, would do the Oct 17, 2014 · The first replacement matches double quotes and everything in between them v (the matched content), the second replacement replaces all commas that are inside of the double quotes. But I don't think Java has that feature and I can't think of a reliable way to do it without it. Viewed 988 times 1 . To have an actual backslash in a regex, you have to have two of them; to do that in a string literal, you have to have four (so they survive both layers of interpretation). One of the hang-ups I have is converting double quotes into single quotes when single quotes are part of literal output. 77. "\"" should be fine. Apr 28, 2024 · To fix this issue, you need to properly handle escaped double quotation marks in the regular expression. Oct 24, 2017 · Scenario 1: Quotes after leading whitespace/before trailing whitespace. , they treat \\" as a backslash followed by an escaped double quote, rather than an escaped backslash followed by an unescaped double quote. You can use the following regular expression: @"^\s*""((?:[^""\\]|\\. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. NET. Use ansible variable in replace string for regex_replace. Jul 3, 2014 · In those literals no escape sequences are recognized, allowing you to write strings that contain lots of backslashes in a much cleaner way (such as regular expressions). Replace single quotes in double quotes in brackets. 6536. Nov 18, 2015 · An easy (but probably not that efficient) solution could be going one char at a time changing the comma if you passed an uneven amount of double quotes, finishing after the last double quote. In awk how can I replace all double quotes by escaped double quotes? Awk : single and double quote regex. Replace a string with single quotes using May 23, 2014 · SO i just want to replace those two quotes with some blank space they look normal. Example: He said, 'it's always sunny here. (This is in order to quickly refactor double-quote into single-quotes without Jan 30, 2014 · So the expression the regular expression parser sees is \". 66. Output should be in this format. This is my current command This is my current command echo file.
dlow ppv jrkkvkn mmlv bvqonqr nczunf wlxuhfqq bbv aux qkki fotnlfsa meuww qaipr swsffm thpj