Pmdx 424 review PMDX-122: On the PMDX-122, set jumper JP1 ("Pin 2-9 Com") to "+5V". Downloaded smartBOB plug in and can see the DRO's moving when I use keyboard but no motor movement. Guest Login; Register; Menu. Author Topic: DRO from encoder input - PMDX-424 (Read 3242 times) beezerlm. I just got my PMDX-424 board and I need to translate the motor connections from my old controller board to the step\dir pins on the 424 board. May 4, 2017 · PMDX-424 SmartBOB-USB. The enable LED on the 424 goes on when the enable button is clicked in Mach 4. • PMDX-424 • PMDX-407 • Geckodrive G201X • WEG CFW300 – Variable Frequency Drive • R PMDX-424 SmartBOB-USB. PMDX-134 Simple Motherboard for Geckos. PMDX-107 PMDX-424 SmartBOB-USB. All SmartBOB devices except for the PMDX-411 have a "Power On" LED. Since this is the PMDX forum I'm going to suggest the obviously biased answer of PMDX-424 :) Feb 20, 2007 · PMDX - products for CNC and motion control applications. 4, the table entry for "Motor Config" says that when connecting to a PMDX-133 you need to set the set/dir pin out to whatever is not "normal" (I had to go look this up - "swapped" is what you want). And to do so, you need to press and hold the push-button while you power-on the PMDX-424. The PMDX-424 is a motion control pulse engine/breakout board with an electrically isolated USB interface and optoisolated inputs for connecting CNC machines to the Mach4 family of software. You will be happy with any of them. In Parallel Port breakout boards, motherboards, and dedicated accessories / Re: Will a PMDX-126 rev C work to replace this BOB which came with « on: March 14, 2016, 09:56:23 AM » Hello chaka7119, Mar 19, 2020 · Describes updates I am making to the Mach4 Lua panel I implemented to support the AVID CNC Touchplate in hopes of troubleshooting problems I'm having making Feb 20, 2007 · PMDX - products for CNC and motion control applications. This is document revision 0. 76 Firmware Version: 0. You should connect 120 VAC, or actually any AC voltage between 100 VAC to 250 VAC to those terminals. I have chosen to use the original stepper motors and power supply along with Mach4, PMDX-424 motion control board with a PMDX-407 spindle controller, and Gecko G214v drivers. PMDX-107 Reading the instructions for the PMDX-424, it says that it is possible to reverse one of the motors by swapping the wires on one phase going from the motor driver to the stepper motor. We did correct the wiring connections for the DC powered version of the PMDX-424, added more detail to the mechanical dimensions drawing, and added the pin-out for the USB header. SmartBOB-USB plug-in updated to 0. No BoB required, all IO is 'conditioned ' on board and has its own on board power supply. PMDX-107 General Discussion / Interfacing PMDX 424 to Servos Feedback Signals « on: October 17, 2016, 07:27:30 PM » Never used servos before and would like to give them a go. Can the 424 talk to both the servos and the stepper on my Z axis at the same time, or is it more one or the other? Nov 24, 2014 · I would highly recommend PMDX (http://pmdx. All of the devices I've listed and the ones you have looked are very good and all with the exception of the PMDX-424 have both a Mach3 AND a Mach4 plugin so you could use either. Mach4 tells them how many pulses to generate per time interval for each motor and the 424/SS calculate the timing and generate the pulses). I've heard good things about the Masso G3 controller which has similar features, better support, but costs over twice as much. com) and a Ethernet Smooth-stepper if you are looking at anything more than a light weight (~1HP/3-axis - wood only) platform. Any help would be great. 2. May 18, 2016 · Right now its sole purpose is to force the PMDX-424 to run its bootloader instead of the main firmware. Then the yellow "power" LED remains on, the red LED remains on and the green LED turns on briefly once every 2 seconds. After looking through the PMDX-424 documentation, I was unable to find a detailed description or wiring diagrams for the PMDX-424 Fault input (just a short paragraph description). Feb 15, 2020 · Where are you getting the 12V for the laser? Do you have the GND for your laser 12V supply connected to the LGND on the PMDX-424 J12? Do not connect the laser 12V GND to the "GND" pins on PMDX-424 J16 or J17 - those are isolated inputs and the GND there is NOT connected to the LGND that is the ground reference for the output signals on J12 (or the NON-isolated input signals on J13). Re: PMDX-424 Source for Gecko 203V Disable Voltage « Reply #2 on: April 25, 2016, 11:04:51 AM » Really pleased with all the technical information I'm getting from PMDX as I work my build. Sep 22, 2020 · I recently purchased the 24 volt DC version of the PMDX-424. Firmware in the PMDX-424 is non-volatile and you will only be asked to download firmware if an update is needed to match the plug-in that is in use or if the firmware has become corrupted. Nov 13, 2016 · I've got a probe setup that does x,y,z probing and connected it up to a pmdx 424. Attached is my wiring set up and a LUA error I recieve. PMDX-107 Jan 17, 2018 · I was previously threading with an ESS on Mach3 and the threads being cut by the 424 and Mach4 are significantly cleaner. 9, there are pull-up resistors on the encoder inputs to "PC+5V" (the guide calls it "L+5V" but the PCB says "PC+5V", this is a non-isolated supply sharing a common ground with the motor step/dir signals). Hello Guest it is March 09, 2025, 04:19:36 PM. 188, released 06 April 2016. You can use a simple gender changer if you need to mate with a DB-25 male. The Ethernet SmoothStepper (ESS) is a three port device with 51 IO's. We have published an updated version of the PMDX-424 Quick Start Guide. It will continue with the rest of the routine but the dro in mach4 will be off. Thanks for any help. Swapped X and Y axis connectors on the 424 and Y axis moves but X axis does not. The PC does not need to be, and probably should not be, connected to the Internet while running Mach4. The PMDX-424 can also be used with PMDX motherboards and the PMDX-407 Spindle Controller. Do you mean to swap the A+ and A- wires (or instead the B wires)? Dec 4, 2020 · Re: Need Help - Mach4 errors w/ PMDX-424 « Reply #12 on: December 05, 2020, 07:27:18 PM » I and another user tried the usb and it would not run consistently for either of us. 2. I have established communication between Mach 4 and the 424. Not sure way this is happening. PMDX-107 PMDX-132 PMDX-133 PMDX-134 PMDX-126 PMDX-122 PMDX-109 PMDX-108-Input PMDX-108-Output PMDX-105 PMDX-104 PMDX-103; 8 Data bit outputs: 16 mA buffered for step and direction: non-buffered, direct from ribbon header to 3 Geckos and chained output to 3 more on next PMDX-133: non-buffered, direct from ribbon header to 4 Gecko drivers PMDX-125/126 Plug-In Installation Guide (release 20120622) - Installation and configuration guide for the PMDX-125/126 Mach3 Plug-In. ClearPath servos will connect directly to a PMDX controller for step, direction, and enable outputs. How to do this varies depending on which PMDX board you are using. Then use the view cart button to review your purchase and apply the coupon as Oct 29, 2023 · The PC needs to remain connected to the board during the process of running the G-code because it is Mach4 software that is feeding the motion commands in small bits to the PMDX-424. Oct 10, 2019 · Finished wiring and assembly of CNC Controller enclosure. Unfortunately, without knowing more about the PMDX controller, I can't give you a recommendation for the best way to wire it with ClearPath's HLFB. Thanks (1) Connect the G320 "COM" terminals to the "com" terminals on the PMDX-424 motor connectors along with the step and direction wires on (I'm guessing) J7, J8 and J9. 6 in the Quick Start Guide, (2. 8 i have a problem with the drivers because the computer that I use don’t recognize the PMDX-424 (and I try with 5 different pc, all them have windows 7) the computer don't show me any messages that is a device connected and well after that i SmartBOB-USB plug-in updated to 0. PMDX-107 Mar 24, 2019 · Plug-in configuration option to disable the PMDX-424's Motor3A and Motor3B step signals. Depending on your budget and the size of your motors (dictated by the size of your machine), these can be some of the Geckdrive drivers. It is not practical for us to create drawings for each customer's machine, but we will review and comment on drawings that our customers supply to us. Has lathe threading but not backlash comp nor THC. I swapped the 424 put of another machine I have and everything works fine. 188 - PMDX-424 Rev B support added « on: April 06, 2016, 06:30:47 PM » The Mach4Hobby plugin for the SmartBOB-USB family of controllers has been updated to version 0. When I probe down with a G31 to touch the set plate, when it touch the plate it will jump maybe . Step pulses will still be generated and your DROs will react as if the motors were present because this is an "open loop" system. It combines the features of the older PMDX-410 and PMDX-412 boards, and it replaces both of them. Standard USB A-to-B cable between the PC and the PMX-424 2. I own two CNC machines, one a CRP-4848 48"x48" CNC router, and a Sieg X3 converted to CNC. (2) Support for PMDX-424 Revision B boards (3) Support M62/M63 real-time output commands (4) Add M6 (tool change) macro to the PMDX-Sample profile (5) [bug fix] Enable the PMDX-424 slave step output signal on connector J11 (6) [bug fix] Fix bug that caused motion underrun errors on VERY short PMDX-424 SmartBOB-IsoUSB Pulse Control Engine with electrically isolated USB interface, on-board power supply, optically isolated inputs, and mini breakout board for use with Mach4 PMDX-424 SmartBOB-IsoUSB now shipping. The PMDX-407 replaces the machine potentiometer and feeds the KBIC P1, P2 and P3. The steps LED flashes on the 424 when Mach 4 is jogging an axis. Oct 30, 2016 · Re: pmdx 424 and pmdx 407 speed control « Reply #1 on: October 31, 2016, 01:10:43 AM » The connections from the 407 to the VFD look correct, including the 407's Aref to the VFD's "+10V". It does not do it all the time 1 out of 3 times. PMDX 424 Y axis dead. the version of the PMDX-424 that you purchased is designed to be powered directly from the AC mains. (PDF document, 458 KB). PMDX-107 . The PMDX-424 is a two port device with 34 IO's. 0. 010. The PMDX plug-in configuration philosophy is to not duplicate any of the configuration setup that is available directly within Mach4 so there is no guessing who is in charge of a particular setting. Posts: 13; DRO from encoder input - PMDX-424 « on: August 12, 2016, 04:09:07 PM According to the PMXD-424 Quick Start guide, section 4. UCCNC with an AXBB-E, or if you need more I/O (and have more money), a UC300ETH with a CNC Room UB-1. Feb 2, 2020 · How do you have the PMDX-424 step and direction pins configured? In the PMDX-424 Quick Start guide, section 2. 6 (253 KB, 8 Apr 2016) Back to top of page. The /FAULT input on the PMDX 424 (or 416) needs to connected to the isolated ground to indicate a fault, just the opposite of the HLFB It is OK to connect your PMDX-424 to the computer and run Mach4 without your motor drivers or stepper motors attached. It is currently connected to a KBIC-240D Motor speed controller. 53. Then use the view cart button to review your purchase and apply the coupon as May 7, 2016 · Author Topic: Problem With PMDX 424 when running with mach4 (Read 9419 times) Tried getting my PMDX 424 running with some small motors and motor drivers just to establish communication between Mach 4 and the motors. The problem is the HLFB signal from the motor is active (on) when a motor is happy, and off when it faults. Future firmware versions *may* allow the PMDX-179's test button input to perform the same function and the PMDx-424's push button. Curt Hi, I'm building a CNC Router with 2 X motors on the X axis and I was hoping to either use Motors 0 (Z) + 1 (Y) + 3a & 3b (X) or 0 (Z) + 1 (Y) + 2 (X) + 3 (X') and use Mach4 to so the slaving part but I just realized that in either case the PMDX 424 does not support different sensors for homing separately X and X' The mounting holes on the PMDX-424 are not connected to anything on the circuit board, so grounding them would not accomplish anything anyway. 4 Powering the PMDX-424 The PMDX-424 requires external power connected to J19. 4300 PMDX-424: [Rev D PCB] PMDX Plugin: 0. The old controller used a,A and b,B plus common, I need to take this to the 424 board. This is mentioned only because it is technically possible. PMDX-SmartBOB How should I connect PUL+, PUL-, DIR+ and DIR General Discussion / Interfacing PMDX 424 to Servos Feedback Signals « on: October 17, 2016, 07:27:30 PM Jan 12, 2018 · I’m using mach4 and pmdx 424 board. General Discussion / Interfacing PMDX 424 to Servos Feedback Signals « on: October 17, 2016, 07:27:30 PM » Never used servos before and would like to give them a go. 208 OS: Windows 10 Pro (64-bit) pmdx-424 and mach4 probing issues "error(7) motion underrun" « on: September 23, 2018, 11:26:07 AM » I decided to start a new topic on this, since I wasn't getting much response on replying to older ones. On the PMDX-424 the Fault input and the E-Stop input are electrically combined into a single signal and the resulting signal is filtered with a 50 milliSecond time constant. 6. PMDX-107 The machine is in very good condition but as with any control from the late 1970's, it needs retrofitting. As with all G32 routines, the lathe cuts the thread at the designated inch per revolution and then retracts first in the X, then in the Z with a rapid move. Has anyone done this upgrade, and how much fiddling did it require? I understand the PMDX-424 controller can work with the servos, but requires some tweaking. Home Help Search Login (2) Support for PMDX-424 Revision B boards (3) Support M62/M63 real-time output commands (4) Add M6 (tool change) macro to the PMDX-Sample profile (5) [bug fix] Enable the PMDX-424 slave step output signal on connector J11 (6) [bug fix] Fix bug that caused motion underrun errors on VERY short I'm using a PMDX-424/PMDX-407 to control a home built woodworking CNC mill. The problem is that some plugin code in the back of the screens was updated to reflect the new Lua version which can in some cases break custom screen sets. 100kHz output pulse rate max. If you have a PMDX-424, also make sure that it has power. Author Topic: PMDX-424 - Backlash comp any time soon? (Read 2798 times) PMDX-424 encoder spindle RPM not working in Mach4 Lathe « on: May 18, 2018, 01:55:00 PM » I have a quadrature encoder, with index, installed and connected to PMDX-424. This corresponds to the "open-collector" method shown in most of the motor driver manuals. All motors and motor drivers are connected as follows and seem to be correct from digging around several forums. This setup is working and I have control of the spindle via Mach 4, although when I ask for a speed in Mach 4, I don't get the exact speed. Using 424 for my motion control board. There is much more configuration in the Darwin plug-in than in the PMDX-422 plug-in because Darwin has loads of optional features. I'm using a PMDX-424/PMDX-407 to control a home built woodworking CNC mill. Extra microsteps can Sep 10, 2022 · Fired it up to make some parts and have no Y axis movement. When a different Provides an overview of the electronic controller board I am building for my 3-axis woodworking CNC machine. Question is I am looking to add a laser for some wood engraving. PMDX Forums PMDX-424 Quick Start Manual, revision 0. PMDX-424 SmartBOB-USB. Then use the view cart button to review your purchase and apply the coupon as PMDX will provide design assistance in the form of answering questions about how to use PMDX board features. Purchase as a bundle with a Mach4Hobby license and save an additional $5 on our already discounted price for Mach4. The PMDX-414 is a Mach4 compatible, USB connected motion control pulse engine/breakout board for running simple machines that do not need isolation. Depending on your configuration and wiring, you *may* end up connecting the ground for the isolated inputs (J16 and J17) to the machine ground, which in turn may be connected to the earth ground. It has been a few years since I built my machine and I'm afraid i've forgot most of what I learned. This is typically used only when the PMDX-424 is connected to a PMDX-340 using the 26-pib ribbon header J6. Features of the PMDX-411 Rev A. 1 Replies 6279 Views September 26, 2022, 10:00:52 AM by Steve Stallings: New installation - morors not reacting. for the PMDX-422. Then connect the "PUL+" and "DIR+ The description of the PMDX-424 says the USB port is isolated electrically. The mill is up and running well, yet I'm having problems with probing motions. This by itself should help with EMI interference, so I suspect there is a strong EMI source somewhere. I cannot get the Nema34 steppers to react to input from Mach4. Dec 15, 2018 · Both the PMDX-424 and the SS generate the step pulses themselves, using information sent by Mach4 (i. You can also connect directly to stepper drivers and PMDX-424 SmartBOB-USB. 76 PMDX Firmware: 0. (2) Connect the G203V "COMMON" terminal to the PMDX-424 "GND" terminal on connector J12 (the "Outputs" connector) or on J13 (the "Encoder" connector). PMDX-109: 8-Channel Relay Board (5V or 24V version) PMDX-111: Parallel Port Monitor: PMDX-112: Parallel Port Electrical Simulator and Tester (available with a small stepper motor or small stepper motor and small servo motor) PMDX-120: Parallel Port Accessory Module: PMDX-122: Bi-Directional Breakout Board: PMDX-125: Multi-Mode Breakout Board PMDX-424 SmartBOB-IsoUSB Pulse Control Engine with electrically isolated USB interface, on-board power supply, optically isolated inputs, and mini breakout board for use with Mach4 Then connect the "PUL-" and "DIR-" to the step and direction pins on the PMDX board. Superb quality and backup. PMDX-125/126 Plug-In (release 20120622) - ZIP file containing the plug-in install file and a copy of the Installation guide (ZIP file, 536 KB). It does NOT power the board from the USB connection. 9. On my 424 all the yellow-ish LEDs and the red and green LEDs turn on for about a second or so, with maybe a brief flicker. The PMDX-424 provides 4 Axis (5 Motor) control, 9 opto-isolated inputs, plus a 6 ampere relay output to control spindle on and off. Mach4Hobby CNC Control Software. Home Help Search Login (2) Support for PMDX-424 Revision B boards (3) Support M62/M63 real-time output commands (4) Add M6 (tool change) macro to the PMDX-Sample profile (5) [bug fix] Enable the PMDX-424 slave step output signal on connector J11 (6) [bug fix] Fix bug that caused motion underrun errors on VERY short 1. Is that lit? If the device has power and if the firmware in the SmartBOB is running, the red and green LEDs will turn on in various patterns. e. I followed the start up guide in the PMDX 424 manual. 60. the GND of the G214 to the Lgnd on J12 of the PMDX-424. A single event greater that 50 milliSeconds will trigger an E-Stop, but so will three 30 milliSecond events over a 100 milliSecond interval. If you have an older PMDX-424 this terminal may be labeled PCgnd. So I have a PMDX-424 with a PMDX-407 spindle control board. 15. This can be found on the "FeatureConfig" tab of the plug-on configuration dialog only when a PMDX-424 is connected to the PC. 208 OS: Windows 10 Pro (64-bit) (2) Support for PMDX-424 Revision B boards (3) Support M62/M63 real-time output commands (4) Add M6 (tool change) macro to the PMDX-Sample profile (5) [bug fix] Enable the PMDX-424 slave step output signal on connector J11 (6) [bug fix] Fix bug that caused motion underrun errors on VERY short PMDX-424 SmartBOB-IsoUSB now shipping. • PMDX-424 • PMDX-407 • Geckodrive G201 PMDX-134 Simple Motherboard for 4 each Gecko G201X, G210X, G203V, or G213V Stepper Drivers: PMDX-133 Simple Motherboard for 3 axes (or 6 with 2 boards) Gecko G201X, G210X, G203V, or G213V Drivers: PMDX-126 Multi-Mode Breakout Board with support for extra I/O and SmoothStepper Upgrade of PMDX-125, adds PNP sensor support, PMDX-424 SmartBOB-USB. Lastly, be sure no signal wires run parallel to any power carrying wires. 6 Initial Power on). PMDX-126 Multi-Mode Breakout Board. I got the Mach 4 software installed, installed the PMDX Smart-Bob USB Plug-in, I got all the way to section 2. May 29, 2021 · Device: PMDX-424 [Rev D PCB] on COM3 Serial Number: SN39547 (D1 ) Plug-in Version: 0. Regarding resolution, you should keep in mind that micro-stepping does not achieve full torque exactly at the desired location and you may have trade offs between resolution and torque at rest. Sep 11, 2019 · First things first - starting with nothing plugged into the PMDX-424 (no USB, no AC power), apply AC power. On the machine diagnostics I see the probe signal working just fine but when I go to use it I periodically (more often that not) get a message saying "Can't transition from MDI RUNNING to STOP". Is this circuit failure common on the 424? I don't want to get another 424 if there is a good chance I will have this problem again. These translate the step and direction signals from the PMDX-424 to drive the motor windings. Jun 3, 2022 · I have a new Mach4 install and a scratch build CNC using PMDX-424 controller. 38. Most of the changes were minor punctuation or re-wording. Plug-in configuration option to disable the PMDX-424's Motor3A and Motor3B step signals. 208 Any info you can provide would be much appreciated. Stepper motor drivers, one for each motor. 263 PMDX Bootloader: 1. The 424 has an isolated USB interface, which *should* make the USB less susceptible to electrical noise, unless you have wiring somewhere that connects various grounds (the PC's ground and either of the 424's isolated grounds) which then defeats the benefit of the isolated USB. Hello, my company bought an PMDX-424 because we have an YCM-40 cnc miller, I do everything that says quick start manual but when I try to do the step 2. 263 Bootloader Version: 1. 1) Motion controller inside the shell of a male DB-25 plug that connects directly to the female DB-25 on a PMDX-340, the Geckodrive G540, and many breakout boards including the PMDX-126. Started by tdfirearms. PMDX-411 SmartBOB-USB. My motors are 8 wire unipolar that are wired as 4 wire bipolar. Mach4: Hobby 4. 8) The PMDX-422 will work the PMDX-126 breakout board running in Expanded Input mode to allow 10 inputs including emergency stop from the PMDX-126 and also the 3 extra inputs on the PMDX-422, giving a total of 13 inputs when used with a PMDX-126 in Expanded Input mode. The safety ground from the mains does not connect to the PMDX-424 since it is fully isolated and does not have a metal enclosure. I’ve gone through an extensive troubleshooting exercise and found the following. When a different PMDX-424 SmartBOB-USB. yymb zqwfxu ryy zqmuk rjglqvtx jknc iyey szbckc ettkbbzx kzfa kzolk mwzl hvlklxi npugap nsdhhy