Ne602 vs sa602 04V就可能使NE602进入非线性区。 1. 但是,最近安装了一用ne602做接收的电路,效果实在出乎意外,电路非常简单,只是比一般的应用电路增加几个元件,在干扰 Jan 11, 2007 · Hi I need help with a SA602 design that should become a TX mixer in the end, however I'm stuck already with the oscillator. : 1367795; Manufacturer: Major Brands; Manufacturer p/n: SA602AN; HTS code Jul 5, 2012 · The oscillator section of an NE602 is just a single transistor with DC bias arrangement. This document discusses four high sensitivity receiver circuits that use intermediate frequencies of 10. by Glen Leinweber VE3DNL. I want them for TINA. Nov 28, 2021 · I built a 40 meter SSB transceiver with NE602s on either end of the crystal filter. The NE602 is not good at all for receivers, those mixer ICs only work well under circumstances where the amplitudes are known. 2015 Mit dem beliebten Mischerbaustein SA612 (oder SA602, NE612, NE602), der aus einer Gilbertzelle besteht, lässt sich ein Modulator für DSB (Zweiseitenb Feb 10, 2023 · I tried all the usual suspects: NE602, SA602, NE602 & SA612. There is a Zener diode providing a 5 Volt supply to the SA602 chip. 35 mhz (20m amateur band) Nov 28, 2021 · I built a 40 meter SSB transceiver with NE602s on either end of the crystal filter. Apr 25, 2023 · But for most of the last four decades NE602 = NE612 = SA602 = SA612. AN1982 All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers Dec 6, 2010 · NE602 / NE612 / SA 602 / SA 612 kanst du bedenkenlos untereinander tauschen. There will be some LO leakage, even though it's double balanced. 5 Volts peak-to-peak and 2 Volts peak-to-peak. The oscillator. ne602 ne612 sa602 sa612 这些型号全部停产了, Welcome to Reddit's own amateur (ham) radio club. Do they exist? Jan 1, 2007 · sa602 sa612 What's the difference between Philips SA602 and SA612. Aug 7, 2009 · 请注意看q1071(sa602),虚线表示的是发射流程,实线表示接收流程。 在方框图上可以清楚的看出ne602在这里既做ssb解调,同时还担负着ssb调制的工作。 本主题包含附件,请 登录 后查看, 或者 注册 成为会员 Dec 22, 2007 · Anyone know of a replacement for the venerable SA602 oscillator/mixer that'll work down to 3. Page: 12 Pages. Der NE602 im DiL8-Gehäuse mit nach oben gebogenen Beinchen in einer mit der Manhattan-Style-Technik aufgebauten Schaltung. Nada! I was so desperate to search "rf mixer ic" in case of psudonames. But for most of the last four decades NE602 = NE612 = SA602 = SA612. Description: Double-balanced mixer and oscillator. and con operate at up to 500 MHz. 03. Although it is certainly not exhaustive, all the "NE" parts still in my parts drawer have Signetics logos (no 602's tho - 604/605/614/615 all my 602/612's are SA). This was redesignated the NE612, and was intended to replace the NE602. Perhaps Elecraft had a lot left over from KX1 days. pdf 1. If you are wondering what Amateur Radio is about, it's basically a two way radio service where licensed operators throughout the world experiment and communicate with each other on frequencies reserved for license holders. I built a CW receiver using NE602 for the 20m band. As for colpits, check the datasheet for the NE602. The internal oscillator circuit provides· an emitter Nov 11, 2017 · The main reason the QCX receiver sounds so good is because it does NOT use an SA602! The Quadrature Sampling Detector (QSD, a. If you find a datasheet with the equivalent circuit of the device, you'll see that most of the published NE602 projects boil down to well-known oscillator circuits with names from SA602 NXP USA Inc. The demodulator works well with frequencies between about 420 KHz to 500 KHz. ne602 ne612 sa602 sa612 这些型号全部停产了, Jan 11, 2023 · 淘宝成千上万的货,ne602 ne612 sa602 sa612,我桌子底下还有3盘 6k. Take care NOT to apply 12 Volts DC power to the mixer chip. ところで、同じピン配置でsa602,ne602,ne612がある。 気になって調べてみたらどれも同じらしい。 SA602 と SA612 のデータシートを見ると、違いはSA602にはNF=5dB@45MHzが規定されていて、SA612にはNFの規定はない。 SA602, SA612 Mixer This side will present some of my ongoing 612 project. 8µF 100nF 5. It can be assembled on a breadboard and calibrated using a signal generator or local radio stations. I've only made one SA602 receiver. I power the NE602 with an 8 volt regulator from W8NSA -- thanks Jim. Sep 6, 2021 · A very simple, but effective proximity AM transmitter for playing those oldies on your vintage radios or other An adjustable Colpitts oscillator circuit u Jan 6, 2024 · 琼斯 vs 吉尔伯特 现在我们有了第一幅图(ne602)中的电路,它是由琼斯发明的,但被称为“吉尔伯特单元”,以及第四幅图(ad534)中吉尔伯特发明的电路,但它实际上并没有任何意义。姓名。电路看起来很相似,所以混乱是可以理解的。 Diode ring, just like the linked article. 8 V or 8. But it can be adapted for use in almost any rig that produces its modulation (be at AM or SSB) at an intermediate frequency, that is then mixed to the desired output frequency and amplified in linear fashion. No tune FM demodulator using an NE602 or any of its derivatives like the NE612, SA602, and SA612. I know the SA602/612 is quite an old chip now though, so I'm also very open to recommendations for any modern equivalents, again ideally in a DIP package. The SW-40+ radio employs three of these chips: one to heterodyne the incoming small-signal (7MHz. A little later, the wafer was redesigned a bit to allow the internal oscillator to operate to 200MHz and the RF to 500MHz. 在ne602变频之后,输出的信号为什么没有检波电路?难道已经在ic中检波了? Apr 29, 2022 · 10 Pcs NE602A SA602A NE602 SA602 SOP-8 . 18dB of gain is very little to expect signals to show up on the scope. The guaranteed parameters of the SA602 make this . The two transistor RF amplifier increases the sensitivity and prevents also that Local Oscillator signals from the mixer are leaking to the antenna input. A különbséget az elnevezések között nem a gyártó, hanem a specifikáció terén kell keresni: míg az SA jelzésű -40 és +85, míg az NE jellel ellátott félvezető 0 és +70 Celsius-fok között ígér biztos üzemet. SA602, SA612 Mixer This side will present some of my ongoing 612 project. The circuit covers 550-1650 kHz and employs four tuned circuits. From what I understand the main difference between NE and SA is that SA has extended temperature range (primarily made for military use I guess). Unfortunately, I do not receive any CW or SSB signals, only some noise and sometimes broadcast stations. NE602 from Signetics. Noise Figure . The mixer is a well known NE612 (or NE602, SA602, SA612). Thanks! Philips Semiconductors Product specification Double-balanced mixer and oscillator SA602A 1997 Nov 07 2 853-1424 18662 DESCRIPTION The SA602A is a low-power VHF monolithic double-balanced mixer Mar 1, 2022 · 文章先是说ne602被广泛应用在各种业余接收机中,然后指出ne602的缺点:输入动态范围小。 紧接着作者计算出0. , the SA607) that work that low, but at the moment I'm just after a mixer and oscillator and wouldn't need the other goodies in an SA607. a. 6pF NE602 THIRD OVERTONE CRYSTAL OUTPUT SR00815 Figure 3. The NE602 device is a monolithic integrated circuit containing a dou­ ble-balanced mixer (DBM) and on in­ ternal oscillator circuit. The procedure involves adjusting the oscillator coil and other components to receive Oct 15, 2022 · 最后思考了一下,ne602给的原理图只是示意图,并不是实际电路。测量一下ne602各个引脚,发现有直流电压。所以好多偏置电路都没画。在外接电感或者信号源时,要考虑这些直流分量,加直流电容隔直。 其实这个挺简单的,但是大家好像都不说。 Wees de eerste om “NE602, NE612, SA602, SA612” te beoordelen Reactie annuleren. However, customers kept ordering the NE602, getting The IC belongs to a family of the following ICs: NE602, SA602, NE612 and SA612. May 15, 2017 · 其中,ne602的工作温度0~+70℃,sa602的工作温度扩展到-40~+85℃。最常用的是是8脚小型双列直插式封装的ne602n。 由于ne602采用双平衡混频器并具有振荡器,故用作超外差式接收机的前端电路,不仅使用方便而且具有很好的信噪比和三阶互调指标。 NE602 App Note - Free download as PDF File (. 35 mhz (20m amateur band) Mar 8, 2013 · Im doing my engineering undergrad course and my final year project require to construct a a colpitts oscillator LC tank circuit in a bread board which will have a drop in frequency value as varying the inductor( the inductor am using now is fixed but will be replaced by a variable coil after making the circuit work) , one way of doing so is to Sep 30, 2014 · Сравнивал ПС1 и sa602, так как sa612,ne612 и ne602 показали одинаковый между собой результат, и он был заметно хуже sa602. It is widely used in amateur radio applications, [ 2 ] e. It is intended for low cost, low-power communication Mar 19, 2012 · The original NE602 was designed/manufactured by SIGNETICS for the 45MHz FM wireless telephone market. May 12, 2022 · 而今天所要说的,是射频领域的“万能芯片”:ne602双平衡混频器,也包括它的姊妹型号ne612、sa602、sa612。我第一次见到这颗芯片是在“蛙鸣”短波电台中,之后在矿石收音机论坛和各种业余无线电的diy书籍中也频频见到它的身影,当然,这都是高中时(2018年 Jul 16, 2022 · [2] re: ne602, sa602, sa612 da elfo » 16 lug 2022, 19:25 This long story will prove that NE602 = SA602 = NE612 = SA612 (for those of you who don't want the gory details -hi) The original NE602 was designed/manufactured by SIGNETICS for the 45MHz FM wireless telephone market. It is intended for high-performance, low-power communication systems. sep. Nachdem bei einem Großbrand in der Fabrik alle Wafer für NE Chips beschädigt wurden, gab es für einige Zeit große Probleme überhaupt an die ICs heran zu kommen, irgendwann wurden dann die SA Typen frei gegebem. This is the Circuit: 29. Adetli alımlarınız için lürfen bizi arayınız. The DBM operates to 500 MHz, while the internal oscillator works to 200 MHz. Cellular Radio Application NOTES: * Permits impedance match of NE602 output, i. The primary uses of the NE602/SA602 are in HF and VHF receivers, frequency converters and frequency 其中,ne602的工作温度0~+70℃,sa602的工作温度扩展到-40~+85℃。 最常用的是是8脚小型双列直插式封装的ne602n。 由于ne602采用双平衡混频器并具有振荡器,故用作超外差式接收机的前端电路,不仅使用方便而且具有很好的信噪比和三阶互调指标。 Sep 13, 2016 · 其中, ne602 的工作温度 0~+70℃, sa602 的工作温度扩展到-40~+85℃。 最常用的是是 8 脚小型双列直插式封装的 ne602n。 由于 ne602 采用双平衡混频器并具有振荡器, 故用作超外差式接收机的前端电路, 不仅使用方便而且具有很好的信噪比和三阶互调指标。 Jan 8, 2017 · Tom Hall AK2B up in New York helped me get the Si5351 VFO and BFO going -- thanks Tom. Apr 21, 2012 · The original NE602 was designed/manufactured by SIGNETICS for the 45MHz FM wireless telephone market. , in 90% of cases one or more NE602 mixers will be found in the transceivers. Look at the NE602 datasheet though. References SA602 Original: microsin. A future evaluation will be to switch between the LC VFO and the Si5351. I started with a superhet receiver using an NE602 as the mixer and another as the product detector. Dec 6, 2024 · 1、本振用si5351,看了一些本振用5351的电路,都是用SA602,或者NE602,不过发现这个芯片除了说动态小之外,还非常贵。2、选5351的另外好处是,好多开源的VFO可以用。看 模拟开关混频有啥优缺点啊 ,矿石收音机论坛 The SA602A is a low-power VHF monolithic double-balanced mixer with input amplifier, on-board oscillator, and voltage regulator. 1V的输入就能使602进入非线性区。 然后作者分析了一个接收机的前级,发现由于LC谐振电路的作用,天线仅需0. Modern production by NXP was branded with the SA prefix. RF Mixers parts available at DigiKey. Sep 9, 2015 · The upper photo shows the Simpleceiver with the NE602 Oscillator and the lower one with the VFO. 25mA typical bias current, 200MHZ oscillation can be achieved with high Q and appropriate feedback. 简单来说这个电路可以解调对讲机的窄带FM信号。鉴频灵敏度13mV/kHz电路适用于420-500kHz中频,输入电平0. 2 V zener diode. However, customers kept ordering the NE602, getting Jan 27, 2014 · There are four different versions of this chip NE602, NE612, SA602 and SA612. The DBM operates to 500MHz, while the internal oscillator works to 200MHz. 其中,ne602的工作温度0~+70℃,sa602的工作温度扩展到-40~+85℃。最常用的是是8脚小型双列直插式封装的ne602n。 The SA/NE602 is a low-power VHF monolithic double-balanced mixer with input amplifier, on-board oscillator, and voltage regulator. 04V就可能使NE602进入非线性区。 Mar 1, 2022 · 文章先是说ne602被广泛应用在各种业余接收机中,然后指出ne602的缺点:输入动态范围小。 紧接着作者计算出0. 8. It is intended for high performance, low powercommunication systems. My SST QRP CW transceiver is made with NE602s. Applying the oscillator of the NE602 in low-power mixer applications December 1991 2 Author: Donald Anderson INTRODUCTION For the designer of low power RF systems, the Philips Semiconductors NE602 mixer/os-cillator provides mixer operation beyond 500MHz, a versatile oscillator capable of op - eration to 200MHz, and conversion gain, with The Signetics (philips Components) NE602/SA602 is a monolithic integrated circuit containing a double balanced mixer (DBM), an oscillator, and an internal voltage regulator in a single eight-pin package. SA602/NE60. The input 3. Brand: iProEparts. 5 to 1. This document describes the construction and calibration of an AM radio receiver circuit using the NE602 balanced mixer integrated circuit. 5. Years ago, I built a DSB transceiver with several NE602s. With 0. No amplification or buffering is required. For normal indoor hobby projects NE are most likely sufficient. More applications in there. There was never much difference 602 vs 612 in the first place and it evaporated long ago and NE -> SA is merely a corporate nomenclature issue. in the commercial Elecraft products, and others. vs supply Voltage 0 10 70 TEMPERATURE 10. Oct 4, 2008 · ne602 不仅输出端不会把高振幅的本地振荡讯号外泄,而且,其输出讯号还可以直接 推动后面的线路,也不会有超载之处。对于一个没有任何外加射频放大器牵涉在内。 以 ne602 为主的线路而言,能有如此高的灵敏度,的确真叫人吃惊。 • SA602 replaced with SA602A 1. Each circuit uses a low-power VHF mixer and high-performance low-power IF strip. zip. Analog Devices heeft nog wat dingen in be The audio level into the SA602 mixer should be about 200 mV. gibt es mehr Informationen, die ich im Internet direkt über Suchmaschinen gefunden habe. 5k IC SA602 Double-Balanced Mixer and Oscillator DIP 8-pin. HOWEVER, Phillips lists no NE parts under their RF parts, nor as parts "similar to" the SA602. com Jan 27, 2014 · There are four different versions of this chip NE602, NE612, SA602 and SA612. net SA602 (и его аналоги NE602, NE612, SA612A) это маломощный VHF двойной балансный смеситель с входным усилителем, встроенным генератором и регулятором напряжения. txt) or read online for free. k. It is intended for high performance, low power communication systems. I need a 10. . The rest of the oscillator has to be built out of off-chip components. 7MHz or greater. The tuning voltage is stabilized by 4 LEDs but of course you can also use a 6. NE602/SA602 is a monolithic integrated circuit containing a double balanced mixer (DBM), an oscillator and an internal voltage regulator in a single eight-pin package. 5µH 0. The Jan 11, 2023 · 淘宝成千上万的货,ne602 ne612 sa602 sa612,我桌子底下还有3盘 6k. Thanks,---Joel. 209 to 0. Manufacturer: NXP Semiconductors. Download the Datasheet SA612. 1 of 1. The SA602 is a low-power VHFmonolithic double balanced mixer with input amplifier, on-board oscillator, and voltage regulator. The DBM hos balanced inputs (pins 1 and 2). S9 is -73dBm. Joined Mar 15, 2013 Messages 87 NE602 NE612 SA602A SA612A Balanced RF Amplifier and Oscillator The SA612A is a low-power VHF monolithic double-balanced mixer with on-board oscillator and voltage An NE602 Balanced Modulator T he above circuit was developed by Bill, W3DUQ and Tom, K1JJ for use in the Yaesu FT-102. 3µH 1nF 10nF INPUT 47pF 44. ne602=sa602. General description The SA612A is a low-power VHF monolithic double-balanced mixer with on-board oscillator and voltage regulator. I've already had a look at RS, CPC, Farnell and Mouser, with none of them doing a DIP version of the chip if they even do any at all. 5-2Vpp。改变L1 BD6CR: 2002-12-03 14:57: NE602,SA602,NE602A,NE612之比较 经过看书,得出的结论如下: 602比612的变频增益高4db。 sa602比ne602温度范围宽很多。 Applying the oscillator of the NE602 in low-power mixer applications 1991 Dec 153 1234 8765 VCC 6. Download. The schematic here shows the circuit that I built. Jul 17, 2018 · Hi! I am trying to find spice model for the NE602 mixer or the SA602 or the SA612 I have done a search on the web with no success finding any models. 0 19971023 Application note; initial release. Preamplifier ところで、同じピン配置でsa602,ne602,ne612がある。 気になって調べてみたらどれも同じらしい。 SA602 と SA612 のデータシートを見ると、違いはSA602にはNF=5dB@45MHzが規定されていて、SA612にはNFの規定はない。 Part #: SA602. They are 100% compatible in RF applications like mixers, oscilators and so on? Regards, Fernando . File Size: 110Kbytes. 19:この設計は、agc制御の予備計算実験であるため、電圧制御によるsa612/ne612, sa602/ne602の利得制御をトランジスタによる電圧制御を予備テストしており、フィードバック制御回路は入っていないのでご注意願います。 Apr 15, 2017 · About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Dec 28, 2011 · For SSB, use another sa602(IC2) with the input coming from a cascade MC1350 9Mhz if amp with agc, and feeding the BFO Osc (8. Jan 27, 2014 · There are four different versions of this chip NE602, NE612, SA602 and SA612. Наличност на склад NE602 App Note - Free download as PDF File (. Currently unavailable. 3V? I know that NXP has complete FM IF subsystems (e. g. Feb 18, 2002 · What is the 602 mixer? Philips describe their NE602 mixer (SA602A) circuit as "a low-power VHF monolithic double-balanced mixer with input amplifier, on-board oscillator, and voltage regulator. The cool part of the gilbert cell ne602 series (and similar) is its one chip with an oscillator and a mixer and the performance is barely good enough for 1980s analog cordless phones at 49 mhz with small antennas over a short range. gbugh Member level 5. 0 5. Mainly in the amateur radio side of things. 0 out of 5 stars 1 rating | Search this page . But it wouldn't surprise me to see it show up on the output. I don't have enough hands on experience with SA602 to say how much, or whether -47dBm is a lot. The required input level is between 0. Jun 2, 2022 · Az első SA/NE602-ket a Signetics kezdte gyártani a nyolcvanas évek első felében. Feb 19, 2014 · Habe einen NE602 für den LC-Oszillator verwendet (Pin 6 und 7). It's a hit or miss with the older DIP packages, I found some of them to be DOI already, and some of them are counterfeit. 0015Mhz) into pin 6, and hoping that SSB Audio will come out of pin 4. Still nada! Some say differently as to them all being the same, even though the wafer went from 45MHz for the 602 to 200MHz for the 612. Wanneer is de 1496 aan de beurt. Het vervelende is dat er nog wel actieve mixers zijn, maar dat zijn doorgaans GHz dingen in voor hobbyisten niet zo leuke behuizingen. Сравнивал ПС1 и sa602, так как sa612,ne612 и ne602 показали одинаковый между собой результат, и он был заметно хуже sa602. This would cause a lot of hum. I haven't used that part for a very long time but the local osc if based on an xtal just requires a couple of NP0 ceramic discs. Gerelateerde producten Feb 23, 2020 · When we examine homemade QRP radios published on the internet e. What is wrong in the oscillator and input stages of ic that can not focused on 14 - 14. One real advantage of the NE612 family is that only a few external components are required for building up a relatively acceptable working rf mixer. pdf), Text File (. Then there is the 602 vs 612 question. Mar 15, 2013 · SA602 can be used as DSB modulator, but cannot provide the same carrier rejection as MC1496. If you find a datasheet with the equivalent circuit of the device, you'll see that most of the published NE602 projects boil down to well-known oscillator circuits with names from IC SA602 Double-Balanced Mixer and Oscillator DIP 8-pin. Unfortunately some well respected members of the homebrew Illuminati community have panned the Si5351 claiming that such devices when used in home brew radios are totally 最近想做一个接收信号频率为108-130mhz左右,am制式的接收机,在查阅资料后,发现用ne602的效果好,而且制作稍微简单,于是我找到了一幅电路图。但是我对这个电路有几点疑问。 1. Tayloe detector) has excellent IP3/Dynamic Range/Strong signal handling performance. Preamplifier Apr 25, 2023 · And I didn't see anything about it having been discontinued or obsoleted. View larger image. Then, over the holidays I decided to build a rig of some sort around the Si5351. Начало / ИНТЕГРАЛНИ СХЕМИ / ИС tv АУДИО ВИДЕО / ne602=sa602. (0216) 338 9631 info@ersinelektronik. Jameco Part no. Jun 9, 2013 #3 G. ) All those things can be made using a ring mixer, balanced or unbalanced, or a mixer IC. : 1. Je moet ingelogd zijn om een beoordeling te plaatsen. Nov 30, 2023 · The Elecraft KH1 transceiver appears to be an NE602-based superhet and includes two NE602 that appear to be older stock. Mar 6, 2013 · Dit is best jammer (zachtjes uitgedrukt). Conversion Gain vs Supply Voltage 0 0 10 TEMPERATURE Figure 11. Is this the right way to use the SA602 chip ?? Thanks for any help Hamopp. Макет состоял из собственно смесителей симметрично нагруженных на ЭМФ. The local oscillator signal between 20 and 50 Hz should also be at about 200 mV. Überhaupt findet man jede Menge Anregungen mit den Suchbegriffen NE602, NE612, SA612 oder SA602. Код: 14521. I know that's the 602 and you were asking about 612. SE612 Integrated-Circuit Double-balanced Mixer. Nov 17, 2002 · The NE602 is fabricated with a 6GHZ process, but the emitter resistor from Pin 7 to ground is nominally 20k. 2. Third—Order Intercept Point Figure 9. 9MHz 220pF 0. Explica las características clave del NE602 y cómo se puede utilizar para aplicaciones como mezcladores, convertidores de frecuencia, demoduladores AM y moduladores AM. e. , NE602 ( LM602 ) ( SA602 ) Double-balanced mixer and oscillator (SSB Verici ve alıcılar için balans modülatör ve Mikser) ve tüm diğer elektronik ürünlerimiz için değiştirme garantisi vermekteyiz. The low loss gives excellent sensitivity and the IP3 stops cross-modulation products increasing the noise floor! Nov 30, 2023 · The Elecraft KH1 transceiver appears to be an NE602-based superhet and includes two NE602 that appear to be older stock. 7 MHz oscillator and want it to be the basic colpitts topology with the crystal on pin 6 to ground, C1 between pins 6 and 7 and C2 on pin 7 to ground. number. Ich hoffe dabei, dass der eine NE602 den anderen NE602 nicht am Oszillatorsignal-Eingang übersteuert 摘要: ne602/sa602是性能好,用途广,接法灵活多变的通用振荡/混频器ic,在许多高频接收机和高频测量仪器中经常看到它的踪影 其中,ne602 的工作温度 0~+70℃,sa602 的工作温度扩展到-40~+85℃。最 常用的是是 8 脚小型双列直插式封装的 ne602n。 由于 ne602 采用双平衡混频器并具有振荡器,故用作超外差式接收机的前端电路,不仅使用方便而且具有很好的 信噪比和三阶互调指标。 2020. 283µH 100nF 22pF 5. Nov 23, 2023 · NE602 PDF. I have on my bookshelf Rutledge's book "The Electronics of Radio" that is all about the NORCAL 40 transceiver, built using NE602 chips. g. Jan 5, 2008 · 那位兄弟详细研究过ne602 ne612 sa602 sa612的区别没有? 这四种型号PHILIPS公司都生产..有什么区别呢? 而且每种型号还有多种不同后缀..又有什么区别呢? Este documento proporciona una descripción general del módulo mezclador NE602 y presenta 8 circuitos de ejemplo que utilizan este dispositivo. SA war ursprünglich die MIL Version. Das läuft so weit stabil. 985Mhz and 9. Der Ausgang von diesem NE602 (Pin 4) soll nun in einen zweiten NE602, der als Mischer fungiert, eingespeist werden. And it occurred to me that I have gotten NE602's long after the SA parts appeared. bal­ anced outputs (pins 4 and 5). wrmcl cyrdp hncvr zaqe ukjnybqq qdhee sbi xnhby ijbbjk ytselbsm mwkgxw cqwrkr wqkqamgq gpy kmfd