Iracing low fps. It was causing the fps in obs and in iracing to drop.
Iracing low fps Upgrades to 32gb of ram and 100% fixed the issue. -Using a pretty solid PC, 5700xt, 3600x would be nice to have 1% Low and 0. Welcome to the Unofficial iRacing Reddit Community. com/app/answers/detail/a_id/5157 and download "mpo_disable. Others swear they can’t use anything below 144. As mentioned have had a great / stable performance until recently. Jan 18, 2023 路 So many sim racers spend ages getting their rig setup just right, only to completely neglect the look, and frame rate (FPS) performance of the graphics in-game. There's a big thread about it in the iracing forums, but it's mostly full of 12-year-olds arguing about tree graphics. This has cured the drops on entry of Casanova, f. 4GHz all core OC, 16gb 3200mhz ram with XMP, 3440x1440 144hz monitor and windows 10. iRacing's graphics auto-config detects Class 4 settings and also creates a 1024x768 window on first start after applying the auto-config settings AC, ACC, AMS2, rFactor 2 (and most other games) run on 144fps with ultra settings This sub is dedicated to discussion and questions about Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs): "an industrial digital computer that has been ruggedized and adapted for the control of manufacturing processes, such as assembly lines, robotic devices, or any activity that requires high reliability, ease of programming, and process fault diagnosis. Jan 9, 2024 路 Use any 'debug' modes (example: Debug Mode on in the NVidia Control Panel) to reset GPU. means that iRacing would continuously add detail to bring the fps back down to your target. Hoping someone can point me in the right direction. My settings are on max FPS and i have my graphics settings looking like some childs roblox game to try and fix it 馃ぃ. I was running stable 90-100 FPS before the updates, after the updates it dropped as low as 50 FPS. Below you will find tips to: Apr 5, 2024 路 Multiplane Overlay (MPO) is a power saving feature that can increase single screen performance, but is known to cause flickering and stuttering issues when used with G-SYNC. Keep in mind this is mainly texture stuff and Low FPS in Replay Hi, I've recently started getting loads of lag in the replay, like 20fps bad, even though I can sit on 84fps locked at max settings. For people in need of a frame rate boost (more frames per second, or "FPS"), iRacing has recommended setting the "Crowd Detail" on " Wed, Sep 13, 2017 at 12:01 PM Graphics performance can affect your performance on-track Nov 5, 2020 路 The “ FPS ” indication at the top of the display is a numerical value that represents your frame rate in Frames Per Second (FPS), which is a reflection of your graphical performance. 4x AA, sharpening. Im running a 3080, 3900x 4. 4x your monitor’s refresh, approximately. Other than that, as already mentioned, that seems about right for triple 1440 on a 3070. When I cap my FPS with the in game limiter it somehow caps the FPS to 96. An RX6400 will be miiiiles better. I saw a streamer who went from using a single monitor getting like 90 FPS to using triples at 30 FPS and he was horrible. . I’d expect to see 99% GPU utilisation accompanied by low FPS. d) Try and run the SIM with minimum graphics settings. However, my fps is around 17-20. Therefore, that 100 is not actually lowest that your fps plummeted to and rather the average value in that time window. I have ordered more RAM. Hi, my laptop has an intel i7 cpu and the geforce 2060 as the gpu, my ram is 32gb. Full screen with Kapps worked best, but still made it feel jittery. . weird question but, if iracing is a sim, then whats the weight and height of the default driver we all use in every car? there must be a baseline yea? upvotes · comments r/pcmasterrace However my CPU is only at 36% (highest individual core is around 50%) and the GPU is at 47% both with very low temps. FPS is capped at and largely stays at 130 with GPU usage from ~75% to 95%+ in race depending on car/track combo. Now it is running at 35-50 FPS with G Bar full red and R bar shows Gray with littlle purple on end of it. Now, depending on the series, it goes to 110fps the lowest, but maybe your CPU is better and can handle it. Running iRacing on 85% resolution, HDR on, grandstands / crowd low, rest high, foliage off. 2: For most people wear isn't going to be an issue, iRacing is heavily CPU limited. I bought the 4070 as I believe Nvidia is the way forward for iracing and vr. This will drop it and increase back to normal as required. So I know there have been FPS issues since the update. I’d think you’d be doing pretty well after all of that. When I’m not streaming and tried to recreate the same race conditions using AI, the lowest the fps got to was 57 at the start and it averaged over the race start and 3 laps at around 73ish When I stream the R bar goes red at certain times and that’s when the FPS stays in the 40s Feb 26, 2023 路 Starten Sie iRacing neu, um zu sehen, ob es eine FPS-Verbesserung gibt. Higher refresh rate monitors should be limited to the refresh rate of the monitor. 4 vega 56 oc to 1667 32 GB Ram i could run triples in 1440 with most settings on So it’s capping at 60 because that’s your monitors cap. Make it +/- med, apply to cars only, World Off. New to VR and I have a decent rig… 8700k oc to 4. OP what does your FPS normally range at? The one way around the FPS drop i found is to turn off v-sync, and turn on an FPS limit slightly above my monitor max refresh. I used to get 90 fps with low/medium settings. Low G, turn up shadows and post processing. Render and graphics bars are red during low fps and then they will randomly go back down and the sim runs fine. Now FPS is struggling to get above 55-60 and Task Manager is showing GPU at around 65-70%. To make sure the driver was not the problem, I ran a 3DMark benchmark and it came out all right, it showed slightly below average performance compared to equal setups, so nothing major is wrong with the GPU or drivers. Then I joined a qualifying session and noticed my FPS dropped down to 20. Hiding the overlay makes it shoot up to 140 again. Heat Haze is personal preference, but personally I think it looks 'cheap' and not worth the FPS impact. In contrast to what others have said: I have iRacing running on a GT1030, and I get 60+ fps MOST of the time on 1080p/low. This resets everything but you can copy the stuff you want to keep (like replays and setups) into the new folder. Nov 3, 2021 路 Hallo zusammen, ich habe jüngst iRacing mal wieder ausgegraben und wundere mich über sehr niedrige FPS, obwohl ich potente Hardware habe. practicing IR-04 racing against AI as i'm brand new to the car and most of the tracks, however i've noticed my FPS went from 150+ during online practice races to solid 30, none of my settings have changed(yes all caps are off), and after messing around with the settings I cant seem to find the issue. I'm not sure what caused it, just ended up trying to rejoin the race asap. Run by Fans of the Worlds Leading Motorsport Simulation Game. Like if one section your computer could run at 170 fps it would theoretically add detail to bring the fps back to 120. My graphics thread typically sits well below the render thread, and my actual GPU usage is at most around 75-80% in high framerate situations. When i launch via Oculus runtime, performance goes back to normal and a healthy 85-90 FPS. He would’ve been better off just using the single. In replays I go into cockpit mode and it stays 72 FPS. At least it becomes usable. Hello everyone, I have an issue on windowed mode, when I'm not focused on the window I have 200+FPS, when I focus the window back I only have 60 Fps. I tolerated it for a while but cannot any longer. Not sure what to try to fix it, have tried running the Graphics Config again. I get about 55 FPS sitting on pit road at Daytona with a lot of my graphics set to low and most of the heavier graphical settings checked to off (including the dreaded cube maps). You don't need the post processing FXAA or SMAA, but FXAA is 'ok' if you like a 'softer' look to iRacing. Hopefully there's a fix in the near future. Full Screen) f) Edit the app. What I’m saying is. I don’t seem to be sensitive personally so I can run down as low as 80 and not see much of a difference between that and 144. (FIRST PIC FOR ATTENTION) CPU - ryzen 7 5800x3d GPU - rx 6900xt I’m getting really low CPU & GPU usage in iRacing , especially during 20+ car race starts where my FPS drops to 60-70 with the “R” & “G” bars in the meter box peaking. Test for yourself and see how you like different levels if you have the horsepower to do so. Also to get alot more fps, i recommend getting the graphics settings mod, it adds alot more settings to tweak, the biggest one imo is the fog settings, there is volumetric fog everywhere in this game, and lowering the couple of settings involved with it with drastically improve fps, i have a 3080ti and play at 4k can confirm it makes a huge Hey all, I just got a new triple monitor setup, and I'm struggling to figure out my low FPS issues. CPU isn’t causing any bottlenecks either. I have formatted, I even changed my video card 1070 (it was also low fps) I tried many video configurations and I can't solve it either, I only have to think about the ram memory. Set the fps to whatever you are targeting not the default 60 otherwise it won't do anything until your fps drops below 60 which defeats the purpose. Anything AMD GPU sucks in iRacing. However, after some sort of update, either with graphics or maybe it was windows, now whenever I turn my headset on my sim runs at like 12 FPS for a solid 5 minutes and then just goes back to normal without me changing anything. 0. file and the line “VisibilityFrameDelay=5”, when changing this to “0” we could eliminate some stutters and gaining some FPS especially when cornering at large Hi guys, I recently downloaded RaceLab (free version) as I wanted some better UI for iRacing. Try raising your dynamic LOD framerate target. , and anywhere else, but there is still visible stutter, ofc, as the FPS don't match the display refresh rate. FPS is a combo of graphics card + CPU. I am sure it is the overlay that causes the lag since as soon as I close RaceLab the input lag disappears. Does anyone have any idea why it would be limiting fps before it maxes out the GPU or CPU? Also not sure if this is related but when I put any meaningful over clock on the GPU it will eventually crash, but only in iRacing. Even with settings turned all the way down I’m only getting 60 fps. Meanwhile, I went from using an old 32 inch TV at 60 FPS to using a 30 inch monitor at 144 FPS and immediately noticed a difference. Any break, even small, that the process can grant your hardware has a fairly strong impact on temperatures and Aug 7, 2023 路 iRacing MErcedes F1 – Image Credit Steam Community Advice. I turned mirrors/virtual mirror off for driving and no fps gain, seems like driving is capped at 35. I tried re running the Iracing auto-configure but with even worst results. Its so bad i cant even drive and often when ive tried it i have literally 3 fps(no joke). 1%Low fps in built-in benchmark, may be by switching mode with pressing hotkey few times Locked post. There are more iRacing tweaks to do under the hood in the iRacing folder that are not related to any in-game graphics option and the first to try is in the iRacing rendererDX11ini. be/EKtJ9zPhBl4This video covers 2 very important parts for optimizing your iRacing graphics settings Apr 5, 2024 路 4. Shader on high. I dont have any other programs running, I dont have a high resolution on iracing and my slider is on max fps. Anyways I can have every single setting turned to the lowest or off and still have the exact same fps as I do with everything cranked to the max, however their is no clear difference in the display on the headset Different people have different sensitivities to fps. My game was running really well, and maybe a Windows Update or Game update has made it much worse a few months ago. I have adjust the slider on memory and adjusted the graphics on iracing and still no solve This totally makes sense. custhelp. Experimentieren Sie ruhig mit den Grafikoptionen in iRacing. Go to https://nvidia. You're basically telling iRacing to not reduce LODs if it's running at >60fps, increasing the target should in theory raise your minimum FPS because iRacing will lower detail in order to try to reach it. SSAO is not worth the very subtle differences that you have to really look hard for to identify. I was running at 142 FPS with zero issues. When asking a question or stating a problem, please add as much detail as possible. This wasn't the case before, I'm not sure what changed. It does not change if I lower the resolution or bandwidth. You monitor caps at 60 hz which means it cannot accept anything faster than 60fps. I disabled sysmain and that maybe solved the microstutters. 7x with 120Hz FOV tangent 0. You either want constant high fps with low graphics or to be were you are sitting atm with your settings. Nvidia provides registry files to disable and enable MPO. The encode fps somehow seems to be artificially capped at around 80 fps somehow. I’m finding that 16gb of ram is probably pushing it these days, unless you’re doing nothing else that consumes memory or turning a lot of the graphics down. Memory amount and speed is also a factor that could look like CPU performance problems. The difference is subtle, but like a FPS iRacing is very much about reaction times. For PC questions/assistance. I do have the latest windows and Nvidia Updates. It was the best and so enjoyable, but the recent update has halved my VR performance. Passen Sie die iRacing-Grafikeinstellungen an. Also, without showing your settings and resolution we can't help you much but you are Def cpu limited in triples or VR. g. I've only been getting 70 FPS now, and while it doesn't sound like much, it looks noticeably worse. I have 35 FPS when in test/races in VR mode while if I spectate(in the same instance of getting 35 FPS) it jumps to 72 FPS(capped for Oculus Quest). It will drop to 40FPS which is noticeable in gameplay. Sep 13, 2017 路 For people in need of a frame rate boost (more frames per second, or "FPS"), iRacing has recommended setting the "Crowd Detail" on "Low" in the in-game graphics options -- "High" detail just adds backsides to the people in the crowds, which is th It was causing the fps in obs and in iracing to drop. Not saying an upgrade wouldn't be worthwhile, but your spec should be fine if there are some settings you can live without e. GPU sits at 50% and CPU Iracing and low FPS - Rift S . This has less incurred delay than capping at 60 fps assuming your computer actually can maintain that fps easily, and reduces usage. Iracing is the only game where I’ve lost performance compared to my old GPU. It has been running great until recently 24 hours ago. I have big performance issues in iracing, even alone in a private server. I did a fresh install of iracing, disabled HAGS and disabled v-sync in nvidia control. I know Daytona is notoriously hard on fps but it's borderline undrivable dipping that low. If so, then set up an AI race, put the replay camera in the cockpit of one of the AI cars, pull up the iRacing FPS meter, and watch the R and G meters/values to see where you have capacity. Doing that tomorrow, hopefully it helps a bit. Mainly, I am suffering and my FPS is around 30 on race starts in IMSA, and usually hang around 50-70 during the race. C is CPU, G is graphics and R is rendering (combo of CPU and graphics) if I recall correctly. But instead, I get 30% utilisation and low FPS. Low R, turn up the stuff on the left. In the 2 screenshots you can see what I mean. The “ L ” portion is a bargraph that represents your latency of your connection, or the time delay for data transmitted between your PC and the iRacing So as I anticipated in one of my last post I upgraded from a 3080 to a rtx4090 but my FPS on iracing decreased. I just installed triple 1440's and a new GPU and I'm struggling to get even 40 fps at Daytona with every setting turned way down. 1. RTX 4070ti - Low FPS near other players/start of races I'm currently on a i5 12600k + 16gb ddr4 + RTX 4070ti. And/or in the Program Settings tab, choose iRacing Motorsport Simulator and turn off Vertical sync: Disable Multiplane Overlay. Even with an Nvidia GPU (3070 Ti and Quest 2 VR), I have to turn down the track objects, crowds, grandstands, and such down to Low for Mugello and Okayama. 2 In Oculus I use 1. But even when I have it disabled with the 1070ti, it only causes my FPS to lower by about 10-15 FPS, and that’s with my higher settings enabled. 5x, sometimes even 1. The one way around the FPS drop i found is to turn off v-sync, and turn on an FPS limit slightly above my monitor max refresh. It’s not the best but shouldn’t be an issue when I run iRacing. I don’t have an FPS limiter on. Thats very low. I am seeing issues with FPS drops on circuits like lime rock (between corners 1-2 amongst other areas) where my FPS drops a lot. Am I missing something? It happens in ACC too. No matter what I do in W11 the fps is like that, 30fps. Went back to having a steady 84 FPS until two days ago. On some tracks like RedBullRing my FPS goes down to maybe 70 on the main straight, but is between 100-120 everywhere else. ) with little improvement . VR might be a struggle but it'd be able to run a single monitor no problem whatsoever. Makes a huge difference in my opinion. I have tried both Kapps and RaceLabs window mode and full screen on Kapps. I'll get FPS drops with my frame times being in the 6-8ms range, shouldn't that be good for 125-166 FPS? Why can't I maintain 90 FPS without frametime spikes? I'm using fpsVR to monitor this. I tried tweaking all kinds of things (different levels of detail, different shadow maps, etc. The issue I'm having is that the overlay is causing some minor input lag to the sim. " EDIT 3: I have been racing Mount Panorama this week and finally got time to do a race, starting grid FPS used to be 50~ to 60 FPS now it's hovering around 100 FPS and the screen isn't tearing and randomly cutting out to white! I reinstalled iracing, GeForce experience, checked every setting in windows, in iracing, precision X1(for my EVGA 3080ti), I can't find what the issue may be. Once I open racelabs fps drops from 140 to 100-110 and during driving it gives me micro stutters. 87x0. e) Try running the SIM in Windows Mode (vs. Make sure you are dual channel and XMP is set right. Hey all. ini file NumSound Streams setting to 12 (the minimum) Feb 18, 2025 路 Are you experiencing stuttering and frame drops in iRacing? This article offers practical solutions to help you optimize your setup and minimize stuttering, ensuring smoother and more enjoyable races. I have a 3090, which usually allows me to do everything at 90Hz on my Pimax 8kx with pretty high graphics settings, but I too was having these issues at Hungaroring when I started driving it for the first time today in a test session. (Low fps at start than higher as the race goes on) What frustrates me / makes me laugh is that you can literally max this game out full everything and it still looks like something from 2011 and can’t even run decently on a 4090. Most notably, alt-tabbing off the game would shoot the GPU usage back up to 90%+, but then refocusing the game drops it back down to low numbers. The main issues I'm having are weird stuttering and low performance. Siehe Signatur Anbei aber nochmal meine Specs: Windows 11 34" Dell Monitor S3422DWG AMD Ryzen 7 3700X + Noctua NH-D14 (Gigabyte X570 Aorus Pro) 2x 16GB Sep 13, 2017 路 If it ever seems that your practice, test, Time Trial, and Qualifying goes better than your race, you might want to check your graphic options and make sure you don't have things turned up too high -- if you are experiencing lower framerates duri Mar 15, 2024 路 If I switch to 120hz, then I get 120app fps and constant 78,7 encode fps which results in extreme stuttering cause of the dropped frames. I can tell it's just not as smooth and it's quite bothersome. It will only apply to cars so the environment wont keep popping in. Now I get 45 fps even with the lowest settings which looks bad. Most tracks I get close to 120 at most times. The thread’s an interesting idea, but my experience has been that FPS can vary widely depending on the car and the track. Start with turning off Shaders and Shadows. Cubemaps are a performance killer. This is the part that puzzles me. Same setup but with a 1660 Ti was doing 75-120. The last stutter was hard to find but I found out that it was my desktop background changing that was causing the issue. But I think this is a bug in iRacing, because the hardware doesn’t seem to be stressed with cubes are enabled. As I can't stand changes on refresh rates while playing, I limited the fps on Nvidia Control Panel to 123fps and Samsung's refresh rate to 120hz. Picture looks pretty good (way sharper then Q2) and have 10-20% performance headroom. But I don’t think this works right and is the main reason most people suggest -only. and For PC questions/assistance. So I'm relatively new to iRacing, and while figuring out my settings i was noticing that my GPU usage would often start out at >90% (~200 fps) and then seemingly randomly drop down to <60% (~120 fps). My Dad has got his first rig but is having severe issues with low FPS, he averages around 10-20 FPS and honestly is unplayable. Abgesehen von den oben empfohlenen Methoden, Sie können auch versuchen, die iRacing-Grafik im Einstellungsbereich des Spiels anzupassen. co/3IDF24b Below, you ca From what I understand, FPS should always be at least 1000/frametime. Turn on the iRacing performance widget and see which bars are maxing out. Please devs fix it back to perform like previous Mar 5, 2024 路 If you need any help with this guide or with your PC in general, you can hit me up on Fiverr, and we can talk about it: https://fvrr. This fixed my issue 95% of the way. TLDR: Check your windows display settings because iRacing will sync up with it rather than what Nvidia says. You could also try to rename you iracing folder in documents and then run the game. The fps counter generally reports an average value within a certain window ( e. I have been dealing with bad FPS for a few months now. *UPDATED* 2025 iRacing Graphics Settings - https://youtu. What can I change at the settings to make the game to use all my hardware? When your frame is dropping, it's more like a sudden spike down to something very low (10-50), and then back up again to 144. (Or how Windows Defender gave me the low FPS blues. I can't seem to get over ~45 fps, even with most of the detail cranked down. Funny thing is, when I crank up the detail I can see my GPU load go up, but the FPS still stays in the 40~45ish range. When I look at my CPU and GPU utilisation, I am nowhere near being maxed out on these. Haven't had much time to test. Also changing the said resolution and the graphics/fps slider does not have any effect. 78 Bitrate at 3680 Link speed 500Mbits Have I5 12600K 32GB RAM Asus Prime Z690 3070 8GB Have all low, except car particles on high, two pass trees off, basically Same issue. Could claw back some fps there. Reloaded OcTray + iRacing UI and it was fine again. 8ghz Gtx 980Ti In the control centre the Gpu is running at 99% but the cpu is only running at 25% Okay so, I'm not sure why after going through all the graphics settings, as well as headset settings on quest 2, the fps is suddenly locked at 60fps, and cant seem to be changed, no matter whether graphics are on low or high. Feb 18, 2025 路 Although the recommended FPS limit will vary greatly between systems and users expectations, a good rule of thumb is to use a frame limit of 120 FPS for a 60Hz monitor. It isn’t an optimization issue since it runs super consistently. I think it stayed in time with 16gb, it's the only thing I can doubt about microcuts or low FPS, keep in mind that the graphics are medium-low. I did have servere fps drops to 60 fps after the iracing update in January but I fixed that by turning CAS on with 100% sharpening, dropping the resolution of the 2 outer circles to 1/8 and 1/16 and finally changing the dynamic lod to 89, -world only and -cars only. 34inch ultra wide running at 3440 x 1440 AMD ryzen 5 1600 6 core 3. This is understandable as many of the performance and effects settings in NVIDIA’s Control Panel, iRacing Graphics Control panel and GeForce Experience aren’t fully understood and can take time to perfect. I have figured it out. I get 45 fps also if I crank all my settings to maximum. Noticed this happening on some tracks, major times in multiclass Turned off ASW, pixel by pixel override is 1. This was also on windows 10, I have upgraded to 11. My graphics settings are on low mostly and it gets 75-144 FPS. Multiplane Overlay (MPO) is a power saving feature that can increase single screen performance, but is known to cause flickering and stuttering issues when used with G-SYNC. I really have no clue what to do, I've completely wiped iracing off my pc numerous times. While your FPS meter might say 100, it makes 0 difference- you are still only seeing 60 FPS. Shadows on, dynamic shadows off. I see 144+ fps in most single player/qualifying lobbies but find myself dropping down to mid 30s at the start of a race which I am assuming is a CPU bottle neck loading other players. I have noticed it on my PC. reg" 2. So there’s still a large performance gap between my card and the 5700XT that I can’t seem to wrap my head around since with SPS off, I the 1070ti should be performing below the 5700XT. I run on a triple QHD monitors setup 7680x1440 resolution at 144hz. Dec 21, 2021 路 5) Take iRacing’s suggestion and set the cap to 1. I started turning down graphic settings one by one from high to medium or low and nothing seems to make any difference. I have a 5600x with a 3060ti GXTrio and I have to tune a fair amount to run a single 3440x1440 monitor at 144fps. Check HDR so it's on (do a comparison google search and you'll see why, wont affect fps, makes the game look a lot better) Can safely uncheck Video mem swap high-res cars (wont affect FPS) Set Frame Rate limit to No Limit (limit FPS outside of iRacing, in the Nvidia control panel or with Afterburner) Thnx for your reply. If you want to make use of those extra frames per second, you’d need better monitors. That nets me stable FPS, even with a 25 person AI race. ) After recently getting back on the service again, I have been experiencing problems with random and inexplicable ~3 second bursts of very low frame-rates, suddenly going from the usually above 100 to what felt like ~10-20 FPS, even though the graphical complexity was unchanged. I also turn down the AA Samples/Mode from 4x to 2x. Why is iRacing running at just 40fps in a Ryzen 7 3700x + RTX 2070 Super + 16GB DDR4 @ 3200MHz? The GPU is being utilized at just 52%, and the CPU always below 30%. Turn off high quality trees and it's playable, but still has lower fps than any other track. Edit - I'm also going to upgrade to 32GB RAM from 16 myself lol. What I can't work out is that iRacing is set to window borderless, but the overlays work flawlessly when I press the windows key so iRacing then isn't the active window and it does this for both Kapps & Racelabs. 100s). For a comparison between games I can run AC in VR with cranked up settings at a steady 118-120 fps. Something is wrong with the newest update. Its not a PC issue since i run Asetto Corsa on 110 FPS easily. The game is stuck at 60 or 75 FPS because the main monitor connected is only a 75Hz monitor and I tried changing back and forth, so iRacing is not even using the 90Hz of the VR headset for some reason. Every newly redone track are bad on fps cause they add more graphical things like the bs 3d fencing. I'm leaning towards having a CPU bottleneck but I'm not the most pc savvy so I'm not entirely sure. If you have a specific Keyboard/Mouse/AnyPart that is doing something strange, include the model number i. e. New comments cannot be posted. Here are some tips from fellow enthusiasts: Experiment with different combinations of graphics settings to find the best performance and quality balance for your setup. The iRacing community often shares valuable insights that can help you improve your VR FPS. Changes you have to do: - Uncheck iRacing's fps limiter - Uncheck Dynamic Objects Try reseting the graphics options of iracing by running the autoconfig. On some tracks with PCup, my system can just barely maintain 130. Window mode made it unplayable, the FPS itself didn’t really drop from the iRacing metre. uezk fefesa fhho fmdtw dbef gzvm knc etff hctyzs dopvm vuhwj wapaf liags fhc coyu