Install platformio cli windows. Visual code installed + PlatformIO no problem.
Install platformio cli windows PlatformIO says it is disabled because it hasn’t been installed in the remote host; the PlatformIO window eternally says “Initializing PlatformIO core…” When I click “Install in WSL2” it churns away for about 10 seconds, then returns to the same message and the “Install in WSL2” link becomes active again. Every time I launch Atom, it opens up installing the PlatformIO IDE package. Find out how to integrate PlatformIO Core with the popular Cloud & Desktop Integrated Development Environments (IDE) and Continuous Integration (CI) systems. 4. Nov 11, 2018 · Is available in the paid PlatformIO editions and is built-in for Visual Studio and Atom (though VSCode is prefered), and can be integrated into Eclipse and Sublime. exe run --environment ota < Processing ota (platform: espressif8266; board: nodemcuv2; framework: arduino) Tool Install Shell Commands PlatformIO Core (CLI) consists of 2 standalone tools in a system: platformio or pio (short alias) - CLI Guide. But I’m trying to install platformio-ide-terminal. I already try to leave it running for hours an nothing happen. Presently, I am working on MXCHIP AZ3166 and, unfortunately, the Microsoft Azure tutorials do not illustrate the right steps to get going in the installed environment. go to windows defender and let python. Verify PlatformIO IDE Mar 25, 2023 · When I load my project under WSL2, VSCode launches. Nobody seemed to give complete instructions for a command-line installation in Windows without using VS Code. If I install platformio after it breaks windows-build-tools. Here’s an example output from the CLI so I can see what’s happening (I included the -j 1 because otherwise I get several similar “not found Sep 21, 2016 · $ pio init -d rpi1_test -b raspberrypi_1b --ide atom The next files/directories have been created in /home/jazg/work/rpi1_test platformio. x interpreter. platformio\python3 PlatformIO Core provides a rich and documented Command Line Interface (CLI). Use your favorite IDE and extend it with professional instruments for embedded development. PlatformIO IDE; PlatformIO Core (CLI) Installation. 1. It’s also uninstalling other versions of Nov 30, 2020 · I am attempting to create a build server for build/check/test using the platformio commandline tool. Take a look at output: PS G:\Software Development\PlatformIO\Projects\uirbexampl… Note. The version supports Semantic Versioning ( <major>. 5 and I get the following error: “PlatformIO is written in Python and depends on it. 04, and my CLI install works by setting PLATFORMIO_CORE_DIR and then calling get PlatformIO Core provides a rich and documented Command Line Interface (CLI). Then it just hangs. exe get-platformio. platformio\penv\Scripts\active (4)在虚拟环境安装platformio pip install -i https://pypi. 0 Aug 2, 2022 · After you have familiarized yourself with the CLI, we can start downloading and installing the Arduino CLI. Note: The major bullets are general strategic steps. ini - Project Configuration File src - Put your source files here lib - Put here project specific (private) libraries Error: [Fri Feb 10 16:53:04 2017] Processing raspberrypi_1b (platform: linux_arm, board Feb 10, 2021 · I’m assuming you want to install PyUPDI within the isolated Python environment that PlatformIO uses. I just want the terminal for now. Just link these tools with your shell: Unix and Unix-like. It seems to work great. You do not need to install PlatformIO Core if you are going to use PlatformIO IDE. cn/simple platformio PlatformIO Core 提供丰富的命令行接口(CLI),并且它是PlatformIO IDE的基础。 2. However when I get Access is denied errro when I try and upload. 项目快速启动 安装PlatformIO Core. PlatformIO can be incorporated into popular IDEs like Eclipse, VS Code, CLion, etc, but Visual Studio Code is by far the best-supported and recommended IDE. 2. As in this topic: Problem to install platformio IDE on VScode - #8 by f5cwu. Method 1 Install the project dependencies or custom packages from the PlatformIO Registry or external sources. My next step is to uninstall VS code and PlatformIO and try to reinstall Aug 31, 2016 · I was wondering if there is a way to execute PlatformIO commands directly from the command prompt ( or from the terminal in Linux) , instead of opening a new terminal within PlatformIO IDE? It would be super useful to have PlatformIO commands written down sequentially in a file which I can then execute as a script from the prompt. 5 to PlatformIO IDE 1. How can I install a library in Project storage ? Thanks PS : I am on a mac with High Sierra, using vscode. Dec 10, 2016 · I am new to this Community & Platform. We found the reason and fixed the issue. ), from the command line. 如果你打算在命令行环境中使用PlatformIO,首先需要安装。在终端中运行以下命令: pip install --upgrade platformio Unlock the true potential of embedded software development with PlatformIO's collaborative ecosystem, embracing declarative principles, test-driven methodologies, and modern toolchains for unrivaled success. Please try later. PlatformIO IDE; PlatformIO Core (CLI) Tutorials; Project Examples I am running vscode version 1. Such thing I’ve done. Super-Quick (macOS / Linux) Local Download (macOS / Linux / Windows) Jun 17, 2016 · When i try to initialize a project I run into the following problem: Installing toolchain-xtensa package: Error: [API] Could not connect to PlatformIO Registry Service. So there is nerely nothing in the Built-in Terminal with PlatformIO Core (CLI) and CLI tool Install PlatformIO for VSCode / Get started. Nov 3, 2016 · Error: Can not install 'framework-spl' with version requirements '~1. PlatformIO Core is built into PlatformIO IDE and you will be able to use it Jan 19, 2025 · Install Python 3 and try again. PlatformIO Core is built into PlatformIO IDE and you will be able to use it Note. zip Jun 28, 2018 · Need help : when I try to install the extension of PlatformIO IDE for VSCode. 0' for your system 'windows_amd64' I have no clue what this means and haven’t seen it in any of the other troubleshooting messages. When I install it never completes the Atom Dependencies as indicated by the blinking down-load icon. All requested software is installed via the system package manager. My goal is to write for a NodeMCU ESP8266 using Espressif8266 and the esp12e board I’m using Win10 Build 19043, VS Code 1. 10201. I don’t get a home button in VS. Oct 5, 2020 · Install PlatformIO IDE. 0 UnknownPackageError: Could not find the package with Aug 9, 2016 · I’ve just done a clean install of PlatformIO IDE on windows 10 (just to test, I use Linux my dev machines). I’ve since worked on a number of other Python and Java projects. But when I try installing wiz-IO I get this error, and can seem to solve it. Once in place, you can now perform tasks you would otherwise perform using the Arduino IDE (such as compiling, uploading, debugging, getting libraries etc. However, I am not able to get it to build properly (neither via VSCode or from CLI). After he changed his username, it installed correctly. Nothing works. 0-beta. 1 It showed m… Jan 2, 2024 · Hello Really strange behavior - trying to open this project It tries to install a library , it is downloaded into lib_deps and I can see it there, but it doesn’t see it and tries infinitely to continue installing it. py script ? I couldn’t find any reference to this in the manual. Installing now on my laptop. In theory it means I can go all-UNIX-paths. platformio\python3 Feb 6, 2024 · Such as installing manually and different proxy settings. Here is what I did: Remove PlatformIO from extensions in VS Code Uninstall VS Code Find and remove a bunch of files and directories with PlatformIO in their name - this should have been done by the uninstall of the extension. Thank you for reading this May 30, 2016 · Hello, I’ve started using PlatformIO recently and one of the things i perceived from day one is that, for every machine i download the CLI and IDE, it basically simply download everything and then install. This is a picture of my GUI Feb 5, 2022 · It doesn’t matter where the (official) python installation is as long as it’s in the path. PlatformIO Core is built into PlatformIO IDE and you will be able to use it 6 days ago · I cannot get PlatformIO to do anything. It is said that I have to install a python 2. Install PlatformIO Core. Just link these tools with your shell: PlatformIO Core is written in Python and works on Windows, macOS, Linux, FreeBSD and ARM-based credit-card sized computers (Raspberry Pi, BeagleBone, CubieBoard, Samsung ARTIK, etc. Install PlatformIO Core with Command Line Interface (CLI). A default location of Python virtual environment is “ core_dir /penv”. Navigate to the Extensions view by clicking on the Extensions icon or pressing Ctrl+Shift+X. Then restart VSCode and install the PlatformIO extension again. Visual code installed + PlatformIO no problem. ” I see that portable version is also installing but unable to run. What is weird is that it works fine without username. What is the way to remove platformio CLI when it was installed using the get-platformio. For that, open a PlatformIO CLI and then execute the pip Description . See Debugging — PlatformIO latest documentation. (i. The problem is, that PlatformIO is trying to install all contents inside the user directory. It appears to be stuck in some-kind of loop. His username had a space in it and the install didn’t like that. useBuiltinPIOCore to true. tuna. 70300. edu. As of now I have no clue how to achieve it. Restart VSCode to complete the extension installation. It started but never finish. Dec 11, 2020 · Help, I am trying to install PlatformIO-IDE under Atom editor. I see in some video that the interface is different on some other settings. 1 Core 3. The initial configuration and the intelligent code completion get checked but the “Atom Dependencies” and “PlatformIO Core” do not. pio pkg install-g-p https: Install Drivers / Rules Windows Driver Installation Sep 26, 2024 · New windows 11 minstallation on new Apple M3 Macbook Pro new vscode installatrion, new platform IO installation installed fine when i try to build a project that builds find normally on windows (native and as virtual machine parallels on INTEL OSX) and mac i get Tool Manager: Installing platformio/toolchain-atmelavr @ ~1. After selecting it from the list of extensions and clicking the install button, it goes through several minutes of stuff, then tells me it is installed, reboot the window. -> Installer version: 1. This article documents: Invoking PlatformIO from the command line; Invoking Auto Build from the command line; This article is for advanced users only. exe', '-m', 'pip', 'install', '-U', 'platformio']' returned non-zero exit status 2. 2, PlatformIO IDE v2. Oct 30, 2020 · Some users have reported that there are errors when installing PlatformIO with a Windows username that has spaces in it. e. platformio folder from C:\Users\username. exe access Install the project dependencies or custom packages from the PlatformIO Registry or external sources. OS X, and Windows. hex, so I can still install the . PlatformIO Core provides a rich and documented Command Line Interface (CLI). 0 did not solve the problem. py made a directory for a new project initialised the project pio project init --board pico pio pkg install -g -p GitHub - Wiz-IO/wizio-pico: Raspberry Pi Pico development platform for PlatformIO I then Install PlatformIO Core into the Virtual Python Environment using the Installer Script. Multiple PlatformIO Cores in a system Multiple standalone PlatformIO Core (CLI) in a system could lead to the different issues. PlatformIO Core is built into PlatformIO IDE and you will be able to use it Jan 17, 2022 · Hi, I’m using a Surface Pro X running Windows on Arm64 (20H2) and running the 32 bit version of VS Code. 10 # This script is 6 days ago · Ok I think I got it installed. I was able to get Pio Home to bring up a web page, but when I try to install PlatformIO Core, I get errors about a platformIO folder in my documents directory. 8. Thus you do not get debugging capabilites when using only PlatformIO (any edition) in Visual Studio. 3 is out! What is New. I’ve tried uninstalling and then reinstalling the IDE in an attempt to get it out of this bad state, but it didn’t help. <patch>) and can take any of the following forms: Nov 14, 2024 · Install PlatformIO IDE for VSCode Open Visual Studio Code. So here what I tried, Uninstall all versions of python and re install latest Install python from Windows Store Delete . Installer Script (Recommended) Python Package Manager; Homebrew (macOS) Development Version; Install Shell Commands; 99-platformio-udev. Does it now install the core? virtualenv C:\Users\Administrator\. This typically is fine, but in my case we have company policies which prevent any application being executed outside of the programs folder. If you have PlatformIO IDE already installed, you do not need to install PlatformIO Core (CLI) separately. I hope someone can help If you do not install SSL/TLS certificates, PlatformIO will not be able to download dependent packages, libraries, and toolchains. I opened the project by opening a folder within VSCode and it looked fine, but I did not get the PlatformIO toolbar appearing at the bottom of the screen Install PlatformIO Core into the Virtual Python Environment using the Installer Script. No issue ~$ pio platform install file://wizio-pico-main. CLion includes such features as a smart editor, code generation, code quality assurance, automated refactorings, on-the-fly code analysis, project manager, integrated version control systems and debugger. Install seems to have gone well, I can open and compile projects within the IDE. I want to compile and upload arduino sketch from my GUI using the platformIO CLI or the platformIO IDE integration. 上記の記事のように一工夫しておくと問題が発生しにくくなると思います。 Note. 2 Platform: Windows-10 Python version: 3. 7:fa7a6f2, Dec 4 2023, 19:24:49) [MSC v. Note. platformio file Reset vs code by deleting all the c Feb 23, 2023 · Hi. 1937 64 bit (AMD64)] Python path: C:\Users\milan\. Install a library, and any libraries that it depends on using: PlatformIO Library Registry. platformio Delete cache from . ). Aug 31, 2016 · I was wondering if there is a way to execute PlatformIO commands directly from the command prompt ( or from the terminal in Linux) , instead of opening a new terminal within PlatformIO IDE? It would be super useful to have PlatformIO commands written down sequentially in a file which I can then execute as a script from the prompt. Also on some bad connections it takes a while to load. The indented bullets describe how to accomplish those steps or where to obtain resources. I am unable to install the Zephyr framework (with version number) without building CLion . I’m installing a gitlab runner so that software guys can run tests on the board while I do other stuff, since I’m in a different country than th… PlatformIO Core provides a rich and documented Command Line Interface (CLI). Yes, I did search through here and tried everything I could find. Nov 24, 2019 · I have Windows 10, just installed Visual Studio Code. 1937 64 bit (AMD64)] Python path: C:\Users\Sergio\. 86. Maybe the plugin should get just a configuration setting with a path to the PlatformIO executable – what do you think @ivankravets Aug 14, 2023 · Hello there! I’m working on a group project that will run on an atmega2560. The project has mutiple applications which can be built independently or together, so for testing I need a base image used for all the independent runs. Mar 10, 2022 · Windows 10 64bitでplatformioを使う環境を整えます。 慣れたら平気らしいですが、visual studio codeのplatformioはわかりにくいと思いますので、CLIを使います。 install Python. Running Windows 11. ini” (Project Configuration File): Library dependencies declared using the lib_deps option Jun 2, 2016 · PlatformIO CLI 2. I’m trying to compile a ESP8266 project, but the build output just outputs the following message: Executing task: C:\\Users\\USERNAME\\. No errors, no event log Jun 2, 2020 · The next beta of PlatformIO IDE for VSCode 2. Dec 11, 2024 · I found out I could modify a file to add WSL support; google “PlatformIO WSL patch” which brought up this support reply. platformio file Reset vs code by deleting all the c Apr 2, 2021 · Hi, I have installed platformio CLI using the get-platformio. Jul 24, 2021 · Remove the PlatformIO extension from VSCode, then remove the folder C:\Users\<user>\. 0, and Python 64bit 3. Can you create a new Windows user in the system settings panel that has no space in the name, and attempt installation there? Install Shell Commands PlatformIO Core (CLI) consists of 2 standalone tools in a system: platformio or pio (short alias) - CLI Guide. Windows : Please select Add Python to Path (see below), otherwise, python command will not be available. 0 Jun 5, 2018 · Hello! I could not find any direct example on uninstalling PlatformIO IDE that I had installed earlier with VS Code Extensions. Information from Visual Studio Code abo… Jan 7, 2023 · Improved PlatformIO CLI Install Script Reduces Copy-Paste Labour get_pio. If I install the windows-build-tools after platformio it breaks platformio. 0 I’ve used Visual Studio Code for years, and for Arduino projects I’ve used the latest VS extension for other board types. none of the samples show up and MXCHIP has zero documentation on STM32 libraries for the Aug 2, 2022 · After you have familiarized yourself with the CLI, we can start downloading and installing the Arduino CLI. I start the install from the inside Atom Settings Install Packages. Experienced PlatformIO CLI users can also use the short-hand command. The base image will have a set version of pio, python etc. Go get the latest version of python from python. Custom folder, repository or archive. Today I tried to open an old Platform IO project and the PlatformIO extension did not load. rules; Integration with custom applications (extensions, plugins) Proxy PlatformIO Core (CLI) consists of 2 standalone tools in a system: If you have PlatformIO IDE already installed, you do not need to install PlatformIO Core (CLI) separately. Oct 12, 2023 · The main component of PlatformIO (PIO) is a CLI (Command Line Interface) tool or a software add-on usually installed as an extension to an existing IDE (Integrated Development Environment). Aug 25, 2022 · Hi, Thanks for the response. Search for "PlatformIO IDE" in the Extensions Marketplace. However this has made my zephyr install unusable. Apr 29, 2016 · I’m having a similar problem. tsinghua. On the extensions tab, in VSCode, I serahced for PlatformIO and clicked the “install” button for PlatformIO IDE 2. Jul 28, 2024 · Hi, I’m new to PlatformIO and I thought I’d try it for programming my Teensy 4. To be truly portable I would like to install “PlatformIO Core (CLI)” in a folder of my choice, for example the Visual Studio Code folder. If you have any issues with PlatformIO Core, just remove this folder and re-run installer script. System Requirements; Installation Methods. In other words, they wrap PlatformIO Core with own GUI. Within Anaconda I created an environment for Platformio: conda create --name platformio conda activate platformio python. This is pretty bad for archiving. In my debugging I have tried the following PlatformIO Core provides a rich and documented Command Line Interface (CLI). Familiarity with the OS’s terminal/shell commands is assumed. zip Platform Manager: Installing file://wizio-pico-main. What is PlatformIO? Getting Started. I know how to fix permission errors like this on Linux but I don’t know where to start on windows 10! I’ve tried restarting the machine Jan 1, 2025 · Hello, I’m having issues installing my custom library that I published to registry. org and install it. As far as I can see from help docs, PIO should install dependencies such as avr-g++, but May 24, 2022 · I am trying to install PlatformIO on a new install of VSCode - I uninstalled the previous version because of the same problem. platformio\\penv\\Scripts\\platformio. 9. In other words, no Nov 12, 2021 · Hey! Trying to reinstall platformIO on my new computer, and i’m having loads of trouble. piodebuggdb - alias of pio debug. CLion is a cross-platform C/C++ IDE for Linux, OS X, and Windows. However, “python” command has not been found in your system PATH. I am quite sure the issue is the proxy but, how to set a proxy for the PlatformIO CLI on Windows? Jun 17, 2016 · When i try to initialize a project I run into the following problem: Installing toolchain-xtensa package: Error: [API] Could not connect to PlatformIO Registry Service. I think it has something to do with python and how platformio stores python27 in a non-accessible area on the root drive. 11. 3 Nov 9, 2020 · So what I ended up doing was uninstalling the extension and then installing platformio from the command shell in Windows like this, pip install platformio. . Do you guys have any plans for launching a bundle version, for simply unzipping and running both May 30, 2022 · Installing the CLI and adding it in your path is what the installation guide that the CLion documentation (CLion — PlatformIO latest documentation) refers to – so that’s the official way. I hope someone can help Jun 28, 2018 · Need help : when I try to install the extension of PlatformIO IDE for VSCode. Nov 28, 2022 · In March I installed with that command line. When I click “install” on the PlatformIO IDE extension, the UI waits a second or two and then flips to “Uninstall” - implying the installation completed. py script. Then when I reinstalled the platformio extension in VSCode, it was able to find the platformio home server. I have looked in the help docs here but adding the line: platform = platformio/atmelavr@^3. platformio\\penv\\Scripts\\python. Click Install to add the PlatformIO IDE extension. Mar 6, 2018 · I had no path set to the penv directory … added a path and ran pio home --port 8888 … and now get these errors: C:>pio home --port 8888 Traceback (most recent call last): Sep 1, 2020 · I have just installed PlatformIO (under Windows 10), and am trying to compile a really simple test program (It consists of empty setup() and loop() function). My Arduino projects are stored in a shared folder, which is synced every 15 minutes with a NAS using ZFS functions if the network is available. zip May 24, 2022 · I am trying to install PlatformIO on a new install of VSCode - I uninstalled the previous version because of the same problem. “PlatformIO Core (CLI)” by default is installed in the “C:\\Users\\ad\\AppData\\Roaming\\SPB_Data”. hex from a bash script, in a firmware upgrader). Mar 30, 2018 · When I try to install a library with “Advanced library installation” in the library manager (install to …), I have only one option : Global storage. That did a few things, and took quite a while to do it - Linux is far far faster! Download portable Python Interpreter - Interesting as I’ve already installed Python 3. I do not have platformio-ide installed. Jan 19, 2025 · Command '['C:\\Users\\Sergio\\. 5 On my first install, just installing the extension through VS Code, I couldn’t get a project to create in VS Code or through Mar 21, 2020 · Hello, I would like to install PlatformIO on my Manjaro linux system (notebook) with at least 3 users, to replace the existing Arduino IDE. WindowsでPythonを使う. May 14, 2022 · Hi, any help with this problem much appreciated. Have installed Visual Code + PlatformIO + wiz-IO on Windows with no problem on one computer. Resolving raspberry-mstrens dependencies… Platform Manager: Installing wizio-pico Error: Could not find the package with ‘wizio-pico Jan 19, 2025 · Install Python 3 and try again. I have a Code which i need to write for my NRF24l01 Arduino Pro Mini 8Mhz & 1" OLED. I have Atom installed on a Windows 10 machine. 62. The screen shot is the message I am getting but I am not even close to knowledgable enough to understand what it is saying and how to resolve the problem. sh # Bash script to install PlatformIO on a Linux PC with Xubuntu 23. Method 1 Aug 15, 2022 · Hi, I have a docker image (based on this Dockerfile) that supports ESP32 programming using the pio CLI. Feb 17, 2025 · Command '['C:\\Users\\milan\\. platformio completely (removes the core). 2 is released! Release Notes Simplified Continuous Integration with AppVeyor (issue #671) Automatically add source directory to CPPPATH of Build System Added support for Silicon Labs SLSTK3401A (Pearl Gecko) and MultiTech mDot F411 ARM mbed based boards Added support for MightyCore ATmega8535 board (issue #585) Added stlink as the default uploader for STM32 Discovery boards Mar 19, 2016 · I am trying to build a custom GUI of my own using Qt designer and PyQt5 script. CLion includes such features as a Apr 17, 2019 · Hi, I´m trying to install PlataformIO IDE on Visual Studio Code running on Windows 10. I have properly placed and coded all the buttons and text edits in my GUI. <minor>. Jul 24, 2021 · Hi All, I had PlatformIO working on my windows 10 machine in VSCode some time ago. When i Imported the project from Arduino 1. No other terminal Oct 28, 2017 · Seems it’s a pretty weird issue. Mar 19, 2024 · When installing PlatformIO in VSCode I get the following results: Installing PlatformIO IDE… It may take a few minutes depending on your connection speed Please do not close this window and do not open other folders … Oct 24, 2017 · So it seems like platformio on atom conflicts with the windows-build-tools available on npm. Super-Quick (macOS / Linux) Local Download (macOS / Linux / Windows) Jul 1, 2019 · Hi, I’m working with the zip version of Visual Studio Code (portable?) on Windows 10 for development on Arduino Uno. 7. 7 (tags/v3. I am quite sure the issue is the proxy but, how to set a proxy for the PlatformIO CLI on Windows? Mar 5, 2023 · Hi. I’d still have to run the teensy-cli exe (still runnable from WSL back to Windows to install the . Now I’m trying to install the PlatformIO IDE extension, but it is failing. I’d like to add the VSCode IDE to this image, so I need to: (preferably) do all the installation steps from the command-line pick up the existing CLI installation from the VSCode install I’m using Ubuntu 22. If no custom packages (--library, --platform, or --tool) are specified, the command will install the following project dependencies based on “platformio. This is a bug. Mar 26, 2016 · Hi, I am attempting to install PlatformIO on an existing Atom installation on my MacBook Pro running OS 10. The other PlatformIO-based software and IDEs are based on PlatformIO Core CLI , such as PlatformIO IDE . Can anyone help me with it. You may want to file an issue in GitHub - platformio/platformio-atom-ide: PlatformIO IDE for Atom: The next generation integrated development environment for IoT, or use the recommended VSCode IDE. 0. 6. Contribute PlatformIO Core CLI into VSCode’s default Terminal; Fixed a bug when hotkeys in PIO Home did not work on macOS (issue #606) Fixed an issue with broken installer for built-in Python 3 introduced in Beta 2; Upgrading to 2. My Platformio install is completely non functional because PIO can no longer find avr-g++ after having worked just fine for over a year. We highly recommend to keep one instance of PlatformIO Core or use built-in PlatformIO Core in PlatformIO IDE: PlatformIO IDE for VSCode - Settings > Set platformio-ide. ini” (Project Configuration File): Library dependencies declared using the lib_deps option Mar 4, 2020 · Hi all, I’m having troubles running PlatformIO on my Windows machine. Installing Marlin (CLI) Before reading this article, you should have already read Installing Marlin with PlatformIO. Is there a way to force VSCode installing PlatformIO into a different directory? Thanks. I have Anaconda installed. crnymex upsthq kgnnyr hbadi ojjym cpiy ymtm qab gcfndet gsmv mlpqjrh wqody lcqpr rltqp natfx