Ilfosol 3 review. REVIEW - Ilford Ilfosol-3 Black & White .
Ilfosol 3 review Suitable for beginners and advanced users a Jun 10, 2013 · To the point of this thread, my primary film/developer combination is Delta 100 and XTOL 1+3. Oct 7, 2023 · My two developers are Ilfosol 3 for the slower stuff (up to iso400 films) and DDX for pushing or faster films. Add Mar 2, 2022 · The Yashica Mat images in this review were developed in Ilfosol 3. Created using our latest Core-shell™ emulsion technology, DELTA 400 produces images with exceptional sharpness and the finest of grain to offer a leading combination of speed vs sharpness along with impressive tonal range. svilupporullino@gmail. Ilfosol 3 SECTION 1: IDENTIFICATION DE LA SUBSTANCE/DU MÉLANGE ET DE LA SOCIÉTÉ/L’ ENTREPRISE 1. Review Ilford SIMPLICITY Oct 30, 2023 · When I first started with film development, my world consisted of Kodak products, D-76 and HC-110. See examples of photos developed in Ilfosol 3 and read the pros and cons of this developer. Developing Ilford HP5+. Dynamic range and contrast. It’s an aspect that makes you more involved and attached to the photos you create. I used a little bit of ilford stop bath and then proceeded to fix with an extremely diluted rapid fixer (1 to 9 aproximately) Oct 31, 2018 · 120 roll film for medium format cameras. Re-embarking into large format after a 20 year hiatus. First the suggested development times radically differ between the manufacturer and others I was able to find online. nuova colore srl. I used a little bit of ilford stop bath and then proceeded to fix with an extremely diluted rapid fixer (1 to 9 aproximately) Feb 26, 2024 · Developed at home in Ilfosol 3 in 1:9 dilution for 6½ minutes. Overall, the Ilford Ilfosol 3 is a specialized developer solution that caters to the needs of black and white film photographers. The new developer is particularly suited for use with medium and slow speed films such as PAN F PLUS, FP4 PLUS and DELTA 100 PROFESSIONAL where it ensures a fine grain and optimal So, I will use Ilfosol 3 when I need consistency, especially for commercial work, but for my own projects will see me experimenting. Complessivamente il risultato ottenuto corrisponde a ciò che desideravo trasmettere al momento dello scatto. The Ilfosol 3 comes in a single bottle, providing convenient and easy-to-use storage. MassiveDev and other sources suggest 7 minutes in Ilfosol 3 at 1+9 dilution. Ilfosol 3 wordt geleverd als concentraat en is zeer voordelig in gebruik. Jan 29, 2016 · Les moins par rapport au Rodinal : beaucoup moins d'acutance, quand je compare 2 FP4+, l'une développée avec du Rodinal et l'autre avec l'Ilfosol 3 cette différence saute aux yeux. Ilfosol 3 developer is particularly suited for use with medium and slow speed films such as PAN F PLUS, FP4 PLUS and DELTA 100 PROFESSIONAL where it ensures a fine grain and optimal 4 subscribers in the IShootFilm community. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with Ilfosol, if you use it frequently but if you only use it very occasionally, other options might be more suitable. Before that I used ID11/D76 at 1+1 and again found it great. Feb 20, 2020 · 3. Pro ještě větší úsporu můžete vývojku ředit v poměru 1:14, pokles v kvalitě Apr 26, 2010 · I have not used the 3 version but when I sent a query to Ilford about shelf life I was told that Ilfosol 3 would last a lot longer. 0422579158 Expert news, reviews and videos of the latest digital cameras, lenses, accessories, and phones. ca: Electronics. Jan 27, 2013 · Thus, they recommended me Ilfosol 3, which supposedly contain only harmless chemicals. ILFORD ILFOSOL 3 black and white film developer is an enhanced formulation of the one-shot, general-purpose, liquid black and white film developer – ILFOSOL S. I even call it "angry" sometimes. 9 Items . Sep 12, 2020 · Canonet QL19 - Shutter Priority Rangefinder | OldMing Camera on 5 Frames with a Canon Canonet QL19 GIII and Cinestill 50D in Ilfosol 3 – by Sacha Cloutier. Unlike the "budget liquid developers" like Ilfosol 3/FD10 and Rodinal, D-76 will not reduce your base film speed and it gives sharp, well balanced negatives. The film developer is Ilford Ilfosol 3, stop is Ilford Ilfostop, fix is Ilford Rapid Fix and wetting agent is Ilford Ilfotol. ILFOSOL 3 is particularly suited to developing medium speed films such as FP4 PLUS and DELTA 100 PROFESSIONAL. As I experiment with films, I am settled on using Ilfosol 3 developer. As u/mac_the_man suggests, DD-X is also an excellent choice. Ilfosol S suffered from sudden death, Ilfosol 3 definitely does not and keeps very long in fully filled bottles (I've gone as fas as two years once, by accident). Totusi, pentru economisirea concentratului, revelatorul poate fi folosit si in dilutie 1+14 cu mici pierderi de calitate a imaginii. Times are very manageable and small errors not critical, especially with rotary processing at our higher ambient temperatures here. ILFORD ILFOSOL 3 is a liquid concentrate film developer. Plans at this point are to shoot Ilford FP4 and a little Ilford Ortho Plus. Mar 26, 2021 · Maybe Ilford Ilfosol-3 Developer is the one for you – especially if you’re shooting on plastic cameras. Our rankings are cleverly generated from the algorithmic analysis of thousands of customer reviews ILFOSOL 3 is het meest geschikt voor het ontwikkelen van zwart-wit films met een middelhoge snelheid zoals Ilford FP4 Plus en DELTA 100 Professional. View Product. An economical film developer, perfect for developing small quantities of black and white film. Instagram TikTok YouTube Twitter Facebook Newsletter Submit a News Tip! Aug 5, 2015 · Nikon FG – Nikon Series E 50mm 1:1. Plus, it’s easy and convenient to use. It’s a single shot developer available in single use packages. Ilford ILFOSOL 3 is enkel verkrijgbaar als vloeibaar concentraat in flessen van 500ml en kan verdund worden op 1:9 voor eenmalig, eenvoudig gebruik en het beste resultaat. The original Ferrania brand was co-founded by Panthé Brothers in 1923 in its namesake town in Italy. . Gloves compatible with the Ilford Ilfosol-3 Film Developer for Black and White Film (500ml) 111 Reviews. Suitable for beginners and advanced users alike, this economical film developer is perfect for developing small quantities of black & white films with ease and convenience. To keep it, you have to transfer it to small glass bottles that you can keep completely full, or displace the air in the container with an inert gas. 5 minutes, 30 seconds at the beginning 30/5 seconds afterwards. 8 – Ilford Pan F+ @ ASA-50 – Ilford Ilfosol 3 (1+14) 4:30 @ 20C Nikon FG – Nikon Series E 50mm 1:1. If anyone knows this film I'd be grateful for an explanation regarding the results. Ideal for uncompromising image makers who want to capture maximum detail and sharpness. The two cameras to share a remarkably similar design ethos. The actual words used were 'more robust'. To make matters worse, there is no colour change either to give you a clue. Medium speed ISO 125 Fine grain, high sharpness Robust exposure tolerance 35mm, 120 Roll & Sheet Film available Aug 2, 2022 · In this review, I’ll share my tips and impressions after four years with HP5+. Its usual times for ISO 400 films are within 5-8 minute range. Medium speed films, such as FP4 Plus and Delta 100, work particularly well in Ilfosol 3. I don’t like buying a bottle, using some, and then discovering a few months later it has oxidized, turned brown, and needs discarding. Newsletter Preferences. However, for demonstration purposes I selected another HP5 Plus negative which was developed in Ilfosol 3 1:9 dilution. Es war ein FP4 und die Ergebnisse waren sehr schön. In this review: A brief history of Ilford and HP5+. Have a look at all our Black and White Film Developing Chemistry. Add to Cart. Downloadable Information. Ideal for most shooting scenarios in good light conditions. Page 3 of 6 Sept 2024 ILFORD ILFOSOL 3 FILM DEVELOPER PROCESS SYSTEMS Manual processing – Spiral Tanks ILFOSOL 3 developer can be used to process films in spiral tanks using the recommended dilutions. Jan 8, 2022 · There is another factor coming into play here – the developer. To give you a sense of how active it is, it produces a decent image in Foma 100 in just 3 minutes! I cannot imagine cooking anything for 12 minutes in it. per page. This turned out to be correct. Aug 28, 2021 · So far, I’ve shot (5) rolls of FP4 and all were developed in Ilfosol 3. Get answers to your questions in our photography forums. ILFORD Ilfosol 3 Entwickler 500ml - jetzt bestellen im Calumet Online-Shop: Flüssigkonzentrat-Filmentwickler Feines Korn und optimale Schärfe Für Filme mittlerer Empfindlichkeit Mar 14, 2025 · The Ilfosol 3 was diluted to the ratio of 1 + 9 with water. Some of those experiments will be with Rodinal, while others will see me making my own developers, especially the divided and water bath developers that allow even greater control over the process. Jan 25, 2022 · When it comes to Ilford developers, my first experience and my least favourite is Ilfosol 3. The RB67 and Spotmatic images were done with Cinestill’s DF96 monobath. Identificateur de produit Nom commercial Ilfosol 3 No du produit 1176108 No Interne 10559 Dimension de l'emballage 500ml 1. Medium speed ISO 100 Superb image quality Core-Shell™ crystal technology 35mm, 120 Roll & Sheet Film available Jul 1, 2021 · 365 3; 4x5 3; Tetenal Colortec 3; camping 3; develop at home 3; disposable camera 3; diy 3; family 3; ilford delta 100 3; ilfosol 3 3; lenless 3; photo 3; photoblog 3; photography project 3; project 3; review 3; timeinacan 3; timelapse 3; 365 day photo challenge 2; 365 project 2; Fuji velvia 2; eastbourne pier 2; fun 2; gopro 2; kayaking 2 Ilford Ilfosol 3 is een zwart-wit filmontwikkelaar en bijzonder geschikt voor gebruik met medium en slow speed films zoals Pan F Plus, KP4 Plus en Delta 100 Professional waarbij het zorgt voor een fijne korrel en een optimale scherpte op volle filmsnelheid. yesterday i developed a roll of 35mm trix400 film with a batch of Ifosol 3 that i used once previously. It is recommended to follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer for optimal results. Impressions At a distance, you may mistake the FG for an FA or vice-versa. The first 3 is 1 second exposures in the evening, while the others are faster shutterspeeds - all shot as iso 200. $19 80. I’m also very pleased with the sharpness and contrast in these images. Nov 23, 2020 · But for a developer to get your feet wet with one-shot liquid developers, Ilfosol 3 provides both and is an inexpensive way to develop your own black & white film when space is at a premium. ILFOSOL 3 is Apr 17, 2020 · A litre of Ilfotec HC for when the HC-110 runs out, as I don't trust the new Kodak recipe to be the same, and a litre of Ilfosol 3 (2X 500ml), just because I had a fondness for Ilfosol S years ago when I started. Formulated Ilford Ilfosol 3 - revelator film alb-negru (concentrat, 500ml) Dilutia obisnuita este de 1+9 pentru amestecuri de unica folosinta. I am looking at developers and currently have a bottle of the Ilfosol 3 but some reading elswhere mentioned the Ilfotec LC29 as a good fit for the FP4. I’ve extremely happy with the results I’ve got from it, especially given my lack in skills when it comes to developing. Show. There was a problem filtering reviews right now. From what I’ve read and seen, this is a great developer for this film. Feb 25, 2023 · Ilfosol 3 is incredibly active developer. They were developed with Ilfosol 3 for 6min and 45secs in 1+9 ILFOSOL 3 is het meest geschikt voor het ontwikkelen van zwart-wit films met een middelhoge snelheid zoals Ilford FP4 Plus en DELTA 100 Professional. May 22, 2022 · Learn how Ilford Ilfosol 3, a liquid developer, works with different films like FP4, HP5, Tri-X and Fomapan 100. Grain structure, resolution, sharpness. It turns brown-black and won't work at all. The AGO requires slightly more (325mm) for one film, however when processing multiple rolls in the AGO, then I developed my roll of Retro 400S in Ilfosol 3 today. It can be used in the temperature range of 20° - (No reviews yet) Write a Review SKU: 100439 UPC: 019498176104 Mfg. Steve. As others have said, Ilfosol 3 is very good at producing a negative sharp enough you can cut yourself-- but that's a bit of an issue with grainy emulsions. 00, while a 36-exposure roll is about US$9. Ilford Ilfosol 3 is a black and white film developer is an enhanced formulation of the one-shot, general-purpose, liquid black and white film developer - ILFOSOL S. Instagram TikTok YouTube Twitter Facebook Newsletter Submit a News Tip! May 23, 2022 · It fits between Ilfotec HC and Ilfosol 3, taking the best qualities of both and combining them into a single chemical. Formulated to exploit the full potential of conventional black & white film emulsions, it delivers fine grain and optimal sharpness with full film speed. com : Ilford Ilfosol 3 1131778 Film Development Black/White, 0. Jun 30, 2021 · As I write this review (Summer 2021), a 24-exposure roll of Delta 100 is about US$6. Ilford claims Ilfosol 3 is an "XTOL Equivalent", but. Instagram TikTok YouTube Twitter Facebook Newsletter Submit a News Tip! Expert news, reviews and videos of the latest digital cameras, lenses, accessories, and phones. Film Processing Chart (107. com. 8 – Ilford Pan F+ @ ASA-50 – Ilford Ilfosol 3 (1+14) 4:30 @ 20C. Utilisations identifiées pertinentes de la substance ou du mélange et utilisations déconseillées These sachets are a good introduction to Ilford chemistry. Aug 29, 2011 · Ilfosol 3 is the replacement of Ilfosol S. Supplied as a concentrate in economical 500ml bottles, ILFOSOL 3 is typically diluted as a ratio of 1:9 for one shot use. Sort By Set Descending Direction. 80 kB) DELTA 400 technical data sheet Nov 18 (582. Ilford Ilfosol 3 developer is particularly suited for use with medium and slow speed films such as Pan F Plus, FP4 Plus and Delta 100 Professional where it ensures a fine grain and May 1, 2019 · The first packet contains 60ml of film developer (Ilfosol 3), the second contains 30ml of stop-bath (Ilfostop), the third contains 100ml of fixer (Ilford Rapid Fixer), and the final packet holds 25ml of Ilfotol wetting agent. </p> Page 3 of 6 Sept 2024 ILFORD ILFOSOL 3 FILM DEVELOPER PROCESS SYSTEMS Manual processing – Spiral Tanks ILFOSOL 3 developer can be used to process films in spiral tanks using the recommended dilutions. Then in 2015, I started reviewing cameras and decided at the same time to explore Ilford more both in film stocks and developers. The new developer is particularly suited for use with medium and slow speed films such as PAN F PLUS, FP4 PLUS and DELTA 100 PROFESSIONAL where it ensures a fine grain and optimal Ilfosol 3 goes bad very quickly on the shelf even as concentrate. ILFOSOL 3 je dodávána jako koncentrát v ekonomickém balení po 500 ml, obvykle se ředí v poměru 1:9 (na jedno použití). Mar 7, 2019 · ILFORD DELTA 400 PROFESSIONAL is a high speed, black & white film designed to produce images with extraordinary depth and detail. I used to use Ilfosol S all the time but changed to DD-X just before Ilfosol 3 came out. Sheet film for large format cameras ISO 125, all-purpose black & white film with fine grain, medium contrast and outstanding sharpness. 2. ILFOSOL 3 se zejména hodí k vyvolávání filmů se střední citlivostí, jako například FP4 PLUS a DELTA 100 PROFESSIONAL. The new developer is particularly suited for use with medium and slow speed films such as PAN F PLUS, FP4 PLUS and DELTA 100 PROFESSIONAL where it ensures a fine grain and optimal Nov 26, 2022 · Expert news, reviews and videos of the latest digital cameras, lenses, accessories, and phones. All these chemicals can be bought separately either in Simplicity sachets or in larger quantities. Par exemple, pour un HP5 développé dans du révélateur liquide Ilfosol 3 (1+9) le temps de développement normal (à 20°C) qui est de 7min, passe à 9 minutes à 18°C et à 5,30minutes à 22°C. I had Ilfosol 3 at home so I started looking for suggestions on the web / massive dev charts, and I found the following combination: Diluition 1+14, 15 mins at 20°C, 1min stop, 5mins fixing, 10 mins wash I had Ilfosol 3 at home so I started looking for suggestions on the web / massive dev charts, and I found the following combination: Diluition 1+14, 15 mins at 20°C, 1min stop, 5mins fixing, 10 mins wash Shot a roll with a Nikon F3 at the botanic gardens, subdued glass house lighting in part, semi-overcast winter landscapes and wildlife photography on the rest – thrilled with all the results, contrasty but the detail is there, macro shots of orchids came out especially well. Nov 9, 2017 · ILFOSOL 3 (1+9) ID-11 (1+1) ILFOTEC DD-X: MICROPHEN (1+1) Economy: ILFOTEC LC29 (1+29) The Voigtlander Bessa used for this review was in great condition, as was the lens. Ilfosol 3 and Ilfosol S give identical results in my experience. Ilford HP5+ exposure guide. 1176108 Condition: New ILFORD ILFOSOL 3 is a liquid concentrate film developer. This developer rendered great sharpness and contrast. But don’t let that stop you; Ilfosol 3 is a great general-purpose developer perfect for the starter. that's remarkably optimistic. ILFORD ILFOSOL 3 black and white film developer is an enhanced formulation of the one-shot, general-purpose, liquid black and white film developer - ILFOSOL S. Sheet film for large format cameras. In my own little (non-scientific) DD-X vs Rodinal/Ilfosol 3 comparison, this time I went through a roll of HP5+. ILFOSOL 3. viale cesare battisti 23a. It’s a popular developer for Aug 24, 2019 · I have used Ilfosol 3 (at 1+14) for about the last 4 years and find it a good allround developer. May 22, 2021 · A follow-up to my thread about Pan F and DD-X. If you love contrast and a wider variety in your black and white, then Kodak HC-110 Developer might be right for you. Please try again later. Medium speed ISO 100 Superb image quality Core-Shell™ crystal technology 35mm, 120 Roll & Sheet Film available Jul 26, 2018 · Due to time constraints I was unable to do a comparison to the same set of images in a different developer. Panthé were French entrepreneurs who started the world’s second film production company (which is still operational, now merged with Vivendi ). 1. The coatings aren’t ILFORD ILFOSOL 3 black and white film developer is an enhanced formulation of the one-shot, general-purpose, liquid black and white film developer - ILFOSOL S. ILFOSOL 3 Collections. Feb 25, 2023 · I developed my roll of Retro 400S in Ilfosol 3 today. It can be used in the temperature range of 20° - ILFORD ILFOSOL 3 is a liquid concentrate film developer. No. Crops include different zones from shadows to highlights. 7. I couldn't see much correlation with the new Ilfosol 3 temps and times, comparing them to other developers, and the times are on the short side. 18. Ilford Ilfosol 3 black and white film developer is an enhanced formulation of the one-shot, general-purpose, liquid black and white film developer - Ilfosol S. 31100 - Treviso P. Comment posted: 31/01/2021 May 22, 2022 · My Experience: Developing With Ilford Ilfosol 3 Developing your own film is one of the biggest upsides to shooting film – or downside – depending on how you feel about it. Based on two developers, Dimezone and Hydroquinone, Ilfosol 3 has one major weak point, shelf-life. Jul 2, 2017 · Ilfosol-3 Film Developer is an enhanced, one-shot updated version of Ilford's Ilfosol-S. ILFORD ILFOSOL 3 FILM DEVELOPER Page 3 of 6 Jun 2019 PROCESS SYSTEMS Manual processing – Spiral Tanks ILFOSOL 3 developer can be used to process films in spiral tanks using the recommended dilutions. Back to Accessories. My reason for switching was, the liquid Ilfosol was easier to handle and decant into smaller glass e-mail: . 현상액(Develope)은 일포솔 3, 정지액(Stop)은 일포스탑, 정착액(Fix)은 래피드 픽서를 사용합니다. The only other developer I used outside of Kodak was Rodinal and Ilfosol 3 (at least at first). It can be used in the temperature range of 20° - Ilfosol 3 will deliver fine grain and optimal sharpness with film shot at box speed. For HP5, they recommend DDX for best overall image quality, and Ilfosol 3 for maximum sharpness. Chemical Type: Film Developer Feb 18, 2023 · welche Erfahrungen habt ihr mit Ilford Ilfosol 3 ? Vor ein paar Jahren habe ich ein Flascherl Ilfosol 3 bei einem lokalen Fotohändler gekauft, weil ich zeitig einen Film entwickeln wollte nach einer Reise und er nur Ilfosol vorrätig hatte. sede legale: . However, beware, Ilfosol 3 suffers from sudden death syndrome - all seems fine and then nothing at all. Mar 14, 2018 · entmere 100 ASA is a versatile medium-speed black and white negative film offering a nominal sensitivity of ISO 100/21°, making it suitable for use with a wide variety of subjects and lighting conditions. But first, let me introduce you to this film’s rich history and its impressive specs. Jun 17, 2003 · Amazon. I don't shoot that many rolls a month, so I would like to ask if I can replace Ilfosol with Rodinal and still use the Ilfostop and Ilford Rapid fixer? I used the Agfa Rodinal with Ilfostop and Ilford Rapid Fixer, and they work fine. I’m sad that I have to import the stuff from across the pond, and I know that I would certainly purchase the developer from a local shop if they chose to carry LC29. telefono:. Ilfosol 3 demands uncomfortably short processing times. Filter by Sep 7, 2020 · I have only used Ilfosol 3 and I see that Adox Rodinal has a much longer shelf life (compared to 3 months with I3). The recommended developing temperature is 20°C (68°F). You can find resources for film, guides and reviews about cameras, films and techniques related to analog… I developed my roll of Retro 400S in Ilfosol 3 today. Après, c'est pas rédhibitoire, ça reste net mais c'est plus doux. 1 Item . It has been created to suit the needs of photographers who prefer to use slower speed films such as Pan-F, FP4 Plus and Delta 100 Professional. Instagram TikTok YouTube Twitter Facebook Newsletter Submit a News Tip! Top Rated Gear: Ilford Ilfosol-3 Purpose Developer for Black and White Film, 500ml MFR: 1176108. They are both very good developers. Ilford Ilfosol 3 developer is particularly suited for use with medium and slow speed films such as Pan F Plus, FP4 Plus and Delta 100 Professional where it ensures a fine grain and Ilfosol 3 goes bad very quickly on the shelf even as concentrate. I know some people say is gives horrible grain in 400 speed films but I think it's ok. Mar 12, 2008 · Ilfosol 3 is due for official launch in March 2008 and is an enhanced formulation of the one-shot, general-purpose, liquid black and white film developer - Ilfosol S. 용액 제조하기(Ilford Ilfosol 3, Ilfostop, Rapid Fixer) 현상 과정에 사용되는 용액은 일포드로 다 맞춰놨습니다. I used a little bit of ilford stop bath and then proceeded to fix with an extremely diluted rapid fixer (1 to 9 aproximately) ILFOSOL 3 (1+14) MICROPHEN (1+3) Reviews. Aug 31, 2008 · I just tried out the new Ilfosol 3 with a couple of rolls of Delta 100, which I have been getting very good results with in combination with ID-11 at near the manufacturer's recommend times. Expert news, reviews and videos of the latest digital cameras, lenses, accessories, and phones. 00 — depending on where you purchase Feb 9, 2025 · Easily compare & choose from the 10 best Ilfosol 3 for you. The new developer is particularly suited for use with medium and slow speed films such as PAN F PLUS, FP4 PLUS and DELTA 100 PROFESSIONAL where it ensures a fine grain and optimal I developed my roll of Retro 400S in Ilfosol 3 today. Additional Settings. 5 L : Darkroom Photographic Chemicals : Electronics REVIEW - Ilford Ilfosol-3 Black & White Ilfosol-3 Film Developer is an enhanced, one-shot updated version of Ilford's Ilfosol-S. Mar 23, 2009 · Ilford Ilfosol 3 1131778 Film Development Black/White, 0. Les abaques fournis dans les emballages donnent les temps de développement corrigés en fonction des températures choisies. </p> <p>However, the on-line reviews seem mainly lukewarm or negative, mainly complaining about too high contrast. May 19, 2021 · La macchina utilizzata è la Rollei 35 S, mentre per lo sviluppo mi sono affidato ai chimici ILFORD (Ilfosol 3), in diluizione 1 + 9, con agitazione di 10” ogni minuto, per un tempo complessivo di 6′ 10”. 31 kB) Additional yesterday i developed a roll of 35mm trix400 film with a batch of Ifosol 3 that i used once previously. 5 L : Amazon. ISO 100, medium speed, exceptionally fine grain, black & white film. IVA 03866710266. Developed in Ilfosol 3, no issues. Our rankings are cleverly generated from the algorithmic analysis of thousands of customer reviews Dec 14, 2021 · Buy Ilford SIMPLICITY Film Developer (60mL Sachet, 5-Pack) featuring Develop 1x 120 or 2x 35mm Rolls of Film, ILFOSOL 3 B&W Film Developer Concentrate, Fine Grain and High Sharpness, Well-Suited for Medium-Speed Films, Measured for Dilution with 540mL Water. For the first 2 films which were processed in a conventional Paterson developing tank, this equated to 30mm of Ilfosol 3 to 270mm of water to give 300mm of working solution. US$18. jcrmrckebepiqgsluwszhepegiyasmjhsncilihppeplyapvynsoqzonadylcbayurkhkaqaxzvgyx