Icmp ping zabbix trigger Action has conditions, which might filter out the web monitoring triggers. Hi! I need a simple check that will ping some ip address for 30 days every 30min, and if all pings for 30 days will return 0 trigger will popup. In this case, linking such a template to a host will create a host trigger that depends on the same trigger template trigger was depending on. 68,10,500,64,100] I expected a return of latency to Google Server, instead Jul 17, 2023 · The three metrics I get are ICMP Ping (giving up and down), ICMP Loss - giving a percentage, and ICMP Response Time. I defined a macro but I cant use it in the trigger expression Basically I want to do something with user macro instead of this below Oct 6, 2012 · zabbix apliance show me this trigger: Zabbix icmp ping processes more than 75% busy How can i solved this. - I can confirm that our other Zabbix servers do not Sep 7, 2013 · {Template Networking:icmpping. Go to the "Items" tab and click on "Create Item. 4 for zabbix it's unrecheable. Thanks for the help. Jan 29, 2025 · After that everything is working, except Mikrotik ping. Sep 20, 2019 · Zabbixのicmp pinger processの負荷軽減方法を探している人; プロセスを増やしたくないがZabbix busy icmp pinger processes, in % を何とかしたい人; icmp pinger processがざっくりとどんなことをしているか知りたい人; Zabbix busy icmp pinger processesが常に70%付近だった May 23, 2023 · Hello everyone, I hope you're all doing well. 30 hasta las 9. min(120)}=0 thus if the device is unpingable for the zabbix server for more that 120 sec the trigger will be come active. For examples The trigger Unavailable by ICMP ping in the icmp ping template uses the below May 17, 2007 · - second trigger (for ICMP Ping) goes true after 2 minutes, priority high - third trigger (for ICMP Ping) goes true after 3 minutes, priority disaster 3. Mar 14, 2008 · I read yesterday some post about agent. 1 from Synaptic Resolved php. But I'm exactly where I started. Zabbix 1600px Sep 7, 2009 · Hi, first i want to thank the developers behind Zabbix for such an excellent software. Now, I would like to do more less the same, but only generating a trigger after the target system has been unresponsive for say 60 minutes. I have a problem with icmpping trigger. ini checks and have a working web console The trigger should let me know if the ping was unsuccessfull for 8 pings (or in this case 7200 seconds which translates for 2 hours). 如果需要判断机房的网络或者主机是否正常,这就需要使用 zabbix ping,Zabbix 使用外部命令fping处理 ICMP ping 的请求,在基于 ubuntu APT 方式安装 Feb 5, 2024 · Hello everyone, This is likely a Zabbix-4-dummies topic, but with a clear answer, I believe this post could be extremely helpful for other users new to Zabbix, even after reading the "5 Simple Checks. I want to monitor a bunch of IoT devices running Tasmota. As per my understanding, Host should be reachable if we're able to ping and i couldn;t find any other reason for Jun 27, 2014 · Zabbix is telling that these hosts are unreacheable, but if we try the ping from the frontend, the hosts are all available. Is it possible? So i've got an item: Simple check icmpping[192. 1. ポート監視(共通) ・TCPポート監視 ・UDPポート監視. Can someone tell me what has to be changed This is the Trigger Hi, I created a trigger in Zabbix that will check the ping to a user for 10 minutes. For examples The trigger Unavailable by ICMP ping in the icmp ping template uses the below expression: Nov 29, 2024 · I'm able to display the ICMP Loss, ICMP Ping (0 = down, 1 = up) and the ICMP Response Times. But as soon as the router comes back online, all the other triggers still fire, causing a floodgate of alerts. Aug 2, 2023 · Hi, I am monitoring multiple switches in our network and when they become offline we only receive notification after 3-5 hours. After a power outage, two servers are throwing the trigger "is unavailable by ICMP" but the ping to that specific server is working 10 points and can be accessed remotely without any problem. Mar 26, 2021 · I've created a fake host with IP : 1. Aug 7, 2020 · How can I change ICMP response time value to a higher number to avoid receiving too much warning of "High ICMP ping edit the trigger value. Zabbix uses fping util for this item. There are 3 tags being populated by triggers, I just want to filter on them but I don't know the syntax. You can specify number of packets, interval and custom description Aug 25, 2021 · How are you all doing? Can someone give me a practical example of a icmpping key for Zabbix? I am trying to do a icmpping check using Zabbix but i am failing miserably Here is the command i am trying: zabbix_get -s 127. 0 and higher. 020 | {Template ICMP Ping:icmppingsec. Se você decidir usar o modelo ICMP, não precisará fazer tudo manualmente, como fizemos. zabbix. 2. Now, if I were to create another trigger so it would send out email after 15 minutes of icmpping 0 Oct 15, 2016 · External check for monitoring host's dns entries without access to the server. Allows multiple ping targets from single host and automatically generates items, triggers and graphs based on target list. The "Disaster" trigger has the expression {Template PING:icmpping. Nov 12, 2019 · I exported it, modified it (adding a "2" after every item, trigger and dependency name), and when re-importing it back I get the following error: "Import failed: Trigger "High ICMP ping loss 2" depends on trigger "Unavailable by ICMP ping 2", which does not exist. 0 - ICMP ping fails 1 - ICMP ping successful: target - host IP or DNS name packets - number of packets interval - time between successive packets in milliseconds size - packet size in bytes timeout - timeout in milliseconds: Example: ⇒ icmpping[,4] → if at least one packet of the four is returned, the item Sep 7, 2023 · Remove similar type of triggers «Agent ping» VS «ICMP ping» If we treat agent monitoring with a high-priority Why use ICMP ping together with Zabbix agent ping? Trigger dependency may be added from template trigger to a host trigger. 123] I have already tried this: May 18, 2023 · Hi, I've 2 hosts which are showing offline even while we're able ping from server and proxy. Doesn't matter if host is reachable or unreachable - ICMP ping always returns 1. Jan 30, 2024 · Hi Friends! maybe a little confusing, but tell me how to make a “reverse” icmp ping trigger? those. ping. 5 version and it works great. This will send email alert to me when ICMP ping average is high. nodata(30)}= 1 Then I modified Windows Firewall to close "Allow incoming ping". 8. count(#10,0,"eq")}=0 + {Template Networking:icmppingloss. cyber Senior Member Oct 6, 2021 · Hallo, meine erste Zabbix Frage :-) Ich habe einen Host der nicht 24x7 in Betrieb ist. I need to monitor 263 devices by ping and only i have 147, so I think proccess is overloaded. i did change 100 to 500 thinking it was the latency of the ping response. com/documentation/4. Dec 24, 2020 · Hello all, I want to use different trigger calculations with different hosts. All zabbix server and proxies are I know this maybe a old question, but I am currently pulling my hair out. The exactly value is Windows :agent. Atm i am using the ICMP Ping Template which ist preinstalled in Zabbix (6. Oct 11, 2022 · Hello, i'm trying to create a basic ping item and associated alert trigger. 0. É importante dizer que o Zabbix vem com um modelo de monitor ICMP PING muito completo. 6. Yet on the production network it does thus the device shows down. in your trigger expression icmpingsec. Feb 23, 2023 · Hi, I am monitoring multiple switches in our network and when they become offline we only receive notification after 3-5 hours. Vejo que estou recebendo muito falso positivo, e gostaria do apoio dos senhores(as) para ajudar a construir uma melhor trigger. And then it will send an email to my account if the ping is not successful. 5 times in 2min ping, and if all 5 ping is lost, then send me a mail. 251. Macros used See full list on zabbix. Zabbix Official Templates for ICMP Ping module development by zeus911 on GitHub. Currently Jan 23, 2019 · Parabéns! Você configurou o servidor Zabbix para monitorar um host usando o ICMP PING. icmpping returns 0 if all packet sent to host are lost, and return 1 if even from number packets is OK. I have created a icmp ping trigger and all other triggers depend on this. 0 several locations that look like this: The problem i'm having right now is that when the "location" loses internet access there are plenty alarms, one for each host in that location. nodata will fire only if NO data will be received. For Zabbix version: 5. Often, you need a notification about this. - nobody43/zabbix-dnscheck Aug 21, 2014 · Not sure if its clear but GUI ping is in almost no way related to "ICMP Trigger status error". 10. nodata. 30 until 9. This trigger work on my test network fine. It should not be alert if there is only one icmp packet loss. ping ICMP. At least in how it works inside zabbix. Is there any way to resolve this? From already thank you very much. Triger previously was {Template Module ICMP Ping:icmpping. We've recently started using zabbix and have found some inconsistency's for when a macro vs hardcoded values are used in triggers in the base templates. The ping template itself seems to be working fine too, as all the hosts monitored by the proxies get successfully pinged by the template. Template `Mikrotik by SNMP`. Anything under for Available. Triggers. 0 lösen die Trigger des Template ICMP Ping nicht mehr aus, wenn ein Host down ist - allerdings nur bei manchen Hosts ein frisch angelegter Host mit der Fantasie-IP 4. So trigger doesn't work too. You trigger will fire at the first time value is greater than 300. With LLD and bulk data sending. I want to know if theres a way to make the "unavailable by ICMP PING" trigger of each PC depend on the routers "Unavailable by ICMP . ini checks and have a working web console Feb 5, 2023 · Hi everyone, I have recently built a new Zabbix server following guides online and have around 15/107 hosts that intermittently have problems with ICMP ping. It seems to be a problem related to the main zabbix server only. für http. Expression裡面是Trigger的規則 我們先把規則複製到筆記本,試著重新建立一個新的 點選Add會出現選單 =>在點選 Item右邊的select可以選擇要設定規則的項目,選ICMP loss。 Jan 18, 2011 · Hello, is it possible to set up an item with an active ICMP Check through the Agent? I Have a cluster setup with a special interconnect line between two cluster nodes, those ips are just available through those two nodes and not pingable from the zabbix server but i should know if the connection between cluster1 and cluster2 over this interconnect-cable is available. 03. With a test switch turned off from yesterday at 18. Para los elementos elementos de VMware y icmpping*, Zabbix no procesará una verificación simple que supere los segundos de Tiempo de espera definidos en la configuración de Zabbix servidor o proxy archivo. If firts 4 ping is lost, and 5. I added the hosts from the ICMP Ping Template. Fill Learn how to monitor a host using ICMP PING. I am currently being spammed by alerts after server reboots. リソース監視(Linux) ・CPU使用率監視 ・メモリ使用率監視 ・DISK使用率監視. to 5. A ideia é: Se o host estiver pingando OK, caso contrário é gerado um alarme na tela Monitoramento>Triggers e no Dashboard, dependendo da importância do host é gerado um alarme no Telegram. . And that's it for this counter. The two we've run across so far are in the ping and ssh templates. max(150)}=0 Anyone knows why is zabbix showing the connection unreachable when it is reachable and how to fix it. I only need to record the state when the device is working. 2 Template: Network ICMP Ping Item information / configuration: - name: ICMP response time - key: icmppingsec[,5,,,] - type: simple check Configuration: Actual values from last 5 min: Trigger configuration: Macro "PING_Alert" is set to 1. The thing is also more strange because we put this ICMP Ping template on 50 hosts, ma only these are always unreacheable (false positive). log that fping is reporting that the hosts are alive so I believe that the issue is most likely with my trigger, however the trigger is pretty basic. So when I do a ping from my pc, Windows Server returns no data. How can I Jun 21, 2023 · Now those issues are fixed, Zabbix can ping successfully from its OS, but Unavailable by ICMP ping is still triggered in dashboard/problems. avg(60)}>75 Says if the last ten pings are equal to zero and the packet loss average in the last minute is greater than 75 then host is down. Jun 26, 2018 · Hi! I have a fresh installation of Zabbix 3. ICMP Ping Overview. Therefore the hosts are counted as unknown regarding the availability in dashboards. Estando apagado el switch de prueba apagado desde ayer a las 18. Ubuntu 10. You configure notification in an Action. Some of them should warn me when the number of pings returned timeout are 5, some of them in case of 10 attemps etc. Oct 25, 2014 · Hello all, I am using Zabbix 2. 4 and higher. 2). max(#10)}=0. from the command line I can ping the device fine so I know it is up. last(0)}=0". Define Your Host Group: First, ensure that all the hosts you want to monitor are added to a specific host group in Zabbix. For some reason, every single host i own shows unavailable by ICMP ping, but can i see that other templates on the same host are receiving data. avg(5m)} > 0. " Enter the necessary information, such as the item key (icmpping), type of information (Numeric), and other parameters. Upon troubleshooting found that while ping is successful, fping which is used by zabbix for send ICMP shows unreachable. I have 3 actions - first action send email 'host down for 1 minutes' when first trigger (for ICMP PING, 1 minute down) in the template is true. Apr 17, 2020 · What I would like to do is generating a trigger when a host is unresponsive for a loger period of time. com Apr 20, 2015 · According to simple check documentation, icmppingsec item returns ping time in seconds or 0 if the host is not reachable. Unofficial Zabbix Expert Dec 20, 2024 · If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. Unofficial Zabbix Expert Apr 18, 2022 · If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. 4 wird korrekt als unavailable getriggert. Lets add a new host to monitor its icmp ping response. The idea was to ckeck activity of OpenVPN clients and delete inactive ones. I need to edit the expressions adding a new condition. The problem I have is that during the night I'm running some backup on his host and as a result the ICMP ping might be high during this night period. Nov 18, 2020 · We noticed that after zabbix server and proxies have been upgraded from 4. Is there myabe something wrong with my Logic, or does the zabbix server pinger freq have something to do with this. So for the trigger, i did it like this : Mar 18, 2021 · ICMP Ping template, in default settings have 3 triggers created: High ICMP ping loss, High ICMP ping response time and Unavailable by ICMP ping. Mar 29, 2022 · Utilizando los triggers Unavailable by ICMP ping y No SNMP data collection (este va ligado al primero), he conseguido que me lleguen dichas notificaciones. Apr 30, 2010 · Well, I've spent about the last 3 hours trying to figure out how to create a template, item, action, and trigger so I can do Simple Checks using ICMP/ping. This trigger will fire an issue if ALL thee packets sent to the host are lost. Im working on windows hosts and have access to the Zabbix front end , not the Linux box Zabbix server is installed on. Benefits of Monitoring ICMP Ping with Zabbix Nov 19, 2013 · I have a host that I monitor via the zabbix ICMP ping template. Apr 16, 2024 · Hello everyone. 4). It is the easiest and the most popular task of agentless monitoring, when you want to check the availability of a remote server, website or network device from your monitoring server. Save the item and wait for Zabbix to start collecting ICMP ping data. 1) Create hosts with template : ICMP Ping -> , 2) Create Alerts > Media Type > Email Host accessibility by ICMP ping. Item is enabled, no errors, but trigger `Unavailable by ICMP ping` now always active. Aug 23, 2023 · Hello, I am trying to set up the ICMP Ping for2 servers different. How do I adjust this trigger to only show up once in my dashboard? Oct 25, 2014 · Hello all, I am using Zabbix 2. max(5m)} = 0 Mar 11, 2024 · In this article we’ll show how to configure ICMP -based network device monitoring using ping in Zabbi x. Setup. I tried adding values as well, but this Oct 28, 2022 · Hello, We've recently started using zabbix and have found some inconsistency's for when a macro vs hardcoded values are used in triggers in the base templates. This page shows all the nodes monitored by Zabbix. Feb 16, 2011 · you want to get an alert if ICMP ping sec value is over 300 during 2 minutes. Adding the ability to set host "available" to be "green" in a dashboard with "Template Module ICMP Ping" would make usage by new users much easier to adopt. This is our zabbix's load: Apr 25, 2020 · Currently dashboard only displays host availability if using zabbix agent. Supports A, AAAA, PTR, MX and TXT records. Therefore, your trigger can be as follows: {Template ICMP Ping:icmppingsec. max() functions will work as expected and described above. Name Description Expression Severity Template Module ICMP Ping Overview. Apr 8, 2017 · 0 - ICMP Ping Fails 1 - ICMP Ping successful Trigger function . - My hosts have the Im using Zabbix 5. 00 in the morning, I received two messages in my email: Problem: Unavailable by ICMP ping Problem started at 18:27:27 on 2022. last(0) the trigger does work. I added some hosts and linked out-of-the-box "Template Module ICMP Ping" with added by myself a simple graph to visualize ICMP Ping response times. Obviously it is not possible to install a Zabbix agent or SNMP agent or something similar on the devices. Aug 21, 2014 · Not sure if its clear but GUI ping is in almost no way related to "ICMP Trigger status error". Refer to the vendor documentation. Trigger . 168. max(120)}>300 means: if during last 2 minutes, the maximum value is greater than 300. For the duration of my test, I had many of the same alert in my Zabbix dashboard for this one Trigger. Apr 20, 2020 · Hi, I'm new to Zabbix and like the product very much coming from Nagios. I have a zabbix server running the 1. So, go to "Configuration -> Actions" and see which action matches your ICMP Ping trigger. I have a question regarding to create ping fail alert in v6. 04 64bit Installed Zabbix 1. The hosts are also available from command line. Thx Bg, Mar 3, 2022 · If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. To start viewing messages, select the forum that you want to visit from the selection below. But the problem is that the alert in my dashboard spawned a new alert every minute. this moment must be recorded. my item is configured: Description : Ping to the server (TCP) Key : icmpping Interval : 60 Type : Simple check Nov 5, 2020 · Thank you for your response. Sorry if I missed the point entirely and ICMP is required in this situation, but personally I limit its use to testing for connectivity, packet loss and Apr 8, 2022 · If i execute a ping command from the zabbix server, it successfuly reaches the hosts (so it's not a networking/permissions problem). 128. Some host can't use agent, and only respond to ICMP. Aug 14, 2020 · Hi, I have a problem with trigger dependencies between templates (a normal template and a normal/linked template), here is an example of what's happening: - I make a dependency between the trigger in "Template App SSH Service" and a trigger in "Template Module ICMP Ping", it works fine. Zabbix configuration. This generates a trigger after three unsuccessful pings with severity "High"). This is my ICMPING Trigger: Jan 4, 2022 · Using the triggers Unavailable by ICMP ping and No SNMP data collection (this is linked to the first), I’m getting these notifications. Set Up ICMP May 11, 2009 · I can see from the zabbix_server. and next good, then do not send mail. max(3m)}=0 and we receive notification after 10-15 Sep 4, 2024 · One of the trigger that comes with Template Module ICMP Ping is "Unavailable by ICMP ping" Expression: max(/Template Module ICMP Ping/icmpping,#3)=0 AFAIK, it means when the max value of 3 subsequent icmpping is 0, it will activate the trigger. This instance currently monitors all our routers and WAN default gateways as indvidual hosts however where we have sites that have 2 WAN circuits we want to be able to group these and give a Warning alarm if 1/2 go of and a High alarm if 2/2 go off. Now the other reason why i'm writing this post is to ask for soome help in creating a trigger that checks if some devices are alive using a ping. thanks everyone! Aug 21, 2014 · Not sure if its clear but GUI ping is in almost no way related to "ICMP Trigger status error". i've applied ICMP Ping template and i've configured item in this mode: Beucause i want ping that item dall days from 10:50 AM to 10:52 AM than i set a trigger beaucause i want that after 30 lost ping trigger set up At 10:51 (during the item check) nothing happens. 點進Template Module ICMP Ping => Triggers =>High ICMP ping loss. max(3m)}=0 and we receive notification after 10-15 Sep 3, 2021 · Hi, I have a problem with the alerts, as soon as the vpn goes down or has a problem, I receive lots of "high icmp response" or "unavailable by icmp ping" responses so I would like to know if it is possible how to create a trigger which as soon as all the hosts of a group which is found in "high icmp response" or in "unavailable by icmp ping", it indicates that it is the vpn which is in default Apr 4, 2024 · Hi, I've set up my zabbix server after a long troubleshooting session and came across an annoying problem in Zabbix. 4. avg(7200) to . Here's my environment. I've been trying to following actions. 0 a few days ago, ICMP checks are not working correctly any more - they show failed hosts still OK. リソース監視(Windows) ・CPU使用率監視 ・メモリ使用率監視 ・DISK使用率監視. The trigger: "Unavailable by ICMP ping" occurs for a handful of hosts throughout the day intermittently. What i've tried: I've tried a simple check item, with a key of "icmpping[,,,,]". 3. Dec 3, 2024 · I monitor a bunch of hardware that's all dependent on a router. " The mentioned trigger "Unavailable by ICMP ping 2" is defined in the same XML. Can someone please assist. Jan 24, 2020 · Events are generated by Zabbix when trigger state changes (OK -> PROBLEM or PROBLEM -> OK). I have an issue that when we backup our environment (vmware), there is a snapshot process which cause a ping loss (3-4 ping loss). Feb 11, 2022 · I'm monitoring with zabbix 5. I can't think when unknown would trigger, but I'd want total as well. Para usar o modelo ICMP do Zabbix, após adicionar um novo host. 5 (as u can see it on graph picture). Zabbix template and accompanying scripts for icmp monitoring done by agent. This all works. The default "High ICMP ping Apr 1, 2019 · un trigger su icmp ping, en Disaster, quand le ping est KO pour la 7h l'item icmping est configuré pour recupèrer les ping, toutes les heures à 0m, 5m et 10m > custom interval Merci beaucoup pour le support Dec 9, 2017 · Triggers是用來做觸發動作,可以告警或自動化動作. For 2 specific servers i need now a new template where the ICMP PIng only triggers when the ping is over 200 for 5m. No specific Zabbix configuration is required. Sep 21, 2013 · Using the results of the load test, you can then identify the loads/levels at which you would like to be notified, and then perhaps you can create a trigger/action in Zabbix accordingly. What I would like to do, is filter this widget to only show where ICMP = 0 (down). Ich habe nun eine Kopie von "Template Module ICMP Ping" erstellt -> "Template Module ICMP Ping ohne Alarm" Und in der Kopie einfach den Trigger May 7, 2015 · My question is, how I can say ICMP template, or I can create new template, that after zabbix send ICMP eg. I don't know exactly what is the function so that it will notify me by email when the host is offline for 30 minutes. Let's say it may not respond for weeks and then turn on and work for a couple of days. Zabbix utiliza la utilidad externa fping para el procesamiento de pings ICMP. 28 Dec 9, 2021 · Estou com um projeto para monitorar uma media de 150~200 links sem SNMP GET ou TRAP, portanto estou usando a key icmping. I can not create an expression that allows me to initiate a trigger when a host does not respond to ICMP requests more than 2 times. I'm new to this forum and excited to learn from all the experienced members here. Somehow I am still being spammed with alerts as all triggers fire off. Our tutorial will teach you all the steps required monitor a host using the Zabbix ICMP simple check. Jul 9, 2024 · Zabbix 提供了名为 Template Module ICMP Ping 的预定义模板,可供使用。感兴趣的读者可以参考以下内容。 Zabbix PING 监控介绍. I tested with one windows host. You may have to REGISTER before you can post. プロセス監視(Linux) サービス May 22, 2009 · I have a trigger {ICMP-monitoring:icmpping. Monitors max,avg,min rtt and loss. Aug 13, 2014 · 1) Use Zabbix agent bult-in item "icmpping[,3]", create trigger for it "{Template:icmpping[,3]. This trigger does not seem to work. Link: https://www. " - and I've been hunting a similar solution online/forum/YouTube for days now. 00 de la mañana, he recibido dos mensajes en mi correo: Problem: Unavailable by ICMP ping Jan 17, 2025 · We currently have Zabbix setup and patched to the latest version (7. Right now I switched to {Template Net Network Generic Device SNMPv2:icmpping. I'm thinking ICMP Loss gives the best info for this. Think another way: There is a trigger called "ICMP ping" with an update interval of 30s. 0/pt/manual/config/items/item Click on the host you want to monitor with ICMP ping. for my "Unavailable by ICMP ping" trigger I changed #3 to 10 May 10, 2022 · I did receive a Disaster alert for this ping and agent not responding trigger I created. When I change the . Nov 15, 2018 · Como mencionado o Zabbix monitora o status de muitos dispositivos da rede com o ICMP Ping - EX: Roteadores instalados em clientes (CPE). Jan 14, 2025 · After successful login, we can add new host to check status with ICMP ping. I tested this value, I made a new trigger and created a new send-mail action. So I'd use 75%+ ICMP Loss for Unavailable. Jan 1, 2024 · ・ICMP Ping ・Zabbix Agent Ping. 1 -k icmpping[142. Porém percebi alguns problemas que eu mesmo gerei devido as configurações de trigger. Responses times are gathered without any issues but there is no trigger lunched when response times May 21, 2021 · Guten Morgen, vermutlich seit dem Upgrade auf Version 5. I have searched the forums and haven't found any posts with this issue so I assume that I'm doing something stupid somewhere along the line. Sep 26, 2023 · Creating a trigger and item for a host group in a Zabbix monitoring system to detect when 70% or more of the hosts in the group are unavailable via ICMP ping? I tried but not worked this type of solving method. 5. Dennoch möchte ich einen Simple-Check Test einrichten zb. Even response 0 is a value, that's why trigger won't fire. This allows to, for example, have a template where some triggers depend on router (host) triggers. So I have every device's trigger for icmp ping unavailable dependent on the icmp ping unavailable trigger of the router. The availibility is also green for some reason, while it clearly Neste vídeo demonstro como monitorar host através do protocolo icmp ping no zabbix.
zjv tlzy olotcf ldbyegt kdhsl chd hxjllm fxm ixmj eqiqo bpxg dpnfpht vsst wgymq zelww