Hypixel damage formula. Using this emerald blade I got an 1.

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Hypixel damage formula. I mean the actual crit.

Hypixel damage formula Base damage formula: (5 + weapon dmg + (rounded down strength / 5)) * (1 + strength/100) Apr 11, 2023 · The final damage output of a player depends on various stats and factors. 555 = 41. So I refreshed the strength and crit damage in my calculation. 100 Strength 100 Critical Damage 100 Base Damage of the weapon they're currently using 200% Damage to Zombies Feb 28, 2024 · If anyone was wondering why SB damage calculation is so hard, or why sb is a maths intensive game, this is the equation for the most core aspect of the game melee damage. Protection reduces fall damage by 4% per level. 2b+ with my stats and a mm deathmite soul Aug 29, 2015 · There were lots of damage calculators, but almost all of them calculates damage from player stats which are directly entered by people. (5 + weapon damage + strength/5) x (1 + strength/100) x (1 + crit damage / 100) x (1 + additive multiplier / 100) Lets assume a player has these stats. Jun 10, 2014 · This formula could be determined from the following reasoning: Let's say for example, you have 10 hp, your enemy has 20 hp, and your sword does 10 damage, but has Giant Killer V. But then the ability. Dec 18, 2019 · The whole formula is more complicated, but the only thing that changes is that taking higher damage will reduce how much your armor protects you, with the newer toughness attribute reducing that reduction. For example, the leaping sword as a ability scaling of 1, so it will do 100% of its damage per 100 mana. Using this reasoning, we can conclude this whats the damage formula? | Hypixel Forums for swords Feb 21, 2015 · And do not link the calculators from the wiki for the Ability Damage, they currently do not answer the question, nor does the formula, something is not correct or has to be explained better. Jun 13, 2021 · Joined May 23, 2015 Messages 1,543 Reaction score 393. It can be thought of as either the Damage stat on a given item, or the "final damage" dealt upon attacking a mob, whether that be by hitting it or using an item ability. 99% multiplicative damage increase, not a 10% damage increase which makes ice spray 109. To keep clarity, this is often referred to as The primary damage formula is as follows: = ((+) (+) +) (+) Your Crit Damage is applied as a multiplier at the end, meaning the more Crit Damage you have, the larger the multiplier will be. It is the damage dealt through any given item or weapon when using its ability. Crit damage is only a multiplier. Here are the stats of a Redstone Pigman, taken from the Hypixel Skyblock Wiki. The formula for damage reduction can be seen as follows: D a m a g e R e d u c t i o n = ( T r u e D e f e n s e 100 + T r u e D e f e n s e ) {\displaystyle {\color {Gray}DamageReduction=\left({\frac {\color {White}{\mbox Jan 8, 2021 · What's the formula for ability damage? Including scaling and base ability damage. Initial Damage = Base Ability Damage × ( 1 + ( I n t e l l i g e n c e 100 Oct 4, 2020 · Needed to calculate how many blocks fell to bring tarantula spiders to the LEAST possible health without dieing. Base damage formula: (5 + weapon dmg + (rounded down strength / 5)) * (1 + strength/100) Jul 5, 2020 · TLDR: Given a total strength+crit damage=x, we can optimize strength and crit damage to create the highest damage, and this does not involve making strength x and crit damage 0; as the optimal ratio can only be determined with math Oct 20, 2022 · Starting out as a YouTube channel making Minecraft Adventure Maps, Hypixel is now one of the largest and highest quality Minecraft Server Networks in the world, featuring original games such as The Walls, Mega Walls, Blitz Survival Games, and many more! Jun 1, 2019 · Why OFA is so overpowered atm? Let's look at the current damage formula: The problem with the formula is it gives 100 times more weight to weapon damage rather than strength, cd and enchants/combat level, all three combined! OFA doesn't need to be nerfed, the other stats need to be buffed! Jul 6, 2019 · Few things to note: "Scaling dmg" is how much extra damage you would deal if you gained an extra 100 intel Voodoo doll and pigman sword's damage is based off how much total damage they deal to the opponent over the course of 5/10sec Join 25,000+ other online Players!. So 30% of their melee dmg stat + 5, scales with intelligence the farther the beam travels, the closer the mobs are to you the less it scales Jul 5, 2020 · TLDR: Given a total strength+crit damage=x, we can optimize strength and crit damage to create the highest damage, and this does not involve making strength x and crit damage 0; as the optimal ratio can only be determined with math Aug 21, 2020 · So, I was wondering what the formula for EHP is. 10 without the archangel chestplate. and how you can use it to calculate your future weapons. Hypixel Skyblock Damage Calculator Made by Not_A_Neko <3 version 10. 86395909206774 - 200. net May 11, 2020 · according to wiki: 30% of melee damage + 5, which is then added to by (0. 38x dmg boost Using this reaper falcion I got an 1. Also resistance also multiplies with these values, giving a 20% damage reduction per level. View attachment 3218629 Jul 6, 2019 · So I made a google sheet which you can fill out to calculate your damage. All percent values should be converted to a decimal fraction. ) besides some changes that are supposedly made in the final damage, I have no info on what it is, But it isnt too far off. Below is the formula used to calculate the damage output of a given setup. Sure, it is much easier to use those calculators, but that's not what we want. View attachment 3218595 You can see that they deal 75 damage, so using the formula we should expect 75x0. Having to hit an enemy 20 times to get a dmg mult that's still less than mage's beam scaling is a sorry state of affairs. If you do not deal a critical hit, then the CritDamage value is set to 0 . I haven't done any testing with the Lethality enchant yet, so this works best if you use it to calculate first-hit damage. Let’s start with a brief summary of the damage formula, which will be important for later on. 09, and 1*0. with 1,600 intelligence I deal roughly 600,000-700,000 damage per use. Currently, the updated formula: Being a linear graph Mar 6, 2020 · So I have decided to do some calculating as to the max damage the you can do to a dragon in hypixel skyblock. ). For example, To get all necessary stats, follow these steps: Open your inventory Jun 2, 2020 · damage formula. Read on to learn more! TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter I - The Problems Chapter II - The Maths Chapter III - Fixing the Mess Chapter IV - Multiplicative Faults Chapter V - TLDR Chapter I - The Problems View attachment 3120549 This is the current Damage Formula. But a midas staff (i dont actually know how much it has) could have a 0. Note 1: The last tick of fall damage is not calculated. When reforging, itchy loses on strength. The reason for such a long setup process is so once it is all set up you can change one value when Hypixel tells you so in e. The general consensus is "it has something to do with meelee damage and int" but thats it. 10=0. If you have 2600 intelligence (which gives you the same melee damage in the current formula), you do just over half of your melee damage, which is pretty good. Strength is not strictly better than crit damage. The equation that I will be using for damage is: Damage Formula: Base Damage * Strength Multiplier * Damage Multiplier * Crit Damage Multiplier Base Damage =5+WeaponDamage+Strength/5 Strength Multiplier =1+Strength/100 Dec 24, 2013 · Im wondering how defense works im looking within my "profile" and seeing it decreases damage by a certain %. I've been using a Training Dummy to use Ability Weapons against it and see the damage output. For example, To get all necessary stats, follow these steps: Open your inventory Jan 23, 2020 · From the wiki Those attacks deal 30% +5 of their melee Damage (increased by 0. Oct 26, 2019 · Crit damage by itself does not have diminishing returns. But if there's a way to complete the formula, that would be helpful. . " Lol. But it really isn't that hard. Is base weapon damage the the number given as "Damage: +" on swords? Jul 5, 2020 · Let's start with the simple. This doesn't take into effect your Crit Damage, only strength and base weapon damage. Apr 22, 2021 · The point was that sometimes you can have a different ratio and do more damage. However, the mob actually dealt 62 damage. Obviously this doesn't include enchants, crit damage May 6, 2022 · If you want the actual full damage calculation, and want to run it, there is a wiki article on it, and I can help with specifics that aren't defined there But the basics are that your crit damage and strength are both divided by 100 and then multiplied together, then your damage is multiplied by the result, and then other bonuses are applied Feb 21, 2015 · What's the Sharpness damage formula? So that you can calculate the damage. Weapons with Intelligence Scaling, or Int Scaling, means that your damage will scale per intelligence point. Mar 15, 2021 · Currently Reaper Armor is a weird case, When using a clean weapon the 200% dmg to zombies is fine, But when you start using other weapons it changes. If you know the formulas Feb 18, 2017 · I've looked for every clue I could, but nobody seems to have a formula for it and the wikia doesn't seem to be very trustworthy. Enchants are calculate additively on the final number: For example first strike is +100% and sharpness is +25% and these together add up to 100% (base) +100% (first strike) + 25% (sharpness) = 225% damage total between enchantments Nov 20, 2023 · The damage formula is the folowing : View attachment 3290543 The setup i will virtually (obviously) use is : 3/4 infernal crimson + warden helmet + DC + greg + silky power with 1589 mp + cd tuning + cd enrichment Jul 5, 2020 · strength adds a raw amount of damage to your attack, then is multiplicitive, while crit damage is only multiplicitive, meaning that at some point crit damage will fall off and get worse (I have looked through some more threads and have seen a dispute between 300% and 400%, so the optimal amount is somewhere between there) while strength will Apr 30, 2020 · Hi, today i will be ranking every weapon in skyblock by calculating it's damage. 09 * [your intelligence stat]) this formula stays consistent up to 15 blocks, after which your mage beam damage is reduced. 7374244870360519 When str: 276. 7421414514255699 When str: 133. Please note the roundings might make it not 100% accurate, Also there seems to be some enchantments which increase damage a bit without properly saying so in the lore. G. For example, if you have more strength than crit damage, and you have the opportunity to get 3 strength or 2 crit damage by reforging a talisman, it is not obvious which is better: getting more overall stat points (3 more strength) or going closer to the 1:1 ratio (2 more crit damage). g 'Skill Level Up' message. 7452022898213 Then ideal Crit damage: 50 - 100 Ratio = 0. 625 damage. Both normal and true damage reduction are calculated using the same formula: Def Def + 100 , {\\displaystyle \\frac{\\text{Def}}{\\text{Def} + 100},} where: Def {\\displaystyle \\text{Def}} - player's May 7, 2021 · Damage formula: Damage = (5 + WeaponDamage)*(1 + Strength/100)*(1 + CriticalDamage/100)(1 + otherMultipliers) WeaponDamage is the stat on your sword Strength is the total amount of strength you have CriticalDamage is the total amount of crit damage you have OtherMultipliers contains other damage multipliers such as combat level, enchantments Jun 2, 2019 · Skeleton Master damage formula along with the True damage please. Or, re-work the damage formula to provide less damage over all. Play Now. Keep in mind that Base Ability Damage is unrelated to the Ability Damage stat, other than their names. Using the normal formula you would expect me to deal (5 + 30 + 491/5) * Aug 7, 2015 · I have been working on creating a faster and more user friendly talisman calculator and was wondering about aspects of the damage calculation formula. You sword will do 50% more damage to the mob (the mob has 10 more hp, which means your sword has 50% more damage output). See more: Damage Calculation Below is a list of every item that uses this formula, including their Base Ability Damage and Ability Scaling values. We got the great idea of making a calculator to test the theoretical damage of certain items (we just wanted to compare the damage of maxed weapons that we didn’t have). Aug 17, 2019 · Combat level 20, base levels are strength 72 (base damage 19), crit damage 93%. Damage can also refer to the damage a player deals when attacking an entity or the damage done by item abilites. The values for enchantments should be summed. 7% at 20 def, lets say i put i know how much mana i will have at end of dungeon, but just switched weapons so im tryna find the damage I will deal based on my mana at end of dungeon all formulas i've found have either be slightly higher or lower than the damage that the weapon says it deals (so no enchants yest) any ideas? Jul 5, 2020 · strength adds a raw amount of damage to your attack, then is multiplicitive, while crit damage is only multiplicitive, meaning that at some point crit damage will fall off and get worse (I have looked through some more threads and have seen a dispute between 300% and 400%, so the optimal amount is somewhere between there) while strength will Aug 4, 2019 · If you were dealing 20 Mil, You might go down around 16Mil. So all your enchants are based on your base damage. Oh also noone knows how to accurate calculate additives. At 10000 intelligence, you would be dealing 80% of your melee damage, down from 300%. 9% better than what it is meant to be Oct 4, 2020 · When str: 67. Ive tested my damage with 270% Speed, meaning I get 100% base weapon damage from the ability. For example, When attacking a mob which is in the Bestiary, the bonus Strength from the Bestiary should be added. And strength affects the overall damage more than crit damage as it adds to the base dmg and also acts as a multiplier. Using this emerald blade I got an 1. So 30% of their melee dmg stat + 5, scales with intelligence the farther the beam travels, the closer the mobs are to you the less it scales strength > crit damage unless you have 100 cc which like every person who doesn't play tank or mage has so, if you have 99% crit chance, 500 strength and 500 crit damage, 500 strength has the value of 500 strength while the 500 crit damage has the value of 495% crit damage for those times where you don't crit Feb 24, 2022 · So what if you don't evenly spread it, let's say now your crit damage is x + a, and strength is x - a, where a is a natural number By Hypixel skyblock wiki's formula, the actual damage you get with uneven crit damage + strength (consider only crit damage and strength are the factors) = (Base damage (B) * (1 + (x+a)/100)) * (1 + (x-a)/100) Feb 2, 2020 · That means the player would only take 55. 31x dmg boost In my opinion the damage boost of the Dec 15, 2019 · Basically 5 plus base damage plus 1 per 5 strength, and this number is increased by 1% per strength at the end. So does anyone know the formula used to calculate mage beam damage? Jan 8, 2021 · This is the damage formula that was used before the strength nerfs introduced today. For example, To get all necessary stats, follow these steps: Open your inventory If I recall correctly, after the Strength nerf, my fists were dealing like 100-200, now I suddenly see that my fist damage dealt 1. For starters, to get accurate results, you will need to check your stats Apr 30, 2020 · Hi, today i will be ranking every weapon in skyblock by calculating it's damage. I had everything Aug 7, 2015 · Does anyone know the specific bow damage formula? From my limited testing, it seems to differ from the sword formula. Click to expand Damage Reduction is a percent value which represents how much Damage a player or enemy will not take when taking Damage. View attachment 3218596 Jul 11, 2016 · Starting out as a YouTube channel making Minecraft Adventure Maps, Hypixel is now one of the largest and highest quality Minecraft Server Networks in the world, featuring original games such as The Walls, Mega Walls, Blitz Survival Games, and many more! Jul 19, 2022 · However, we need to factor in the enemy’s defense, even if most mobs in Hypixel Skyblock don’t even have defense. 79593863810163 Then ideal Crit damage: 100 - 150 Ratio = 0. Hypixel is now one of the largest and highest quality Minecraft Sep 13, 2019 · Fill all your armor, and weapon stats in the dark yellow marked fields in the spreadsheets 'Sword Damage Calculator' and 'Bow Damage Calculator' Now everything is set up . 2 ability scaling, so if it did 1000 damage, then it would do 200 damage per 100 mana Dec 21, 2017 · This is due to the strange damage formula, that prefers balanced stats over specialized stats. The damage formula relies on a lot of Aug 24, 2019 · By my calculations, assuming the damage formula as stated above, I should deal well over 1 Million damage per use of the Ability. The overall damage from a weapon takes into account Strength and ☠ Crit Damage. 5. Feb 7, 2022 · Therefore, the 10% extra damage reduction gives the player 100% less damage taken than before, and the player becomes immune to damage (excluding damage boosting enchantments of course). Jun 2, 2020 · there's no way i'm hitting 13. Overall damage increases linearly when only crit damage is increased. I'm talking, given x defence, and y health, and get z EHP? I know that you can use damage reduction to calculate it, but damage reduction is not shown in skycrypt, ect. Damage is a weapon stat that affects the overall Damage output of the Item. Below is the formula used to calculate the damage output of a given setup. Useful for optimizing reforges and enchants. Jun 13, 2021 #1 title Apr 24, 2018 · Instead of nerfing how ONE stat scales, nerf how damage itself is calculated. net How much damage can I do with a shadow fury and full sa armour assuming I can use them May 6, 2017 · I'm wondering if anyone have the formula of fall damage, I need how Hypixel calculates the fall damage in Skyblock, not the vanilla fall damage calculation Thanks. So now that you know I have 16. For example, To get all necessary stats, follow these steps: Open your inventory Nov 11, 2020 · Holding sneak while on a at least 2 block tall Scaffolding negates all Fall Damage. Well obviously it makes you do more damage, but do you know why it does this? In this post I will not only explain why it does more damage, but also I will explain exactly how much more damage it does. And because View attachment 3152485 Therefore View attachment 3152486 And we have our grand formula, for plain damage taken. 37260114491065 - 134. Jul 26, 2017 · Below is the formula used to calculate the damage output of a given setup. Lets say for instance I have a base of 21 Def now when i go into my profile I see that im getting a 17% damage reduction. 41065781921432 - 271. The higher intelligence scaling, the more damage there is per point of Intelligence. If you don't deal a critical hit, then Crit Damage is set to 0. What is the damage formula? Anyone know why strength is better in larger amounts? And at what point should you stop going for crit dmg and go for strength. So, I either need a way to get x damage reduction from y defence, or what I previously mentioned. net Feb 23, 2020 · This formula seem much more balanced imo. So the big problem is the base formula. Nov 19, 2024 · if its a 10% damage increase the damage should be 1,426,914. Defense reduces normal damage, and True Defense reduces True Damage. Oct 17, 2019 · So I thought about calculating my damage while wearing a warden helmet. It seems to be using different values to add those +30% with. To prove this we need to introduce a simplified version of the Hypixel Skyblock's damage formula and test subject Steve who wants to deal as much damage as possible. Assume your health is 1000. Jan 4, 2021 · In the new update strength will be nerfed this was the damage formula before: damage = (5 + weapon damage + strength/5) x (1 + strength/100) x (1 + crit Mar 9, 2025 · I don't think Lust for Blood is designed correctly otherwise true bers would be an okay pick. The primary damage formula is as follows. 5 with ice spray, however actual damage with ice spray: 1,569,606 View attachment 3401826 this equates to a 20. Jul 27, 2018 · How do I increase my damage from here? I do golems full time and have 100m to spend on getting more damage Jul 27, 2018 · How do I increase my damage from here? I do golems full time and have 100m to spend on getting more damage Jan 23, 2020 · From the wiki Those attacks deal 30% +5 of their melee Damage (increased by 0. Jul 31, 2019 · The final damage output of a player depends on various stats and factors. By subsituting all of our values back into the grand formula, we can get this series of equations: Jul 16, 2019 · Title, I was going to do some research for a post on the emerald blade and I found, (with a few tests) that all the formulas I found were wrong, does anyone know the true calculation that needs to be done? If not, could you at least show some screenshots of different amounts of money being Mar 26, 2020 · The final damage output of a player depends on various stats and factors. 7470270614902619 When str: 203. Nov 7, 2020 · Join 25,000+ other online Players!. ☣ Crit Chance is the chance for ☠ Crit Damage to affect the total damage. Increases damage dealt by abilities. View attachment 3218628 You can see that they deal 75 damage, so using the formula we should expect 75x0. Feb 7, 2023 · As you all known, until June of 2021, skyblock used the quadratic scaling, where if strength was represented as x, then the damage graph would look like this: This is due to the old damage formula: Just being a quadratic formula. For example, make every strength and critical damage stat past 1,000 worth 1/2 of the normal amount. And what are other formulas? Maybe devs can leak it? And it's not simple like +30%, it's actually not, because I've tried. The damage formula: May 14, 2017 · Starting out as a YouTube channel making Minecraft Adventure Maps, Hypixel is now one of the largest and highest quality Minecraft Server Networks in the world, featuring original games such as The Walls, Mega Walls, Blitz Survival Games, and many more! Nov 4, 2022 · now the problem with this Formula is that it doesn't cap the damage up to 30% I am not too sure if this can easily be done with pure math, or if Hypixel Skyblock just uses greater than and less than. 09 * your Intelligence) up to 15 blocks, after which damage is reduced. 5% of damage from mobs. Server IP » mc. Also, someone once said, (def True Defense is a percent value which represents how much damage a player or enemy will not take when taking True Damage. Same thing for enderman Apr 22, 2021 · The point was that sometimes you can have a different ratio and do more damage. I know that the base damage (before multipliers) is (5 + weaponDMG + str / 5) * (1 + str / 100) After that, the bonuses for things like Mar 9, 2020 · I have heard there's a formula calculating the base damage you do with your weapon and is as follows: Output Base Damage = (5 + Weapon Damage + (Strength/5)) * (1 + Strength/100) Credits to HellCastle for teaching me this formula. Hypixel is now one of the largest and highest quality Minecraft Server Networks in the Apr 17, 2020 · EHP (Effective Health Points) is a stat that represents the amount of damage you can take before dying (if you're not healing). The formula for Damage reduction can be seen as follows: Defense / ( Defense + 100) Website designed to help mega tryhards calculate their damage in Skyblock. The formula for EHP is: health + health*defense/100 The main problem with EHP is that it doesn't factor in healing, which makes it an irrelevant Mar 4, 2018 · Hi all, I've been doing some tests and have determined the formula for calculating sword damage. hypixel. Nov 16, 2016 · I know its out there, but cant find it. 9 (edit by doej134567) Forum Post: 2. your base damage is based on your strength & weapon. Multiplicatively, the total damage reduction would be 1*0. In order to get you mage melee damage to equal your normal Oct 30, 2021 · I don't mean percents obtained from reforges I mean the actual crit Feb 2, 2020 · That means the player would only take 55. Jul 17, 2019 · In this post I'm going to explain the formula for damage. 3k? It's lower than before the strength nerf, but it still went up regardless Damage Reduction is a mechanic closely related to Defense and True Defense, which reduce the damage taken by the player. ๑ Ability Damage is one of the player Stats. I used a normal bow (30 damage) and deal 14405 damage with 491 strength, 398 crit damage, and combat 47. we want to calculate how much we will deal with our sword and armor set, not how much we will deal with 200 strength and 300 crit damage. the expect damage should be close to 80 million based on the assumed formula. Mar 15, 2021 · The final damage output of a player depends on various stats and factors. This is just calculating on paper with the given formula from minikloon's post (The formula is very simple so I dont think there is anything else affecting it really. 90*0. As a funny note from the Minecraft Wiki, "Using a Water Bucket right before landing negates all fall damage, however it is extremely difficult to do. Sword (and it's crap and I'm working on something better) is 80 damage, 127 strength, 52% crit damage, Cleave V, Critical V, Cubism V, First Strike IV, Giant Killer V, Looting III, Luck V, Sharpness V, Telekinesis I and Vampirism V. View attachment 3294849 Of course it can be simplified to View attachment 3294850 But it still means the exact same thing. Apr 26, 2020 · The final damage output of a player depends on various stats and factors. Go to 'File > Make a copy' to edit and only change cells Apr 29, 2021 · Join 33,000+ other online Players!. 2142104256191 Then ideal Crit damage: 150 - 200 Ratio = 0. (700*1,500 = 1,050,000) The same follows for the ink wand's ability. For example, if you have 15k EHP, you can take 15k damage defore you die. Thread starter Culfre; Start date Jul 24, 2022 Hypixel is now one of the largest and highest quality Minecraft Server Networks in the world Oct 6, 2020 · While messing around in computer science class, I was talking to a friend about skyblock because I was bored. Mainly used to see where you will be at if you had x or y or z done to your weapon. Minimize gain, and make stats worth less over a certain point. Please note that strength is actually useful! Aug 26, 2019 · You can find this formula in the "How To: Strength" thread of the "How to stats" section in my Signature. znw uqxig clalxf jklvag emfnpx ntxf rpliai djmxdhh ognir xjphq woamc qduprvb oxnwz udrnuw ipun