How to explain bible Deepen your understanding with the help of explanatory footnotes and cross-references. Making the Bible Fun and Engaging for Kids Book of Zechariah - This is an amazing prophecy. Aug 24, 2024 · The commentary is so helpful in understanding the Bible. ” That might sound weird, because the Bible we use today comes in the form of just one tome. However, the Bible wasn’t always a single work. When we think about the Bible, we often think of it as a chronological book with a beginning, middle, and end. Jun 6, 2019 · Evantell. But when it comes to getting more out of the Bible, how to understand the Bible for all it’s worth, to gaining a fuller and holistic understanding of Scripture, I think tips can be helpful. Choose a Translation of the Bible That Best Fits Your Needs. Oct 13, 2014 · Dr. If you’re interested in further gaining insight into understanding the Bible, check out Bible Verses About Understanding or if you want to delve deeper into studying, visit Bible Verses About Studying the Bible. For example, it says of Christ that “in Him all the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form” (Colossians 2:9). This is far from the only interpretation of the Bible. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are all fully God. For starters, it’s ridiculously long. The gospel colors are a great way to lead a child to salvation. As a historic translation completed in 1611, the KJV's timeless yet intricate language invites thoughtful exploration to uncover its deeper meanings. The Bible is meant to be studied in solitude and community. Even if you have been reading the Bible for years, this is a simple, excellent guide. The Bible is clear that all three Persons are each one hundred percent God. Why explaining the Bible to a child is so hard… If you’ve ever tried to sum up a novel, you’ll have a small inkling of why its difficult to explain the Bible to a child. Focus on Applying the Bible to Your Life. Jesus: The World Changer. Explaining sin to adults can be difficult…much less kids. You may also share your favorite Bible stories. The Bible sometimes gives us certain keys for understanding the time sequence of prophecy, such as a day can equal a year in prophetic time. That’s why prayer is the most important element of a Christian’s Bible study. GNB The Good News Bible (formerly Today’s English Version), 1976 JB The Jerusalem Bible, 1966 KJV The King James Version (also, the Authorized Version), 1611 LB The Living Bible, 1971 NAB The New American Bible, 1970 NASB The New American Standard Bible, 1960 NEB The New English Bible, 1961 NIV The New International Version, 1973 Aug 4, 2024 · Consider the more than 300 verses explaining that Jesus is from the Holy Spirit, like this one; search in the Bible and you shall find the Bible proofs: 30 But the angel said to her, "Do not be afraid, Mary, you have found favor with God. One analogy some have used is water because water can exist in three stages, as a liquid (water), as a solid (ice), and as a gas (steam), and yet each one is still H2O which is the molecular formula for water. Jan 14, 2024 · Studying the Bible verse by verse can seem daunting, but with the right approach it can be deeply rewarding. So these are the questions you need to gently enurage them to consider. Bad News #1 ‑— We are all sinners. Pastors use this study, as do new believers and even non-Christians. 31 You will be with child and give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus. This comprehensive resource will enhance your understanding of the Bible's narrative with a chapter-by-chapter summary of the Holy text and deepen your Robert W. 1 At times we have to Dec 3, 2024 · The Bible was written over centuries, across different regions, and by various authors, each influenced by their unique historical circumstances. Though we can understand some facts about the relationship of the different Persons of the Trinity to one another, ultimately, it is incomprehensible to the human mind. Mar 12, 2025 · As we continue to explore God’s Word, we can be encouraged to research many different topics. Pray! You can’t truly understand the depths of Scripture without the power of the Holy Spirit. It contains various books by different authors. Explaining the Faith - How to Understand the Bible: A Catholic Book. Discover key Bible study methods, tools, and practical tips to understand and apply Scripture deeply Sep 20, 2021 · God illumines and applies his truth to our hearts. Both are necessary for a holistic understanding of God’s word. 1. The audio Bible feature is so convenient for listening on-the-go. The Bible is a collection of 66 books written by about 40 authors over a period of 1600 years in various places and includes many literary genres. After all, unlike the Knitting Bible, it was written thousands of Bible Study Online - Verse-by-verse Bible study and Biblical commentary. We must accept the truths found in the Word of God by faith even though we ourselves cannot comprehend them fully; read Hebrews 11:1, 3, 6 and 1 Corinthians 2:5-10, 14; 13:12. Mar 6, 2023 · How can we understand the Trinity? People have made various attempts to describe the Trinity using things we see in everyday life. From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible spans over a thousand years of time. ” – Sarah; Common Praise and Criticisms Jan 30, 2024 · When considering how to explain the Trinity to a new believer, reflecting on my own journey underscores just how intricate and awe-inspiring this cornerstone Christian teaching truly is. I’ve plunged into theological studies with gusto so that I can share insights that clear up confusion like a ray of light through stained glass windows. Dec 3, 2024 · The Bible was written over centuries, across different regions, and by various authors, each influenced by their unique historical circumstances. Sep 20, 2021 · #17 – Join A Bible Study. 1 God made use of specific people that wrote in a human language, and did so at a particular time and place in history. Read the Bible in Context. Explain the significance of weddings in the biblical times and set the stage by describing the festivities and the importance of hospitality. However, it can be difficult to explain these stories to children in a way that they will understand. First used by Charles Spurgeon in 1866, the Wordless Book has become a very popular tool used all over the world to explain the plan of salvation to kids using the gospel colors. Be gentle and gracious as you seek to challenge them. If you’re short on time, here’s a quick answer: read each verse slowly and carefully, take notes on observations, interpretations and applications, and use study tools like commentaries to better understand context and meaning. Children have limited vocabulary and may struggle to understand complex concepts and unfamiliar words. Joining a Bible study puts you in a place where you can gain the insights of others. The Bible is so long that people often commit to reading it in a year…and fail because there are just SO many words. Early Human History The word “bible” comes from the old Greek word biblia, which just means “books. 1 At times we have to The Bible never outright mentions dinosaurs. 5. Fossils only become an issue if you interpret the Bible to believe that the Earth is younger than the fossil record shows. ” – Emily “I love using Bible Gateway for my daily Bible reading. Wall and David R. Why Study the Bible? — benefits of studying the Bible Why We Can Trust The Bible — inspiration and the canon of Scripture Preparing to Study the Bible, part 1 — why so many interpretations? Preparing to Study the Bible, part 2 — avoiding errors in interpretation Preparing To Know What The Bible Says — best Bibles and more Mar 3, 2022 · 2. Scripture deserves its impressive reputation. 3. Father Chris Alar, MIC, explains the history and significance of the world's most famous book. Always let the Bible interpret the Bible. When explaining difficult Bible stories to kids, it is crucial to use age-appropriate language. These three points are essential to a basic understanding of the bible: 1 God is indeed the principal author of Sacred Scripture. Lawrenz covers such topics as approaching the Bible, understanding both the OT and the NT, and interpreting the Bible. Even the simple realities that surround His birth Feb 1, 2024 · To begin teaching about the miracle of turning water into wine, provide some background information about the wedding in Cana, where this miracle took place. , A Compact Guide to the Whole Bible: Learning to Read Scripture’s Story (Baker Academic, 2015) This compact, one-semester introduction to the Bible prepares students to begin reading the biblical text as Christian Scripture, focusing on the meaning of Scripture for the church. Discover key Bible study methods, tools, and practical tips to understand and apply Scripture deeply Jan 27, 2025 · So here are a few basic tips to help you hit the ground running—and these tips also lay the foundation for more in-depth Bible study when you’re ready to dig even deeper. Feb 11, 2025 · The Bible is a very important book full of stories that teach us about God and Jesus. So to make things a little more interesting, why not use an object lesson? When you have a difficult subject, like sin, an object lesson can be the perfect conduit for explaining something difficult in a simple way. Explaining the Bible carefully makes it clear why it’s so special. It aids in starting a lifelong journey of loving and studying the Bible. Explaining the details of the miracle Our finite minds cannot understand or explain this mystery of God, which is nevertheless a fact. Faith is listening to God and trusting Him that He will help you and lead you where you should go. There's a few verses that mention strange creatures (I remember one about something called a Leviathan, a quick google says it's Job 41) that creationist Christians sometimes point to as references to creatures that are typically accepted to be from around the era of the dinosaurs (the Leviathan is some sort of sea creature, so technically not a Jan 31, 2024 · Conclusion: how to explain the bible to a non-believer. Nienhuis, ed. When explaining Jesus to a non-believer, it’s often helpful to start with commonly accepted facts about Jesus. Get Familiar with the Main Storyline. But how? In theory, you probably understand that studying the Bible is a good thing. Free Download Play Video… Jan 27, 2025 · You can understand the Bible for yourself. Many other symbols are also in the Bible. I won’t go into all of the verses here (simply type “bible verses about the Trinity” into Google and you’ll find plenty). Oct 3, 2023 · The Role of Age-Appropriate Language in Explaining Difficult Bible Stories to Kids. The question should be: How do people who believe that the Earth is only 6000 years old explain the existence of fossils. The Bible starts with the creation of Heaven and Earth. Social media today is bombarded with opinions and ideas many of which go against Christian belief and sound doctrine. ” – David “YouVersion is my favorite Bible study app. To make learning about the Bible more fun and engaging for kids, here are some tips: Jan 14, 2024 · Popular study Bibles include the NIV Study Bible, ESV Study Bible, Life Application Study Bible, and Jeremiah Study Bible. In reality, the Bible is a library. The Bible also teaches that there is only one God. Feb 18, 2025 · Understanding the Bible is a journey that requires dedication, patience, and an open heart. It’s not just about gaining knowledge but truly connecting with God through His Word. Thinking About the Bible as a Library, Not a Book. This helps kids lay a solid groundwork to love and understand God’s Word. Here are the essentials you need to get started to better understand the Scriptures. The important thing is that we stress that God created the earth, the universe, and every living thing, especially humans. . They are placed in the Bible according to the type of book that it is. Although we wouldn’t be able to tell from English translations of the Bible, the language of the original books is also a way to divide the Bible into Old and New Testaments. You listen to Christian podcasts or read Christian books that talk about the […] Why explaining the Bible to a child is so hard… If you’ve ever tried to sum up a novel, you’ll have a small inkling of why its difficult to explain the Bible to a child. The bad news is something about you and me, and the good news is something about God. Include a URL if you accessed an online version. Mar 20, 2018 · Explaining difficult passages sounds like explaining them away. Through the years, I’ve found that it’s helpful to have the Bible explained with a big-picture overview. The Law May 27, 2010 · When we explain the creation account in Genesis 1, we need to communicate to our children that different scholars, all committed to the Bible as God’s Word, interpret Scripture differently. In between is God’s plan of how to get us there through what Jul 23, 2023 · Learn how to study the Bible with this step-by-step guide. The prophet Zechariah is given a series of prophecies about Jesus Christ from chapter one through chapter twelve. Journey from the creation story in Genesis to the apocalyptic visions of Revelation, gaining key insights into each Book's central themes and messages. As Dec 6, 2022 · The Bible teaches that the Father is God, that Jesus is God, and that the Holy Spirit is God. Aug 23, 2024 · In this article, we will cover the significance of baptism in the Christian faith, how to prepare yourself for this conversation, finding the right age to explain baptism to your child, explaining the meaning of baptism in simple terms, and addressing common questions and concerns children may have about baptism. At its worst, it makes the biblical writers out to be idiots. Jan 27, 2025 · So here are a few basic tips to help you hit the ground running—and these tips also lay the foundation for more in-depth Bible study when you’re ready to dig even deeper. The OT is made up of 39 books. Let’s discuss the bad news first. Within those topics he covers the big picture and different Bible translations just to name a couple of topics. The Bible, at its core, is a collection of several dozen ancient, sacred documents. Study Bibles combine the text of a Bible translation with extensive study notes explaining difficult passages, pointing out important themes, and applying truth to life. Org Has anyone ever taken a Bible and shown you how you can know you’re going to heaven? May I? The Bible contains both bad news and good news. Maybe you go to church and hear it taught by your pastor. The reading plans are so helpful in staying on track. Dec 2, 2016 · Stocksnap. To sum up, explaining the Bible to non-believers is essential for sharing the message of Christ. Nov 15, 2019 · 6. For instance, the Old Testament reflects the ancient Near Eastern milieu, with its customs, laws, and societal structures. They are not placed in the Bible in chronological order, as some may assume. Faith is not being able to see (like your helper can’t see). Since God inspired & confirmed the Bible, we had better know how to read it correctly! Key principles for reading Scripture. Time Sequence. The Bible ends with a New Heaven and a New Earth being joined together. Let’s keep seeking God’s truth Explore Bible chapter summaries for every Book of the Bible. Through the years, I’ve found that it’s helpful to have the Bible explained with a big-picture overview. How to Explain Sin to Sunday School Kids Plus an object lesson! Explaining sin to adults can be difficult enoughbut try explaining it to kids! Here are a couple of ideas for you to make SIN easier to understand for your elementary age Sunday School class. This shows them that the Bible is the source of all the stories and teachings. You will suffer the consequences of your sin for forty years, one year for each of the forty days you spent exploring the land (Numbers 14:34). The Bible is meant to be studied purposefully. We’ll take this approach in this article. Explore Bible Verse Meanings with Commentary – Studying the King James Version (KJV) becomes even more enriching when paired with trusted Bible verse interpretations and study tools. The Bible is full of Scripture speaking of there being only one God (see Deuteronomy 6:4 for starters), as well as the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit all being God. As Christians, we are called to be a buttress and pillar of the truth (1 Timothy 3:15). That’s the goal of this post. 2. Approach with prayer and humility to effectively convey biblical concepts. May 18, 2023 · Christians don’t (or shouldn’t) read the Bible by opening it to a random page, reading a random verse, and hoping for the best. Learn the background of the verses as you read them in their context. This Bible study is in-depth but uses plain English that everyone can understand. With intentional study, prayer for guidance, and the right resources, anyone can uncover the Bible’s transformative truths. There are five sections or types of books in the Old Testament. Whether you’re studying a topic, going through a reading plan, or studying book by book, it should always be purposeful. My A-level RE teacher, for instance – an ordained minister – assured us that Jesus walked not on the water, but on a sandbar projecting from the shore; it was all a trick of the evening light. The first six chapters contain eight visions. Yes, it takes humility to say you don’t understand every part of the Bible. Explain to the class that you are demonstrating what faith is like. Early Human History Dec 9, 2020 · To cite the Bible in 7th edition APA Style, use the general book citation format, omitting the author element and listing the specific version used (not just “The Bible”) as the title. Use familiar verses, focus on Jesus’ resurrection, and keep conversations brief yet impactful. In the midst of gloom, it shines a beacon of hope. 4. Here are some Bible storybooks you can try: Children of God Storybook Bible by Archbishop Desmond Tutu; Hands-On Bible NLT (ages 8 and up) The Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones; The Bible is the ultimate authority since it is God’s word. Learn Who the Main Characters Are. Discover the real meaning of popular Bible verses and phrases. 32 He will be Fossils were unknown when the Bible was written. The Bible is known as such a definitive authority that “bible” has become a shorthand descriptor for guides on everything from dating to gardening. When they read the bible the aim is to get them to consider who they think Jesus is and what are they going to do about him. That’s where the confusion comes from. But understanding the Bible as a Christian today can be complicated sometimes. You might even read your Bible regularly already. rbeihtunkxhflallxkubcxaaedfychdfvlcpldyhiydpgrlflwxneqlaoyevlwgjpsmgetpci