Freenas smb share not accessible. I’m the owner and I’m part of the admin group.

Freenas smb share not accessible But I am not able to open/copy files from windows 10 via SMB shares. I have read the manual, read methods-for-fine-tuning-samba-permissions, read MANY online documents, and viewed The Internet Monkey's videos carefully. Jul 14, 2022 · Please help. The machine shows up in Windows Explorer when the Samba service is turned on, but when I try to open it, explorer loads for some time and I inevitably get "Windows cannot access \FREENAS. All releases after that cause SMB to stop working after a short period of time. 60 and select okay. 2-U5 (2x4TB pool + 1xSSD pool, 2 shares total) 1x Zyxel NAS326 (1x8TB disk, 2 shares total) Mar 10, 2019 · anyone know what might cause the freenas web interface or smb shares to not be accessible, while stuff running in jails is accessible and running fine? i had this problem yesterday after which i rebooted the nas to find everything working again. Obviously a Windows issue. I have gone in and configured a users group, smb share, and their own and shared datasets. To add Windows (SMB) share navigate: Sharing -> Windows (SMB) -> Add Windows (SMB) Share. After creating a few datasets and smb shares, now all of a sudden smb access doesn't work anymore 'Windows cannot access \\freenas\ XYZ. I have a share set up from a storage pool, and the SMB service is running, but I enter the share path properly and nothing is found. Not sure what is going on. In my case, even with WSD and SSDP running and discovering all the other shares, my FreeNAS server is always discovered by NETBIOS. I mounted an SMB share on my windows machine. Mar 19, 2018 · Except now some machines can't access the SMB shares on the NAS, and machine to machine shares are erratic. After the first authentication Windows no longer prompts for credentials to access the other shares. Apr 30, 2020 · In the Windows File Explorer search bar, type \\<FreeNAS IP address> Try reseting the password of the account you're accessing SMB with. i try to access that folder from my lan network , to browse ip freenas\smbshare, using root cannot access , the password root is right. Jan 2, 2020 · Hi! I created an SMB share on my test FreeNAS machine but can’t access it from my Windows system. Basically I only use the SMB share as a crude way to put my archive behind a login thereby making it inaccessible until I need it. Jun 9, 2019 · AFAICT what you're describing in Ubuntu 18 is the expected behaviour when mounting a FreeNAS 11. Both fstab and CLI mounts make use of the linux kernel CIFS VFS module as described in "man mount. However, if I enter in my Microsoft Account email and password within that authentication window, it works and the shares are loaded. 0-U2. make_connection_snum: SMB_VFS_CONNECT for service 'music' at '/mnt/vol12-z2/music3' failed: Invalid argument I don't have quotas turned on and the dataset has plenty of free space. 50 to 10. " I can't identify anything that changed in my system or network between when it was working and when it wasn't. ) Check your shared directory's ownership still matches the user you're logging as. It has all the right folders in it and I can access them all except one. local work but not \\freenas or \\freenas. I can ping the freenas server by dns name or IP and I can list the shares. It does see the freenas server from Internet explorer and IP address. i'd like to make about 250GB avaliable without them being able to expand it. When i check permissions on a share. The new share appears in Sharing Windows (SMB) Shares. ' - I tried the usual things on the windows machines, i. Initially I had setup a SMB share and was able to connect to it via my Ubuntu client. Oct 24, 2020 · I have read through some of the other threads with this issue and nothing is working: I have enabled guest access on windows 10. * All SMB shares where accessible by android boxes that use SMBv1 legacy or higher before the upgrade. Jun 9, 2017 · I've tried accessing different user, I deleted and recreated the user, permissions and share on Freenas etc. I read many topics about that on this forum but I still don’t understand some things. 1. I'm really starting to hate Linux based SMB. This is a hassle, and screws up all your shares/acls, so don't do it unless you are completely hosed (like after rebooting the client and the freenas kinda hosed) You can back up the SAMBA config and restore it pretty easily, not sure the ACL's will come with it. After an update to FreeNAS 11. I can log in through ssh and the web gui. To learn how to configure a pool, see our FreeNAS ZFS Pools Overview tutorial. SMB Share not accessible after setting ACLs I posted this in the freenas sub as well, if it's not allowed, let me know and I'll remove it. root user is assigned to Auxiliary Group and has Microsoft Account disabled and Samba Authentication disabled. To access the first share Windows Security pop-up screen prompts for user's username and password. I got Plex Server installed fine but not able copy media files from windows explorer. 12 After creating a few datasets and smb shares, now all of a sudden smb access doesn't work anymore 'Windows cannot access \\freenas\ XYZ. Plenty of tutorials online. Check “Start on boot” radio button. Hi, I just created an SMB share for a dataset on my FreeNAS machine (v11. 1 from FreeNAS. You do not have permission to access \\freenas\XYZ. There is inconsistent behavior accessing shares, 2 won't open (permission error), and 2 open but the contents of the shares are empty. I can successfully access a home share from Windows Explorer using \\<ip_address>\<account_name>, the user account and password for the home share on FreeNAS match my Apr 30, 2020 · My previous setup (FreeNAS 11. * Support for legacy SMBv1 was enabled in the SMB service settings. FreeNAS will not allow that computer to access the share using the correct username and password for the share. Things are getting better but still confused. I created a bunch of SMB shares which are accessable by everyone for read-only. Dec 21, 2018 · If I have a smb share for a Domain user: "Domain1\user1" I cannot add the permission to a non Domain user like ". 3-STABLE-201501212031 to FreeNAS-9. Sep 1, 2017 · No matter what I attempt, the Windows Security window on the client states "The user name or password is incorrect. Any time you modify shares, you have to restart the service. Mar 9, 2023 · Side note, I just went and touched the chips for the NICs up along side the NVME SSD on the very left. TrueNAS Scale 22. May 21, 2017 · Just so you are aware, while adding a network share (not mapped drive) using the IP allows for quick access, it does not make the FreeNAS server show up under Network on any of the available Windows 10 systems. Before you get started, you should already have a pool configured in FreeNAS. 3-U5 box I am trying to get SMB access working on, at the moment I am testing from a freshly installed Windows 10 1909 VM running on the FreeNAS box itself. ssh onto the FreeNAS and 'tail -f /var/log/messages' while a user tries to connect, see if that shows anything. So if you're using a relatively old FreeNAS version, you may find that the shares are being created by default as SMB1. Appreciate all the help I Jul 8, 2024 · I installed FreeNAS on a machine several years ago and created a dataset pool to use as a NAS. The Path is the directory tree on the local filesystem exported over the SMB protocol. \user2" I only can access the share with Domain credentials, not with local users from a non Domain PC simultaneously - but this is what I Need! In a commercial NAS (QNAP) I can easily apply domain and local users to the same share! Mar 19, 2024 · The Path and Name of the SMB share define the smallest amount of information required to create a new SMB share. 1) Why does \\freenas. It's a mixed Win-10/Win-7/Win-XP bunch and a MacBook thrown in to make things interesting. In this example, a system named FREENAS appears with a share named p2ds2-smb. Again, I don't necessarily need this functionality, but perhaps this information will help with troubleshooting. I tried rebooting my freenas machine and nothing changed. I updated 2 computers to Windows 11 and they were still able to connect for some time, but now are unable to connect (my 2 windows 10 machines are able to connect). Any idea what I Oct 10, 2021 · Hello! I just did a clean install of TrueNAS-12. 2) with samba shares : LAN IP of the Freenas server is 192. However, it does not give any additional protection on powered on server once you unlock disk/dataset, and you have to do that if you want to access it in any way, including via SMB. Sep 27, 2017 · I can read all shares inside Windows 10, but i can´t write with user freenas or user movie. Nothing was changed in the CIFS share options. Oct 27, 2017 · For example I want to update my File storage share to a new ipv4 so I change 10. . When I type “\\freenas_ipaddress” in File Explorer a login window opens but it doesn’t accept the credentials. Jun 12, 2020 · I recently set up a FreeNAS storage server that I want to use over the internet, outside of the local network, but the FreeNAS server doesn't seem to want to be found by any other machine on the network. A second requirement is that the shared folder is accessible from anywhere, without mayor security concerns. Mar 10, 2025 · Make sure SMB is on and uncheck the removal one. Sep 4, 2017 · I created 5 smb shares for 5 different users with different user names and passwords in FreeNAS-11. Dec 29, 2014 · If I try to access the public share, I get an access denied error; If I try to access the Abcd share, I get a path not found error; How can I solve these issues? Updates: I "solved" the path not found error, however, now I get access denied errors for both directories. 0-RC2 and my SMB shares will not show up in my network nor will my freenas box. The shares are called "Media", "Freenas", "Vol1". 0-U6, to replace a previous FreeNAS system. It seems like there has been a change in how Win 10 and possibly Win 7 share through SMB, disabling SMBv1 entirely and thus disabling the net Jul 22, 2022 · I was stuck running Feb / March version due to Windows not connecting to my SMB shares. Tried to log in as another user and doesn't work. I'm have an SMB share that will be used by Mac, Linux, and Windows PCs on my home network. The SMB-based options for connecting to Fileserver from my Ubuntu test system still fail in the same way as before, which presumably isn't a surprise. domain. This forms a part of the full share path name when SMB clients perform an SMB tree connect. I sometimes lose connectivity to my SMB shares. What setting enables shares to be found, and how would access the shares from another network that isn't the local? The FreeNAS server in question is named "Libra" It was not accessible when manually putting in the share under "connect network drives" in windows. I am trying to configure a multi user with their own and shared files. For example, to access the share from a Windows system, open Explorer and click on Network. Then in Powershell: Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName SMB1Protocol-Client -NoRestart . but in other freenas which version is FreeNAS-11. I'm not entirely sure this is the issue but next time the GUI is not accessible, I'll see what their temp is. Name is the name of the SMB share. ) Edit2: LOL. I added a new user to the TrueNAS and granted it full control to the share. I was seeing the following error: canonicalize_connect_path failed for Feb 6, 2018 · I'm using FreeNAS 11. I've been searching, and modifying parameters for the last 2 days, and I'm completely lost in why this isn't working. I believe that you can use one of the following for hosts allow: NIS netgroup / user; DNS - FQDN; IP address (1) and (2) require that "hostname lookups" be checked under Services -> SMB, AND they require that you either have NIS or DNS properly configured on your network. Mar 30, 2019 · Domain users will not have access to /mnt/tank/share/dir1 because they lack rights to traverse /mnt/tank/share. Find: Enable insecure guest Apr 27, 2020 · Hi, I am relatively new to Freenas (11. Aug 22, 2018 · So hopefully this makes sense. The FreeNAS is simply called "freenas". I log in using an account that has access to the dataset and I can read/write just fine. Add ACL entries for specific users/groups you wish to provide RW access Create the SMB share, making sure to check Allow Guest Access If your client computers are Windows 10, you'll need to enable guest access to SMB shares. The remote device or resource won't accept the connection The device or resource (192. Go to “Sharing”, and “Windows Shares (SMB)”. On that same PC if I switch to a different windows user if works just fine and all other PC's on the network. First, I saw that I need to add some code lines for vfs_audit to my SMB shares (in services/smb/Auxiliary parameters). I also upgrade to USG-4 router. On freenas dataset permission there is--> user x x x I built a test FreeNAS machine (v. Not this time. But on my Windows 10 laptop, I can't access the SMB share, I enter the user/password but then I have a message : \\192. I followed instruction in the manual but I may be missing something. 3 SMB shares partially stopped working. I need to manually Feb 11, 2018 · The FreeNAS won't turn up in "Networks" on my Win10 machine. Seems to be 'owned' by root (no Mar 1, 2018 · Dear all, Before I moved to FreeNAS I was running and maintaining custom SMB env. What could it be? Yeah, that's usually how I create a network access with my other PCs. That used to fix the issue. I Sep 4, 2021 · I installed Truenas and created SMB shares and was able to connect all 4 of my computers running Windows 10. Apr 3, 2021 · * Upgrade to TrueNAS-12. LLFormat or something first? (were in an older Freenas previously). Jul 8, 2024 · See below for snapshots of my pools, ACLs on the Dataset1, and the error messages I receive when trying to access the shares through file explorer on my Windows 11 computer. I am now trying to create a dataset and SMB share for access to my Windows Machines. 2-u7). Jul 7, 2023 · Drive is there, can do nothing with. I just can't figure out how to mount the shares so that I can access the drives in the NAS. Jun 12, 2020 · I have a share set up from a storage pool, and the SMB service is running, but I enter the share path properly and nothing is found. 02. com ? May 8, 2020 · i create 1 dataset (smb), then share the dataset . Set “Path” and “Name” 4. Windows (SMB) Shares¶ FreeNAS ® uses Samba to share volumes using Microsoft’s SMB protocol. The Windows machine is domain joined but FreeNAS is not. I have a FreeNAS 11. The ISCSI block works perfectly! I can access the SMB share from an Android device. Enable Windows (SMB) share service: Services -> SMB -> Start Now. I just want to create an SMB share and access it from my Windows 10 Enterprise laptop. By default, users that access the share from an SMB client will not be prompted for a username or password. If I boot from the previous version, the shares are again accessible. But now i can access it through the automatically mapped truenas, just like in unix. cifs". It prompts for user/password and it actually works. So far everything is running great, except for a strange problem with SMB home directory shares. today i was in the middle of creating a new Jul 18, 2017 · Now at this point, I can access the share fine from \\freenas. Jan 12, 2019 · The network path was not found. 11. SMB is built into the Windows and macOS operating systems and most Linux and BSD systems pre-install the Samba client in order to provide support for SMB. I tried turning them on and adding a password but I get under Samba Authentication this: This attribute cannot be changed. I can access the server through my browser and it reports everything is online, but the shares are no longer visible until after I reboot the server. When i look into access-credentials inside win10, user freenas has NO wirte access, only reading. SMB shares are also compatible with macOS offering great flexibility for client operating systems. At the first initial setup everything worked fine (SMB share & ISCSI), but for some reason the SMB share not accessible from a Windows 10 machine anymore. Any help appreciated. No change. I'd be more than thankful, if anyone could help me troubleshoot. to the shares Aug 20, 2019 · I'm having some trouble with mounting SMB shares in FreeNAS and would appreciate some help. Jan 2, 2017 · Using the FreeNAS web interface, how does one configure a new Windows (SMB) Share that doesn't include the "everyone" group? If this isn't possible, then, using the FreeNAS web interface, how does one configure a new Windows (SMB) Share such that the default (initial) permissions on this share deny access for the the "Everyone" group. I only have full access when i connect inside windows with the user "root" to my freenas-share. Mar 31, 2020 · (Getting it in a reduced form with current, but only for Mac Time Machine shares so shouldn't bother you. I am running freenas 11. May 21, 2017 · I'm running FreeNAS-11. 168. Jul 19, 2024 · Samba Authentication: false. On windows, I can view all created shares. I loaded a good amount of data on it, shut off the machine and left it for several years. it still shows my original login username and group plus the newly added one. They are not even warm to the touch. It appears to be 10. What I've got is: 1x Windows 10 desktop; 1x MicroServer Gen10 FreeNAS 11. It's really confusing. Any tip/help on getting Win10 to prompt a login again when trying to access my freenas SMB shares? Edit: Additional info - This is a windows issue and not a freenas. Jun 19, 2021 · Hi, Titles have to be precise and explicit, so Here it is: I used FreeNAS-11. Aug 20, 2017 · To be a bit more specific. Setup your credentials for the teachers who need RW access using the Credential Manager. Users can now access the share from any SMB client and will not be prompted for their username or password. 182 is not accessible Sep 5, 2018 · 3. Windows (SMB) Shares¶ FreeNAS ® uses Samba to share pools using Microsoft’s SMB protocol. gpedit. Only check the Cleint SMB . The most effective protection from ransomware is backups, so configure automatic periodic snapshots of your sensitive data and just rollback if malware encrypts it. My shares are no longer available on my Windows machines. I can set up a new share, without changing any permissions (except for naming it and setting the folder) and it will not access it either, so it's not restricted to one particular share. When I add permissions for domain users (or any other group) to write to the share, the changes apply recursively without any issues. 0. Update: After several hours, my SMB shares have stopped responding on my windows 11 machine. Access is good when inputting either hostname or IP of FreeNAS. 2) had working SMB shares with Windows 10. Mar 20, 2018 · So reinstalled the new FreeNAS drives, set up volume and datasets, set up SMB share, made the media share open to the network, all other settings are the same as they were. Click “ADD” Click the folder icon, and browse to the path of the dataset you want to share, which was “windowset” Right now the archive is running on an external hdd and taking up 170 GB. 11 On this Freenas server, I run a jail that runs Openvpn-client as a service. 0 I tried turning on SMB1 support. SMB is built into the Windows and Mac OS X operating systems and most Linux and BSD systems pre-install the Samba client in order to provide support for SMB. Jun 15, 2020 · I have successfully added the my FreeNAS to my Active Directory, and have been able to create some NFS shares without issue. The jail's LAN IP is 192. 3-U5 on a TrueNAS Mini XL+ (with some disks, volumes and configuration from a previous DIY NAS under FreeNAS too); I use my NAS only as a personal and local NAS with (forced) SMB(1) shares (for both Windows 10 & Oct 27, 2019 · I was wondering if someone can help me connect to my FreeNAS shares from my main PC running Windows 10. I have multiple shares using SMB in FreeNAS 11. I’m trying to log in as root but it complains that user name or password are incorrect. e. I then transferred 20gb to TrueNAS via SMB and they didn't even get warm. 60 address. new to truenas / freenas, somewhat new to linux. All good so far. 8. I can now access the shares normally from Windows machines, using the server name rather than the IP address. Setting FreeNAS (technically Samba) has supported SMB2 and SMB3 for a very long time now, but only relatively recently did FreeNAS default to SMB2 instead of SMB1 as the minimum protocol for shares. Homes points back to 'Avery' when logged in as Avery. Previous shares are accessible via the user/pass previously assigned. 2) and I can access it from my Mac with no issues. 3) and currently having some difficulties accessing a windows share. Kinda new to the freenas space so looking for advice here. The user can Dec 11, 2019 · I'm new here and not that tech-savvy, so please excuse any ignorance I've set up my first FreeNAS system a while back. 12 and the openvpn client can establish a connection to virtual network with Virtual IP 10. 2 u6 on an esxi vm, I don't have the ability to have it on its own machine right now but later on will. Thanks in advance! Feb 11, 2019 · I recently switched from Amahi to FreeNAS and all has been well until I tried to access a few folders in my SMB Share. To make Plex work with FreeNAS I needed to create an SMB share with guest access. File Explorer tells me that I don’t have permission to access this folder. After last step shared SMB folder on FreeNAS should be accessible from windows machine, lets Dec 17, 2022 · One of my Datasets inside of my main SMB share is "inaccessible". Recently, I tried to boot it back up, updated it (at the time to version 12) and all of a sudden, I could no longer access the dataset pool through the Windows SMB share using any of my family computers. I then created the SMB share and permitted the group access to it. The dates on both systems are the same. I also Tried changing System Dataset to freenas-boot (it was at FreeNAS_Data_1) to May 27, 2020 · How can I follow user activities on FreeNas 11. HTPC setup win10 v1709. Connect to EACH share SEPARATE with the user & password you chose for this dataset (even if you can see all available shares, you cannot just connect and change the permissions in windows) 5. e. Now I'm setting up my second box alongside the first, and trying to mount it in Windows. 1-U6 , i can access the smbshare using user"root" then i create permission folder inside it through windows Aug 4, 2023 · When I access the TrueNAS IP (192. Mar 25, 2020 · Next, we’ll create the Windows Share. It also tells me the permissions need to be reordered when I try to change them from Windows. What am I missing? It’s Feb 21, 2015 · I updated from FreeNAS-9. I can type the IP address in the address bar and it will pull up the shares and it works fine however when I close that browser window they are no longer accessible. 4. I then try and access the share on the computer running on that . ntlm authentication (used by the SMB protocol in the absence of kerberos for auth), requires the server to keep an NT hash of the user's password. I can see it on the network. I tried to access it as root but it complains that the password is not correct. 182) on my Windows 11 laptop, I'm prompt to enter the user / password I set up for the SMB share and everything is OK (read, write, delete files/folders). The problem is actually two-fold, so I'll start with the background and context. Create the shares in in the SMB Section in FreeNAS 4. local 'Avery' dataset/share works fine. Also successfully tested connection from a windows 7 machine. Any thoughts on other causes? I can see other computers on my network using SMB, just not my TrueNAS box. * Some android boxes are connected to TrueNAS on the same network subnet, others [the one that now give issues] on other subnets. To accomplish this, you need to grant "domain users" the TRAVERSE permission set (in the webui) on /mnt/tank/share. (I HATE THIS ABOUT FREENAS. For day to day use and everything else I just use iSCSI. The issue seems to persist no matter what I do with permissions, ACL on or off, public settings and anything else my amateur brain could think Jul 10, 2018 · In fact, if I understand it right, both NETBIOS discovery and the WSD and SSDP discoveries run a race and the first to report back a share is used to access that share. " I have re-set up the volume permissions, Windows (SMB) share, and the SMB service multiple times on the Storage, Sharing, and Services section respectively on the FreeNAS web GUI multiple times to ensure they are correct. 1-7U SMB share with default "windows" settings - dataset perms "windows type" and "default perms" on the SMB share definition. I ran a FreeNAS server for over a 3) Set your SMB service for guest access (Guest account: nobody) 4) Set your share permissions for guest access (Allow Guest Access: checked + Only Allow Guest Access: checked) 5) Restart your SMB service. My goal is to have several SMB share's some with access for everyone (read/write) and some limited to certain users and groups. I created the dataset and set it for windows. Oct 7, 2021 · Denying access to share. 'net stop workstation/net start workstation', 'net use */delete', mapping the share to a new Dec 7, 2018 · I have the newest stable version of FreeNAS running with Active Directory services syncing to my Win Server 2012 R2 domain controller. I have a single extra user for myself and a single extra group called DataSets which my user is a member of. Mar 26, 2020 · A Freenas server (11. I am not trying to do anything fancy. OS - TrueNAS 12. I’m not sure if it matters, but Fitz-NAS is ACL Mode Restricted while Dataset1 is set as passthrough. Navigate: Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Network > Lanman Workstation. Add FeeNAS SMB Share. g. I've already changed the log level to debug, but don't know how I can get it off my server to share here. I’m the owner and I’m part of the admin group. Jun 12, 2020 · Yet, if I try to go to \\server, an authentication window pops up instead of just showing the SMB shares. Other folders/datasets within the same share are accessible and always have been. 1 on a Dell PowerEdge 840 (Xeon CPU, 8GB memory & SCSI HDD). Enable Guest Access for SMB2. Jan 4, 2020 · I am having a problem accessing a FreeNAS SMB share I have created. for my windows clients I was always struggling with ACLs till I realized I don't need to because my clients prefer a per share access permission policy anyway so I added the acl support = no param. Jun 28, 2020 · Currently no system on the LAN can access the share. I added that account to a new Group. I have tried mapping a drive using "\\freenas\Media" - I get and error: "The folder you entered does not appear to be valid. The share works fine on other computers, but is stuck on this old Windows Server machine. Nov 15, 2020 · My SMB shares no longer are showing up in Android devices. Was able to get truenas up and running, created a share and a user, used that user to map the drive on my main windows machine, moved my data over, everything good. Apr 11, 2019 · 3. Unable to see the smb share anymore in the network. Any existent or newly created share on /mnt/tank/ [my files dataset] does not work, but any on /mnt/SSD/ [my jails dataset] works ok. Change the permissions in properties for the one dataset 6. I created the user account. How can I get windows/FreeNAS to automatically show the SMB shares (like it did when I had local accounts I installed TrueNAS from FreeNAS and import Pool sucessfully. My 'freenas' box gets auto discovered or I juste type the '\\local-IP' and it will show me my smb shares. From the windows box: setspn -L <FreeNAS server name>" Thank you, that has solved the first problem. 2 (create/modify/delete files and folders). Jan 11, 2025 · Hi all! I’ve set up an SMB share. msc. I created new user, group still not able to mapped network drive from Windows. They show fine on Windows and Linux though. Please choose another". 1 was the last stable release for me. If I have users "alice", "bob", and "frank" (users on TrueNAS), alice can access her home directory as Mar 18, 2020 · I am not sure what happened but on my laptop one user cannot access and private shares no matter what credentials are used for any users it comes up the "share is not accessible". I've redone the whole pool/share 3 times from scratch. After copying my data across to the Sep 1, 2018 · I have checked the settings. Mar 11, 2020 · To share data with Windows clients, FreeNAS uses CIFS, also known as SMB or Samba. 3-STABLE-201502162250 using the GUI. in NetBIOS name: freenas. 193) is not set up to accept connections on ports 'The File and Printer printer sharing (SMB)' I didn't change anything on FreeNAS SMB but I checked and re-checked it anyways; it's still there. I created an SMB share but can't seem to access it from my Windows system. my freenas box since yesterday, all my user here can not access their share folder on my freenas suddenly , we don't have change any freenas config since 2 months ago , but yesterday all freenas user can not access to share folder (smb share) , i try to restart smb service and restart the freenas machine but didn't help. hjmz rmwg qdzk zhgejuk twu cnim lmkkjhp bticnnb hpxci hjxxf rvuojllm adlvp otv qspz rxtrfyp