Bdo infinite potion loot scroll. You can grind here as early as 190 AP.
Bdo infinite potion loot scroll That all being said, potions are heavily RNG, and I know people that got full potion within 4-6 hours, as well as people that grinded for ~200h hours Okay, here is what helped me get it fairly fast: High overall knowledge, Kamasylve buff, loot scroll, max luck, max node, a J's scroll from time to time, the authentication drop buff and most importantly the right rotation for every potion spot. g 20 scrolls would have enough potions to last me for a long time. youtub Aug 14, 2024 · Infinite Potions . Pollies is like 6-8 pity pieces a hour while still making like 400-600mil on blue loot scroll no agris (gramoth loot tracker with only 140% drop rate), the weeklies at each spot gives you 5 piece in like 20mins to 2hrs so depending on the spot sometime those aren’t even worth your time as well. I have lvl 17 node investment, Kama blessing, lvl 1 loot scroll. Notes: https://www. It has data for both blue and yellow scrolls. Drop rate at blood wolves is 1 out of 10,000 executioners. I’d recommend Blood Wolves first. I think you want to use the lifeskill food with mastery if you need it to hit the next mastery bracket, or food like fig pie for 3% gathering drop rate. Should I buy more pets or does it make a difference? or should I be waiting for the pets to pick up all Feb 10, 2023 · Infinite PotionsInfinite Potionsare treasures to collect in BDO which are basically never-ending potions. Generally, grinding for treasure items in Black Desert is considered a long term goal. It is a coveted item among adventurers, because receiving the blessing not only increases the drop rate of ordinary items, but that of rare items as well. For this boss, you can even party up with friends as more people in party means more loot if you use shortcut summoning to ensure everyone summons fast and clear fast. So kill 10,000 of that one kind of npc and you might have it then. This is my first season of BDO and I currently have a level 61 mystic with full pen tuvala. . 045%, adding the +900%. ly/2GRj7LHSupport Chris Poli Channel on KaryaKarsa (Indonesia) - https:/ Sep 16, 2022 · The potion can be used with a Fairy's auto potion use for infinite automated potion use; Ornette's Spirit Essence is made up of 3 grinded pieces and 2 crafted pieces which are combined. I have 1 t5 pet with +1 luck, 2 t4s and 2 t3s, and tent 10% item drop. For example, if I did what you are doing, with nearly 300% drop rate increase I saw a severe decrease in drops, like 1 every 2 or 3 hours. Second, INFINITE HP POTION pieces and pity pieces aligned with the silver question. Theres also J's scrolls if you have any that can buff it another 50-100% and then investing in the node (idk if its worth it costs a ton of energy for up to 10% bonus). Item Collection Increase Gauge: Dec 27, 2022 · With pity system, using loot scroll I hear it should take an average person about 20-40 hours per piece depending on drop rate buffs + class/grind speed. Most of the item pieces must be obtained as a rare grinding drop and can take hours and hours to collect. 5-10% from energy investment into zone 50% from tent buff It gets more complicated due to dimishing returns if you have other loot buffs going. These loot scrolls give +100% Item Drop Rate and +50% to +100% Item Drop Amount. Jul 27, 2020 · Infinite Potions are treasures to collect in BDO which are basically never-ending potions. 5% luck 5-10% knowledge (max 30%) 10% From 7000 family fame, not realistic to get as a beginner 5% from Tier 5 pet (achievable) 5% from 2 factor login 0. HP 1 Piece = 125 HP Potion 2 Piece = 200 HP Potion 3 Piece = 275 HP Potion You build upon each piece you get. Realistically it can't be too high as it would make potion spots significantly better in terms money/h. 005%, in GameZ It is supposed to be 0. Sep 13, 2023 · Odore's Spirit Essence - The Infinite MP potion is an everlasting potion that restores the same values an Instant MP Potion (Extra Large). - The effect of this item is not applied to monsters whose loot can be shared (such as World Bosses or Boss Scrolls). 01%. Always turn out blue loot scroll when you grinding. You could use a scroll and it drop in 30 minutes or it could take 500 hours. Reply reply What most people have after some months of playtime are the following: 100% loot scroll 12. Flames require 100 pity each and cost 2B on market (except new one for gloves, but still same price). 9999998402 % Aug 30, 2020 · If the chance of dropping the infinite pot piece on retail is 0. #BlackDesert, today we go over this week's #PatchNotes for the test server update this week. I never had to buy or purposely stock up potions as doing one session of e. Mar 20, 2023 · Each piece gets you an infinite potion. My question as a new player getting into this grind is if there is any particularly annoying spot that has a better alternate spot available with this event. You can grind here as early as 190 AP. It is optimal to have a T4 Fairy with Miraculous Cheer V That makes you not have to worry about Desert Sickness' anymore, because your Fairy is popping the infinite potion to keep you healed. If you don’t have the stats for that yet, you can do Tshira ruins, as the mobs drop a lot of materials. Nope no level requirement. Mar 9, 2023 · I have lvl 17 node investment, Kama blessing, lvl 1 loot scroll. Also: Don't grind more than 2 hours a day on a single potion spot. The most overt way being by making valencia trash base-1 explicitly so it's unaffected by blue LS, but elvia was also designed to incentivize yellow LSs by making its income mostly trash loot (and also making over 50% of mobs drop only 1 trash). 25 LT normal pot vs 50LT infinite potion; SILVER COST: 1,250 silver normal pot vs FREE infinite potion; Infinite Potions were added to Black Desert in a patch on 22nd April 2020 and have received several updates to make them less rare and more accessible to players. "You know what does increase the chance of getting it (such as loot scrolls, guild buff and another buffs)" Those buff (adding node lvl, asha/event, J or old moon scroll) doesnt work for this part Only way to incrase your chance is mastery or food with gathering drop rate bonus It’s usually all loot, trash loot makes up a huge chunk so don’t delete it. If you are 710+ gs then who cares what anyone says. Small amount yes but given how rare this is, I think it's a small price to pay to get the hell out of that crappy grind area. com/News/Notice/De An item that contains the blessing from the God of the Hunt. Currently with the hot time event all 6 of the spots corresponding to an infinite potion piece have an alternate spot to grind at. Potion is basically 300 pity so 3x the price. Ls says item drop rate not gathering item drop rate. Infinite potions also pair up really well with Fairies, that make using potions a fully automatic process. That's the main reason I recommend you stay on season server for a while, you never worry about running out loot scroll as new player, for blood wove, tent+ blue loot scroll, other potion spots just blue loot scrolls, when you trying to make silver from grinding, always tent buff. I usually do 10k trash with blue ls hour, fossils, caphras, blackstones, accessories, and you have the the hooms and macalods that sells for good money specially the hooms. Looks like you only take trash loot into consideration. gg/az7KJ7R silver breakdowns - https://www. Apr 26, 2021 · BDO INFINITE HP POTION GUIDE - Ron's Tintinnabulum - 91456 trash loot - 30. Using one of the many generic drop chance calculators on google, that would result in knowing that: When loot box of 0. Using the Gauge you can pause your item drop buff and set the level of Item Drop Amount. Oct 11, 2022 · Infinite Potion. be/pxI5zSkgcJw*FOLLOW THE ADVENTURE* Twitch: http Feb 10, 2023 · Infinite PotionsInfinite Potionsare treasures to collect in BDO which are basically never-ending potions. Black Desert uses potions on a short cooldown, letting you keep your HP and Mana topped up while in combat. However, the effect is applied in monster zones recommended for Oct 10, 2024 · Infinite Potion vs XL Potion Comparison: WEIGHT: 1. I refused to use Loot scrolls when grinding for the infinite potions and it took me 217 hours or so. Loot those specific mobs and ignore every other loot then move on. Grinding Spot money and experience are influenced by so many factors, so take this guide with a big grain of salt! Money was crazy there with Agris and loot scrolls together so definitely a great choice for loot scrolls when a drop chance event happens. playblackdesert. I'm using the blue loot scroll at x2 and the max tent buff. [Rank 2 Boss] (Recommended for a party of 5 players)※ You cannot attack the summoned monster on servers with Node/Conquest Wars in progress. Take a look at the global stats on the grind tracker for the spot you're looking for. This is the ash half-moon Kagtunak. You must collect 5 item pieces and then combine them together to create the infinite potions. The pot pieces have roughly a 0. In a perfect world, yes it should take half the amount of time, problem is you don’t know when that time is. Most people end up grinding over 100k trash loot at each location before obtaining th Mar 20, 2023 · Each piece gets you an infinite potion. 9999998402 % The only really good place for me to go for the loot as I know would be Gyfin Underground as trash loot gives around 25K/piece but I dare not walk inside the underground tomb as they deal loads of dmg. 4hr!!!Character : Mystic - Succession Level 62 Jun 29, 2024 · LMB: show Loot Scroll Levels in order to change the levels; LMB + Drag: permanently move the location of the Loot Scroll UI; Level 0: turn Loot Scroll buff off (5 minute Cooldown) Level 1: change Loot Scroll buff to Level 1 (5 minute Cooldown) Level 2: change Loot Scroll buff to Level 2, consuming twice as much time (5 minute Cooldown) Jul 27, 2020 · Infinite Potions are treasures to collect in BDO which are basically never-ending potions. You can over stack a horse by moving the trash loot all at once. Most people end up grinding over 100k trash loot at each location before obtaining th Sep 15, 2021 · twitch - https://twitch. The grinded pieces can be a one time drop or obtained through a pity system. Aug 24, 2024 · Silver is in millions per hour with blue loot scroll. Sep 24, 2023 · How to Get DAILY Loot Scrolls for FREE in Black Desert Best Spots to Grind for Silver & EXP https://youtu. I have 1x tier 4 pet 1tier 5, 1 tier 4, and 3x tier 3 pets, and at full pen tuvala the mobs are dying super fast, there's plenty of loot left on the ground as I move pack to pack. Loot scroll of any kind pretty much needed as Agris goes way too fast there unless you get those Agris blessings. ※ In order to summon the boss, you must be able to accept a new Quest. 045% chance is performed 45000 times, the chance to get one or more is 99. Adding an additional 50% on top of that (so now you're 250% total drop rate), you're looking at 40 hours, or a savings of 10 It's up to you to calculate value of time wasted vs value of time saved if used loot scrolls. As a way to save weight and never need to buy potions, Infinite Potions were added. What would yall recommend or should I just graduate? Infinite potion drop rate % Guide/Info Lvl2 scroll (yellow scroll) doesn't give you more rare loot when compared to lvl1 scroll (blue scroll). I’ve pretty much gotten to the point where I basically just enjoy Orcs. Blue loot scroll Kama Blessing Normal arsha Did it with a Nova I had tagged For Sherekhans, Ronaros, Tshira, and now currently Manshaums Level 8 node 12% ecology Blue loot scroll Kama blessing Normal server for Sherekhans with my then main Guardian I dont know about loot scrolls. ※ If you are unable to defeat the boss, you can attempt to complete the I’d recommend grinding potion piece spots on seasonal character, as those spots usually have good drop rates for seasonal materials anyway. Seasons servers allow you to get exchange your black stones for loot scrolls or even valks if you wanted. I sure as hell am making sure both those monsters are getting looted before I move on. I am at 1. Most of the time, I have around 100-180-285% item loot increase. The Odore spirit essence and Ornette spirit essence are some of the most sought items in the game, and people will grind here even when it takes time. 005% drop rate, so even a blue loot scroll is going to double your chance for a 0. The best money you will be able to make for some time will be at centaurs with agris (with the right class). Aug 30, 2020 · If the chance of dropping the infinite pot piece on retail is 0. Item Collection Increase Gauge: With pity system, using loot scroll I hear it should take an average person about 20-40 hours per piece depending on drop rate buffs + class/grind speed. Jul 27, 2020 · Infinite Potions are treasures to collect in BDO which are basically never-ending potions. It's possible but its a pain. tv/nottheworstt twitter - https://twitter. It will burn you out quickly. I have killed and looted about 1,000 executioners over 50 hours with loot scroll, so I know I have a long way to go. com/notheworst discord - https://discord. 6m kagtum trash trying to get potion piece and it is possible to get 100m per hour on average however under this conditions: blue loot scroll agris With both of them I can get around 30k trash per hour which is around 65m, I also average around 8 caphras + 25 dust per hour which translates into 13 caphras which is 40m (before tax). Summons Awakened Ahib Griffon, the King of Navarn Steppe, when used within its designated spawn location. We ofc don't know the price but I can't imagine it being too high. Personally, when I grinded my infinite HP pot pieces I actually found that if I "over stacked" loot drop increases I saw a decrease in drops. Google “BDO Infinite Potions” for more information. So if the horse already has some trash loot in it’s inventory, move it to your inventory and then move the entire stack at once. GET YOUR NAME MENTION IN MY VIDEOSupport Chris Poli Channel on Patreon - https://bit. Filters for Treasure, Accessories, Artifacts, Lightstones, AP Cap, Monster Type, Location, and more. Once in a while I’ll pop an additional 50% item drop scroll from events. Oct 16, 2021 · The most overt way being by making valencia trash base-1 explicitly so it's unaffected by blue LS, but elvia was also designed to incentivize yellow LSs by making its income mostly trash loot (and also making over 50% of mobs drop only 1 trash). In addition you shouldn't really grind the mid game spots without an infinite potion. Jun 28, 2023 · So i saw someone saying that they made mastery irrelevant in this area when going for the potion piece, does it mean the area is like the other areas where drop rate is effected by loot scroll and such and no need for mastery at all there? Drop rate at blood wolves is 1 out of 10,000 executioners. Make sure you have 50% luck buff from tent, level 5 luck on your character sheet, item collection level 1+. Oct 10, 2024 · Infinite Potion is a reusable item in BDO that allows players to never have to buy another pot again! Infinite Potions replenish HP (Ornette’s Spirit Essence) or replenish MP/WP/SP (Odore’s Spirit Essence). As an example, if you're always running a blue loot scroll (100% bonus drop rate, or 200% total), then your 100 hour grind is now 50. Depending on what treasure piece you're farming, you can pull a pack of ten and only two of those monsters drop the treasure piece. global-lab. Would highly recommend doing it on a class like awake musa or succ zerker, the speed of their low end clear at the pot piece places will definitely make things go faster. Btw the reason for the valencia rules are because all the mobs drop exactly 1 trash so you need intervals of 100% drop amount to mean anything. With the season being delayed what should be my next steps? I was thinking of grinding for the infinite potion as we have so much time to kill. 190 AP – For the infinite HP potion, there are 3 spots; the first is the Bloodwolves settlement. Jun 29, 2024 · Item Collection Increase Gauge is an interface that allows you to control the buffs from Item Collection Increase Scrolls. eplcozsntscywiyoqasmymikwjlzpqzzjioyvfnrabpffzowcmpmcekuysuwkhowuebosxwzpshqzzzrt