Avatar fanfiction azula wins. It takes her long, too long, to hitt upon an idea.
Avatar fanfiction azula wins And oddly enough wins. Jun 14, 2019 · Fandoms: Avatar: The Last Airbender Explicit; No Archive Warnings Apply; F/F; Work in Progress; 14 Jun 2019 Azula had to admit she'd been having fun, leading the Avatar and his little friends on. Dec 21, 2022 · Hello, Avatar the Last Airbender is one of my favorite shows and my favorite character has always been Azula. / 1 year Post-War / [Sokkla] Azula soon finds trying to win a hundred year war is easier than admitting her feelings to Piteo. Ty Lee: 1. Azula is a fugitive on the run after breaking out of prison. 'You lied to me, Azula,' Ozai went on, 'you betrayed my trust. Your Princess Azula, clever and beautiful, disguised herself as the enemy and entered the Earth Kingdom's Capital. A/N: TL;DR: Katara wakes up when assassins break into the palace and intervenes just in time to save Azula's life once again. Azula asked Jet as they wandered towards a small café. " - Drabblefic about what would have happened if Azula had won. "By all the waters in the ocean and sky, you will not win this battle!" Azula looked surprised, but kept her stance. She is glad that she did not have to answer a Guess Who question. In a world where the Fire Nation has long taken over all four nations, Azula and Katara attend a boarding school for the elite in Ba Sing Se, notorious for their chaotic rivalry. " Aang said as he pushed a button. When she returns, Azula still rooted where she was, Katara wordlessly begins to undo her armour, unties strings and lifts the plates off of Azula's shoulders. Princess Azula steps forward into the moonlight with her hands raised. In front of them, the Golden Lightning Fire Bender, Ryo smirked as the wind blew around them softly. The only thing that I do own are the OC's of the story. But the more he trained, and the more powerful he got, the more he realized that what Azula had wasn't love. Or Ursa actually was a good mom to both her kids, Azula was smart enough to figure out her dad is a bitch and Zuko is clueless. Azula dug her way out of the pile and propelled herself once more. He couldn't let Azula win, they'd kill him and he'd never be able to help Aang master firebending. Despite the fact that he was giving the battle his all, Azula seemed to be going easy on him. Mai: 0. I am usually writing Teen Titans section, but I also love Avatar The lAst Airbender, and I guessed that I would give it a try. The pull of Azula's mind was where he needed to be, but if he wasn't careful, it would consume him. May 4, 2019 · Azula gave a silent chuckle at how enraged her competition became as she stole him away. Refuse to work, and death penalty. " "What are you Chapter one: A new begining. . Where Azula excels at attacks, Katara reads trails. Zuko screams at the gang that they should leave them alone. Jealousy was never fun, but it felt especially good when someone was on the other end of it. /Spider-Man, Azula - Chapters: 14 - Words: 57,430 - Reviews: 266 - Favs: 782 - Follows: 823 - Updated: 6/25/2020 - Published: 10/23/2016 - id: 12202619 "Come on Azula. Suki: 0. But this time. Zuko's loyalties are tested and Katara's faith waivers. As she learns and grows, Azula begins to question her motivations and where she belongs. Azula came ever closer, lightning crackling in her arms. She got all that he ever wanted: his father's love. This was the first born son of Prince Ozai, and grandson of Fire Lord Azulon, Prince Zuko. Zuko's lightning struck Azula straight in her chest. No Avatar would do that, he was sure of it. " Azula said. Azula turned her back to Mai's knife and watched Zuko land. Into Azula kiss her lips Azula I love you"said, the girl in a sluggish tone Azula eyes mix of worry and rolled them at the girl. She fumed. Well that was either a good or bad thing that Azula died. Azula's first instinct was to exclaim that she didn't understand at all why Katara was being like this. Katara agrees with Zuko: there is definitely something off about Azula. Now Azula finds herself amongst a crew of alien creatures traversing strange alien worlds. "I win again. Suki, frustratingly, win this as well, Azula painting her tits white with seed faster than she had Katara's. And the Avatar fell! And the Earth Kingdom fell! The crowd roared its approval. Azula felt weird in all that ordeal. Azula searches for her brother, while Zuko searches for a way to master the Avatar State. I win, hussy, she thought triumphantly. The Avatar loved Azula's tiddies while Azula loved having The Avatar play with her tiddies. Avatar: The Last Airbender Spanking FanFic. I'll also be calling each chapter a book like the show. Can this no-talent, lazy good-for-nothing win the throne through smoke and mirrors? Maybe with a little help from her Unperturbed by Azula's continued silence, she fetches a fresh cloth and a bowl of water. Azula sighed, got up and the three got up side by side, The Avatar, The Fire Bending Prodigy and the Fire Lord. Rated: Fiction T - English - Hurt/Comfort - Zuko, Azula - Chapters: 14 - Words: 24,064 - Reviews: 11 - Favs: 26 - Follows: 28 - Updated: 7/12/2022 - Published: 6/29/2022 - id: 14101939 There was nothing she could have done but win, really. Time is limited to ten minutes," the announcer explained. Suddenly, Katara's eyes burst into full gold. "Onji you know you cant handle you shake /alcohol " she sees Onji begin to strip in a drunken sexy way. The Atrociraptors then roared at them completely under Azula's control. She pulled away for the embrace and ran, leaving an upset and befuddled brother behind. Aang: 6. Katara: 4. Jun 5, 2019 · Ozai, however, was too invested in Azula to notice, and Zuko didn't try to make him. Azula answered, as she started charging up her lighting again. Now how will Mai and Toph take their dares? What will Aang win? Find out after this. Hello people of fanfiction, for those who do not know me I am Onominous, and Im new to this part of Fanfiction. Ozai had nearly destroyed him their confrontation and Aang had no doubt that if he allowed it, Azula would consume him as well. Her spirit now had full control and spoke through her. "It is the King. " Azula said stroking the white alpha raptor she named Ghost. Looking through our hole in the wall, I could see Iroh's hand wiggling its fingers-fire. Azula pointed at Rinzen and launched her thunderbolt. CN torture, suicide attempt, morally grey characters. Azula's stomach was flat with a hint of a six pack. "No worries Azula, plus it's only gonna get better. She quickly dropped her bending and grabbed the knife from behind. It was all she ever had done, all she ever could do and all she ever would do. (Plus Aang and his friends are all 18 in this fanfic) Anyway my last Avatar fanfic (it was a crossover) was really dark, sad and depressing so I decided to go back making funny ones. " Ursa says in a demanding tone, "That's not nice or right to say about And I threw in the funny idea that there actually is an over the top reward for finding and capturing the Avatar. (But had to stop after 5 seconds because he was crushing her. Summary: In an AU where the Fire Nation, and more specifically Azula wins, she actually finds herself growing to detest being bowed to all the time. Air is the element of freedom: to discover who you really are, or who you have the potential to be, but with the freedom to fly comes the risk of falling. The Avatar cowardly fled the palace, abandoning his savage allies who surrendered to fire princess Azula. Being in physical contact with Azula's rack, the headache, stress and pain were all gone. There will be Aang and Azula romance, but don't worry it will be an Azula style romance so plenty of lies and manipulation in an effort to corrupt our pure and Azula soon finds trying to win a hundred year war is easier than admitting her feelings to Piteo. All the while, Ryan is still recovering from his injuries that have left him in a coma, and the Fire Nation is aware of their plans for the Day of "No because that would never happen. Katara winces, "correct. Azula, however, is still firmly Azula, and twists everything to paint Zuko more pathetic in her Azula realized Zuko's plan. As Azula hugs Aang, her breasts are pressing against his back. A fireball brushes past Katara's face, narrowly missing her and scorching her robe. Even if that person is their enemy. She now had a choice, drop her bending, or be stabbed. Before, it had just been rather impersonal; even when Zuko and Mai had defected, hunting the Avatar, and by extension them, had been a job, a mission assigned by her father. The guards both bowed deeply. This tag belongs to the Additional Tags Category. " He then whistled sharply. ' Azula shook in her gagged face in denial, even though she knew there was no point in it. Azula; because she wasn't afraid of anything and Mai; because for some unfathomable reasonshe loved him. People stumbled around in a cold fuzz, bundled up in to much clothing for the -5 (23 F) weather. A bead of sweat formed on the guard's brow. No one's POV, Fire Lord's Throne Room ''AZULA, I CHALLENGE YOU TO AN AGNI KAI, RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW!'' someone shouted. With inhumanly speed, she threw the knife and lightning at Zuko. Guards carrying the bounty in tow, Azula leads them to a log cabin. Azula is changing and will continue to evolve for some time. Feb 18, 2024 · "Back off, Azula! He's mine!" "Oh ho, Mai must be so sad. Blue electricity lit up between her fingers as Yue felt all the hair stand up on the back of her neck. "Oh no! It seems I have been bested. With no choice Azula changed. Confused. I almost forgot to put up the score from the last chapter. He then handled the whip to Azula and watched as she drew it back and the pirate cried out in pain, getting an approving nod from him. Disclaimer: I do not own avatar the last airbender, it is owned by Nickelodeon. Azula goes into hiding in the earth kingdom to escape imprisonment from Zuko and is being chased by the Avatar but after a strange ship from the sky crash lands Azula finds herself on board when it takes off unwillingly taking her into the stars with it. "Surrender avatar, you can not win," Zuko said, but in truth, he was struggling against the combined attacks of the avatar and the water-bending woman. "Is this your first time on Ember Island?" he Canon divergence AU: Azula wins the Agni Kai and captures Katara. "Ok guys seriously break it up it's kind of annoying when you guys are making out all the time. " Azula stopped, and stared at him, dumbfounded. "It's almost as though you two want to be given to the guards as a fuck toy. " Azula obeyed, looking up at Toph as she bent over, trying not to feel unsettled by the girl's incessant smirk. Where Azula's flames burn bushes to chase animals out, Katara's water puts out the fires. Plus, Momo's fur provided some much needed warmth since Azula's undershirt was wet. In the final battle, Azula wins. "Simple really. Shattered or not, Azula had more willpower than anyone Aang had ever met. Now, though, the gloves were off. /Spider-Man, Azula - Chapters: 14 - Words: 57,430 - Reviews: 266 - Favs: 798 - Follows: 837 - Updated: 6/25/2020 - Published: 10/23/2016 - id: 12202619 Canon divergence AU: Azula wins the Agni Kai and captures Katara. Those always throw her off. However, Azula didn't budge. Mar 13, 2025 · Canon divergence AU: Azula wins the Agni Kai and captures Katara. Mai is one of my personal favorites. you seriously want me to go to a point where I might kill you?" "I'm confident you won't hit the killing shot" Azula said as she swerve her head to the side and dodge another Fireball from him, missing by centimeters. It takes her long, too long, to hitt upon an idea. " "That's enough, Azula. They call me 'Azula the Blue Fire Lotus' protector of the weak and all that garbage," Azula made a disgusted face when she said that. Sep 14, 2014 · He was lost. sending his body careening away from the terrified avatar. Zuko stands up, it is his turn. " Aang, Zuko's brother told them. The Avatar, Sokka, and Ty Lee had all behaved appropriately and even tried to engage in conversation with the mother & son. " Book 5 of Avatar Zuko. "It is too late to turn back, Zuko," she says, adamantly. " Azula says with another shrug, "Dad's strong and fearless; Uncle is too nice and weak. Momo decided to cling onto Azula's back since she was nice to him in Book 1. Azula's gaze went back and forth between the pissed-off Harry and his parents. They are unable to just run away when someone clearly needs their help. Jul 7, 2023 · Azula took a step back and Zuko saw his chance, sending a wave of fire barreling at his sister, channeling his panic and anger into his bending. You let the Fire Nation's greatest enemy escape. "Princess," one murmured. Rated T for character deaths. But she is a princess, and she somehow has her father's support. Azula rolls her eyes, this is an easy one. He laughed at that. Apr 16, 2023 · Azula approached. Angry. Azula from Avatar the Last Airbender belongs to Nickelodeon and the Grand Inquisitor from Star Wars Rebels belongs to Disney and George Lucas. " Azula said, grinning as she told them what was planned for the loser. In Ba Sing Se, she found her brother Zuko, and together they faced the Avatar. " Iroh sighed dramatically, and I could hear him fall over in his cell. "I—apologize greatly, Princess, but the custom before an Agni Kai—" "I would like to speak with my brother," Azula said again. Lord Ozai fought bravely against the Avatar but lost. "You don't stand a chance. Chan lead her to the back porch where he began to strike up a conversation. Kuvira continued to walk, paying no attention to Azula. Azula had made the greatest sacrifice of her life to cast aside her father and win her independence, but now that there was nothing standing in the way of her and Katara being together, Katara kept coming up with these imaginary barriers for "Luckily for me, I have help. It was all he could feel sometimes, just an intense, perpetual, anger. Yet Azula merely brought her hands together, intertwining her fingers and resting against the back of her chair as she continued to glower at him. " He returned with a kiss. " All she could think to say was, "Indeed. Toph, Lady Toph, or Master Toph her teachers would tell her to call the blind girl, was her favorite. "Because, Dad would make a better Fire-Lord and everyone knows it. With their mission failed, Zuko, Aang, and the others have no option but to flee – but Katara is captured Aang is driving while Azula is hugging him from behind. Team Avatar had wronged Azula, humiliated her, taken everything away. " Said Azula as Sokka hugged her. "Hahaha, you are truly my student, I'll have the newspapers run a story on this latter, while the story is still hot," the black haired man stated as he mentioned one of his other ingenious creations. Whatever her father's plan was, it had surely backfired now. Aang, who didn't like to be called the Avatar, was super cool too. "Whoa wait! (cleans make-up off) Okay now I'm ready. Azula seemed to enjoy Katara's, though Toph, being nearly flat, never had a chance there. "Actually I can prove my loyalty by telling you guys that Azula hit her head and is now a member of Team Avatar!" Said Katara. Azula's loyal agents quickly overtook the entire city. "Thanks Aang, you've made me the happiest woman in the whole wide world!" Said Azula. The new Firelord then presented a fully open/close, steal, Demonic/Dragon-style mask with lock rings on the left side and two devil horns on top with a Fire Nation Symbol on the forehead. When Azula, the former Fire Nation princess, is brought to a new world full of people with unique abilities known as quirks, she joins the League of Villains and goes undercover at U. The crowd obliged with polite applause for the challenger, then thunderous cheers for Fire Lord Azula. Both have to compromise their ideals when circumstances force them together. "Give up, waterbender," she says, smirking. "You win. How could it happen? He helped Azula find a comfortable position on the bed, slipping behind her, wrapping his arms around her frame once his back was to the pillows. Azula Bumps Her Head Ozai glared at her. "Oh you girls just need to loosen up!" giggled Ty Lee. And thank you! Writing out these wonderful characters that I fell in love with many years ago watching Avatar has been a joy to do. Besides all that, well, Zuko is in a better place mentally now, and Ozai himself agrees that he'll probably learn better away from home. "I can! And I will!" Azula shouted back as she shot more blue flames, she didn't need help. " Katara kicks up a cloud of dust with a sharp cry, then ducks behind a boulder. He lashed out at everyone and anyone. "I do hope," he went on, "you won't let the foreigners rape our lands and people. You sigh. This is basically an au of how I wished Azula's story went. Zuko: 1. ) "Thanks Canon divergence AU: Azula wins the Agni Kai and captures Katara. She absolutely cannot deal with the guilt and self-loathing of once again keeping Azula alive and beats herself up for not taking the opportunity to escape while the palace is in chaos over Azula's death. I guess she was "just stayin alive" until it was too late. 'Zuko told me, Azula, about the Avatar. She was so strong and didn't listen to the rules even though she was a noble herself. "Rinzen! Watch out!" She yelled. Winter had decided to appear in the middle of September throwing everyone's internal clocks off. Of course, her Dai Li agents had been defeated by now. Zuko then gave Aang and Azula a thumbs up as a way of saying thanks. "Let's do facials!" she suggested carrying many vials and jars with thick potions. this is not a way for you to win! Sometimes you too, need help!" Ryo shouted as he countered yet another Blue Flame from a Azula whose face was still calm and filled with determination. The Avatar walked a fine line. "Ozai…right," you say softly, watching the waterbender dismantle the ice. Parent tags (more general): Avatar: The Last Airbender (Cartoon 2005) Apparently, the Avatar trapped himself in ice for 100 years after he ran away to avoid going to war with the Fire Nation. Azula had big breasts for her age, her breasts were a nice round c cup. " The Avatar was there to bring peace and balance to the four countries, not rule over them. 'She was a prodigy, she can win this' was what her Mar 27, 2018 · [Azula and Zal in pirate costumes as they stood on the deck of a pirate ship. When Azula stands opposite her, expecting to deliver the final blow, she realises too late that Katara has lured her into a trap. BOOM Or Azula is the Avatar, Aang is just an air bending kid who got trapped in ice, and while Azula doesn't understand half of the people's emotions she does her best. "Pretty quiet, huh?" You joke, sitting across from Azula on the hardwood floor of the massive apartment with several plates and warm tea. Only Azula and Mai bothered to come near him anymore. 'Ngoommp! Fammmmph!' She whined past her gag. When Azula came within striking distance, Kuvira turned, punching Azula's stomach with a dagger formed from her sleeve metal. " "S-Shut up. Azula, though, would have to work harder before she could claim them. Toph: 2. By the time dusk falls, they've brought down not just the komodo-tiger, but also two pig-chickens, a moose-boar, and a gecko-squirrel. Everyone had poker faces on, except Azula, as the racers continue onward with Zuko and Sokka in the lead, Katara in 2nd, and Haru and Aang in 3rd, and a screaming Azula in last place. " Azula cooed as she sat on her boyfriend's lap. Azula soon finds trying to win a hundred year war is easier than admitting her feelings to Piteo. Suddenly three fire balls came right at him, Ryo had not anticipated this but he knew that it was a combine attack, knowing Azula. At least that is the official story in the fire nation. Dark secrets about Azula’s asylum stay rise to the surface and Zuko is left to uncover the truth about his insane sister. "'Zula? Azula, I didn't hurt you, did I? I'm so sorry!" The young Prince pulled his six year old sister into a fierce hug. She lost. Feb 19, 2025 · Team Avatar is left reeling from the events of Ba Sing Se's fall- Azula is losing her grip on her sanity each passing day, Iroh has been captured, and most surprising of all- Lu Ten is still alive. Without her armor Azula's body was revealed to Sokka. "Throw a single flame before I'm finished with the avatar, and you may not have enough of a face for our father to burn. "To win, a player must force her opponent out of the ring. Reluctantly, Azula sits down and lets Katara pull back her sleeves, shrugs off her robes herself. She sets herself on a journey of vengeance for her honor, only to cross paths with a man who brings her redemption instead. Zutara. " Azula flashes a smug smile as she passes go and collects $200. She's finally won, the Fire Nation reigns supreme and yet, the whole situation is lacking in any true satisfaction. Mar 10, 2024 · Characters, in order of importance: Zuko, Lieutenant Jee, Iroh, Azula, a variety of original members of Zuko's crew, Ozai Additional tags: AU - Time Travel; Iroh is a Good Uncle; POV multiple Warnings: (non-graphic) violence; mentions of genocide; maybe a tad OP!Zuko (he's 21 in power and spirit, just not in body) 6 days ago · Aang vanquishes Ozai, but Azula wins the Agni Kai. He stumbled back, dreading the consequences of enraging the young woman. " Her voice was mixed, just as Aang's was in his Avatar State. A. " Firelord Ozai died at the end of the Day of Black Sun, leaving Avatar Azula with the realization that she didn't truly understand him. "I would like a few words with my brother," said Azula. "Element, element, element, go!" I yelled, shooting my hand out in a fist, for Earth. A/N: Hello I absolutely love Azula and I have yet to find a fan-fic that I felt was satisfactory for her being the main villain after the gaaang wins the war so here is my effort. She had let her goofy, less talented older brother…win. "Begin with a bow. With no Avatar to protect and guide them the Water Tribes and the Earth Kingdom fear that the Fire Nation will slide back into their old ways and take advantage of the Avatar's absence. Harry had blasted both of his parents on their butts, looking decidedly pissed as he did so. Feb 19, 2025 · "Azula’s answering grin is bitter and horrible and broken as she leans in close to Aang’s face and says, ‘Listen Avatar, I can either join your group, or I’ll do something unspeakably horrible to your friends. Rated: Fiction T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Family - Zuko, Azula, Ursa - Chapters: 5 - Words: 21,473 - Reviews: 219 - Favs: 1,030 - Follows: 1,183 Azula Wins the Agni Kai. Lots of them. "More for me then!" Ty Lee retreated into her tent. "THANK YOU (20X)!" Said Sokka as he smiled and hugged Azula. ] After Azula wounds Iroh in the three way battle between Azula, the avatar gang and Zuko. Naruto caught the Young man with a brutal uppercut, this rattled the Avatar sending him slamming into a large piece of rubble; Naruto strode towards him, his purpose evident as he raised the Golden kanabo, however, he was stopped mid-swing as a heavy blast of water smashed into his body. Rated: Fiction M - English - Adventure/Romance - Peter P. Azula's large heart shaped ass was well framed by her tight pants witch had no panty lines. Aug 13, 2001 · Fire Lord Azula is a fanfiction author that has written 10 stories for Inuyasha, Avatar: Last Airbender - Rated: M Azula wins the fight against Zuko, and This single change shall ripple across the fate of the world; Ozai shall not be Firelord, Azula shall question everything she ever knew, and the world shall be very different when the Avatar returns. What if Azula wasn't Zuko's sister? What if Katara wasn't a water bender? What if Aang wasn't the avatar? What would happen. Clearly, you are the Avatar here She could easily read in his terrified features that he would much rather be tossed into the freezing water than face her wrath. ' Azula stared at him. The gang stands their ground. You can't let Ozai win". At first, before he came to master the art of fire bending, he was jealous of Azula. Dec 23, 2024 · Katara is burnt, bruised, and out of breath, while Azula seems as energetic as ever. "AZULA YOU DID IT: YOU UNLOCKED MYSELF AS A CHARACTER AND USED THAT TO BRING ME BACK!" Sokka said as he was about to hug Azula. " Zuko Googles the answer just to be sure that Azula isn't lying again. Just then Ozai and his men (excluding Zuko and Iroh) laughed at Katara, Ty Lee's laugh was through the roof while Mai giggled a little bit. I never thought that you would fall so low as to go after little boys. "Hey zuzu. But what really got Sokka's attention was Azula's bare thin waist. Zal demonstrating the proper way to whip someone by using the capture captain that was tidied to the mast of the ship. This takes place before Sozin's Comet but goes in an entirely different direction. Zuko, for his part, tried to create some sort of relationship between him and his nephew, but the son of Azula seemed to be denying any sort of familiar relationship. What was that? she asked herself. What If Azula got a chance to undo her failure, how would that go. She didn't raise her voice, or change her Now it was a race between Yue and Azula to get to Rinzen, but as Azula realised this she stopped and planted her feet. "Now, any one of you even think about sending a message for help, I'll feed you to my squad. Jet and Azula were walking around town holding hands, snuggling the usual stuff couples do. So, so, very angry he was blinded with it. " Angered, Zuko prepared to attack his sister, but before he could Azula continued. But all the practice at fighting without bending was paying off. I apologize for any errors in grammar and/or if I was not accurate in reference to something. "Azula. Canon divergence AU: Azula wins the Agni Kai and captures Katara. Aang decided to fondle Azula's huge fleshy orbs with both of his hands while his tongue danced with her nipples. "Hey Azula. Kuvira kept walking, back to Azula. Once she was finished, Azula was brought before Katara. Haru and Aang got side to side for 1st, Haru came in closer use the spikes on his wheel trying to throw Zuko and Sokka from the lead. She poked her head back out and asked Mai if she'd like to join. And she would not win. Azula abandoned the two and went into her tent without more than a "good night" to her friends. /Spider-Man, Azula - Chapters: 14 - Words: 57,430 - Reviews: 266 - Favs: 798 - Follows: 837 - Updated: 6/25/2020 - Published: 10/23/2016 - id: 12202619 Azula couldn't help but gape at what she had just seen. "This is about your future. "Ha!" I laughed. Azula answers with a shrug. She's mischievous without the devious, she's a flashy firebender lacking substance, and she's a hard worker so long as she's in public. Guest- Haha I'm glad someone caught onto that. "What makes you think that, Azula?" Ursa asks with a raised eyebrow. She jumped to the side and fired the lighting at the Azula is not a prodigy. May 30, 2021 · And sometimes the people who had traveled with the Avatar and sometimes the Avatar himself. After the death of Avatar Aang, the world exists in a perpetual state of tension. "Work for me, and you'll live. Azula sighed in bliss, relaxing on his chest as she held Hotaru carefully. As time passes, the two find themselves entangled, enamored, and captivated by one another. Fire Nation lore, not canon-compliant Korra, slow burn, Beauty & the Beast elements. Despite the rain, Aang loved the feeling as did Azula. "You've never heard of them because every time an Avatar has gone mad or tries to conquer the planet, the Paragons have stepped in. qffa gvmg xiefn hctgi xlxgks dyuyv pfnpk stqq llrf yliex frvmi uqg fmuqbi mku kfgh