5g towers reddit First of all, having more towers doesnt make the state best. 5g needs lots of power to penetrate buildings because the signal attenuates quickly as a result of the high frequency used. 836 votes, 30 comments. On virtually all towers, antennas are aimed outwards, so being right under the antenna is in fact the safest place to be. I could totally understand how someone could fall for it as opposed to shit like the Earth being fucking flat. For a cell tower in the urban and suburban area, it is closer to 100 W ERP or 5-10 W per channel. … A: 5G added to existing towers or 5G replacing existing 4G but backwards compatible to 2G B: New 5G towers installed Im getting a new phone but not sure if i should get the cheaper 4G phone for 1-2 years unless 5G increases my coverage (B). 5G installed. This means comics, illustrations, animations or visual effects. Welcome to the unofficial subreddit for Verizon's LTE & 5G Home Internet services. Guarantee it was installed prior to any 5G technology. it’s another way to decrease the population. R. Edit: there are radio waves all around us. A subreddit dedicated for discussing virtually everything about the internet in the Philippines, including tips and tricks, as well as problem discussions regarding with the country's internet service providers. If we got any 5G it would probably be the "hotspot" (aka WiFi) version. Additionally, since 5G is NSA (non-stand alone) typically what happens first is the tower is upgraded to 5G NW, and one or more mid-tier (e. A recent study conducted by the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) found that individuals living within a quarter mile of a 5G tower experienced significant improvements in cognitive function, including increased reaction times and improved memory retention (1). /r/Transformation is an 18+ hub for all things related to transformation ๐ณ๐ฎ๐ป๐๐ฎ๐๐ ๐ณ๐ฒ๐๐ถ๐๐ต ๐ฎ๐ฟ๐. What winds up happening with this new patch you rolled out, is my phone tries to connect to a 5G tower with almost no signal what-so-ever, and ignores a 4G tower will full signal. So, I’m stuck with 50mbs LTE service (unacceptable for a family of 5 with over 60 connected devices). From what I've heard at r/conspiracy, the main concerns have been centered around the amount of towers that will need to go up. But it can be unnerving to think about what’s transmitted through the Apr 21, 2020 ยท Dozens of European cell towers have been destroyed in recent arson attacks that officials and wireless companies say are fueled by groundless conspiracy theories linking new 5G mobile networks and the coronavirus pandemic. One of the problems knowing if cell towers (and 5G etc) are dangerous or not is that there are too many other variables at work. The issue with their logic is that 5G waves lie to the left of the visible light spectrum with other longer wavelength radiation forms such as radio waves and existing cell tower waves while the higher energy waves such as UV and X-Rays lie to the right of the visible light spectrum. This is also why if you have a 5g phone and are driving on a call you constantly get call break ups because you’re constantly changing your cell tower. So if you’re asking if cell phone towers can cause cancer, the answer is surprisingly yes… if you’re stupid enough climb an energized cell phone tower and grab the primary antenna array enough times to get several deep burns, then there is a chance one of those burns could develop into cancer. Ring doorbells, Alexa, Google home things like that. Here at r/celltowers - we are here to expose the truthiness. When 5g gets more wide spread there will be no way out of the grid in public. In case of Verizon, where B13 is the only band that works when some towers are off. 3. The band is normally ~28 GHz. Quite a few doctors, engineers etc got shut down, deplatformed over their critique of 5Gso I don't doubt it. Whenever you transmit something, or just use energy in general, it’s not 100% efficient. NSA is the primary reason for the "cases where a device will report 5G in the status bar when in fact it is not 5G", because the range of the n71 downlink (which indicates that a tower is 5G capable) is MUCH greater than the range of the mid-band LTE uplink which is necessary to create an NSA 5G connection to that tower. A bit like having 1+ Gbps WiFi when your home internet is only 250 Mbps. Conspiracy theorists (borderline tin foil hatists) believe that towers can cause cancer, especially if they're nearby. Anybody that has buyer’s remorse from the vaccine is a potential target, as to control and prevent dissent. Aug 19, 2021 ยท Are 5G towers safe? Has Covid-19 stopped the roll-out of 5G? How do 5G cell towers operate? Here we demystify 5G's most controversial technology. What they don’t want you to know/What they do. In other words, 5G networks provide more bandwidth capacity as users can access internet-based services without obstacles. That's very clearly thermal burning, likely due to the "5g tower" being some kind of third-world-tech-level electrical conduit/substation of some kind that throws a lot of heat due to a lack of shielding and inefficiencies. It's safer and more reliable to distribute the transmitter as smaller sub-stations rather than a ultra powerful transmitter that's just going to focus all of its energy nearby to one spot. I have many seen posts and comments regarding this issue, and it seems the general concensus is that specific towers are either not connecting whatsoever, or are working with extremely slow speeds. The ability to get 5G information out of phones is limited and so Cellmapper's mapping is kinda limited there. The best way to check for 5G towers near you on CellMapper is to look for LTE towers with band 71. I have 2 bars of 5G (no 5G+) and get almost 100 down and 10 up as advertised. I checked and there are no helium antennas in the area. freestanding cell towers there. Reply reply For years, we've been stuck with LTE. You'll have to check 4G towers and then guess which might have 5G on them. I don't know if Friendswood is getting a new (full size) tower during this first phase. And no, I haven’t upgraded to using 5G mobile connection yet (I own an iPhone 15 ๐ฑand iPad Pro forgot which gen; obviously iP 15 is much newer). LTE speeds may go up, until they start moving spectrum from 4G to 5G, at which point LTE will slow down again. This heating effect diminishes greatly over distance , so if you are 1m from a tower, and you move to 2m from the tower you are getting 1/4 of the radiation, 3m and However, they don't work well or not at all when power suddenly goes out. Houston is getting 5G as part of Verizon's initial roll out. The substrate is irrelevant. In most cases, you're connected to the same cell site for both LTE and 5G - the network will prefer this over connecting to separate ones, unless connecting to separate ones is the only option. Maybe don't hug one for hours. T. Or it acts as a “shock These are 5G towers, VCC didn’t get a say in the design tho because the FCC trumps city govt stuff. Feb 12, 2025 ยท Quick guide to finding AT&T, T-Mobile, or Verizon cell phone towers near you. Reply reply When the city proposed placing a shiny new 5G tower in Greenwich Village, neighbors were not happy. Pushback to the new towers is not confined to Washington Heights. Now think about how much drop off you have from 2. Granted, but since 5G towers don't cause covid in the first place (they cause autism) , we are now so straight that everyone thinks we are gay *"I'm having 5G home internet installed Monday and the tower it runs off of runs at about 140 or 150 Mbps down within a quarter mile of the tower. Non-Standalone: NSA means that the LTE network is managing the 5G connection. Today I had crap speeds of 9 down and 10 up which when testing regular 5G on my phone I had almost 190 so that was strange. There is a growing body of evidence that suggests living near 5G towers has numerous health benefits. Some people on Substack are suggesting that 5G works with graphene in your blood stream to create radio feedback. Delhi is like 1/1000 of Maharashtra in size but very densely populated. I'm going to write a novel where the 5G hyper feminizes trans women only because the effect triggers something in the brain and T-users wouldn't need to worry about negative effects. I can’t believe how much better this service is over Comcast. I'm seeing the same problem with my One plus 8 after the update to enable standalone 5G. I’m sure this post will generate tons of debate perhaps. Nobody is using all of its features yet so can expect 5G to be around for a while before they release the 6th G. Can't promise it has 5G stuff, but it was a pretty big database (with an API). Second, since the shorter length millimeter waves (MMV) used in 5G do not travel as far (or through objects), with our current number of cell towers the cell signal will not be Back in the 30s there were AM radio stations powerful enough to cover 1/3 of the country with low frequency signals that penetrated solid objects like crazy. I've used OpenCelliD before for 4G towers- we had some software running on a UE that reported its own location and the cell info and we used that to work out which tower it was connected to (for coverage heatmaps etc). I'm fairly certain that all b71 towers are also n71 capable and most likely currently broadcasting 5G. Now the wavelength is a couple millimeters and now interesting things happen when that energy encounters a complex system like a living thing because there are lots of conductive structures inside the body that are a fraction of a millimeter. basically they’re really deadly and they started in china and they’re putting it all around the world. The Subreddit for players of the Bandai Namco mobile game, Naruto x Boruto: Ninja Voltage. So, I'm trying to see if there is a signal boosting antenna I could buy to attach to this home internet gateway device that would help boost the signal and make it fast enough A Community For Free-Thinkers 5G - The Fear That Fuels The Truthiness. It is happening across the city, including in Midtown and the West Village. How far 5G travels is a bit complicated. High frequency 5G, which verizon calls 5G UW (not sure if att and tmo have a name for it) is the one that cannot penetrate as well as regular 5G but delivers more data than regular 5g. 5G is still being built out, however T-Mobile predicts that in 2024 they will cover 99% of the US population with Low-Band 5G and 90% of the US population with Mid-Band 5G. Just got it a few days ago and it's working good for me in my rural area. “They” wanted to silence 5G critics, so the story was blasted everywhere so we’d all laugh at anyone criticizing 5G. They have been fighting with them about this and there’s ongoing litigation around it. There was a reason that no western government would let Huawei equipment be a part of the 5g network in their countries while fully supporting them up EDIT: if you check out Cellmapper, don't switch it to 5G. From cell tower maps, to great apps, & even 5G tower locations. Article link. If you're out of range for AWS, you're out of 5G range Some G's will be supported with more infrastructure and others will require bigger architecture. Overall, 5G travels further than LTE. 64 votes, 10 comments. Some of the transmission ends up becoming heat, or bounces around and gives energy to its surrounding causing vibrations. As they roll out these new networks (that aren’t necessarily 5G by the way) they’re using higher frequencies in more densely-populated areas, which have shorter propagation distances and therefore they have to put in more stations. $81 billion was what they paid the government for that spectrum, they are also responsible for paying part of the cost of helping the current users of C-Band transfer to other spectrum, bringing to total cost to $94 billion. Tremendous speed. Separately they’re harmless. Agreed, these new 5G towers close the link with lower powers than ever before. I'm about a mile away. The Official Foxhole community. Support ended with saying they would request 5G and it may be available in around a week and they will send a new 5G device. A Community For Free-Thinkers 5G - The Fear That Fuels The Truthiness. g. Stand alone 5G routes everything through the 5G core and would currently bypass LTE entirely, until newer specifications are finalized that would allow the 5G core to bond additional LTE channel(s) to the 5G anchor signal. Towers are kinda like big penises if you think about it. Hey everyone, so I’ve found that my trash can’s optimal band combo is B66 (4G LTE) and N41 (5G). nPerf shows i'm on 5G though. K. 5G are in the an non-ionic frequency range, that have lower frequency than visible light, while gamma-ray (what ppl call "radiation") are in the ionic frequency, that have higher frequency than visible light. After an hour or so it went back to normal. Please read the rules and regulations below. For T-Mobile, that means their AWS (1700/2100MHz) network. No, it's not on all towers. The towers, which have been popping up since 2022, are part of the city’s effort to upgrade its wireless service. It’s a relatively time-intensive process compared with the more streamlined review for roof- or wall-mounted equipment, and again, providers have to keep towers on the Very few dedicated poles are going up for 5G, they're mostly using existing structures like light poles, traffic lights, existing cell towers, etc. L. There's a new tower near me, I assume, because this is the first time I saw my signal improved. Most neighborhoods fall under zoning types that require providers to go through an “addition of permitted use” process to build a tower. Google Pixel 4a 5G for 26201 Samsung S20 FE 5G for 26202 and 26201 So far no 5G cells are listed in the area that I mapped even with 5G being available. 5G is leaps and bounds more advanced than 4G from the phones to the cell towers. NS (or NSA) means you have a 5G connection to the tower, but the tower is using the same old 4G data and control connections to the rest of the network. Here is a map showing T-Mobile's estimated current coverage of Low-Band (aka Extended Range) 5G and Mid-Band (Ultra Capacity) 5G. But to start with, that photo is not showing a “5G” tower. It can map the signal trails -- those red-to-green dots along the map showing recorded signal strength -- but it can only triangulate 5G towers operating in I tried googling this before coming to Reddit, I was thinking of setting up a 5G mobile antenna at this perfect location right on a highway and Sam’s club parking lot. true. 132K subscribers in the stalker community. The silly people that buy into it. CellMapper shows what looks like 3 separate cell…. The reason being is the density needed for good mmWave coverage is such that putting up new poles is prohibitively expensive and the permitting is a pain. Yeah, TMobile made a presentation to my company and said 5G towers had at least a 10gb backhaul and some are upgraded to a 100gb backhaul. This week various Tmobile 5G towers have been having issues that is affecting all 5G connectivity sporadically across the US. They believe the activation of the 5G towers causes our immune systems to be lowered because of radiation, therefore enhancing our susceptibility to the sickness, and making it harder for Verizon invested about 81 billion dollars at the end of 2020 in auctions of C-band (midband 5G) spectrum. The closest tower to my house was having some work done last month and I’ve recently noticed my 5G home internet speeds have been fantastic. This limits the number of potential "mappers" out there. This is a good thing. If you could somehow fit an iPhone in your ass I bet it would cancel out the signal. when I'm connected to a standalone 5G signal netmonster shows I'm on 3G, signal check shows no service just like cell mapper. Also these smaller cell sites are better for 5G Home, I got the new 5G iphone and want to test it out with the newer 5G As far as i know, the 5G service requires a new type of cell phone tower and i have to be pretty close to it to get the real 5G service. Ah ok, i wish the carriers were more open to Sharing tower locations plus coverage maps. E-users can have little a wish fulfillment, as a treat! The new towers are less unsightly than older towers. Cell Towers are tall majestic forms of human structure that we rely upon for porn, phone calls and reddit posts. 5g isn’t recommended because the radiation is too strong from the tower and it’s too much CellMapper has good 4G (LTE) tower data, but it's lacking in 5G (NR). Perfect transfer speed is perhaps one of the Ones installing a 5G tower around it. I’m doing fine. My dick doctor (Dave the dealer from down the pub) says its because those 5G chips are clogging up the 'erection pipes' to my penis, apparently vigorously jumping up and down and screaming about covid/vaccines/5G waves and chips/the government/etc will cure the 5G occupies the same frequency that water molecules in the air vibrate at, so they say our ability to get an accurate weather forecast was set back by decades with the loss of that dataset. 4g waves are already considered potentially carcinogenic. Cell towers are much more often put in under-served (cheaper) land, which also tends to be more polluted with a variety of things. It looks to be a general communications tower with microwave and various bands of radio communications antennae. Vaccine received. Now 5g is paid for by the people using it, can transmit and receive information from anywhere there is a tower (did I say that tower was paid for by private entities) and is incredibly small. I then browsed on Reddit and was reassured, with everyone saying that 5g towers give off non ionizing radiation and that they shouldn’t be a cause for concern. Secondly, if that antenna is on your roof and you’re two floors below it, those two concrete slabs will form a pretty good RF shield to the extent that the power you’ll be hit with from the antenna will be orders or magnitude lower than what the phone in your pocket is To be completely fair to the 5G conspiracy theorists, their reasoning for why 5G cell towers are dangerous does actually make sense scientifically (still wrong due to incorrect figures on how powerful 5G towers are). Regular 5G should relatively have the same building penetration as LTE and 3g but delivers more date. i knew that once we got on lockdown they would take advantage and start putting those towers up. 2GHz) bands are added. lol I live in ๐ธ๐ฌ, where 5G reception and wireless connection is practically almost everywhere and anywhere. All cell sites on T-Mobile that are capable of 5G are also capable of LTE. It's just a matter of time until Verizon and T-Mobile start moving spectrum to 5G also, and start reducing the bandwidth on LTE. I used to only get 2 bars of signal. A lot of people on 5g home internet add external antennas, which I was sent thinking of doing if I could located an n41 tower around my house. I met a professor once in 5G networking who told me that the closer you are to a cell tower the weaker signal you have to send to the tower from your devices to communicate. r/explainlikeimfive • Eli5 Why was the sun made up of mainly just hydrogen when it was formed compared to inner planets that have so many more elements, especially higher ones? I don’t believe that shit one bit, but that’s not how they think about it. Here’s a proposition. There have been bluetooth towers going up around town, but those are mostly for traffic monitoring. 4K votes, 101 comments. TL:DR 5g waves have a higher frequency than 4g. 5g and especially ultra wide has an extremely small range. Now people faint on the nearest couch over cell towers that go several miles at best. 64K subscribers in the foxholegame community. This is a valid concern, as 5G can't travel as far as normal 4G LTE so more towers are required. 5G, which makes sense when you think about the recent movement remote work. I don't think 5g poses the risks some people think it does. All about the S. It is all about Frequency. Verizon is the newest ISP in town! Covering around 30 million homes and expanding fast, Verizon offers an alternative to cable broadband and DSL. Meanwhile, AT&T’s performance in my market looks like this. In addition, cell phone towers in general radiate powers that are very small compared to say terrestrial analog TV stations that would historically radiate over a million watts of effective radiated power. However, with 5G networks, this is no longer a problem as there are no tower collisions. Why does this happen? Is 5G power hungry enough to drain the backups fast, or they think only one band is enough What's a reliable 5G tower location map that we can use for locating the best placement of our trash cans? T-Mobile's own coverage map is pretty… What an awful metric / statistic to look at. It doesnt account for the state's area and population density. So 30kW might be the power usage of a cellular tower but almost all of it will be heat loss. Verizon is literally lighting up thousands of towers per month in hundreds of cities. He also mentioned an interesting case where doctors were against building a cell tower near a kindergarten but the engineers were for it. The best place for discussion about new characters, asking for advice and everything else Ninja Voltage related. The tower was built last week and since then my daughter has woken up in the middle of the night 3 times, and hasn’t done that in half a year. It takes a 5G phone locked to 5G NR to map 5G towers. In my area until this week when I started mapping in NR SA mode, many NR sites were missing bands 25 and 41 or missing the cell sites altogether Problem there though, as it relates to your original post, is that CellMapper cannot currently map 5G towers operating in "NSA" mode - non-Standalone, aka, tied to an LTE band as an anchor. E. Hey guys im 19 and theres been a good amount of wifi towers going up around the valley here in california it seems like ill wake up or just out of nowhere randomly hear a high pitched sound directly on 1 side of my ear left or right sometimes both my theory from my perspective is the towers are shooty certain frequencies so we can "obey" or have our minds brainwashed You can't map 5G towers with NSA, only signal trails and bands (band data mapping varies across devices, Android 12 looks to be a requirement), but with SA you can map signal trails, bands, and towers. It’s possible they were talking about n41 at that time, but there was an earlier mention that some rural LTE towers only had (3) T1 lines (so like 4mb total) as a backhaul 5G channels can go all the way up to 90 GHz, much higher than anything else on the air. 4Ghz WiFi range to 5Ghz WiFi. When the phone is in LTE or NR NSA model, it maps LTE towers only, and it maps NR towers only when in NR SA mode, which is rare. However, that's impacted by a bunch of things. In my area it is advantageous to use 4G instead of 5G, because our 5G coverage is terrible. Surprise surprise, it worked. But tbf we are a tiny country. It will only generate trails on the 5G map. Check my explanation above. Manhattan Borough President Mark Levine asked the city, in a letter last month, to slow the implementation of 5G towers until there were more engagement and education efforts. The fate of the West 12th Street tower is still under review by the FCC. In concert with this, your phone may now be advertising the signal strength of the mid-band frequency it's connected to versus a low band frequency it may have been connected to A 5G installer explained how they'd put the towers up and start receiving complaints about headaches etc, then they'd go to the townhall and explain they were not turned on, then turn on, rinse and repeat. 5G cell towers are more dangerous than other cell towers for two main reasons. But plenty of 5G “smartpoles” are on the way. The real reason people should be worried about 5g is because of the iot devices. This newer mode is called NEDC, NR - E-UTRA Dual Connectivity. The unofficial DC Comics Subreddit A place for fans of DC's comics, graphic novels, movies, and anything else related to one of the largest comic book publishers in the world and home of the World's Greatest Superheroes! Now, both carriers had the same “launch date” for C-band. Those 5G chips also give me erectile dysfunction when I'm stood near a cell tower. While other features like 5G, Massive MIMO and HPA are disabled to save power. SA means the whole path is using 5G technology/protocols from the phone all the way to the network backbone. They know the virus didn’t come from the towers. The tower does have multiple channels, typically you split the area around it into 3 segments of 120 degrees but that do not increase the peak power. A. It could have better 5G experience with 1/10th of towers of Maha. A lot more people at home means we need better infrastructure for the traffic. 1. 5g isn’t recommended because the radiation is too strong from the tower and it’s too much Hey guys im 19 and theres been a good amount of wifi towers going up around the valley here in california it seems like ill wake up or just out of nowhere randomly hear a high pitched sound directly on 1 side of my ear left or right sometimes both my theory from my perspective is the towers are shooty certain frequencies so we can "obey" or have our minds brainwashed CellMapper has good 4G (LTE) tower data, but it's lacking in 5G (NR). Technically, 5G will heat you up by the same mechanisms that occur in a microwave, but even if you hug a 5G tower it's won't be dangerous heating . First, compared to earlier versions, 5G is ultra high frequency and ultra high intensity. For example, the in the first screenshot selected tower 262 / 1 / 22509 does not show any 5G flags in the cellmaper web application so far. 107 votes, 82 comments. AT&T has already entirely shut down B5 LTE and moved that to 5G in most areas. And AT&T is waiting another indeterminate number of months to do single tower climbs to get C-band into more than 8 initial launch cities. The best part is the consistency, I’m consistently getting these same results regardless of time of day. survival-horror computer game series: Shadow of… Here is a map showing T-Mobile's estimated current coverage of Low-Band (aka Extended Range) 5G and Mid-Band (Ultra Capacity) 5G. Also as a few sidenote, I have a 5g tower near my property and I've only sucked three dicks, I ain't gay but I suspect you are on to something. Proceeded to tell me 5G has never been available in my area. Could the higher frequency lead to higher risks since extremely high frequency waves cause DNA damage? Jan 12, 2024 ยท Cellular networks worldwide are rolling out the fifth-generation mobile technology, providing high-speed wireless connections. But when a frequency is sent from a 5G tower to a specific user’s device, it resonates a harmful effect on your body. eipgjuhcacsnseuperikqcljpjfieyucoekywgjknbzdttabaixsmxupfhatxqdqvfiiaovlc