5e alchemy jug acid Alternatively use spellwrought tattoo for ceremony to get free holy water. Not new/creative I know but that's why I'm looking for ideas. From Dungeon Master's Guide, page 150. There's also Catapult builds, by launching vials of acid - for this, Artificer is best because a replicated Alchemy Jug can provide free doses of acid and get free castings of Catapult with Spell-storing Item. Cauldron of Plenty This ceramic jug appears to be able to hold a gallon of liquid and weighs 12 pounds whether full or empty. Acid (vial) Adventuring gear. The Alchemy Jug can produce acid, poison, beer, honey, mayonnaise, oil, vinegar, salt water, fresh water, and wine, at a rate of 2 gallons per minute in varying quantities, with a limit of 1 type of liquid per day. The alchemy jug is an item that allows you to produce ridiculous amounts of various liquids from water, to mayonnaise, to poison. Once the jug starts producing a liquid, it can't produce a different one, or more of one that has reached its maximum, until the next dawn. Was recently awarded an alchemy jug in 5e which can produce certain liquids each day, one of which is 2 gallons of mayonnaise each day. Rules Glossary; Tables; Books . 12 lbs. You can use an action and name one liquid from the table below to cause the jug to produce the This ceramic jug appears to be able to hold a gallon of liquid and weighs 12 pounds whether full or empty. Unofficial Description: This Ceramic jug fills with a liquid on command Artificer Replication Items: Alchemy Jug. Items: Alchemy Jug. For the sake of legality and maximum profit, I recommend using it to produce acid. Between the beer, honey, mayonnaise, fresh water, and wine you may be able to sustain a creature or two without food for extended periods (though I can’t imagine enjoying the experience). Stormberg Lun Oct 02, 2006 12:03 am Howdy Folks, It is possible that my party will come in possession of an alchemy jug. Alchemy jug 5e acid Alchemist ring 5e Immune to the ability to score damage from Natural Poisons, and Natural Diseases, but are vulnerable to those that effect wood or metal. May 1, 2023 · On days that you’re not expecting to fight, bring an Alchemy Jug and use it to stockpile acid. Feb 3, 2017 · The 5e Alchemy Jug (on page 150 of the Dungeon Master's Guide) has several uses. Zamiast tego ten dzban alchemiczny wydaje się bardziej odpowiedni dla graczy z kulinarnymi wizjami wielkości, ponieważ daje galon sosu sojowego. Wondrous Item, Uncommon. Six vials worth of acid would deal 12d6 damage. Alchemy Jug rules clarification I could produce Acid 8 ounces, Basic poison 1/2 ounce, Beer 4 gallons, Honey 1 gallon, Mayonnaise 2 gallons, Oil 1 quart, Vinegar (This jug functions as an Alchemy Jug, except that it neither produces acid or poison. So, your alchemy jug can conjure 48gp worth of acid daily (a vial costs 1gp). As a player, what substances would you want to have infinite amounts of (including magical substances,) distributed in finite portions at will? Okay so alchemy Jugs are your best friend here. They had an apparent capacity of 1 gallon (3. A Dungeons and Dragons 5e magic item. Acid Splash and Firebolt will always be better. The maximum quantity of liquid the jug can produce is determined by the specific liquid named. [5] Once a day using their action, the person holding the jug may name one liquid from the below table, and the jug will produce up to the maximum amount listed for that Nov 11, 2021 · A vial of acid deals 2d6 acid damage if thrown. Each liquid has a different maximum quantity, and the jug can only produce one type of liquid a day, but still, this is a really fun item. Alchemy jug is useful for creating stuff. Dzban alchemiczny (pomarańczowy) W przeciwieństwie do wersji niebieskiej, pomarańczowy Alchemy Jug nie oferuje żadnych opcji herbaty. You can use this item to produce a liquid in the quantity below up to three times per day. com This ceramic jug appears to be able to hold a gallon of liquid and weighs 12 pounds whether full or empty. The jug sloshes when it is shaken, even if the jug is empty. It can produce 1 gallon of soy sauce instead. Divide result numbers by three The alchemy jug can produce 3 cups of acid 3 times a day, which ends up being by far the best use of it assuming you can sell that much acid. And then there is the logistics and safety of carrying around huge volumes of acid. Bag of holding is useful for carrying stuff. In either case, make a ranged Attack against a creature or object, treating the acid as an improvised weapon. Once the jug starts producing a liquid, it can’t generate a different one or more of one that has reached its maximum until the next dawn. The maximum amount of liquid the jug can produce depends on the liquid you named. Found an Alchemy Jug at around 4th level and started a brewing company whilst I travel the world. Supply and demand are a thing. (This jug functions as an Alchemy Jug, except that it neither produces acid or poison. Алхимический сосуд (Alchemy Jug) - необычный чудесный предмет Alchemy Jug: A magical ceramic jug that appears to be able to hold a gallon of liquid and weighs 12 pounds whether full or empty. From Candlekeep Mysteries, page 144. One of my players was inflicted with the Aboleth disease that makes it so you have to keep your skin wet at all times or you start taking acid damage. Nov 20, 2019 · Alchemy Jug () Magic Wondrous Item, uncommon. An artificer would probably need to find a buyer, and selling it might be frowned upon in the wake of the last war. This is significant at low levels and may help in dealing damage to creatures that are resistant to your other attacks. If my players start abusing their alchemy jug, I figured I would just change how much gold they can make per acid vial. An alchemy jug was a magical jug that could produce a variety of liquid substances on command. Where are you getting a shitload of acid, though? Well, your alchemy jug infusion, of course. Home; Rules . An Alchemy Jug produces 8 ounces of acid at a time, so that's two vials of acid per day. etc. If you want to make tasty foods, you will need core ingredients, like fresh meat and vegetables. Acid: 8 ounces: Oil: 1 quart This ceramic jug appears to be able to hold four liters of liquid and weighs 6kg whether full or empty. On a hit, the target takes 2d6 acid damage. It can produce 1 quart of boiling hot tea instead. Unofficial Description: This Ceramic jug fills with a liquid on command Artificer Replication Posted by u/Lord_Nuke - 9 votes and 12 comments Sep 15, 2020 · The Alchemy Jug lacks the volume capabilities of the Decanter of endless water, but makes up for it in diversity. Reply reply BlockBuilder408 Afterward, you can uncork the jug as an action and pour that liquid out, up to 2 gallons per minute. Soak some dirt in this liquid, put it in a bottle, add a fuse, dynamite. A jug of alchemy can produce acid, basic poison, beer, honey, mayonnaise, oil, vinegar, water (fresh or salt), and wine. One player suggested they could use the Alchemy Jug to dispense water in order to keep him wet. You can take a Magic action and name one liquid from the Alchemy Jug Liquids table to cause the jug to produce the chosen liquid. Alchemy Jug says it pours out 8 ounces. Some alchemy jugs might produce other liquids at the GM’s discretion. I wanted to see if anyone had any interesting uses for the alchemy jug. There's also Transmute Spell for just making everything Acid. Dnd 5e alchemy jug acid Moderators: ken-do-nim, wolfpack Paul J. You bring up that most of products of the alchemy jug are more useful than acid, but unless you're in an adventurers guild, the PCs are probably the only people around who'd need weaponized acid. Nov 26, 2019 · I only ask because I have an Artificer concept in mind, combined with 2-3 Alchemy Jugs (4-6 vials of acid a day) and catapult spell storing item (alchemical launcher). A fascinating and versatile magical item in Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition. Wondrous Item Uncommon. Nov 8, 2019 · An alchemy jug is more than capable of producing a gallon per day (up to 8, in fact, of fresh water), and there's no rule that fluids produced by the alchemy jug vanish over time, so in a temperate climate, an Alchemy Jug could produce enough water to sustain 8 humanoids, meaning the excess can be put towards food instead. Even if you didn’t expend the maximum amount of wine (1 gallon), you still can’t switch liquids. While i'm traveling i fill them up until I reach a town to sell them. An Alchemy Jug is a twelve pound, gallon-sized ceramic jug with a wide mouth[3] that always seems to make sloshing sounds. Wondrous item, rare. Rogue needs poison? Boy howdy have you got some good news for them. You can also get additional jugs if you ever get stuck on what else you want to get for infusions later on. Note that those rules replace the Item Creation Rules presented in the Dungeon Masters Guide. You’re better off shooting a crossbow or using cantrips in combat than trying to do weird shit. View All/Homebrew; Quick Reference (2014) An alchemy jug could have more specific acid, poison, and water that makes it more on theme. I'm very interested in using this ability but am finding it difficult to think of any uses for it besides consumption. Some are alcoholic beverages, like wine or beer. They each produce 2 vials worth of acid per day. The Alchemy Jug is a small jug made of ceramic or glass, with a wide mouth and Jan 10, 2018 · The Alchemy Jug allows for the creation of different types of liquid, including but not limited to: Acid(8 ounces), Basic Poison (1/2 ounce) and Mayonnaise. It no longer has the ability to produce ammonia, pure alcohol, or chlorine. So two per day. When you get infusions take the alchemy jug and you now have access to large amounts of acid and basic poison as well as spells like poison spray and acid stream. Rations contain shelf-stable preserved food like jerky, dried fruit, hardtack, and nuts. Where the AD&D version produced cyanide or aqua regia, the 5e statistics refer to the functionally equivalent basic poison and acid. Chemically burn all parts of your body from nervous system to lungs and eyes: I saw a post from 6 years ago but there wasn't too many responses. Meer informatie over Alchemy Jug 5e DnD. Wanna make the party incredibly uncomfortable and maybe even queasy? Have your character sit there and eat the whole 2 gallons of mayonnaise the jug produces. Etc. A vial holds 4oz, and a vial of acid is worth 25gp. Unofficial Description: This Ceramic jug fills with a liquid on command Artificer Replication. D&D 5th edition [] The alchemy jug appears in the Dungeon Master's Guide (5e) (2014), p. DnD 2024 Magic Items This ceramic jug appears to be able to hold a gallon of liquid and weighs 12 pounds whether full or empty. Combine this with oil that costs 5 copper with proficiency in alchemist’s supplies and you’re throwing shit every day. [1] Typical alchemy jugs were made of ceramic. Wondrous item, uncommon This jug functions as an Alchemy Jug, except that it neither produces acid or poison. Menu. Sloshing sounds can be heard from within the jug when it is shaken, even if the jug is empty. Catapult is a first level spell. Item: A jug. 3: Artificer Specialist: Alchemist The Right Tool for the Job Tool Proficiency: Alchemist’s Supplies Alchemist Spells Experimental Elixir (1) Alchemist’s Supplies allows you to craft acid, alchemist’s fire, and a few other items once per long I would assume the 1lb weight of the acid is 4 ounces of acid, and the rest is the vial's weight. Description not available (not OGL). In theory. (The Alchemy Jug does not exist in the Basic Rules so i hope I'm not breaking any rules with posting the amount of acid/poison created) So I was wondering how much Artificer definetly makes things easier at the lower levels, letting you make your own alchemy jug and servant to attack with them at level 2. This ceramic jug appears to be able to hold a gallon of liquid and weighs 12 pounds whether full or empty. ) This ceramic jug appears to be able to hold a gallon of liquid and weighs 12 pounds whether full or empty. They didnt put in a weight for the vial of poison probly cos they forgot/couldn't be bothered, but you can calculate it from the acid since it says the vial holds 4 ounces. This according to google equals 6 vials in D&D 5e, with a whopping 150 GP retail price per day. This ceramic jug appears to be able to hold a gallon of liquid and weighs 12 pounds whether full or empty. All in different amounts. Currently, another player and I are trying to find a bunch of broken bottles I can use Mending on, and filling them with wine to sell. DnD 2024 Magic Items I thought it was the oil from “Oil (flask)” “Oil usually comes in a clay flask that holds 1 pint. Apr 27, 2023 · Alchemy Jug 5e. Notably, acid damage prevents trolls from regenerating health so acid may be useful in troll encounters if you have no other sources of acid or fire damage. Alchemy Jug Sources: DMG. It launches an object 90 feet, then deals damage to the object and whatever it collides with. I would start artificer, probably green or black Dragonborn (for breath weapon) or maybe warforged (like a small walking factory spewing toxic smoke) and pick up some useful resistances. This magic item can, once per day, produce certain amounts of liquids. In either case, make a ranged attack against a creature or object, treating the acid as an improvised weapon. Damage: 2d6 Jan 24, 2021 · These rules are a summary of the 5e Dungeons and Dragons Alchemy and potion creation rules. It produces 8 oz of acid per day. Need some acid vials for the next fight? Alchemy jug up some acid to put in a vial for later. If he can make more acid than every alchemist in the city the price will drop as well. The jug is a hefty 12 pounds regardless of whether or not it's in use, and once the Bard Nov 20, 2019 · Alchemy Jug () Magic Wondrous Item, uncommon. Ga naar inhoud The Artificer also uses his Replicate Item Infusion - Alchemy Jug to boost production by one vial (8 ounces) a day. Alchemy Jug. Jul 9, 2023 · Alchemy Jug. Actions (Require your bonus action) Speed 20 feet 3 Elements burst 3. Personally, five 1lb vials in a small paper-like bag (don't carry them around like this) isn't too much of a stretch. Then, you go four levels into Rogue for the Thief subclass. You can use an action and name one liquid from the table below to cause the jug to produce the chosen Playing an Elven Druid, high Con. Apr 20, 2021 · Alchemy jug DMG: One of my absolute favorite items because it can do so many things and solve so many problems in surprising ways. It also turns all your skin translucent. Nov 25, 2019 · I'm trying to figure out if I can make one vial of acid a day with an alchemy jug. Just a few ideas I can think of Bribing with -Beer -Honey -Wine Collecting / Selling -Acid Using for combat -Acid -Poison -Oil (flammable) Put on floor -Mayonnaise (slippery) -Oil (Flamable) -Honey (Sticky) Consuming / Cooking with (This jug functions as an Alchemy Jug, except that it neither produces acid or poison. Amount Acid 8 ounces Basic poison 2 ounces Beer 4 gallons Honey 1 gallon An alchemy jug was a magical jug that could produce a variety of liquid substances on command. 8 liters) and always made a sloshing sound when shaken, as if they were always filled with liquid. See full list on blackcitadelrpg. As an action, you can splash the oil in this flask onto a creature within 5 feet of you or throw it up to 20 feet, shattering it on impact. It’s always subpar. [1] This nets us spellcasting, CON save proficiency, Alchemist's Supplies proficiency, and infusions, specifically to get an Alchemy Jug for free consumables. Afterward, you can uncork the jug as an action and pour that liquid out, up to 2 gallons per minute. Other handy liquids the Alchemy Jug can produce include mayonnaise, acid, poison, and salt or freshwater. What I did is I bought mini kegs to place my alcohol in, and I fill them up and store them in my bag of holding. [1] The jug has runes carved along its sides. As an action, you can splash the contents of this vial onto a creature within 5 feet of you or throw the vial up to 20 feet, shattering it on impact. The high price is supposed to show a certain amount of rarity. [1] The jug could produce the following substances: acid, ale, honey, mayonnaise, poison,[1] oil, vinegar, fresh The alchemy jug did not appear in this edition. Wondrous Item This ceramic jug appears to be able to hold a gallon of liquid and weighs 12 pounds whether full or empty. Vial-the item, says it holds 4 ounces. [4] It is capable of producing liquids of various kinds. Alchemy Jug Rarity Uncommon Type Wondrous Sanity Category Gamechanging Relevant Page Number 150 Price Range (per DMG) 101 - 500 gp Price (per Sane Prices) 6,000 gp. Druids are some of the most consistently powerful characters in Dungeons and Dragons, but Let's discuss the nature of the alchemy jug, and the limits of how powerful a theoretical upgraded version of it should be. Some are natural ingredients and liquids, like honey, vinegar, oil. These revised rules for Crafting Magic Items are presented in Xanathar’s Guide to Everything, modified as per the creation of expendable items. I want to use it with Catapult to have a scaling way to do alchemist style fighting by hurling flasks, but that price is really high at low levels when I'd want it most. Klik hier voor onze gids over hoe een Alchemy Jug werkt in D&D 5th Edition en hoe je deze in een campagne kunt gebruiken. Dungeon Master's Guide 2024. Apr 7, 2023 · The Alchemy Jug is a small jug made of ceramic or glass, with a wide mouth and A fascinating and versatile magical item in Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition. Poison, as a mechanic for players to use, is more discouraged for players now than it was then. If you could have any one feat from 5e in real life, what would it be? This ceramic jug appears to be able to hold a gallon of liquid and weighs 12 pounds whether full or empty. Wondrous item, uncommon. Jun 11, 2019 · The alchemy jug itself comes from 1e (see page 137 of 1e DMG) and has mostly carried over, almost verbatim, to 5e including the volumes and types of liquids it can output (chlorine is strangely missing in the modern version). Jul 15, 2022 · Alchemy Jug. Jug of alchemy + fluid containers + downtime = free acid and/or poison! The monk/rogue in my group basically spent 5 days making vials of poison for himself to use. Details about Alchemy Jug, a D&D 5e magic item, including items effects, rarity and value. 150 Tags: wondrous item • uncommon • mayonnaise. I play with an artificer that tries to make the vials of oil/acid work from an alchemy jug. 150. Found on Magic Item Table B. For example, if you decide to use your Alchemy Jug for wine at dinner, you can’t change to acid for your post-dinner combat. It can produce 1 quart of soy sauce instead. You can't make the same infusion multiple times, so you might be limited to just 1 jug. With this, you can spam the hell out of Fast Hands to chuck Acid Vials/Holy Water (2d6+Dex), Alchemist Fire (1d4+Dex+1d4 on all their turns until they put it out), and most importantly, Oil Jugs (1d4+Dex+5 Fire damage added onto every single source of fire damage hitting the oiled enemy until it dries out). It's on the Artificer spell list. Get some sulphuric acid from your jug -Add a 1:1 mixture of sulphuric acid and oleum into the triglycerol -Carefully boil it -The remaining liquid is really impure, but who cares, nitroglycerin -4. View All/Homebrew; Quick Reference (2014) I think Alchemy Jug is a super good infusion for creative players who want to be funny. Requires Attunement: No . Stormberg Personal Avatar of Dragonsfoot Posts: 1306 Joint: Lun May 12, 2003 5:56 am Post by Paul J. Some are common and useful, like water, poison, acid. Alchemy Jug, Lead (5e Equipment) Alchemy Jug Liquids Liquid Max. Subsequently, as an action, you can uncork the jug and pour out the liquid, up to 2 gallons per minute. The jug produces 8oz of acid. The Alchemy Jug is a small jug made From Candlekeep Mysteries, page 144. You can use an action and name one liquid from the table below to cause the jug to produce the chosen liquid. And then there's Mayonnaise. (The poison could be a mental poison rather then damage it causes confusion, the saltwater could be scummy and have hints of blood, or the mayonnaise could obviously not be made from chicken eggs, etc). megck adwe kdudhc kocia brdq awwoix bufubur sbzphes ihan bedraxk qtob jwqysv rgj uiea mvlj