2x4x12 pressure treated ground contact. Pine, Pressure Treated (MCA .
2x4x12 pressure treated ground contact 2 Prime Ground Contact Pressure-Treated Southern Yellow Pine Lumber (392) Questions & Answers (25) Hover Image to Zoom. . #1 lumber grade is to be used when both strength and appearance are important. SKU: 1301232. Common Measurement: 2-in Jan 19, 2010 · Usually/normally if a wood is PT than in addition to the stamped info there will also be a retention number stamped IE. Above Ground. Wood is a Severe Weather 2-in x 4-in x 8-ft 2 Prime Southern yellow pine Ground contact Pressure Treated Lumber. AC2® pressure treated lumber is infused with a preservative known as MCA (Micronized Copper Azole) that protects the wood against rot and decay. Pressure-Treated Southern Yellow Pine meets the highest grading standards for strength and appearance. Internet # 206889270. Ground Contact pressure treated lumber is designed for end use applications where the lumber may be in contact with or installed in the ground. Common Measurement: 2-in MicroPro Sienna Treated Wood is pressure treated for long-term performance outdoors for decks, fences and landscaping. About. x 12 ft. 18479. x 16 ft. 2x4x12 Treated Yellow Pine #1 Ground Contact. Get best deals for 2x4 12-ft MCQ/MCA Treated (Above Ground Use Only) online in the pressure-treated lumber section of AW Graham Lumber Flemingsburg KY. Treated for above ground applications and available in a variety of sizes. Ideal for a variety of applications including decks, play sets, landscaping, stair support, walkways and other outdoor projects where lumber is exposed to the elements. Treatment meets AWPA (American Wood Protection Association) standards and is building code compliant (IRC and IBC) Contact. Pine, Pressure Treated (MCA . Jan 17, 2025 · 2x4x12 pressure-treated ground contact #1 select grade lumber. Treated lumber is a renewable building product that is safe for use in any application, including those around pets, playsets, and vegetable gardens. 3. Ideal choice for decks, gazebos and other above ground exterior projects #2 Prime Ground Contact Treated Lumber meets the highest grading standards for strength and appearance. Pressure treated for ground contact; Uniform thickness, density and appearance with a smooth surface; 4 in. Lifetime limited residential warranty and two year color limited warranty; Pressure treated for long life; No two pieces of lumber are the same. 53-in x 11. Pressure-treated for long-term protection against rot, fungal decay and termite attack; Treated for ground contact applications; Color infused with cedar-tone colorant; Treatment process has achieved a number of environmental certifications; Hot-dipped galvanized fasteners recommended; Lifetime limited warranty Must use Ground Contact pressure treated lumber where lumber is at risk for poor air circulation, less than six inches from the ground, or has poor or no water drainage below the structure #2 grade lumber has few defects, knots are well-spaced and do not exceed the size regulations. Filters. 2 Prime or Better Ground Contact Pressure-Treated Southern Yellow Pine Lumber About This Product. 15), No. Order this Pressure Treated Lumber for delivery. This treated lumber protects against decay and insects. 15 Ca SYP Ground Contact (1. x 10 ft. Treatment meets AWPA (American Wood Protection Association) standards. Find 2-in x 4-in 12-ft pressure treated lumber at Lowe's today. Explore More on homedepot. All Products > Construction Lumber > Pressure Treated > 2x4 PT. Pressure-Treated Pine meets the highest grading standards for strength and appearance. It's also suitable for fresh water use and can be submerged. 1 grade lumber. Critical structural treatment significantly out performs wood treated to Visit The Home Depot to buy 4 in. (130) 2x6x12 pressure treated ground contact #1 (104) 2x4x10 pressure treated #1 ground contact (111). Severe Weather Ground Contact pressure treated exterior wood Actual dimensions:1. Severe Weather 2-in x 4-in x 8-ft 2 Prime Southern yellow pine Ground contact Pressure Treated Lumber. Ground Contact Pressure-Treated Premium Southern Yellow Pine Decking Board (4 / 2x4x12 pressure treated. Limited lifetime warranty that protects against rot, decay, and wood ingesting insects. Individual pieces of pressure treated lumber will reference Ground Contact on the end tag; WeatherShield includes water repellant in the treatment process; No two pieces of lumber are the same. Shop pressure treated lumber and a variety of building supplies products online at Lowes. • The structural failure of “Ground Contact” Wood Product where the Wood Product has been end-cut or trimmed and used in contact with the ground, unless a brush-on end coat wood preservative is used to coat all saw cuts and drill holes. 2x4x12 pressure treated cedar. x 6 in. 5-in x 12-ft) Proven long-term protection against rot, fungal decay, and termite attack, Lighter more natural appearance,Broad offering of grades, sizes, and treatments, Limited warranty 5/4 in. Wood is a natural Severe Weather #2 Prime Southern yellow pine Ground contact Pressure Treated Lumber. Western Red Cedar Deck Board. Micronized Copper Azole (MCA) is a copper-based wood preservative used in the pressure treatment of wood products for use in residential applications above ground, in-ground contact, or in freshwater contact. 2x4x12' MCA #1 Ground Contract Pressure Treated Lumber, (Actual 1. However, some customers experienced issues with warped or twisted pieces, indicating a need for careful selection. Shop the Collection. 3. 4747. MCA is a copper-based wood preservative used in pressure treated lumber allowing for residential installations above ground, ground contact, or freshwater contact. Actual Dimensions: 1. Pressure treated with copper azole. x 6 ft. Suitable for burial or contact with the ground and fresh water immersion applications. Wood is a natural Individual pieces of pressure treated lumber will reference Ground Contact on the end tag; WeatherShield includes water repellant in the treatment process; No two pieces of lumber are the same. madera para cerca Sep 26, 2022 · A stack of “Ground Contact” pressure treated lumber. We’re dedicated to giving you the very best of flooring, building supplies, electrical, plumbing, flooring material, hardware, lumber, wall paints and much more, with a focus on exceptional customer service and numerous options to choose from. For use with double hot dipped galvanized or stainless steel, not included. SKU: 2412ODW. 3-in x 16-ft. MicroPro Sienna 1 x 4 x 8' Pressure Treated Wood (Above Ground Use Only) MicroPro Sienna Treated Wood is pressure treated for long-term performance outdoors for decks, fences and landscaping. 4x4x8 Dressed Pine 17pcs 91. When searching the description of "Pressure-Treated Ground Contact Southern Yellow Pine Timber", it appears that the length is different, but the grade, treatment process and species are the same. MicroPro® technology offers many Jan 7, 2021 · Dressed Pressure Treated Lumber. 13. Introduction: Pressure Treated Lumber Weight Factors Individual pieces of pressure treated lumber will reference ground contact on the end tag; No 2-pieces of lumber are the same; Color, grain pattern and texture will vary as well; Use 2 grade lumber when both appearance is not the most important to you project; May have wane bark edge on corners Severe Weather #2 Southern yellow pine Ground contact Pressure Treated Lumber. Treated for protection against fungal decay, rot and termites, it is ideal for ground contact and a variety of general uses including exposed structures, sill plates, decks, docks, ramps and other outdoor applications. Often described as a 12 ft, 2 x 4 (nominal sizing), this product typically measures 1-1/2 in thick by 3-1/2 in wide. 25 which is NOT ground contact; . Wood is a 2 in. This 2x4x12 ground contact pressure treated lumber can be used in both above ground and ground contact exterior applications. Treatment meets AWPA (American Wood Protection Association) standards and is building code compliant (IRC and IBC) MicroPro Sienna 3-4" x 7' Pressure Treated Pointed Post (Suitable for Ground Contact) MicroPro Sienna Treated Wood is pressure treated for long-term performance outdoors for decks, fences and landscaping. palos 2x4. Shop Severe Weather. This double treated Ground Contact lumber must be used for applications where treated lumber is difficult to maintain, repair or replace. 197. Severe Weather 4-in x 4-in #2 Southern yellow pine Ground contact Pressure Treated Lumber. Premium grade hem fir with virtually no wane; Pressure treated for exterior above ground use - not intended for ground contact Severe Weather 2-in x 4-in x 12-ft 2 Prime Southern yellow pine Ground contact Pressure Treated Lumber. Southern Pine, Pressure Treated- Above Ground, No. Treatment meets AWPA (American Wood Protection Association) standards and is building code compliant (IRC and IBC) Treated for above ground applications; Low VOC, low eco-toxicity with the smallest environmental footprint; Improved corrosion resistance; use good quality exterior rated metal fasteners and hardware (sold separately) Can be used in direct contact with aluminum, above ground About This Product. This lumber has been pressure treated for ground contact (GC) applications and can be completely buried in the ground. This lumber is pressure-treated with Copper Azole for Ground Contact. 2 Common grade lumber. Wood is a Severe Weather Above Ground Contact pressure treated exterior wood. All Products > Lumber > Pressure Treated Lumber > Pressure Treated Dimensional Lumber. Color, grain pattern and texture will vary as well. x 10 in. 9. Many municipal and state building codes require this critical structural treatment when posts in a structural application are put into the ground. 4. Pressure Treated Lumber. Sounds like your lumber is not pt IMHO:smile: Pressure Treated Products & Accessories > Pressure Treated Wood. 200. 1649. 5" x 3. Treated with more preservative than above ground treated products, ground contact pressure treated pine has a higher preservative retention level, resulting in improved performance when exposed to soil, poor ventilation, moisture and fresh water. 5 days ago · AC2® pressure treated lumber uses southern yellow pine to provide optimum strength and appearance on any outdoor project left exposed to the elements. 5-in x 12-ft #2 Grade southern yellow pine. 40 is ground contact. Actual: 1. 2 Prime Pine Ground Contact Pressure-Treated Southern Yellow Pine Lumber (4. 18335. x 3-1/2 Pressure-Treated Southern Yellow Pine meets the highest grading standards for strength and appearance. 2 grade lumber. Prices subject to change. 2 x 4 x 12 Pressure Treated #2 & Better . 2 Prime Ground Contact Pressure-Treated Southern Yellow Pine Lumber 2x4x12 pressure treated. Credit Above Ground. Prime grade lumber is the perfect choice if appearance is the main concern with your lumber project Ground Contact Pressure Treated Lumber. Common Measurement: 6-in x 6-in. Pressure treated ground Contact #1 Total of 345 boards Please look up prices 5 days ago · AC2® pressure treated lumber uses southern yellow pine to provide optimum strength and appearance on any outdoor project left exposed to the elements. Find My Store. 2x4x12. x 4 in. Weathershield 2 In X 4 In X 12 Ft 2 Prime Cedar Tone Ground Contact Pressure Treated Lumber 253928 The Home Depot . Wood is a natural Find Above ground 12-ft pressure treated lumber at Lowe's today. Must use Ground Contact pressure treated lumber where lumber is at risk for poor air circulation, less than six inches from the ground, or has poor or no water drainage below the structure #2 grade lumber has few defects, knots are well-spaced and do not exceed the size regulations. com. Innovative colour pigment technology gives the treated wood a warm, finished look. Severe Weather Above Ground pressure treated exterior wood protected by Ecolife (EL2); a stabilizing formula that repels water keeps boards straighter and looking better longer Contact. 7667. #2 Prime Ground Contact Pressure-Treated Lumber#2 Prime Ground Contact Pressure-Treated Lumbern- Made of southern yellow pinen- Ground contact treated lumber can be used in both above ground and ground contact exterior applicationsn- Must use ground contact pressure treated lumber where lumber is at risk for poor air circulation, less than six inches from the ground or 2 in. 57 /piece. Must use ground contact pressure treated lumber where lumber is at risk for poor air circulation, less than six inches from the ground, or has po Severe Weather #2 Prime Southern yellow pine Ground contact Pressure Treated Lumber. Do not use in instances where the lumber AC2® pressure treated lumber uses southern yellow pine to provide optimum strength and appearance on any outdoor project left exposed to the elements. 86 This lumber has been pressure treated for ground contact (GC) applications and can be completely buried in the ground. Add To Cart. Share. Other lengths available. By UFPI Representative | Jul 14, 2023 About This Product. Product Features. palos 2x4 12pies. It uses advanced wood preservative technology that is low VOC, low eco-toxicity and certified as an Environmentally Preferable Product. Schillings Pressure treated decking is building code approved for use in decking in above-ground or ground contact applications. Clear All. Pressure Treated Wood is a solid wood trim that is specially manufactured for framing and detail carpentry in decking, fencing, and other landscaping projects. 2X4X12 PRESSURE TREATED PREMIUM WOOD (ABOVE GROUND USE ONLY). Treated lumber is a renewable building product that's safe for use in any application, including those around pets, playsets, and vegetable gardens. This timber has been pressure treated for critical structural (CS) applications, such as posts for post frame buildings, decks, porches, pavilions, pergolas, and gazebos. Treated wood is used for long-term performance outdoors for decks, fences and landscaping. Backed by a Lifetime Limited Residential Warranty against Pressure Treated #2 Ground Contact Hem Fir Exterior Lumber Great For Exterior Projects, Decking, fencing, railings and accessories, joists, piling and poles, sill plate, sub flooring and more Copper-based wood preservatives have been in use for decades in North America and have proven safe and effective in countless r AC2® pressure treated lumber uses southern yellow pine to provide optimum strength and appearance on any outdoor project left exposed to the elements. 5-in x 3. 75 each plus tax. 5-in x 12-ft. #2 Prime Pressure-Treated Ground Contact Southern Pine Lumber (631) Questions & Answers (102) The 6 in. 5"): Buy online and Pickup in-store or get Delivery to Sterling or surrounding areas in Virginia in contact with untreated or treated material that has been used in an improper application. This grade has virtually no wane, and is top quality. 2 x 4 x 12 Treated (Ground Contact) #2 Prime | Stine Home + Yard : The Family You Can Build Around™ How much does a 2x4x12 pressure treated weigh. AC2® brand treated wood products use MicroPro® technology, which is a revolutionary way to pressure-treat wood for decks, fences, landscaping, and general construction uses. for pricing and availability. AC2® treated lumber can be painted or stained to match any existing project. Ground Contact Pressure-Treated Board Southern Yellow Pine Lumber (534) Questions & Answers (40) Hover Image to Zoom. Severe Weather 2-in x 6-in x 12-ft 2 Prime Southern yellow pine Ground contact Pressure Treated Lumber. 4. x 12 in. 2 X 4 X 12/0 #1 MCA AG TREATED. . Item #1255871 | Model #1255871. Ideal for a variety of applications, including decks, play sets, landscaping, stair support, walkways and other outdoor projects where lumber is exposed to the elements. This lumber is an ideal choice for a variety of exterior projects including decks, fences, and retaining walls. 2x4x12 #1 ground contact pt sku#: 2412pt lumber & wood products pressure treated 24pt 2x4 pressure treated northeast treaters mfg part#: Close Site Menu Close Navigation Departments Severe Weather Above Ground Contact pressure treated exterior wood. 1-1/2 in. Yes they do have 2x4x10's and 2x4x12's Find 2-in x 4-in Ground contact pressure treated lumber at Lowe's today. AC2® pressure treated lumber uses southern yellow pine to provide optimum strength and appearance on any outdoor project left exposed to the elements. MicroPro™ technology offers Every piece meets the highest grading standards for strength and appearance. Severe Weather 2-in x 8-in #2 Prime Southern Yellow Pine Ground Contact Pressure Treated Lumber. 5. 1 / 1 in. Pressure treated for exterior above ground use - not intended for ground contact. 2 Prime Ground Contact Southern Pine Pressure-Treated Southern Yellow Pine Lumber (692) Questions & Answers (63) Hover Image to Zoom. AC2® CedarTone lumber is prefinished - infused with a rich color, similar Customers say the 4x4 pressure-treated lumber generally meets their needs for various projects, with many appreciating its straightness and solid quality. 2x4x12' PT. Category: 2x4 PT. Individual pieces of pressure treated lumber will reference ground contact on the end tag; No 2-pieces of lumber are the same; Color, grain pattern and texture will vary as well; Use 2 grade lumber when both appearance is not the most important to you project; May have wane bark edge on corners AC2® CedarTone pressure treated lumber uses #1 grade southern yellow pine to provide optimum strength and appearance on any outdoor project left exposed to the elements. 5-in x 12-ft Treatment meets AWPA (American Wood Protection Association) standards and is building code compliant (IRC and IBC) This pressure treated wood is a necessary choice for your outdoor projects like building a deck. Pressure-Treated Pine Lumber has been treated for ground contact and is ideal for retaining walls, decks, stair support posts and walkways. Each board is given a smooth finish making it easy to paint or stain. $7. 2 Prime Ground Contact Pressure-Treated Southern Yellow Pine Lumber (4. Pressure Treated Red/Brown 107216 Individual pieces of pressure treated lumber will reference Ground Contact on the end tag; WeatherShield includes water repellant in the treatment process; No two pieces of lumber are the same. 2 in. Treated for protection against fungal decay, rot and termites. The Types of Pressure Treated Wood. Print. MCA stands for Micronized Copper Azole. Wood is a Severe Weather 15/32-in x 4-ft x 8-ft CDX Pressure Treated Southern Yellow Pine Plywood Sheathing. 2 / 150) Pressure treated for exterior ground contact use. Studies done to date show a dramatic decrease in the amount of arsenic at the surface of the wood for periods up to two years when compared Southern Pine, Pressure Treated - Ground Contact, No. Trusted pressure-treated lumber, lumber, & home improvement supplier in Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, & West Virginia. Wood is a WeatherShield . $8. Pressure treated to provide resistance against rot/decay/termites; For outdoor playsets, decks, landscaping, and more; Can be stained or painted to match your existing decor; View More Details This lumber is pressure with Copper Azole. Lumber pressure treated with MCA can be used in interior applications as long as all construction debris, including sawdust, is collected and disposed. 2x4 PT. Wood is a Severe Weather 2-in x 4-in x 12-ft 2 Prime Southern yellow pine Ground contact Pressure Treated Lumber. SAFE & SECURE This treated lumber protects against rot, decay and termites. Sort: 2x4x12' Pressure Treated The EPA has stated that applying a penetrating oil finish as needed to pressure-treated wood surfaces (that have human contact) can lessen or eliminate human and animal exposure to CCA in existing decks. #2 Prime Ground Contact Pressure-Treated Lumber (44) Questions & Answers (8) Hover Image to Zoom. Ideal choice for decks, gazebos and other above ground exterior projects 2 x 4 x 8 Pressure-Treated Hemlock Fir Brown Lumber - Made from hem-fir. Actual Dimensions: 1-1/2″ x 3-1/2″ x 12′ In stock and ready for local delivery or in store pickup. AC2® pressure treated lumber uses southern yellow pine to provide optimum strength and appearance on any outdoor project left exposed to the the elements. 18483. Common dimensions: 2-in x 4-in x 12-ft; actual dimensions: 1. AC2® brand treated wood products use MicroPro™ technology, which is a revolutionary way to pressure treat wood for decks, fences, landscaping, and general construction uses. Other treatment designations relating to end-use applications include “Above Ground”, “Foundation”, and “Marine”. May 12, 2020 · Pressure-treated for long-term protection against rot, fungal decay and termite attack; Treated for ground contact applications; Can be primed, painted or stained; Lifetime limited warranty; Hot-dipped galvanized fasteners recommended; Click to discover the benefits of pressure treated wood; Return Policy 2X4X12 PRESSURE TREATED PREMIUM WOOD (ABOVE GROUND USE ONLY). x 8 ft. Often described as a 16 ft, 2 x 4 (nominal sizing), this product typically measures 1-1/2 in thick by 3-1/2 in wide. mxpfn sipujk lnlqun dhfoo tci xoso tefe hvldv prwx curwju igsjbnh fsmkd kblucbu qbvv bnt