Bsa merit badges worksheets. Name four breeds of horses.
Bsa merit badges worksheets Define topical stamp collecting. 10 of 10 Competition 3: Type of competition: Time commitment: Age of the participants: How many teams are involved: 7. 2 of 5 d. Show at least ONE example of each of the following: a. Worksheet for First Aid. . Nature - Merit Badge Workbook Page. See the Model Rocketry chapter of the Space Exploration merit badge pamphlet. Search. The Requirements are the current requirements. Important excerpts from that publication can be downloaded from American Cultures - Merit Badge Workbook Page. Main menu Astronomy - Merit Badge Workbook Page. Home basement / storage room / garage fire 3. Vehicle stalled in the desert Crime Prevention Merit Badge Sample Home Security Checklist Scout's Name: _____ ____ _____ Here are some things to consider with your parent or guardian and counselor. Explain the difference between continuous-tone, line, and halftone artwork. 3. Click on the Requirement or Pamphlet name and it will appear * = Eagle Required or Alternate. (There is a Time Management Worksheet which can be used for planning your weekly set activities and tasks and for tracking your actual to do list results, Revised January, 2024 Requirements for the Cooking merit badge: Health and safety. Go to a library or museum to see a program or exhibit featuring one group's The scout needs to participate in TWO of the listed sports (or another BSA-allowed sport approved prior by the merit badge counselor). 2. 4. Food-borne disease (food poisoning) 6. Im portant excerpts from that publication ca n be downloaded from Communication - Merit Badge Workbook Page. Submit a report to your merit badge counselor outlining how the project benefited your family. Be a scout; Scoutshop; Give; My. Several badges involve activities for which the Boy Scouts of America has implemented strategies to improve safety, enhance the Scouts' experiences, and manage risk. 3. 3 of 10 $ufkdhrorj\ 6frxw v 1dph bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb $ufkdhrorj\ 0hulw %dgjh :runerrn 3djh ri ([sodlq zkdw devroxwh gdwlqj dqg uhodwlyh gdwlqj duh Merit Badge Workbook No one may add or subtract from the official requirements found in Scouts BSA Requirements (Pub. Perforated and imperforate stamps b. Emergency Preparedness - Merit Badge Workbook Page. Automobile accident 5. Camping; Citizenship in Society - NEW; Citizenship Blanks in this worksheets table appear when we do not have a worksheet for the badge that includes these requirements. Im portant excerpts from that publication ca n be d ownload ed from 6xvwdlqdelolw\ 6frxw v 1dph bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb 6xvwdlqdelolw\ 0hulw %dgjh :runerrn 3djh ri f 'liihuhqw duhdv ri wkh zruog duh diihfwhg e\ hlwkhu wrr pxfk iorrglqj ru wrr olwwoh gurxjkw zdwhu ([soruh zkhwkhu hlwkhu $ufkhu\ 6frxw v 1dph bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb $ufkhu\ 0hulw %dgjh :runerrn 3djh ri 'r wkh iroorzlqj d 1dph dqg srlqw wr wkh sduwv ri dq duurz Robotics - Merit Badge Workbook Page. When working on merit badges, Scouts and Scouters should be aware of some vital information in the current edition of the Guide to Advancement (BSA publication 33088). American Cultures Merit Badge Overview The United States is a nation of immigrants. 5 of 21 V 1DPH BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB F ([SODLQ WKH SURSHU FDUH DQG VWRUDJH RI FDPSLQJ HTXLSPHQW FORWKLQJ IRRWZHDU EHGGLQJ The Cooking merit badge introduces principles of cooking that can be used both at home or in the outdoors. In each case parent's has been replaced by parent or guardian's Requirements for the Horsemanship merit badge: Do the following: Describe the safety precautions you should take when handling and caring for a horse. Explain the functions of the parts. Page updated on Discover the history and importance of various kinds of exploration by earning the Exploration Merit Badge. This will always be the best place to find the most up-to-date requirements. ) c * If local laws prohibit launching model rockets, do the following activity: Make a model of a NASA rocket. 11 of 11. The scout needs to participate in EACH sport for an entire season, or at least 4 months. Discuss the benefits of using a camp stove on an outing vs. By earning the Entrepreneurship merit badge, Scouts will learn about identifying opportunities, creating and evaluating business ideas, and exploring the feasibility (how doable it is) of an idea for a new business. Farmers: Sailors: Aviators: Outdoor construction: (BSA publication 33088). The requirements were last issued or revised in 2006 • This workbook was updated in June 2020. org Helping Scouts Earn Eagle Scout Rank. 2 of 9 Discuss how the weather affects farmers, sailors, aviators, and the outdoor construction industry. e. 2 of 5 b. This is your source for the most up-to-date merit badge requirements and resources. 0. Personal Management Merit Badge Class Number 1 (Requirements Revision 2019) Page 5 of 10 Personal Management Time Management Worksheet Add to this calendar your set activities, such as school classes, sports practices or games, jobs or chores, Scout Stamp Collecting - Merit Badge Workbook Page. c. But regardless of how local communities differ, they all have one point in common: In the United States, local government means self Citizenship in Society - Merit Badge Workbook Page 10 of 10 When working on merit badges, Scouts and Scouters should be aware of some vital information in the current edition of the Guide to Advancement (BSA publication 33088). Product Process 1. , radio, X-ray, ultraviolet, or infrared). Do the following: Cycling Worksheet. These activities often require supervision with specialized qualifications and certifications. Welding is the process of joining with a weld-joining or combining similar pieces of metal by heating them with a flame torch or an electric current, then hammering or pressing them together while they are soft. Title: Microsoft Word - Communication. Mint and used stamps c. 8] — Unofficial Worksheets and Learning Aids Dog Care - Merit Badge Workbook Page. Important excerpts from that publication can be downloaded from Cooking - Merit Badge Workbook Page. Scouts who earn this badge will learn about food safety, nutritional guidelines, meal planning, and methods of food preparation, and will review the variety of culinary (or cooking) careers available. 3huvrqdo )lwqhvv 6frxw v 1dph bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb 3huvrqdo )lwqhvv 0hulw %dgjh :runerrn 3djh ri e +dyh d ghqwdo h[dplqdwlrq *hw d vwdwhphqw vd\lqj wkdw \rxu whhwk kdyh ehhq fkhfnhg dqg fduhg iru 7hoo krz wr fduh iru \rxu whhwk 'lvdelolwlhv $zduhqhvv 6frxw v 1dph bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb 'lvdelolwlhv $zduhqhvv 0hulw %dgjh :runerrn 3djh ri f $ 6frxwlqj hyhqw ru EagleCoach. 9 of 32 b. Name four breeds of horses. 2 of 14 Situation Prevention Protection Mitigation Response Recovery 1. Camping; Citizenship in Society - NEW; Citizenship in Blanks in this worksheets table appear when we do not have a worksheet for the badge that includes these requirements. Association of Rocketry. Careers. 0dppdo 6wxg\ 0hulw %dgjh :runerrn 7klv zrunerrn fdq khos \rx exw \rx vwloo qhhg wr uhdg wkh phulw edgjh sdpskohw 7klv :runerrn fdq khos \rx rujdql]h \rxu wkrxjkwv dv \rx suhsduh wr phhw zlwk \rxu phulw edgjh frxqvhoru Here, we delve into the realm of merit badges by focusing on five essential worksheets that can significantly aid scouts in their journey of earning these coveted awards. Do the following, and discuss your observations throughout the process with your counselor: a. a charcoal or wood fire. • Any guest experts or guest speakers, or others assisting who are not registered and approved as merit badge counselors, do not accept the responsibilities of, or behave as, merit badge counselors, either at a group instructional event or at any other time. Using your own hand, identify the types of patterns you see. c 1. When working on merit badges, Scouts and Scouters should be aware of some vital information in the current edition of the G uide t o Advanc em ent (BSA public ation 33088). [7. org, Scoutbook, and in the 2023 edition of the Scouts-BSA requirements book. 2 of 18 What ideas does it address that you do not understand? b. Merit Badge Workbook No one may add or subtract from the official requirements found in Scouts BSA Requirements (Pub. Cycling merit badge information for scouts and leaders Know the BSA Bike Safety Guidelines. ,qvhfw 6wxg\ 6frxw v 1dph bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb ,qvhfw 6wxg\ 0hulw %dgjh :runerrn 3djh ri 7hoo krz lqvhfwv duh gliihuhqw iurp rwkhu dqlpdov View current Reading Merit Badge requirements and resources from the official Boy Scouts of America Merit Badge Hub Leatherwork - Merit Badge Workbook Page. 04439) (with new badges added in appropriate locations). Exploration - Merit Badge Workbook Page 10 of 10 and why this profession might interest you. Explosion in the home 4. Plan and carry out a project that involves the participation of your family. Scout’s &roohfwlrqv 0hulw %dgjh :runerrn 7klv zrunerrn fdq khos \rx exw \rx vwloo qhhg wr uhdg wkh phulw edgjh sdpskohw 7klv :runerrn fdq khos \rx rujdql]h \rxu wkrxjkwv dv \rx suhsduh wr phhw zlwk \rxu phulw edgjh frxqvhoru Weather - Merit Badge Workbook Page. In each workbook, we have inserted a note after the last requirement, with a link to a document with excerpts from the current edition of the Guide to Advancement. 13 of 15 Tell why this profession interests you. Explain the special features for which each breed is View current Environmental Science Merit Badge requirements and resources from the official Boy Scouts of America Merit Badge Hub. The requirements were last issued or revised in 2003 • This workbook was updated in June 2020. 2 of 7 apply to all BSA activities, including those related to advancement and Eagle Scout service projects. 2 of 6 Tell how it is different from postal systems in other countries. The requirements were last issued or revised in 2017 • This workbook was updated in June 2020. After you have completed requirements 2 through 8, revisit your source for requirement 1a. Energy - Merit Badge Workbook Page. All Merit Badges. Merit Badge Library. Every person came to America from somewhere else—or their ancestors did—and understanding these various cultural backgrounds can help Scouts to live in harmony with others in our varied and increasingly multicultural society. See your Crime Prevention Merit Badge Pamphlet for explanations about each item on the checklist. Home kitchen fire 2. Note: The meals prepared for Cooking merit badge requirements 5, 6, and 7 will count only toward fulfilling those When working on merit badges, Scouts and Scouters should be aware of some vital information in the current edition of the Guide to Advancement (BSA publication 33088). Carry out any other soil and water conservation project approved by your merit badge counselor. Im portant ex cerpts from that publication ca n be d ownload ed from 7udiilf 6dihw\ 0hulw %dgjh :runerrn 7klv zrunerrn fdq khos \rx exw \rx vwloo qhhg wr uhdg wkh phulw edgjh sdpskohw 7klv :runerrn fdq khos \rx rujdql]h \rxu wkrxjkwv dv \rx suhsduh wr phhw zlwk \rxu phulw edgjh frxqvhoru Merit Badge Workbook No one may add or subtract from the official requirements found in Scouts BSA Requirements (Pub. Note: This merit badge has been changed to allow a Scout's guardian to approve or permit some activities such as use of the internet or meetings with individuals that are not registered members of BSA. Describe the similarities and differences of several types of astronomical telescopes, including at least one that observes light beyond the visible part of the spectrum (i. Learn a song, dance, poem, or story that is traditional to one group, and teach it to a group of your friends. Using a bicycle safety checklist, clean and adjust a bicycle and present it to your counselor for inspection. Welcome to the official BSA Merit Badge Hub. The merit badge program plays a major role in the scouting advancement program and participation can begin as soon as a scout registers with a troop. &lwl]hqvkls lq wkh 1dwlrq 0hulw %dgjh :runerrn 7klv zrunerrn fdq khos \rx exw \rx vwloo qhhg wr uhdg wkh phulw edgjh sdpskohw 7klv :runerrn fdq khos \rx rujdql]h \rxu wkrxjkwv dv \rx suhsduh wr phhw zlwk \rxu phulw edgjh frxqvhoru In the 2023 and 2024 Scouts BSA Requirements books, and on scouting. 7 %¦éÏÄ 350 0 obj > endobj xref 350 85 0000000016 00000 n 0000002093 00000 n 0000003512 00000 n 0000003561 00000 n 0000003629 00000 n 0000003657 00000 n 0000003724 00000 n 0000003875 00000 n 0000003967 00000 n 0000004096 00000 n 0000004128 00000 n 0000004249 00000 n 0000004361 00000 n 0000005554 00000 n 6dihw\ 0hulw %dgjh :runerrn 7klv zrunerrn fdq khos \rx exw \rx vwloo qhhg wr uhdg wkh phulw edgjh sdpskohw 7klv :runerrn fdq khos \rx rujdql]h \rxu wkrxjkwv dv \rx suhsduh wr phhw zlwk \rxu phulw edgjh frxqvhoru A m erican B usiness - Merit Badge Workbook Page 10 of 10 When working on merit badges, Scouts and Scouters should be aware of some vital information in the current edition of the Guide to Advancement (BSA publication 33088). docx Author: Paul Created Date: 1/3/2018 5:20:05 PM %PDF-1. NOTES: As you work on the Exploration merit badge, remember to always use the buddy system. 7 %¦éÏÄ 2484 0 obj > endobj xref 2484 71 0000000016 00000 n 0000001813 00000 n 0000011679 00000 n 0000011750 00000 n 0000011906 00000 n 0000012008 00000 n 0000012139 00000 n 0000012173 00000 n 0000012296 00000 n 0000012412 00000 n 0000013606 00000 n 0000013700 00000 n 0000013779 00000 n 0000013811 00000 n Additional discussion points (3j - 3n) (included below) were added to Requirement 3 in the merit badge pamphlet, but were not included in the list of adopted changes to the merit badge requirements that are identified on Scouting. Boy Scouts of America. 33216 – SKU 653801). org, reads, as follows: Show your letter, along with any response you receive, to your counselor your letter and any In earning the Insect Study merit badge, Scouts will glance into the strange and fascinating world of the insect. Grow six vegetables, three from seeds and three from seedlings, through harvesting. Scouts will study real-life explorers who made their mark either in the wild or in a scientific lab, then plan, prepare and go on an expedition that could be nearby or far away. Scouts BSA merit badges give scouts the opportunity to investigate around 130 different areas of knowledge and skills. Page updated on: February 23, View current Personal Fitness Merit Badge requirements and resources from the official Boy Scouts of America Merit Badge Hub BSA Health Forms (fillable) Documents & Publications, Files, forms, and links. When working on merit badges, Scouts and Scouters should be aware of some vital information in the current edition of the Guide to Advancement (BSA publication 33088). scouting; Be a scout; Scoutshop; This Merit Badge’s Requirements have recently been updated in 2025 Scouts BSA Requirements (33216). Boy Scout merit badge requirements with worksheets. Important excerpts from that publication can be downloaded from Welding Merit Badge – You may wonder what it means to weld. Merit Badge Counselors may not require the use of this or any similar workbooks. Important excerpts from that publication can be downloaded from %PDF-1. The requirements were last issued or revised in 2004 • This workbook was updated in June 2020. With the approval of your parents or guardians and your merit badge counselor, decide on and carry out a project that you would do around the home that would benefit your family. This Merit Badge’s Requirements have recently been updated in 2025 Scouts BSA Requirements (33216). Give the history of the rocket. 1] other expiration dates for partial merit badges. Page updated Backpacking - Merit Badge Workbook Page 12 of 13 Day 2: Day 3: Day 4: Day 5: What you might do differently When working on merit badges, Scouts and Scouters should be aware of some vital information in the current edition of the Guide to Advancement (BSA publication 33088). Scouts BSA Troop 007. Discuss with your counselor what education, Blanks in this worksheets table appear when we do not have a worksheet for the badge that includes these requirements. The pamphlets contain Merit Badges A-Z Merit BadgesA-Z The requirements posted here are the most current, accurate, and official. Important excerpts from that publication can be downloaded from The following is a list of all 139 of the current Merit Badges, arranged into 14 logical fields of activity (categories) basically as they appear in the BSA Pamphlet "Worksheet for Building a Merit Badge Counselor List" (No. Show that you know first aid for injuries or illnesses that could occur while working with leather, including minor cuts and scratches, puncture wounds, ingested poisoning, and reactions from exposure to chemicals such as dyes, cements, and finishes used in leatherworking. Share. Fire or explosion in a public place 7. 3 of 6 Name of second person interviewed:_____ Where they were educated: What training they received: How their education and training have helped prepare them for the career they have chosen: How do 6sruwv 0hulw %dgjh :runerrn 7klv zrunerrn fdq khos \rx exw \rx vwloo qhhg wr uhdg wkh phulw edgjh sdpskohw 7klv :runerrn fdq khos \rx rujdql]h \rxu wkrxjkwv dv \rx suhsduh wr phhw zlwk \rxu phulw edgjh frxqvhoru The text of the last sentence in requirement 8, as it appears in the merit badge pamphlet, and on Scouting. Explain to your counselor what you have learned in completing the requirements that helps you better understand the article. 1. org, Scoutbook, The meals prepared for Cooking merit badge requirements 4, 5, Blanks in this worksheets table appear when we do not have a worksheet for the badge that includes these requirements. Name (BSA publication 33088). Name 15 main parts of a horse. Included with the requirements are links to the Worksheets for use in working on Required Merit Badges. Name and describe types of stamp collections. Page updated on: December 22, (BSA), the World Working on the Scholarship merit badge provides Scouts with a great opportunity to become more successful in school. All worksheets are in pdf form and contain the requirements for obtaining any badge along with the necessary Included with the requirements are links to the Worksheets for use in working on these requirements. First Aid Merit Badge Overview With your merit badge counselor, review your "to do" list, BSA Advancement ID#: 11 Scoutbook ID#: 85 Requirements last on these requirements: Format; Word Format: PDF Format : Blanks in this worksheets Eagle Required Merit Badges Camping Citizenship in the Community Citizenship in the Nation Citizenship in the World Communication Cooking Cycling Emergency With your merit badge counselor, review your "to do" list, one-week schedule, and diary/journal to understand when your schedule worked and when it did not work. Important excerpts from that publication can be downloaded from %lug 6wxg\ 6frxw v 1dph bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb %lug 6wxg\ 0hulw %dgjh :runerrn 3djh ri 6shflhv Merit Badge Workbook No one may add or subtract from the official requirements found in Scouts BSA Requirements (Pub. You and your buddy can View current Emergency Preparedness Merit Badge requirements and resources from the official Boy Scouts of America Merit Badge Hub Show your merit badge counselor you can identify the three basic types of fingerprint patterns and their subcategories. Scholarship - Merit Badge Workbook Page. Sheet-booklet and coil stamps Graphic Arts - Merit Badge Workbook Page. 2 of 5 puncture wounds insect bites anaphylactic shock heat reactions reactions from exposure to pesticides and fertilizers. Discuss how the Outdoor Code and no-trace principles pertain to cooking in the outdoors. Please read more about “ Requirements ” on the Merit Badge Hub homepage. As Scouts fulfill the requirements for this merit badge, they will learn how to become active citizens are aware of and grateful for their liberties and rights, to participate in their governments and protect their freedom, helping to defend their country and standing up for individual rights on behalf of all its citizens. ) View current Personal Management Merit Badge requirements and resources from the official Boy Scouts of America Merit Badge Hub Camping - Merit Badge Workbook Page. There, they will meet tiny creatures with tremendous strength and speed, see insects that undergo startling changes in habits and form as they grow, and learn how insects see, hear, taste, smell, and feel the world around them. (BSA public ation 3 3088). Download and print any worksheet in seconds completely free. 2 of 6 Collect samples of three products, each one produced using a different printing process, or draw diagrams to help with your description. D o you keep a li st of all valuable property? 5hswloh dqg $pskleldq 6wxg\ 6frxw v 1dph bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb 5hswloh dqg $pskleldq 6wxg\ 0hulw %dgjh :runerrn 3djh ri 6shflhv +hdowk &duh 3urihvvlrqv 0hulw %dgjh :runerrn 7klv zrunerrn fdq khos \rx exw \rx vwloo qhhg wr uhdg wkh phulw edgjh sdpskohw 7klv :runerrn fdq khos \rx rujdql]h \rxu wkrxjkwv dv \rx suhsduh wr phhw zlwk \rxu phulw edgjh frxqvhoru Gardening - Merit Badge Workbook Page. (Worksheets can be a helpful aid but Scouts are NOT REQUIRED to use them. Describe the fire safety precautions you should take in a barn and around horses. the G uide t o Adv anc em ent (BSA publication 330 88). No one may add or subtract from the official requirements found in Scouts BSA Requirements (Pub. • Merit badge counselors are known to be registered and approved. Visit with a student or Scout from another country and discuss the typical values, holidays, ethnic foods, and traditions (BSA publication 33088). 4 of 13 b. They will learn how to improve their skills in the classroom, develop good study habits, and master techniques for writing reports and taking tests. Do the following: Explain to your counselor the most likely hazards you may encounter while participating in cooking activities and what you should do to anticipate, help prevent, mitigate, and 3xos dqg 3dshu 0hulw %dgjh :runerrn 7klv zrunerrn fdq khos \rx exw \rx vwloo qhhg wr uhdg wkh phulw edgjh sdpskohw 7klv :runerrn fdq khos \rx rujdql]h \rxu wkrxjkwv dv \rx suhsduh wr phhw zlwk \rxu phulw edgjh frxqvhoru f. e. Space Exploration - Merit Badge Workbook Page. The requirements were last issued or revised in 2018 • This workbook was updated in June 2020. First Aid is arguably one of the most crucial merit badges for any scout to earn, fostering immediate life-saving skills. You can learn about sports, crafts, science, trades, Merit Badge Pamphlets: An official Boy Scouts of America merit badge pamphlet has been created for the BSA by topic authorities for each merit badge. Important excerpts from that publication can be downloaded from Citizenship in the World - Merit Badge Workbook Page 11 of 11 c. *hqhdorj\ 6frxw v 1dph bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb *hqhdorj\ 0hulw %dgjh :runerrn 3djh ri e 1dph wkuhh w\shv ri gljlwdo jhqhdorjlfdo uhvrxufhv dqg zkhuh \rx fdq ilqg wkhp dqg h[sodlq krz wkhvh uhvrxufhv Citizenship in the Community Merit Badge Overview A nation is a patchwork of communities that differ from each other and may be governed differently. Whether you are out in the field or meeting with your merit badge counselor, having a buddy will help ensure everyone’s safety. Continuous-tone: Line: Halftone artwork: Required Merit Badges. Important excerpts from that publication can be downloaded from. Important excerpts from that publication can be downloaded from Include relevant classes you have taken in school and merit badges you have earned. Merit badge counselors who do not meet the sp Find any boy scout merit badge worksheet or workbook here. wnx uxltt xmn oxpw hfjl xekm ajbqg xvnh hzztgj zpvehza