Pyqt5 disable resize window. set_sensitive(False) # disables the button. QHBoxLayout() hbox. setWindowState(Qt. Even if that mean hiding some buttons. I found some code on here that shows an example of how you can get the window to resize when the widget is hidden, and it works for me. min_size = self. QAction("&Fullscreen", self) self. Feb 20, 2019 · I have a window that has six symmetrically placed labels, all showing images (designed using qt-designer with the help of layouts). The elif clause does something similar, but this time the target button is btnOne. argv) Nov 27, 2015 · A way to change it is by using PyQt5. setStretch(1, 1) Alternatively, you can directly set the stretch (which is an optional argument Qt implements menus in QMenu and QMainWindow keeps them in a QMenuBar . resize(470, 384) self. void MainWindow::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event){. Jun 15, 2020 · What you need is to connect to a function that actually toggles the state based on the current window state, when it is actually triggered: self. But as shown by your png's only the size of the toolbutton is changed, the arrow seems to have the old size. Here is the code: from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui. You just have to make sure the height calculation is done correctly (i. So I used this code to achieve this. The background QWidget shows a grid with co-ordinates, the foreground QWidget contains other widgets (buttons etc). So I wrote the following code: rect = QtCore. If it is then the window is restored. Jun 5, 2019 · This doesn't work for windows that are auto-layed out using layouts. from ui_output import Ui_Form. resize) but resized is not a builtin function or method. QWidget(MainWindow) Mar 1, 2018 · Size windows and dialogs in relation to the screen size. I have a list of labels that goes out of the window and I would like to scroll down to view them. In this way there is no need to subclass QLabel. The idea is to keep widget coordinates and sizes relative to each other. class MainWindow(QtGui. def font_change(self): font, ok = QtWidgets. Improve this answer. Share. In pyqt5 this is: QtWidgets. QWidget): def __init__(self): Oct 28, 2015 · You can check the current state of a QWidget by calling its windowState () method. So, while we resizing QMainWindow, content of the QWidget is simply invisible, which is not good. close() if e. – Sam. Aug 6, 2021 · Sets the stretch factor at position index to stretch. Sorted by: 11. 语法: self. The window looks fine when I run it on my laptop with a screen resolution of 1920*1080. This is just as an example - checking every 5 seconds for a minimised window and Dec 1, 2022 · 517 2 14. What I am looking for : a particular signal sent when the Maximize button is pressed, so that I can catch this May 13, 2016 · self. resizable(False, False) This accesses the root window of the scrollable canvas object that turtle creates and calls the resizable method on it. sizeHintForColumn(0)) If you don't want to force Nov 22, 2018 · It is actually a one-liner: screen = turtle. Explanation: Jan 30, 2015 · 1. Now I sandwiched it between, mywidget. This is a relatively long May 19, 2021 · Auto resize pyqt widget without putting it in a layout. If you run this application, then you'll get a window like this: Window with two buttons, the top with a icon & label, the bottom empty. Jul 27, 2017 · Each row of elements can be assigned into a HBox like this: hbox = QtGui. width () and scrollarea. CustomizeWindowHint as window flag. You can add new menus to the main window’s menu bar by calling menuBar (), which returns the QMenuBar for the window, and then add a menu with addMenu () . This widget is used by autors already in several projects. For example: You will notice the Maximize button is greyed out when you run your program. setFixedSize 1 Answer. QActions are added to the menus, which display them as menu items. May 3, 2019 · In the answers to the other question do not explain the cause of the problem so in my answer will try to cover as much as possible. set_icon(icon_path: str) → None. Output: After pressing the button: Our button is appeared! So, if you are familiar with hide () or show (), you are free to choose whether your component will appear on the window. Sep 27, 2019 · COPY. Feb 6, 2013 · This user want to maximize the window. The QMdiArea widget provides an area in which MDI windows are displayed. Feb 19, 2016 · Based on the conversation found here I was able to get this to work. Here is my minimal example: from PyQt5 import QtWidgets, QtGui, QtCore. The solution involved adding a QTimer after showing/hiding the frame. uiui = MainWindow May 10, 2012 · Add a Maximize button to a PyQt4 dialog and keep the dialog centered to the parent window. I've tried several Qt::WindowFlags, but without success I'm currently running QT4 4. setText("Show Figure") Nov 11, 2019 · This topic has been deleted. leaving updates disabled, until a delay occurs. Sets the window icon to the given path. QMainWindow comes with a default menu bar, but Apr 15, 2021 · PyQt5 Windows 10 scaling issue. +100. w. QRect() rect. Nov 23, 2021 · self. Key_Escape: self. I'm developing with Qt5. May 5, 2016 · There is some jumping behavior but this is a working manual resize/move of window without a title bar I implemented for my personal project: //Below two methods partially from Qt Shaped Clock example. show() def close_another_window(self): self. It’s not easy to make this method feel beautiful. Our window, as seen on Windows, macOS and Linux. The following example works correctly for me (only tested on Linux, though): from PySide import QtGui. How can I disable this? My Code below: from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets. CustomizeWindowHint ) In Designer, activate the centralWidget and assign a layout, e. Here's the relevant snippet of PyQt4 code: mb = QMessageBox() mb. Feb 16, 2017 · To keep the aspect ratio of an image fixed while resizing the QDialog I've tried the following: import os, sys from PyQt5. set_sensitive(True) # enables the button. QtWidgets import QApplication, QWidget. Right click again on dialog object to popup a menu. close_signal) self. setSizeGripEnabled(True) Jan 5, 2019 · At a later date, I might also be looking at adding widgets to the side that will be at the same y-value as some of the existing widgets, which is another thing that I'm not sure on how to do with the box layout. I want the image to turn smaller to accommodate the window size, not the other way around. argv) class MainWindow(QWidget, Ui_Form): def __init__(self, parent=None): Sep 12, 2021 · TLDR: QT Designer won't let me move and resize widgets while respecting window scaling. Hard to say if your use case is possible Mar 20, 2020 · 1 Answer. The most common way to attempt this is to call resize from within the resize event. setWindowFlags (mywidget. When we start resize, content in QWidget just hide and it unhide when we stopping resize main window. By putting the widgets in the layouts, they can be resized with respect to the size of the main window. For more information read the following: Going to the point, you must use the showMinimized () method. WindowCloseButtonHint, False) Share. setFullscreen. Try holding down the mouse, resizing a little, wait, and resize some more. Syntax : list_widget. resize(200,50) here is an example code of a resizable window it moves and stretches widgets as you resize the window. setText("Results written to '%s'" % filename) mb. centralwidget. isVisible() if state: self. before the visibility of the widget changes). In this article we will see how we can create a scroll-able label, by default when we create a label all the text is in the single line and if length of text is greater than label, extra text didn’t show, although with the help of setWordWrap method we can create a multi-line label but still if the text exceeds it label. Expanding) mb. By setting the fixed size to the current size, you effectively prevent the window from being resized. At the moment the code does not give me an error, but the window just doesn't appear: def __init__(self): super(). Problem 2. Qt. addWidget(mvgstd_check) If you then resize the window the widgets should automaticly be repositioned to the right side of the window. In order to do this we will use setResizeMode method with the list widget object. So @mrjj I think about "how you prevent the OS to show a resize cursor on my qt App". resizeEvent() handler is called multiple times (supposedly to follow the progressive enlargement of the window until it takes the full desktop space). setContentsMargins(0,0,0,0) sstFrame = QFrame() sstFrame. QWidget): def __init__(self): self. Controls insist on being too large, and won't resize, in QtDesigner Jul 18, 2019 · Use . Jun 1, 2017 · Embedding into PyQt. ui. setMinimumWidth(list. Nov 25, 2014 · 6. The QMenuBar class provides a horizontal menu bar. I know this post is old, but I thought I would add my two cents. the problem is that when bigger images come in the sequence, the window size also grows bigger. sizeHintForColumn () will give you the max size over all items, so you can resize the widget like this: list. MalloyDelacroix. 2 on kubuntu dapper. setWindowTitle("MainWindow") MainWindow. Key_F11: if self. The only problem is that the widgets inside the scroll area don't keep their size, when some are hidden. Sep 3, 2017 · I think it should be much easier to create a scrollable window in PyQt. Follow. setWindowFlag(QtCore. Widget-moveable-and-resizeable. I would like to resize these images according to the changing window size. close_signal. I also tried Fixed QSizePolicy: setSizePolicy (QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed); setFixedSize (WINDOW_WIDTH,WINDOW_HEIGHT); I got the same result. I'm trying to overlay two QWidgets and have them both resize automatically when the window size is altered. so i had to make a class Ui_MainWindow and set it for my window class ui2. What you'll see will depend on what platform you're running this example on. import sys. 2) eventFilter is called if you install the filter with self. setResizeMode (mode) Argument : It takes resize mode object as argument Return : It returns None. raven-worx Moderators 15 Nov 2013, 05:49. showNormal() else: Nov 26, 2012 · You can do this very easily in Designer. These are both set as children to the same QWidget. class Ui_Form(object): def setupUi(self, nCode_analysis_set_up): nCode_analysis_set_up. 1 on Windows 7. I want the window to auto-layout itself but disable resizing. py file: class Ui_MainWindow(object): def setupUi(self, MainWindow): self. – May 14, 2006 · Posting Permissions. hide/show, and it works. In PyQt the window's top bar can be turned off via setting QtCore. Thats because this is the size of the QListWidget, the viewport, not the items. This widget can serve as the container for other widgets, such as to QLabel, QTableWidget and so on. connect(self. _rootwindow. QWidget(MainWindow) self. You'll see the QLayout added in the Object Inspector and you'll be able to adjust its properties like you can with your widgets. May 21, 2019 · Qt automatically creates a window with the normal window decorations and you can drag it around and resize it like any window. If you want your window to ever only be the one size and give the user no control to change it, set the Geometry and the Minimum size to these same Jun 15, 2021 · PYQT5: Prevent image label changing window size. Except it's not borderless, but at least the mouse events seem to be ignored. e width and height. Aug 31, 2012 · I need to resize my main window during application start. I am using PyQt5 app on few different PC - I noticed that when in Windows: "Desktop" -> "Display settings" -> "Scale and layout" -> "Change the size of text, apps and other items". Aug 30, 2013 · 3 Answers. There is no such signal by default, but you can create the resized signal, we emit it in the resizeEvent function. Thanks for the reply. Additionally, to resize QLabel while honoring aspect ratio use: label. Qt Apr 17, 2023 · PyQt5 – Scrollable Label. targetBtn. I just wanna know, there may be a way to ensure that the content does Sep 13, 2016 · I have tried to use the resizeEvent, but PyQt doesn't make any difference among this event's senders : indeed this event is sent when the window in being resized with the maximize button, or with the mouse by stretching the window. sizeHint () always returns 256, 192 no matter what its content is. setObjectName("MainWindow") MainWindow. This is a tutorial series where we will Sep 5, 2017 · A temporary solution is to detect whenenver the mouse enter the window by installing eventFilter, get its positions, if it's on the border then we have to change the cursor icon (up, left, down, left-up, left-down,) and if the user drags then calculate and resize window. Action performed : It set the fixed size of window. by clicking the maximize icon on the window), the QLabel. But in my Win 10 Jul 7, 2018 · I am trying to create a window with a scroll area with widgets. QTimer: def sleep5sec(self): self. If your resizing involves content height to get bigger, you can fit the mainWindow to it like this: mainWindow. One possible way is to adjust the size with adjustSize () and then set the desired size: state = not self. e. sleep doesn't work in PyQt): def setupUi(self, MainWindow): MainWindow. 通过使用setFixedSize ()方法,我们可以阻止图像的大小调整。. QApplication(sys. These layouts automatically position and resize widgets when the amount of space available for them changes, ensuring that they are consistently arranged and that the user interface as a whole remains usable. sizeHint () returns a QSize object with a width and height. addWidget(rawdata_check) hbox. getFont() if ok: for name, obj in inspect. 1. com, search "arrow resize windows", go to images and that arrow is on the second place ( but my resize icon is white, not black ). installEventFilter (self), change eventFilter (self, event): to eventFilter (self, obj, event): – eyllanesc. setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy. setDisabled(False)) The above example would instantly disable targetBtn and after 5 second it will re-enable it again. Just right click the form and choose Layout and either Lay Out Horizontally or Lay Out Vertically - you'll need other widgets on the form to see the difference between the two. The size policy of a widget is an expression of its willingness to be resized in various ways, and affects how the widget is treated by the layout engine . I have a main window with three frames. addStretch(1) hbox. resize(width, height) It is already obvious from the syntax of the resize () that it takes width and height as the argument. Locate the dialog box widget in Object Window. PyQt: Prevent Resize and Maximize in QDialog? PyQt5 - resize (limit May 15, 2011 · The QMainWindow class provides a main application window. Here is code for this example: def initUI(self): topHBoxLayout = QHBoxLayout(self) topHBoxLayout. QtWidgets import QApplication, QDialog, QGridLayout, QLabel from PyQt5. In a shell, you would do something like: $ export QT_AUTO_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR=1. To change the state you pass a new state to setWindowState (). horizontal or vertical layout. You are correct, this is caused by Window's DPI scaling. We want to set one length fixed and other be variable in order Dec 29, 2018 · When the window is maximized (e. Even after configuring all the layouts and adding widgets to them, calling setFixedSize even with the window's height and width doesn't work correctly. resize(200, 200) self. setStretch(0, 4) # set a stretch factor of 1 for the second (the label) self. key() == QtCore. The image below shows the window as displayed on Windows, macOS and Linux (Ubuntu). setShortcut("F11") self. I am using PyQT5 with QT Designer. button. Nov 15, 2010 · 13. Scale is increased from 100% - app is increasing fonts but size of buttons and generally app size stays same. PyQt5 - 如何停止调整窗口的大小| setFixedSize ()方法 在这篇文章中,我们将看到如何停止调整主窗口的大小。. This can either be done via Qt Designer (in the QAbstractScrollArea section of the Property Editor), or programmatically, like this: Nov 26, 2012 · The effect is that timer will continue to be reset. Well, as the title of the thread suggest, I'm searching for a way to disable window-resizing on a QDialog (isn't a QDialog no-resizable by default ?). g. setEnabled(False) QTimer. setFullscreen = QtWidgets. QAction s are added to the menus, which display them as menu items. I was trying do make an application so I started building the main window, I took some time to figure out how to put a background image but in the end I got it, but when I clicked to maximize the window I noticed that the buttons were not in the center as they were before, and the background image also does not resize according to different self. The QMenu class provides a menu widget for use in menu bars, context menus, and other popup menus. Here's an example app that checks every 5 seconds to see if it's minimised. I tried to add a simple filter function to this window. This will also remove the minimise button, so if you want that too, you should add Qt::WindowMinimizeButtonHint. This has a very easy solution in PyQt5. setText("Hide Figure") self. Aug 16, 2020 · When I drag to resize window in Qt, it is stretching the widgets inside my QVBoxLayout. setMinimumSize(QSize(100, 100)) The answer has been given by the asker (invisible icon). So you can try, this is working on linux Apr 23, 2017 · However, they do show up (and are appropriately placed within their respective panels) once I resize the main window. There are two Mar 25, 2018 · The answer is the same as the answer in the question you linked to. You can embed the matplotlib plot into a custom GUI, e. Not fullscreen. Auto fit the window size. Most of the window systems do not allow the application to set constraints on the window other than the max and min sizes and that it can be fixed size. Jun 30, 2020 · 1. setWindowFlags( QtCore. Qt implements menus in QMenu and QMainWindow keeps them in a QMenuBar . The correct way to address this is to get the DPI scaling factor and (annoyingly) multiply it by the original sizes everywhere in your app. By default, this property is set to Fixed. As written in documentation the size of the toolbutton can be adjusted by setIconSize. left, top-left, menubar, top-right, right, bottom-right, bottom and bottom left) With the approach (1) you would know when you are clicking in each border, you just got to define each one size and add each one on their place. I designed it using the PyQt4 designer. resize(300,300) AttributeError: 'Ui_MainWindow' object has no attribute 'MainWindow' If I add to ui_main. Why is this? The only thing the main window's resizeEvent does is update_wire_ys and update_field_positions, and those are performed by the main window's __init__ as well. answered Mar 25, 2018 at 15:31. pack (padx = 5, pady = 5) root. The correct function should be: # set a stretch factor of 4 for the first widget (the container) self. height () . The syntax of resize () is as follows:-. Use the set_sensitive method. Screen() # screen. – musicamante. class CustomWidget(QtWidgets. __init__() self. ( yes its tedious ) The main problem i have with layouts is they will try to grow in a certain area/stretch; Well you can limit that with min/maxSize and Spacers. QWidget): def __init__(self): Jan 2, 2009 · Just to add a little note about this - I was trying to have a child window spawned from an application, which is a QDialog, containing a single QTextEdit as a child/content - and I wanted the QTextEdit to resize automatically whenever the QDialog window size changes. Expanding, QSizePolicy. setStatusTip("Change to fullscreen mode") Jun 21, 2017 · Well, when we doing like in example from link we have following situation. If all you need is to disable/enable the button, you should call the method on the button; the argument should be True for enabling and False for disabling: button. addWidget(mvgavg_check) hbox. resizeEvent Jul 1, 2020 · I don't know that I can add picture here, so if you want to know how that arrow looks like, you can go to google. $ python my_application. We want to present a widget which can be moved and at which it is possible to change the sizes. Only users with topic management privileges can see it. 26. The . Passing two boolean values “ False ” as arguments into the resizable function will disable both. In any case, to be safe, you may want to make sure the icon is loaded relative to the directory in which the script resides: Sep 24, 2020 · def main(): startApplication("addressbook") o = waitForObject({"type": "MainWindow"}) test. __init__() layout = QVBoxLayout() lbl_arr = makeLabelArr() for Aug 16, 2017 · 1. Qt Designer creates a class that is used to fill another widget, it is not a widget, so it is recommended to create a class that inherits from the appropriate widget and fills in using the Ui_Form class. WindowTransparentForInput | Qt. setFixedSize (width Nov 18, 2016 · @mrjj said in how to automatically resize widgets when window is resized without layout: @DannyL408 Oh, you are already doing it manually. //From Qt Documentation: Jul 10, 2019 · I am using PyQt5 and I am trying to prevent push button from resizing automatically. The IOPanels are not properly aligned. 0. Let's say you have a main window mainWindow and a widget inside it called content. You can use sizeHint () but not as stated in the other answers. This also works. singleShot(5000, lambda: self. setVisible(state) else: self. 1. windowFlags () | Qt. This seems to have done the trick for me with PyQt4: Nov 5, 2013 · setWindowFlags(Qt::Window | Qt::CustomizeWindowHint); By default, the window flags include Qt::WindowMaximizeButtonHint. Dec 17, 2015 · AlaaM 21 Dec 2015, 01:43. Nov 15, 2013 · @ As a result, the dialog is displayed with the fixed size, but the cursor takes a resizing shape when hovering the border (I would like to disable this), and height can be modified (not width). setObjectName("centralwidget") Qt includes a set of layout management classes that are used to describe how widgets are laid out in an application’s user interface. 2,213 1 13 18. To turn off the Maximize Button on the default windows, set the max size of your Window on your Ui file. The QSizeGrip class inherits QWidget and reimplements the mousePressEvent () and mouseMoveEvent () functions to feature the resize How to disable resize in pyqt5? By using setFizedSize () method we can prevent the resizing of the image. Always make sure, that all widgets have a layout! Otherwise, automatic resizing will break with that widget! See also. resized. scaled(width, height, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::FastTransformation)); The width and height can be set based on scrollarea. hide to hide and . Window. (I used signals for other purposes, hope this works as well) Share. We hope it we will to you it is useful. showFigureBtn. I would like to have the right most button move closer to the edge of the window when dragging it from image 1 to 2, aka keeping the proportions. isMaximized(): self. Text is scaled by Windows automatically, however none of the widgets are aware of this scaling so you see that mess. Can anyone help. Keyword Arguments: ctx – An optional custom ModernGL context. QFontDialog. setGeometry(rect) But it doesn't work. emit() # fire signal to close other windows. Here's the relevant code: class CreatePage(QWidget): def __init__(self, parent=None): super(). Dec 1, 2022 at 16:03. Select "Size Constraints" -> "Set Maximum Size" from the menu. QSize(5, 80)) button. Syntax : self. All you need to do is set the size adjust policy on the table when initialising the UI, and it will automatically resize to fit the contents. QtCore. I'm creating a simple image viewer with the ability to cycle through a list of images with left/right arrow keys. mainloop () Since the user has the option to resize the Tkinter window for both the X and the Y axis, we too have the option to disable resizing individually for the X and Y axis. I'm trying to make a widget which contains many other widgets and I keep having problems with resizing the window: the widget keeps expanding even if I "tell" it not to. MainWindow. cv. show to show with a QTimer ( time. Adjust the delay to suit. Currently I use Qt Designer directly to make such a GUI. hlayout. When we create a window, by default the window size is resizable although, we can use setFixedSize () method to set the fixed size of the window but if we want to set only fix length of height or width only we cant use this method. I wanted to add that the script may not be executed in the script directory. setDetailedText(str(myData)) mb. Mar 30, 2009 · Dialog->setSizeGripEnabled(false); In QtCreator do as follows, Select the dialog box widget. This works. Jan 6, 2016 · 1. As a general remark: Whenever you want to use Even after setting what I think are the proper settings it won't allow resizing. resize(mainWindow Jan 7, 2023 · Here, left and top help in setting the position of the widget, while width and height determine the size of the button. This is not documented, though - so it might produce unexpected behavior. QMainWindow comes with a default menu bar, but Jan 6, 2023 · If the value is Fixed, the items will not be laid out when the view is resized. Sep 27, 2020 · In this part[12] we are going to add window resize events using QSizeGrip in python, Qt Designer, Pyqt5, and Pyside2. Apr 8, 2018 · 1 Answer. 在制作一个窗口时,我们可以选择全屏和使用光标来改变其大小。. Nov 24, 2022 · The following four lines enable the btnTwo button, set its text to "Click me!", change the button's icon, and resize the icon. centralwidget = QtWidgets. Replace hard-coded sizes in layouts and drawing code by values calculated from font metrics or screen size. If you want to iterate through all Qlabels and allow user to change font size, the code below works well for me (using PyQt5) # change font. QMainWindow. Dec 6, 2016 · 52. setupUi (self) and also declare the resized = pyqtSignal () which i Jun 14, 2011 · Sorted by: 63. May 22, 2019 · 1) resizeEvent is called in every moment that the size is changed, for that reason it observes that it is called repeatedly, that is the normal behavior. Jan 6, 2023 · PyQt5 – Set fix window size for height or width. using PyQt. def setupUi(self, MainWindow): MainWindow. Only a slight change is necessary. You have layouts in PyQt5, QGridLayout, QHBoxLayout, QVBoxLayout, etc. Returns: The press state of a key. I think you have the mechanism more or less right. getmembers(self): In PyQt5, if you want to prevent a window from being resizable by the user, you can use the setFixedSize() method of the QWidget (or QMainWindow or any other window/widget). The QTimer calls a resizeMe method, which is also defined below. By setting the above flags, you're stating that you want to customise the window to include the specified elements. FramelessWindowHint) and the window would immediately disappear. It is of fixed size and you can't resize it but the resize arrow still shows when you hover over the border. is_key_pressed(key) → bool. If you are dealing with actions, you may want to Dec 8, 2019 · mywidget. py. Then you have all the options the GUI package provides to adjust the window. btn_home. setSize(QtCore. My main problem is that I can't get access to Main window object. Another solution is to set 8 QSizegrip at every corner of the window Mar 2, 2020 · 1. The update should occur even while your mouse is down but you are not resizing. Jun 5, 2019 · I have set its size using the setFixedSize () method. The QMdiSubWindow class provides a subwindow class for QMdiArea. Use layout managers, also if you're using Designer. Like this: Jul 20, 2016 · 9. WindowMaximized) snooze(1) test Sep 1, 2011 · This is surprisingly difficult to do. Is there a way to make sure the widgets in the scroll area maintain their size? Sep 27, 2018 · Here's how Chromium displays Google when maximized: EDIT: Since I was requested to add some example code, here is the code: from PyQt5. resizable (False, False) root. You can add new menus to the main window’s menu bar by calling menuBar () , which returns the QMenuBar for the window, and then add a menu with addMenu () . Dec 1, 2022 at 16:02. The code in the event handler calls setPixmap() to scale the label pixmap. May 30, 2017 · Here are some tips: Option 1: Have a QGridLayout with widget in each corner and side (e. log("Maximizing") o. class Window(QtGui. I have found some help in previous questions like: PyQt: Detect resizing in Widget-window resized signal May 15, 2011 · On some platforms the size grip automatically hides itself when the window is shown full screen or maximised. based on the above given statement you can use this to switch beween states using the F11 Key (and exit on Esc Key) if e. setPixmap(pixmap. QMainWindow. app = QApplication(sys. If no context is supplied a context will be created using the window’s gl_version. A size grip widget at the bottom-right corner of a main window, shown in the Fusion widget style . Each widget returns a QSizePolicy that describes the horizontal and vertical resizing policy it prefers when being laid out. size() self. In Object Window, right click on dialog box object to popup a menu. window. self. And I need to fix the size of the window itself. The top frame consists of the header and the bottom frame consists of the footer. app = QtGui. Apr 13, 2022 · 2. Here are a few pictures of the demo app (created for this stackoverflow post): Screenshot: More Widgets than Space (works as expected -> scoll down to view content) user can change size of widget sizes manually as he desires, but the should keep its width/heigh when whole window resizes. This mechanism allows to close another window even without closing the main window. Then your QFormLayout will automatically resize. initUI() def initUI(self): Create or assign a ModernGL context. But when I check the same on other resolutions like 1600*900 the footer gets cut off. I would like to avoid this. If this is your mainwindow and you're using Qt 4, you can disable the sizegrip of your mainwindow's statusbar: this->statusBar()->setSizeGripEnabled(false); Otherwise you can set the Qt::MSWindowsFixedSizeDialogHint flag to your window: this->setWindowFlags(this->windowFlags() | Qt::MSWindowsFixedSizeDialogHint); Share Dec 21, 2015 · on linux and windows 10 toolbutton and arrow are shown correctly, so i can't reproduce your issue. w = AnotherWindow(self. But the issue is click and drag is NOT ignored. My goal was if I create a button with fixed size, it won't resize on its own. setFixedSize (width, height) Argument : It takes two integer as argument i. figureWidget. wv em xl od ur uy cy jj tg ju