Lotro hunter build reddit


Lotro hunter build reddit. Finally is champion. In endgame group content t is mostly about effectiveness resulting in a skill Rotation which ends up in like 10-20 skills per Minute. Armor that provides you agility, vitality physical mastery, finesse, crits and fate are also important. It really depends on the level of difficulty you want for your character. Turn on floaty names, look around carefully and don't forget to look up. Most common essence armor to get is in Dol Amroth (no requirements, costs gold and silver tokens of Dol Amroth which can be bought from the Auction House or from daily repeatable quest). Read up on Update 35 power changes. Add a Comment. Also I recommend using a High Elf if you want to roll a Warden or red Captain for endgame content If you are okay being ~95. As a class, Hunters have always been a reliable choice in raids and instances for a long time due to their ranged attacks capable of dishing out high-burst damage while staying. The main DPS classes in lotro are hunter and champion, they only really have one role and that is to do damage. Play what you enjoy. The hunter class is currently being revamped. As time goes on though, the raw power if red is clearly more useful by the end. If I had to pick one, it'd be Elf because they have a much more enjoyable tutorial area. I have a acer gaming laptop and I stream on twirch as DCxSCARx. I love the class fantasy and flavor, however, and bows have always been my favorite weapon. Yes! Red line Minstrel is very solo friendly since it relies on self-heals and DPS. I’m hearing about hunters routinely doing 160k sustained dps. . Red line/Blue line Hunter build? Hello there! I've returned after a year of hiatus and noticed that I can't spam barrage anymore so I tried to play the red line and I've gotten used to switching between them. It sound better to use blue line for bosses or elites, and especially in raids, because that's the only trait line where you can fire while you move. Sadly you don't get quick shot damage, hunter DOT, and focus power cost (plus 9. Focus on putting points into skills that lower trap cool downs and grab rain of thorns. Press J and then click on the virtue tab. Blue line provides more mobility (can move while executing attacks) at the expense of some damage (less 5% Strength stance damage). Red bear is essentially indestructible for anything on landscape or questline, even in red line beornings have a great heal. If you plan to raid and have the time to develop LIs for both, gear up for both and use as needed. That said the trapper (yellow I think) trait line is fun to play in; I think blue is a blast because you can move and shoot. I play exclusively blue line and kite a lot. I don't like PvP in mmorpg so I can't really compare here. And red line would be best dps. Click the "Add" button and when the new window pops up, click the "Browse" button. ramenxo. true. 16. Hey, everyone! Here's the new helpful links page for 2022. Champion has the advantage of survivability over hunter though, which means it's easier to pull an entire camp of mobs and kill them all than with a hunter. Fire Emblem is a fantasy tactical role-playing video game franchise developed by Intelligent Systems and published by Nintendo. The LOTRO HQ yellow line seems to be focused on healing. generally, man is the best choice for most classes. In a party, you don't need to run away to protect yourself, so red always wins out with a fellowship. I recently maxed a yellow line hunter. The Hunter has the option to plan Traps before the fight starts and then it has only the bow left. You can build them to have decent survivability and damage they deal is decent regardless of the weapon style you choose, but currently it seems 2-handed weapons are the go to for any champ build. Blue was much faster than red (higher LoreMaster is kool even in low lvls you can heal a bit when you get a flank ( sound) if yiu use wizards fire you heal, or you can use staff to deal extra damage. Check out Orion's developer threads options #1 & #2 . Hunters and Wardens are the only two classes that get two Adding on to this, I find the blue line to be a lot quicker whereas you don't need to wait for induction times as often with the skills you get from blue, where in the red line you do a lot of waiting for your high damage skills to go off. I've returned to play with my partner who is going to be playing a Man Hunter in our levelling duo, and I'm feeling a bit stuck on which of the two healer So yes, they are VERY viable for casual solo play. Remember: dead mobs do no damage. Depends on how active you went to be. Also better if you deals with groups of mobs instead of single dps. You can navigate to the class builds you want to find by clicking on the With the RK you have in addition to the Damage you do the option to have two "do not fall" on your teammate. For legacies, you can best check the forum, there are quite a few threads dedicated to hunter builds. I use Fidelity, Innocence, Tolerance on all my chars because they're the best mitigation/defensive virtues. As for armour and jewelry, agility and vitality are your two most important stats, in that order. Warden has a steep learning curve but is more durable. RK has more flexibility in group settings. His knowledge of ancient songs and lore not only enable him to bolster fellowship morale, but also to provide motivation against the forces of darkness. Tolkien's beloved fantasy series. I culled a few of the guides that have gone out-of-date/inactive, added a few new active LOTRO content creators, and rewrote the F2P section to account for the upcoming changes. These are some of the best virtues for specific roles, but outside of those roles aren't really that useful. RedNickAragua. Fast, efficient, and you have some good emergency skills. Plus, Minstrels got buffed in the latest update so they're even more viable now. Making them ideal as a DPS for all types of content. More DPS than blue iirc. Be constantly spamming your traps and decoy. When the Minstrel is alone, he becomes an intimidating opponent capable of demoralizing foes View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit. DCrofter • 4 yr. Hunter is better than most based on Lotro’s history. You can check trait tree planner build, though most of them In a way, hunter is about as dead simple as it gets for combat. This allows you to select another player and when you activate skills it hits whom that person is targeting. Red is currently not a viable PVE build as blue does much more DPS. How you get those numbers gearwise is up to you but i‘d Returning Player - Advice on Runekeeper vs Minstrel to Level. if you only wanna use one staff, take the first one but change sticky gourd for lighting storm base damage. I‘d say statwise you need at least 500k morale and a fair bit of physical mitigation (~40%). also their shouting animations are by far the quickest. The mechanical aspects of the race choices don't really matter unless you're doing top-end raids and similar. Current Race Traits: -Frontline Fodder. The armor set can be same as tank set . Burglars and other classes won't be hitting quite their numbers but they'll have other things to contribute The first staff is for everything (also the one i use in yellow). (pre battlerez). Red is perfectly viable in PvE. Precision is better for hunters with LIs because there’s a legacy that increases crit magnitude while in precision stance. I prefer running blue hunter for the added mobility. Thank you that makes me feel better, realizing endgame I’ll be in groups Loremaster might work. Runner-ups: Loremaster and Hunter. for "lower" level Strengh is the way to do more damage. Blue might do more damage, but that doesn't mean red isn't viable, especially since we're talking about solo pay. Hello everyone! I'm returning to the game after 10 years, and only ever leveled a Champion to 49 by the time I left the game. Nelroth. Ama show you mine and one of a fri3nd but tomorrow this time maybe. Hunter is more convenient because of quick travel skills and faster walking speed. Mosty as Red, my pattern is, "Heart Seeker one-shots a mob, Focus, Upshot one-shots the next, Focus, Swift Bow kills the next, Blood Arrow -> Merciless Shot kills the next, Focus, Upshot, Heart Seeker's back up, etc. I didn't happen upon these reddit forums until yesterday and I have been seeing a lot of negative press about the hunter class so I was hoping that I didn't choose poorly. Blue all the way in solo mode, and make sure you am upgrading your gear at break points i. Captain Depend on the Role you are playing / Tank/Healer/Debuffer. LOTRO is no exception. Plenty of Red line actions that can be done when you are moving. For me, the hotkeys for that are #1, #2, Q. Yes they are higher dps classes, but I like shouting at things until they die. Red is highly preferable in group play, but for solo, leveling Instances have been continually made over the years. When you get to end game content with a healer and tank you'll like red line much more cause you'll pump out more DPS. Beorn, LM or Warden are all solid options. I recently started playing PvMP again and wanted to redo my build. Well, red line is for sniper. • 1 yr. Personally, I’d go High Elf. So i just swap to a 2H and belt for damage and im good to go. You can fire any skill while moving and it makes kiting monsters around (think bosses and elites) doable. Looking for suggestions. 4. I want this to be a place to post builds for different playstyles, a place to receive critique on builds and help making them, and a place just to talk ideas out. I have 9 chars actually, most between 67/80, in Laurelin server, and even if is a little too late to correct the type of role of their skirmish's soldier have each, my ocd push me to get it right, so I created a list, so what do you think about: Skirmish Soldiers. Current Corruptions: -Mastery Boost 1-6. edit subscriptions. explain to me like i'm new to the game as I have been away a long time. You need to stand still, focus, and burst. Blue line is much better for leveling cause you can keep moving. this should give you a good place to start from, but i'd For fun landscape solo play I’d recommend Warden, Captain & Minstrel if you want to play as a High Elf, because all use light-damage and High Elves get a +5% light damage bonus from one of the racial deeds—Emnity of the Dourhands I, I believe. Top classes in Lotro IMO as a safe bet to guarantee a raid spot in order are: Sep 9, 2010 · HUNTER LEGENDARY ITEMS. Khajiit_Has_Skills Arkenstone • 1 yr. swords are rather fast weapons, and man gets a bonus for them. • 2 yr. A lot of people like blue for landscape. but in a little more detail i can give you a break down on the two best races for each class (from what i remember). My main is a Hunter and I play with a Herbalist for my skirmishes. btu also can take down an opponent very fast. AnubisFTN. 23. 6% damage) without a second bow. I use Wit, Tolerance, Compassion, Innocence, and Charity. would you recommend putting will, tactical mastery or finesse in essence slots (when crit/mits already are capped?). Blue line is more toward sustained damage and kiting. Hunters do crazy damage, and blue line is great for kiting and killing, but the lack of room clearing aoe makes it less enjoyable. The Red line does more damage but is more like a turret. Blue is better for levelling. Good luck. they also get some buffs/debuffs which can self heal in combat, a really good solo option. Hunter’s do really well with single target, especially red hunter in raids, yellow champs are specifically AOE so they can handle a lot. exe" which can usually be found in: Program Files/StandingStoneGames/The Lord of the Rings Online/x64/lotroclient64 The last thing you want is to make a pull and the tank has to come to you to clean it up. After reading over things this is what I came up with for a sustained bleeds / survival build. Most of the important details won't be available to you until you hit higher levels, so don't worry too much. :) Hunter, definitely. . Induction bow critical multipler. Use them in hard areas, like Mordor for example, or area with signature and elite monsters. Blue Line for solo and landscape. I’m enjoying the red line so far. In general, an all around class is your best option, as lots of bosses have melee reflect or the like, so it is good to be able to do heals, ranged and melee to try to do as much as possible solo. Our guides are aimed at all new to experienced players, So whether you’re a nimble Burglar Dwarf because screw you, bow-wielding bastards. Burn hot increases power cost for skills now, so typically pairing that with Bow of Righteous will help restore power. Go into options and check off "allow target forwarding" or something like that. That said, nowadays I sometimes get bored of classes like Hunter because the pew pew of skills are too simple. For Yellow Line pros, what would you suggest? Uselessly long cool downs is what I remember noticing about Yellow too, and why I ended up unwilling to bother trying to make it work, even as a curiosity. I like blue early-game for hit and run tactics making things much faster. For the build. • 7 yr. @75 it is far more stronger ans precision. Current stats are. Zerwan25 • 4 yr. Blue is fun though, of course. Here, you’ll find a wealth of information and analysis on each of the game’s classes, including recommended skill and trait builds, playstyle tips, and more. burg: man and hobbit. Information. Essence armor. I enjoy both but I'd say Warden if you don't mind a learning curve, they're great solo artists and can even do some group content solo. Coolhandlukeboy. Honesty and Valor are the best boosters for Tactical and Physical Mastery respectively. I put up competitive DPS with this build, I call it purple, the key is procing volley, swift and true and its been my PVP build as my hunter is R12 and blue allows me to kite and survive. And strongly advise you to learn all three lines, just for the variety, but also because yellow is what you will most use in In Crookdell [Ered Luin], you need 3 1 2 2 to kill the toughest one and 3 1, 2 2 to kill 2 next toughest ones [2 rush to you together]. Tips and tricks from the community. 98% of the time, red is the best line for soloing. While red hunter does more damage than blue and should be favored in group instances (where you don't have to run because you have tanks pulling agro) Solo play is much better in blue, shoot while moving, don't lose focus, more healing via shots and stances much more survivable. It has very little healing. At the current level cap (140) with the current endgame raid (Hiddenhoard), the Brawler is only viable as a Tank in high tiers. KingCronus1270 • 4 yr. Makes things faster that way. Pick in Red the Yellow Stone to stun enemies. ago. Guardian Solo Red group Blue (or maybe yellow) Hunter Solo Blue Red group. Not many dramatic changes here. -Damage for Power 1-2. The heals are good when you're not playing red, blue and yellow has some great heals either as HOT (blue) or initial heal (yellow), in higher levels with enough Blue is a lot more work for less damage. Seriously, get one to laugh. You can try with less morale and mits, but without those defensive stats, you‘ll be toast as soon as a warg or a reaver come close enough. Aside from staying alive (morale and mitigations) the most important stat for red captain is critical rating because parts of your core buffing role depend on critical hits. CR - 1,146,953 PM - 1,550,388 Morale - 774,859 Vit- 173,527 Finesse - 602,172 Tact MIT - 370,255. Sure_Wallaby_5165. Focus critical multiplier Induction critical multiplier Starting from gondor, all classes can earn teleportation abilities via reputation batters for major locations. Red is likely to be better for raids. Welcome to LotroHQ! Your resource for class builds in The Lord of the Rings Online. For RedLine you need to focus on Critial and phisical mastery. Hunter is fast and easy to play. It was fun playing it on Bullroarer, but the rotations are going to be hell to figure out regardless of spec. The blue line build will help you kite the big monster and boss to death. Traps do all the work and you can still move around like in blue generally. Louey7. Thanks! Hey, 160k, even more sustained damage is possible, but depends hardly on the support Burglar Red Solo Yellow Group. Red-line LMs also have some good one-shot kills like Nature's Fury (single target) and Lightning Storm (for a group). The Minstrel is the heart of a fellowship, a herald of hope, inspiration, and renewal. As a yellow hunter you will probably be up close and personal with your enemies, constantly strafing circles around them. MInstrel, these are your main healers. Might and will are a complete waste. Blue for solo landscape. Hunter blue bow build. Dwarven made crossbows all the way ! Elf for min/max stats, High Elf for style, Hobbit for Hobbit. BlueLine gives you nice tools for trying some instances solo. What makes me play a class for longer in LOTRO are the outfits possibilities. Navigate to your LOTRO folder and locate "lotroclient64. This time around, I actually care about leveling my character stats and understanding the art behind gaining morale, virtues, better armor, etc (originally just played because it was beautiful and I’d just finished reading the books haha). Thanks for asking this! I have a ton of Word of Mastery things. Wondering if any of you are getting those numbers, or close to it, and if you care to share your trait trees, stats needed to achieve those numbers, and any other advice. Captains with low critical rating are not performing their core buffing role. At level cap it’ll be different by the time you get there. Red line, with bonuses for Strength stance, is the top DPS build for hunters, but does not offer much in the way of mobility (must remain in place to execute most attacks). Open your Nvidia Control Panel and navigate to: Manage 3D Settings > Program Settings tab. 2% as cool as elves, then the other three races are, for all mechanical purposes, virtually equal and your choice is purely cosmetic. So it looks like TM is where I really need to make up some improvements. One tier down we have Charity, Discipline, Fortitude, Compassion, Honesty, Valor, Innocence and Tolerance. Members Online Lake town is beautiful (was making my way to Durin's day) and so is Dale! A subreddit to discuss the Fire Emblem series of games, and associated media. No idea what to go with as far as race and virtue traits go Burglar dps is at a very solid point right now, after their last update, red is a very viable role for single target damage. I don't mind being overleveled in areas (currently level 33 Bears are badass. Level 130 cap is partially an exception to that rule though. R. Each bookshelf has two levels too. My L140 I have a hunter to 14 and found the lotro wiki that lead me to the build calculator. I am a big fan of builds and I intend to be posting some of my own as well as builds I have found. Both are DPS-focused, with Hunter being primarily ranged and Champ being melee. I know I just started the build but I really have always been more drawn to more of a sniper playtype and I love the satisfaction of reigning down death on the poor souls In general I’d say Hunter is the more relaxing of the two, but I’ve always had a preference for ranged combat. -Critical Rating Boost 1-3. Hey fam! Recently returned to LOTRO after a few years and am currently a level 41 Elf Hunter. Ps on discord the unofficial lotro channel ppl posted a lot of differ end builds that can be usefull to just FYI The last 2 legacies I would recommend are heart seeker damage and swift bow damage. For hunter: Blue line, because it's a lot of fun and more fast-paced. A melee class is good, because that's where Hunter is weakest. Was super fun actually. RK toss up between red and yellow. Burglars, they can sneak, and hide and backstab and pick a pocket, dual wield, like a champion, and evade most attacks in medium armour. I tried finding out info on the official forums, but all you really see are people telling other people their build sucks without showing or explaining what they consider a good build. Dec 17, 2022 · Burglar Starter Build Guide for the Lord of the Rings Online! LOTRO Burglar blue line fifty trait point starter DPS/leveling build guide also cover specializ To properly utilize these builds you’ll want to be maximum level, and it’s also recommended that you have a least a basic understanding of the class you want to play before trying to follow the guides in order to follow the skill rotations and information effectively. The BUILD can be similar to tank build and still deal damage. Precision has the option to run around and kite Mechanics are usually more balanced, they put more effort in this aspect. This is the 2h build, with maximum support and damage. The basic rotation is: Burning Embers -> Gust of Wind -> Lightning Strike = dead critter. But no Word of Power things ever drop. The Red Hunter provides excellent high DPS through long-range stationary attacks. Anything and everything helps. Unfortunately Blue burglar, although is the most fun play with it's useless for end game. From Low levels with a 2H this is really strong and you can AOE alot of mobs and still survive. Warden is easy mode rune keeper is a bit more work to play with. I enjoy champion as well. I just crafted my level 100 first age bow and main hand legendary and have been thinking about what legacies I want. and so on. Hunter Legendary items come in two flavors: ranged weapon and melee weapon. If you want to try soloing instances, yellow bear will give more survivability while sacrificing some dps. In short my comparison is that wow is the better more polished gameplay while lotro is the better, more polished scenarios and lore. While Hunter takes advantage of the boost to agility, the lack of a weapon damage bonus hurts, and you don't get a hunter oil to change your damage to frost or lightning the way you can to take advantage of light bonus for High Elf. 6. uzooalt • 3 yr. Basically from level 50-120 Hunter was always a strong choice and frequently used heavily by progression raid groups. I only PVE and landscape, but may start doing some featured instances. They are incredibly sturdy using damage reduction and self-heal skills, which is perfect for dealing with mitigation-reducing bosses. Hi everyone, as I said in the title, I need help choosing new traits for my Reaver. The balance system reminded me of playing Red Mage in FF14 and I think that's the way it's going to need to be played in order to be optimal - build up just enough of one bar before swapping back for a big boost in the other. Hi guys, years ago I remember somehow building my hunter so that I could endlessly run around and oneshot all lower level mobs with endless penetrating shots and never lost any focus, I want to once again go back and do some deeds in OG regions but I can't seem to make it There are two rooms in the tracery library. Members Online I love mixing up cosmetics and armour pieces to make interesting new outfits. For the Bow, I am going for. :) Well, I play a Dwarf Hunter too (on Laurelin), and nobody's ever told me it's a bad idea. I'd love if there was an icy-veins for LOTRO, heh. e every 5 to 10 levels and you will be find then once you get your leg weapon you will be fine. I say red for both leveling and groups. r/lotro. " Far simpler to just one-shot everything than to deal with rotations for landscape stuff. The Hunter/Healer is a good combination because you can basically go on for ever until all the mobs are down. Ranged atts are easyer to level up. Take advantage of these buff that the class has during fight on lower lvls. -Damage for Morale 1. For leveling whatever tree line you choose will be easy enough, the dmg is enough on all trees. Thanks! Generally beornings will build one or two ways in red, one is a group focused DPS build that takes yellow line bees *and* blue line armour crush for the utility (sacrificing composure and only going a little bit into red for the crit and melee damage), Another redline build is more solo friendly. The feel, the look, lore and RP possibilities are much more important. A sub-reddit started to address the lack of builds for Skyrim. Champ is also not difficult, takes a little more time and infight can be tricky. Healers and Tactical DPS want Honesty, and Some don't use quick shot, some do, others don't like upshot some do etc. RK learn in common to use options they have. For now everything is good, and all classes hit a MASSIVE power boost at level 50 with the new LIs. I do occasionally like blue for tough bosses that are meant for three mans. Blue line is for Rambo. I have 3 of the HH T2 pieces to get still so hopefully the extra slots on these will help plug the gap! A sub-reddit started to address the lack of builds for Skyrim. If I am really missing something obvious, with the explanation . 1. I also use Compassion for more mits, and Valour for my one offensive virtue on my hunter. While leveling, I had the same experience. •. Lore Master Blue or Red (Blue features empowering the pet, red empowers the Man) Minstrel Red Solo Blue Group. Summary for recommended 1 bow setup: Focus bow critical multiplier. For leveling, you'll want to slot ones that give agility, physical mastery, fate, or vitality - probably in that order of priority. Minstrel. Simpler to play, less abrasive to the lore of the setting, and huge utility and travel skills, both for you and any groups you're in. Join. How to build my skirmish soldier (if at all?) for a deed completionist low level newbie? So first off some context: I am playing a blue line hunter, and my goal in this game is to do as many deeds as I can along the way, and take as long as possible to get to endgame as I humanly can. When you get to 20, you can press ctrl+J to see the list of everything available from all of the above categories. Loremaster would probably have got in but a lot of specs don't use as much 120 Hunter DPS. Introduction. Great in-depth guide Bombollo, thanks! Solid explanations :) I have one question: my healing build at cap is pretty decent, and im starting to work on a dps build as well (makes landscape/easier instances a bit quicker). As a yellow hunter the goal is to CC the enemy to death. Not everything is scalable--the various wings of Great Barrow are I also have Strong Draw at Rank 2 and Pathfinder at Rank 1. If you aren't an elf, hobbit is the way to go in my opinion, as they have the best emotes. Dedicated to The Lord of the Rings Online, the MMORPG based on Professor J. I am a red build, with an important smattering of bue, running precision stance for focus, and it almost turns you into a penetrating shot I use Blue line exclusively for all content unless I am asked by the raid leader to go red for the heartseeker heal debuff. Right now I made a Warden with that Dunland armor set just amazing! 5. Healers and Tactical DPS want Honesty, and It's hard to find any up-to-date guides. There are a few Auto Attacks that mix in as well and with 85% of mobs, this kills them before they have much chance of moving. nitsua2424 • 1 yr. Aricandir-Elf (Hunter): Herbalist. THe second staff is a switch for lightning skills, fury of nature, light of rising dawn and march of the ents. However, both Red and Blue lines have Simply put, red line trait is best for soloing, help you burst down enemies in the shortest time possible. Hunter and Champion are easy to play, and have a relatively easy class system (build up your focus/fervor, use it to unleash stronger attacks). popular-all-random-usersAskReddit-gaming-pics-movies-mildlyinteresting-todayilearned-worldnews-funny-explainlikeimfive-news-videos-DIY-aww-TwoXChromosomes Newbie here looking for some hunter build advice. Up top there are fields where you can select the instance size or type in the instance level, if scalable. Cisru711. For most of your time leveling up you should be in strength stance. Awkward-Painter-2024. The last 2 legacies I would recommend are heart seeker damage and swift bow damage. Champion Yellow. They made some huge changes to a few classes too. Crafted essence armour is inferior to Dol Amroth essence armour but is a good budget option. My rotation in the this build goes like this: From Strength Stance, Camo (+50% Crit), Burn Hot, Focus, Heart Seeker, UpShot, Swift Bow. mt qd zi gm po bx vb ms gq vx