Sub rogue macros bfa Shadow priest - Probably one of the best 2v2 comb that you can play as sub. Macros are essential to any class and rogue is no exception. Best Subtlety Rogue Talents for Mage Use this macro: /change spec /mutrogue (daggers); /combat rogue (axes, maces, swords) What this macro does is change your spec to a assassination-mutilate build (if your best weapons Hi! I'm currently levelling a subtlety rogue on classic bc and I thought the use of macros could help me manage my actionbar a bit better. All News Subtlety Rogue Guide for WoW The War Within, Talents, Rotation, Embellishments, Gear, Races and Stat Priority in 11. #showtooltip secret technique /cast cold blood /cast secret technique This macro isnt working Subtlety Rogue Hero Talents - Deathstalker vs. Patch 11. 6k. With sub rogue I have 7 buttons to hit one being a macro that has all my Get the macro here!Single Target https://pastebin. It was the second most played spec after disc in 2s and 3s above 2k a few days ago Sub rogue is a difficult spec to play in mythic+ most rogues pushing high keys are playing Outlaw. com/raw/4ZKph3SvHave questions about GSE macros? Macros. if you’re new to sub rogue here you go, macro these and now you only need 1 button to do a flawless rotation. 7). so This may do better with the The macro I have on my rogue does that and pick pockets. 7, Rmp, thug or ret rogue is still a very very good comb in 3s. io's PvP guide for Subtlety Rogues in Solo Shuffle Arenas. Switch main and off hand [] This macro will swap the weapons equipied in your main and off hand. Sub rogue just requires a lot of keybindings tbh, you will eventually get used to them it requires practice + time. In this section Eviscerate/Marked for Death: All in one, this macro work much better when you trigger legendary tier set. Hello everyone, I made a few macros to make sub rogue a lot easier to execute and save keybinds and wanted to share with all of you so you can benefit from it and have a better As a Subtlety Rogue, we highly suggest picking up our Shadow Blades macro, combining all of our damage modifiers to provide the most single target burst possible. BigDebuffs - This is an addon that shows CC icons and durations on player, target, focus, arena, and party frames. I have not used any yet. Although you could play any covenant as sub. 0+ - WoW Lazy Macros Subtlety: “Nickfury_Sub” Nickfury's True 1 Button Macro - Patch 7. io's PvE guide for Subtlety Rogues in Mythic+ Dungeons. 0+ - WoW Lazy Macros. Rogue. 7, Got one shot by a kyrian sub rogue who crit me for 10k echoing reprimand 😂. I use Discover recommended macros for Subtlety Rogue during Raid encounters and watch a quick video guide on creating simple macros for your character. 0 (46340), just like all of the other macros posted in here. 0+ 45: 17428: September 11, 2020 LEGION’s ASSASSINATION ROGUE - NO UPDATES ON THIS MACRO UNTIL Rogue. so im enjoying that while it lasts. 7) Last updated on Dec 15, 2024 at 16:00 by Seliathan 83 comments. gg/ydJ5eUpZWD https://twitter. Also, I don't even use a macro for Cold Blood & Dispatch Macro. Sub didn't only win against the 1500 crowd. com/raw/v9qEZJRsAOE https://pastebin. Browse Games. Ease into it, you’ll get overwhelmed with all of these new binds right. If you were to create macros with your trinkets, you could simply write /use 13 or /use 14. This helps increase overall damage/healing and If you're dead set on playing outlaw (sub is generally stronger, I think - but I recommend you learn all 3 rogue specs anyway!) then I think cudgel/mok'morokk's will be your Most of my macros are things like blind focus, kick focus, !stealth macro, sap nearest enemy spam macro, step/kidney macro, BM trinket / wall, @cursor for green reticle spells. Heyo! I wanted to go ahead and provide some important rogue specific macros Shadowstrike + Backstab + Stealth This macro will cast stealth if possible, and if in stealth or UPDATED well not really just tested in 8. 30 WOW Patch-10. Shadow Dance and Symbols of . We recommend you create convenient marcoses to facilitate instant use of abilities after utilizing the Shadow Dance in order to save precious time: #showtooltip Ability BfA Archive. Every 90 Welcome to Skill Capped’s Guide on the Best Macros for Subtlety Rogues in Cataclysm. There are so many important informations in this thread. Sub Have you ever wanted a single macro to perfectly execute a burst rotation? I see many of them struggling to do it and wanted to share it before all of the drooling ret paladins Welcome to Murlok. Sub rogues finds themselves in once again quite a precarious position. We get near weekly videos of some new Im new to rogue and wanted a spec thats ok-easy to pick up but has depth and i can grow as a player. Subtlety Rogue Raid Guide for WoW The War Within, Talents, Rotation, Embellishments, Gear, Races and Stat Priority in 11. After rendering the video twice, I've noticed I forgot to inclu The opener for Subtlety Rogues prioritizes using cooldowns as soon as possible while reducing resource waste. The central mechanic of Welcome to Murlok. It is a game mode that fully utilizes your kit, especially spells that are rarely used in PvE. 1 of 3 Go to page In this section I'll share every macro Hello everyone, I made a few macros to make sub rogue a lot easier to execute and save keybinds and wanted to share with all of you so you can benefit from it and have a better Hey fellow backstabbers I been getting into PvP and when it comes to a a other steathy I just keep spamming tab target and sap but they way I am keybound makes that Shiv + Tea Macro #showtooltip Shiv /cast Shiv /cast Thistle Tea. After trying all sub rogue macros and then reading that often Learn about Subtlety Rogue Talents and Talent Builds for The War Within, Patch 11. One of my main frustrations Watch me live! https://www. Relax, A World of Warcraft community for exchanging macros. They call us lazy, we call it smart. Archive. Classic Theme hmm currently Outlaw, there is no issues with energy so feels great to play, but that was also the case this point in BFA pre release as well. They allow players to use abilities on enemies without having to target them. FORUMS. If you want to play with me, ask me anything, or get my UI head to, just use command !ui:https://www. The class relies on stealth and timing cooldowns for PvE or popping off a bunch of cds for burst in PvP. My rogue is Sub. 3. PvP is unplayable now. I got beta, and played it five minutes. essentially this is it until shadowlands, somethings This macro is not 100% yet. first massaged the standard macro a bit to get garrotte up sooner, Second is an aoe version, this basically the same macro just replaces Mutilate with fan of Just wondering if anyone has any combat macros that they use successfully. Don't even say anything about sub rogue because I've never played rogue pvp in my life hopped on my sub that I geared for pve ran into a BG and demolished PvP players in last seasons I got bored at the end of this season and pvp seems like the thing to do when bored. I use bartender addon so my action bar doesnt switch to a new one when i stealth. Classic Theme Rogue Beginner PvP Guide - Common questions, mistakes and points of confusion This guide will be continually updated throughout Mists of Pandaria, and feedback is On your character’s page, the trinket slots are 13 and 14. It isnt perfect but it works for me. 1. You could also write /use item_name – but Subtlety Rogue was an amazing, incredible, unique, and fun spec prior to Legion and BfA “All opinions are not equal. and Consumables Gear and Best in Slot Mythic+ Tips Nerub-ar Palace Macros I was kind of hyped for SL Sub, to be honest. 0 Outlaw Outlaw: “out” 7. 7, On this page, you will find a number of useful macros and addons to make your life easier when playing your Outlaw Rogue in World of Warcraft — The War Within (11. General Information. This guide will provide a list of recommended Patreon| https://www. Gladius Subtlety Rogue Macro Reply reply panda4life • • Edited . 0+ dan-brown July 18, 2018, 11:52am 1. 7, written by Stealthi. This macro completely removes Thistle Tea as a button from the spec, and is optimal. On this page, we go through all the spells you need to use in PvP as a Subtlety Rogue, Watch me live! https://www. This helps increase overall damage/healing and I play a sub rogue, but want to go outlaw, but find there are way to many keybinds and stuff to keep track of. Macros like Cold Blood + Secret Techinque or like Symbols + Shadow Blades + Shadow Dance + Gloomblade helped immensely when I The optimal stat priority for your Subtlety Rogue in WoW The War Within (11. Goal: 2 button rogue for fast grinding or relatively easy single target PVE/PVP. 70 Subtlety Rogue Guide [BfA] Thread starter Dreams; Start date Jul 30, 2018; 1; 2; 3; Next. As the damage output of Sub is subpar in pve. A community for World of Warcraft PVP if the /tar totem macro would work imho is better to put in /cast throw. Then he discovered this gimmick and started queuing with one of his “viewers”, another sub rogue, and popping this 1 shot macro to increase their mmr! Good thing he got his Ur gcds as rogue are baseline 1 second long no matter what haste u have. A very strong Trinket from past expansions is Pocket-Sized Computation Device with Cyclotronic Blast and Convergence of Fates. One of my main frustrations I started by editing Sham’s Rogue ST macro and decided to start from scratch, so it is influenced by them for sure! My rogue is pre season 3 tier. Stealth Eat Macros Your basic Macro to eat while stealthed. Trickster For Hero Talents, Subtlety Rogues have to pick between Deathstalker and Trickster. Level 70-79 . How annoying is it to switch An easy and simple rotation and talent tree to get a quick start playing Subtlety Rogue in WoW The War Within (11. io's PvP guide for Subtlety Rogues in Rated Battlegrounds. Topic 9982: January 20, 2025 RDY Sub /castsequence reset=10 Premeditation, Garrote, Slice and Dice, Shadow Dance, Cheap shot, vanish, eviscerate, marked for death, eviscerate, ambush, ambush, eviscerate Sub Rogue Shadow Dance Macro . You get kill windows, or go’s, What are Elfyau's Rogue Macros? A collection of Rogue macros specifically tailored for running from level 80+ in any content you wish to play. Explanation: The combat routine revolves around two buttons (or 3 with kidney shot). For rogue mage, venthyr sub rogue the best imo. 3 and added in essence usage. “out” 7. #showtooltip *food here* /cast *food here* /cast Stealth(Rank 4) and if you're undead #showtooltip Canabalize /cast Canabalize An easy and simple rotation and talent tree to get a quick start playing Subtlety Rogue in WoW The War Within (11. The user My rogue macros are dependent on the use of modifiers for using the spenders (shift to cast rupture, ctrl to cast eviscerate, and alt to cast secret technique. After the 11. Live PTR It still works perfectly fine as of 10. Please provide feedback, suggestions and if possible numbers (ilvl, DPS etc) Many thanks! ST I recommend a /rerolling macro so the rest of us can enjoy skirmishes Nah but i dont know any in particular for rogues but i suppose the standard arena addons should work for you. 0+ dragonflight , patch-10-0 , subtlety Whats up? Welcome back! The following video will be spent explaining most of the macros used. 7. I suggest adding this Macro to both your stealth bar and your default bar to gain the benefits of the talent without having to think about it. fred-batton Macros are crucial to be successful in PvP. IMO when I first learned, the best way for me My rogue macros are dependent on the use of modifiers for using the spenders (shift to cast rupture, ctrl to cast eviscerate, and alt to cast secret technique. You can wear two trinkets now for the extra DPS output. When you use it, the script simply pops your current zone and coordinates into your chat box I've decided to change mains from Sub Rogue to Havoc DH due to the current state of Rogues. It’s a two-button builder/spender macro, focusing on an optimized rotation. What I have so far is this, but I'm not sure if it's applying the rupture ONLY to targets in a i'm playing a sub-rogue in raids, obviously, and it's making a ton of fun. The guide For newer or returning sub rogues like myself, I HIGHLY recommend practicing and using focus CC. All News To quickly set a focus target in hectic scenarios, we also recommend a Focus Mouseover macro, or setting the "Focus Target" hotkey in the game's keybinding settings. tv/PalumorSocials: https://discord. But Hello, i'm currently trying to make a macro for my sub rogue, when i activate shadow dance, i want to use both cheap shot and kidney shot on the same button, this is my macro (it's very Bit of an update. My biggest tip would be to download an addon called Hekili, it will basically tell you the Sub: None really - the people who actually played sub are long gone and all the newer macros on here doesn’t handle the spec very well IMO Outlaw: Mine of course! Until blizzard nerfs sub people are going to have to macro trinket and every defensive into one button and just hit it if they see any cd up on the rogue, assuming even that is enough without "Sub Rogue" - probably the best Sub Rogue player in the game atm. com/watch?v=5iUgU1aUG1QMacros - #showtooltip Im new to rogue and wanted a spec thats ok-easy to pick up but has depth and i can grow as a player. Leech will allow you to gain some additional passive healing while you do damage, Sub rogue keybinding, macros and general layout . patreon. com/SelwenTwitter| @SelwenGMy UI| https://www. Immediately started looking to switch so glad I saw this. But Outlaw is just as strong (for PvE) and Addons for Subtlety Rogues in PvP. 0 Outlaw Rogue - Patch 7. #showtooltip Cheap Shot /cast Necrolord assassination is only the best if with a healer. 7, Its always really obvious when someone speaks on sub rogue mechanics without playing sub above 1. Much like in Dragonflight, these rows give us the meat of our DPS options in the class tree. Thank you for that. but there is something, that i can't get my head around, and its about my DPS-rotation. It can do pretty nice burst in short time and also priest can help little bit with healing and you can For more information on creating macros, including full lists of conditionals, modifiers, and other command customizations you can use, check out our full Macros guide. 7, Welcome to Wowhead's Addons, Weakauras, and Macros Guide for Subtlety Rogue DPS in Wrath of the Lich King Classic. youtube. I run 0% haste as sub and it works fine, i play shadow focus talent when i play venthyr and nightstalker for kyrian. 3 SUB Rogue Macro **UPDATED 31-Aug-20** Patch 8. i People are all about Subtlety right now because the spec is experiencing a renaissance after BFA being so unplayable. Useful to switch between sword and dagger. tv/PalumorNORMAL 1-SHOT MACRO:/cast Blood Fury/use 13/castsequence reset=10 Shadow Dance, Cheap shot, Shadowy Duel, Symbols Have you ever wanted a single macro to perfectly execute a burst rotation? I see many of them struggling to do it and wanted to share it before all of the drooling ret paladins Welcome to Murlok. i usually dont do great logs (10-40 in most cases) and so i started digging and Patreon| https://www. 0+ clipper March 13, 2019, ok thing with Rogue macros, is due to the resource mechanics for the class you cant get a perfect This is everything you need to master sub rogue for PvE. If In this guide, we will go over useful Subtlety Rogue macros for Patch 11. Question I'm taking some time to learn rogue for next season since I think they'll be in a good spot for mythic plus and raiding. Enchants, and Consumables Gear and Best in Slot In this guide, we will go over useful Assassination Rogue macros for , explain how to make your own macros, and cover some of the best Assassination Rogue addons for both Assassination Rogue DPS Macros and Addons — The War Within (11. WoW Lazy Macros The War Within Subtlety. I This is my Sub rogue macro’s both ST and AOE. Will probably have to change a few things around but getting to this spot, has been rather time Welcome to Murlok. make sure that you either A: make your macro name the same in the 1st macro that changes the name in the other. Question Hello, I have recently boosted a sub rogue and have NEVER played the class. The following macro aims to streamline your gameplay, making it simpler and more efficient. Humans will always win in the offensive playstyle. Their main toolkit Rdy Sub Rogue Macro Set - ST and AOE - Mythic/Raid (10. Hi, new to rogue this expac and new to sub in general, I just hit 60 and am trying to figure out a good way to organise my cooldown macros, right now I have one keybind for just _OUTLAW BfA 8. How to use GSE-Elfyau Macros:-* Install GSE * Install GSE-Elfyau Macros * Once in Alliance: every-man-for-himself is a PvP racial ability. I use keyboard mouse combos lol. com/watch?v=5iUgU1aUG1QMacros - #showtooltip Subtlety Rogue Hero Talents - Deathstalker vs. com/iPalumorMACRO - /cast Blood Fury/use Obsidian Gladi Elfyau's 8. We are a high burst, VERY LOW sustained damage class. WoW Lazy Macros What rogue spec is more "GSE friendly"? Rogue. It allows the Rogue to A top World of Warcraft (WoW) Mythic+ and Raiding site featuring character & guild profiles, Mythic+ Scores, Raid Progress, Guild Recruitment, the Race to World First, and more. Would some people please help me with where I should be putting certain abilities, I know it Macros are crucial to be successful in PvP. In this guide, you will learn about playing a Subtlety Rogue in dungeons and raids. or B: change the name in >> with rogue specifically my xp is only 1900, but i generally try to play every class (pending keybinds) and have reached 2400 multiple times. Shadowstep: Just a mouseover. Locking Our Subtlety Rogue guides are always updated with the latest information from in-game experience, simulations, and logs; make sure to check our changelog to this page, by Start Auto Attack /cast Sinister Strike; This is an especially useful macro as a Rogue as there is rarely ever a situation where you do not want to be auto-attacking while in See Dismount and stealth - Rogue Macro. I’ll try it in mythic+ later tonight and return with feedback. GSE-3. 5) Updated: 1/19/24 Patch 10. I haven't In combination, these changes lead to roughly the same uptime of Shadow Dance compared to BfA when not taking Enveloping Shadows. I'll let you know right off the bat, sub rogue is infamous for requiring rather rapid key presses so it might be challenging with your The reason for bfa sub being shit in pvp was cause they did shit damage and they in turn only had one team playing one comp - so much for the "but they bring the most cc in the game" (aswell Just wondering if anyone has any combat macros that they use successfully. On this page, you will find a number of useful macros and addons to make your life easier when playing your Subtlety Rogue in World of Warcraft — The War Within (11. 5 A World of Warcraft community for exchanging macros. twitch. I've found a weapon switch macro that equips a dagger What ms you are using the macro? I gave it 10 min try on target dummy 50ms and im getting 91-93% of my sim dps. 7 Welcome to the Subtlety Rogue guide for World of Warcraft the Burning Crusade. Purely on the basics of mechanics sub is easily the hardest spec in wow. Patch 8. Their goal should always be to simplify your gameplay as much as possible without limiting you. All sections for Subtlety Rogue PvP have been divided into corresponding sections Hey guys, just because I don’t like y’all. This guide covers the best stats, races, talents, gear, embellishments, enchantments, and gems for Patch 11. Shift: Uses CD’s applicable to rotation Left CTRL: Uses Cold Blood & Dispatch Macro. The central mechanic of Subtlety Rogues don’t have many macros that they must use, aside from targeting macros and general essential macros such as macros for cooldowns or for maintaining their This should be the introtext of the site. On this Hi, Only now just started dabbling with macros but I was wondering if it was even possible to do this. It’s also not optimized for top dps at the moment. 2. Interface & Macros; Subtlety Rogue Talents Guide. Irrelevant, literally anyone can do the same by pushing 1 button castsequence macro. For BfA, Blizzard started to reduce to IMO Sub and rogues in general can benefit greatly from a DH meta style design where there isn't a separate stealth bar but your abilities are 'empowered' ie Chaos When it Hello everyone, I made a few macros to make sub rogue a lot easier to execute and save keybinds and wanted to share with all of you so you can benefit from it and have a better Welcome back! The following video will be spent explaining most of the macros used. ive been loving assassination but sometimes the damage lets me down. my "hard limit" is 26 total keybinds, relying Rogue is so fun in RBGs, but the spotlight is on you a lot of the time. General tips, macros, YouTube videos, YouTube channels, Twitch I also struggled with playing sub rogue optimally. the hot n' spicy plays. Btw that macro doesn't work, i have tested a lot of time while using lock to stomp totem with my pet. The opener is a guideline and should be adjusted if necessary! # Headline 1 25Use Cold Blood always Rogue. I've only just got it conq geared, but it's so fun as Kyrian sub to go on offense, sap a healer, blind another, kidney a Is there a way to make a macro that will use shadow dance if it’s available otherwise use backstab? Any significant changes for rogue in BFA? I’m looking for a good leveling macro. Before BfA, many abilities were called "off-GCD" as you could two or more of them at the same time, even in the same button macro. 7 250 ms Focus=Tricks of the Trade I know NOTHING about creating macros, I looked up Most covered good macros but here’s A tip, especially for sub rogue. Enchants, and Consumables Gear and Best in Slot On this page, you will find a number of useful macros and addons to make your life easier when playing your Assassination Rogue in World of Warcraft — The War Within Sub Rogue Shadow Dance Macro . Got extremely bored by the absence of thought behind this new Premed, and dropped it Just wondering if anyone has any combat macros that they use successfully. 11/0/45. I seem to have Whether you choose to enchant your gear with Avoidance, Leech, or Speed is up to you. What exactly do we have to offer? We do not need more. Subterfuge is now a 2-point node, and Without a Trace caps off the right side of the *this is a PVP guide* Pikaboo doesn't play PvE*Code: BUQAOB/7AZ//CwQOf4fPMswHVDAABAAAAAAAESSSSSCkIJJQCQSSikkiikkEkSSJJCABAAAANEW MERCH IS HERE: https://pikab Watch me live! https://www. wich you may have to adjust if not using the same. just make sure the Hello All Long time user and I am looking to try and create my first own macro for sub rogue - I am trying to enter in Shadowstrike to be used instead of Ambush, but when I This is my first Macro set up, This is for rogue Sub spec. After rendering the video twice, I've noticed I forgot to inclu Without macros sub rogue is insane you have to do so much at once. NEWS. Some are a very great deal more robust, sophisticated If you're using the Tricks macro. For Subtlety Rogues, this means that pressing Eviscerate will automatically apply Slice and Dice and extend it for you! Subtlety Rogue now plays as a 90-second spec. tv/PalumorSEPSIS BUILD: CUQA27SZpS4XnmFfcXRqkppuwDAMDAAAAAAY2MzsMNmxmxwYMmZmZmxMmtZxYmlthZYmxYMzyYAAAAYGGsYWmxsNDjFGWmZbahW Im trying to macro cold blood and secret technique for less button presses. 7, explain how to make your own macros, and cover some of the best Subtlety Rogue addons for both hardcore raiders and general players alike. If you Welcome to Murlok. 0. Need Help om fixing it please someone convert this macro to the new code that GSE uses for bfa please. Most of the time if they insta trinket your kidney its still worth re-cheapshotting it insta, I often re-cheap so I get the combo 118K subscribers in the worldofpvp community. DoorOfShadow: Just a cursor.