My ex had a baby with someone else and wants me back. Could care less about my ex now.
My ex had a baby with someone else and wants me back Soon, your ex realized the relationship had Getting back together after she’s dated someone else means that you are going to have to get over the fact that she dated someone else. What Happens When A Narcissist Collapses? He left me miserable for a week, I was at my mom’s, couldn’t eat or sleep. Apparently, I was seen by one of her friends with my A few weeks ago my ex girlfriend (22) and I (21) broke up. That night she had a couple mutual friends over however called me crying so I went to see her and she told me she still loves me but doesn’t want to commit to me as she is confused and she wants to see both of us and see what she thinks. especially the almost incapacitating hurt of being left for someone else and I want to share everything that has been helpful to me and encourage all of you going through this My Ex wants me back after cheating . I need someone else's perspective. I feel like thats almost too short to get into bed with someone. The reason why your importance to your ex plays a big role in deciding whether you should get back with an ex after they dated someone else is that it shows how thoughtful your ex is as a person. The ex came over last night to pick something up, we sat and talked for 4 hours, she was really down, and started crying about how stuffed up she has made everything, admitting her friendship with her ex has blown any chance her and I had (this was VERY hard for her to say), saying her life was crap etc. ”. If someone else came along, would they still want you? 13) You have stronger boundaries. I have no clue what to do. My ex got pregnant by someone else is trying to fix things . He was abusive and held me back too. Perhaps your ex is struggling with emotional dependency and that’s why today you’re thinking “My ex is trying to get back with me. Her story changed twice so she obviously lied about it. He wanted me back and apologized for hurting me the way he did. " For me it's bad. It was her decision after all, and she didn't seem to have too much remorse while ending it. The stuff that made me break up with her and pissed me off to make me feel better. I could never get out of her who the father is. Before we dive into those signs your ex wants you back, let me just say something: there is a big difference and broke up with him for lack of communiction,that was like a year and half ago but doing does periods i was with someone else already and now my ex told me he still loves me even when he had another gf(but now they are broken up)he has been telling me he misses TL;DR Girlfriend/Fiancé of 5+ years (Rachel) moved out and began seeing someone else while we were still together. We had been together for 2 and a half years, we both love each other very much but at the time we had been getting into arguments over small things that turned into big arguments. He can So my ex (of 1/5 years) wanted to know if I could accept her with a child. I was hurt even more and I fell into a deep depression. Below, we’ll discuss breakups, the possible pros and cons of getting back Getting back with ex who slept with someone else like those above who slept with many man within a few months of breaking up, sex is not a sacred thing. If she hadn’t hooked up with anyone while weren’t together then I would but I couldn’t know she slept with someone, especially if I had feelings during that time period She wanted to fuck someone else but didn’t want to cheat on you. Gut punch. To be fair I gave my ex 6 chances throughout our marriage and each time it got progressively worse. So I'm pretty confused and numb right now. he even proposed to me but I told him I needed time to think things through b Bianca3102 18 months ago, I got dumped. However, about a month ago I started seeing someone. We had dated for 4. I had to email my ex for closure since I was blocked on everything and the last thing she said in her email was how it bothered her I just talked to other women (who were nothing more than friends) when we broke up (mind you, she dumped me in the worst way possible. Mainly because our age. Although you’re single and are free to sleep with anyone you want, I still think it’s a very shitty thing to do. Not for a second. Just like ripping off a bandaid. Damn, if the ages and dates were different I’d think this is about me and my ex. I’m pregnant for him and there’s no turning back at this point so please leave me alone. I'm here if you need to vent. I got unexpectedly pregnant at 19 and after I had the baby she would find reasons to insert herself (not her child). But once I had a new girlfriend, that changed suddenly. Taking the high road. If you're asking yourself "does my ex want me back and should I allow him or her to walk back in", think twice or thrice before you do so. Post by u/throwRA__manfriends on r/relationship_advice. I am still madly in love with my ex and can see myself marrying him. Now he has had 3 babies in 3 years with his new woman who already had 4 kids. My ex has been dating someone else for 3 years now and at that this point, I'm definitely over it. To find out how women block themselves from attracting lasting love, sign up for her free masterclass The 7 Blocks to Manifesting Love. After several failed relationships, your ex has realized they want you back. When someone is truly done with a relationship, they often seek out new connections as a way to heal and forget. Hope you won't The mom was married to someone else and cheated. up with someone 9 months, and couldn’t even talk with another guy, never Mine is similar to hers,my ex now have a daughter but wants me back,he love his child not his baby mama. 5 years before the breakup and know each other very well/get along quite well. She just wants you because Discord guy doesn't want her. I wouldn’t want to be with someone who had to explore other people to realize the value they have with me. So many people reach to me wondering how can I get my ex back when they are with someone else; I wanted to share my expertise on the topic! You can’t believe that the person you love most on the planet would be going #5 They Want To Get Back Together. I look up the guy’s profile, and what do you know - his profile picture is my ex and him snuggled up next to each other. Well she left me and left me for the other guy. But my ex. then you have a unique opportunity. I wouldn’t want to be with someone who has to compare my love to others to see if its worth keeping around. I was together with my ex for 8 months, it’s not that long but it was my first real realationship and ofc I was heartbroken after he broke up with me. Ultimately I thought I could love my ex through it but turns out it was just too painful. In December 2011 we broke up and have been circling getting back together ever since then but we never did. She had me blocked on everything, so i asked her sister how she was doing. They either aren’t ready for a baby and the commitment that comes with it or they just don’t like the idea of looking after a baby that isn’t theirs. She had a whole boyfriend) *says that if me and my girlfriend breakup don’t come back to her because she won’t be there for me Im not going to allow her to guilt trip me into getting back with her. “My ex wants me back but I moved I have my address written down in 3 different places in the house in case there’s an emergency and someone needs to get me for her. One survey found that 44% of Americans had gotten back together with an ex at some point in life. Just want to string me along till he got over me. She had said that it was because she wanted to grow and work on herself and that going to separate colleges was very stressful for her to balance her personal and school My ex and I dated October 2019-October 2020. I told the new guy about the situation and he told me to chose my ex, because he had the chance before, but regretted not taking it. Most people come at the approach of getting an ex back from strategic or tactical standpoints, e. For me, if he had sex with someone else, I couldn’t be with him again. her ex before me was emotionally abusive and aggressive, after they broke up he contacted all her male friends asking if they had slept with her and told them to stay away. maybe she wanted me to lash out but I'm completely opposite of him, and don't act like I own her she's her own person and can do what she wants. He missed what we had and still loved me. My ex-husband wants me back. This is what I’ve been fantasizing. I wasnt going out with her or even talking to her really at the time i started dating my girlfriend. We had talked about it and after 3-4 months of taking things a little slower, I am happy, she is happy, and we both are excited for our future together. It was the mother of my ex-boyfriend. She Wants to Get Back Together and It’s Yours. Took me about a year to find my ex fiancé and when she got pregnant she left me because of hormones and our break up got really bad. He wants to be as involved as possible and is willing to support her. It depends. Even when my ex broke up with me, he genuinely asked me if we could be friends. Your call. Ran into my ex a couple months after she broke it off with me for someone else. Then we started sleeping together again, keeping it on a very casual basis. Self Awareness is the ability to think about what you’re thinking about, and the fact that you are having an internal experience—not an actual experience. Tbh I think it could be your friends. Facebook. No, I didn’t see it coming. I'm sorry this was a long read, and I appreciate any feedback you guys may have. So, I said it wasn’t going to be possible. . My ex GF [24F] cheated on me [22M] & had a kid. My girlfriend told me she has feelings for someone else, but wants to be with me . 24 Apr. But then, when the two of you meet again, he expresses his pain for having hurt you. December I came home and he had moved all his belongs out he has been with her 7 months August he called said he no longer wanted to be in the relationship with her and no one would love him as I did he came back for 3 weeks and said he didn’t want us to rush getting back together but to build our trust and friendship meanwhile staying at my house the whole 3 Honestly, probably neither. I can’t believe the baby is due on my birthday. The rejection will hurt even more. But if your ex hasn't been dating anyone else, it could be a sign that they're not ready to move on from you. It hurts when you see someone stepping up for someone else in a way that they wouldn’t for you. I wanted my ex back because I truly did love who she was, even if some of her behavior was preventing a lasting and healthy relationship. This might seem counterintuitive—after all, you’ve likely been waiting for this moment. I remember when we were broken up how devastated I was to find out that he was having another baby with the girl he left me for although he told me they weren’t together and would message me about wanting our family back. Just straight up ghosted me for MONTHS. Especially if he was the one that did the breaking up. Once you've healed and worked through your feelings, you can make Rest assured, if you’re thinking, “He cheated on me and left me for her,” or “My ex is with the woman he cheated on me with but I want him back,” you are in the right place My ex left me for someone else: Dissecting the situation. In reality, I really want to be with her, but if things don't work out between my ex and me, I will come back to you. It’s also possible that he had The first thing you need to do when your ex wants you back is to take a step back. I could listen to it anymore, My ex is having a baby with someone else. Now that I know my worth, idk if I want him back in my life. I absolutely fell head over heels for her. She even came back 2 years after she divorced me to get back because she made a mistake with her prison boy. I know she had probably slept with someone (we’ve been nc since the break up so no idea but just an assumption) but I’d take her back she come back and we worked on things. ’ Your ex has failed to establish a healthy, strong, and meaningful life without you, so your ex came back to lean on you for recognition and self-love. Magnet of Success Home; In cases where your ex entered another relationship shortly after the breakup or left you for someone else, your ex (figuratively speaking) He came back to try again and I was ready, Friends tell me to find someone else and thinking of her will stop and other friends tell me to concentrate on all the negative things about her. My sons father and I were childhood sweethearts and had a lot of history together. My ex had someone else, changed his phone # told me to move on. Block. Show yourself some respect and tell her to kick rocks. Traits Avoidants Find Attractive. Once Rachel found out that I was dating someone else, she told me that she wants to start dating again. My ex breadcrumbed me , giving me little hope that he cares and somewhat reconsidering but he has no interest to get back together. Skip to content. Sign #10: If Your Ex Cares More About Something Else During Your Romantic Moments Together. My ex had sex with someone else a week after we broke up. When a woman sees that a guy is posting up lonely selfies, or has been getting a friend to take photos of him on his own where he’s trying to look physically appealing, she We’ve all been there in our lives where we have had someone pursue us, and we have not reciprocated those feelings. I told him I’m not and never will be sorry for choosing how to move on from the hurt he caused. etc. My dad says he was there asking for me and he thinks she gave him the note because he can’t find it. So my (20m) ex gf (19f) broke up with my 5 months. We’ve been no contact for over a year and I recently found out from a mutual friend that he’s (25M) having a baby with someone else. I was with my ex for 6 years. Kick her to the curb, buddy. That’d be stupid. ” I’ve never felt so hurt and betrayed. Tldr: my ex left me for somebody else and settled down. When she left, she sent me a text saying she really loves me and wants me back. I'm 25 and he is 27. My siblings and I all formed our own opinion about our dad based on his actions. I mean he was trying to break you guys up and she keeps lying I F(21) fell pregnant with someone else after I broke up with my ex days before our 3rd year anniversary and now I think I want him back Me F(21) had a great relationship with my ex M(23) we had been together for almost three years before I decided to call it quits due to his parents always getting in between our relationship. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. It proves how developed your ex is and how he or she thought of you and treated you when you were alone and no longer your ex’s favorite person. I had been with my girlfriend for a little over two years when she broke up with me in college. I was her first everything. Recent posts. Believe it or not, this is a question that many people face in today's modern dating landscape. You’re on the defense, curious as to whether your ex came back because she loves you or because she needs you. My ex says he wants me back but he has a girlfriend - My ex boyfriend still has feelings for me but he has a girlfriend. I was doing better but still had hope and I asked if he was seeing someone else and he got very defensive, said it’s none of my business, that he has the right to not share that with me, and all those things are technically true, but I asked because I either am temporarily soothed, knowing that when he is I did realise that this was not really fair on my girlfriend. Pls halp. No need to be shy. Guess who’s back. I begged her to come back and told her I had forgiven her. 9 months later his daughter came, I stopped speaking to him. Through Elizabeth’s coaching, writing and online programs she has helped thousands of people save their relationships, manifest love and My ex is having a baby with someone else after just one month of ending our relationship. I would argue this is the most important thing for you to do if you want to get your ex back and it is completely beyond what everyone else recommends. Her sister told me my ex was now dating a new dude, and it turns out this new dude was someone i "didnt have to worry about. OP, your daughter will be better off with you setting a good example of what to expect out of a relationship. And I’m sure deep down, you know this. Should I take my ex back after she dumped me. But she had sex with the guy she "kissed". Ah yes the doubts, that is a driving factor as in why I wouldn't reconcile after that point. My ex slept with someone else and wants me back. doesn't sound that way to me. He took a temporary assignment It has been almost a year since my ex divorced me. Days later I had a call. Having advised dozens of couples worldwide, one of the most commonly asked Will my ex regret leaving me for someone else? If you want your ex back after he or she has left you for someone else, you’ve got to understand that your ex developed feelings for someone else. It (I had been on a couple of dates with a guy and we got on really well, but nothing happened because I still had feelings for my ex). Do not under any circumstances I’m not sure if this is good or bad. Situationships, where casual relationships without clear labels or commitments have become normalized, have led to complicated dynamics and mixed signals. That very night, she asked me if I want to have her baby and asked me to have a family with her I wouldn't think that my ex having had sex with someone else disqualifies her from reconciliation anymore than her having sex with me tonight (and that's a great idea, by the way would signify that we're back together. While it doesn’t change my opinion of them as a person, I think it comes down to a self-respect thing. It’s devastating when someone you once trusted breaks a commitment and lets you down by cheating on you with another girl. Rather than being motivated by genuine feelings, they’re just keeping you as a backup. I was the gf though in my situation. Towards the end of the relationship, my ex started to talk to other girls on social media, which I found out about and he continuously lied to me about it even though I saw the messages. It’s okayyou can admit it. It’s no secret that guys (especially younger guys) tend to avoid single moms. e me. Ex gf left me for her ex and now wants me back after I start seeing someone else. 5 months had passed since d day when she called me and told me she had made a mistake. He had all of a week to come to terms with it and she was born last When your former flame is expecting a baby with someone else, don't try to bury your head in the sand and hide from all the details. Self Awareness. Although you had problems when you were together, you always worked it out and were happy. However, I met someone else (I haven't been involved with my ex in nearly 6 years) and our relationship moved quickly. I talked to him, and he told me he realized he made a mistake and wanted me back. Move. thelonelywolf96 • I just know that my ex has another person. After our split we tried counselling, he then withdrew and strung me along. This is a tough If you're thinking to yourself, "My ex still has feelings for me but doesn't want to be with me," you're prioritizing your ex's words over your own judgment. It’s important to consider the role your ex-partner plays in the dream. We’d been together for almost three years, living together for one, and my ex was hardly the type to voice any emotions he was experiencing or things he was struggling with in the relationship, so I truly had no idea. I’ve been replaying it over in my head for months about what I would say to him. Dreaming about someone else having a baby can also indicate that you are seeing someone take the next step in their life, which is usually graduation from college or university. Her husband did not know and the mom thought I didn’t know. There is no reason to believe she wouldn’t do this again. 0 Reply. My ex wants me back, do I tell his pregnant girlfriend? Date: March 21, 2022 I [29F] started seeing a guy [34M] early 2019, everything was going well and we were seeing each other fairly regularly until about 10 months in when he confessed he "technically" had a girlfriend [27F] who he had been living Ex wants me back but I'm seeing someone else. my ex & his gf just had their baby & it hasn’t even been a full year since we broke up. The first two questions on your mind are probably: Does my [] My ex of 7 years did the same. He had updated it 5 days after my ex broke up with me. That’s because only you know how important your ex is to you. So when I had a new baby my expenses needed for my household increased which meant that the money used to calculate child support was reduced on my end. My first was born in 2021 so obviously there's not a single chance of that being true. It was very hard to stomach at the time and continues to be a sensitive point for me even today, and that kid is now 6 years old. If you want to get your ex back when he’s dating someone else, here’s how to do it: Text him. It sounds like you’re already doing everything right. Ofc it's only my point of view and may be wrong. We planned to talk in person, I went over. So, you’re getting weird text messages asking what that place you went to that one time was called or for tips on the best pizza places. We moved in together and got married. No I don't want to get back with her or even contact her. At this point we kind of mutually agreed that if either of us met someone else we would tell each other before we did anything. So my girlfriend (21f) and I (24m) have been dating for just over 3 years now, and it's been smooth sailing for the most part- I've actually never been happier in a relationship, and I couldn't see myself with anyone else. 4. Now that she got that over with, she’s coming back to you. We tried to reconcile after initially breaking up, but she said that she needed more time to figure out what she wants. He then says he has a lot left to tell me and he’ll write a letter. dumping and blocking me on everything before I could reply, and changed her usernames) as a result of Elizabeth Stone is a certified transformative coach and creator of Attract The One and Luxe Self. But when he finds someone else it’s going to hurt, there’s no reason for it to, it’s just the way it is. more replies. So I am 29F and divorced 2 years ago. I fortunately wasn't able to have kids with him, thank goodness. ” I am NOT OP. Last year, he My ex and me were together for about six months until dumped me out of the blue and i did not know why. Update after I 34M and my wife 32F Source: Unsplash He Regrets Hurting You. She felt like I was busy all the time and that I never had much time for her. so it would be hypocritical of me to expect her to want me back but not accept her if she's done the same. This tells me a few things: My Ex-Husband Wants Me Back . if you're wondering why your ex-husband wants you back all of a sudden, know that his life didn't turn out the way he expected it to and that he sees you as a backup option. Even though I was married to someone else when my ex announced he was becoming a father, I still wondered why it had never happened with us. For example: The next time your ex says that she doesn’t want anyone else to have you, use it as an opportunity to re-attract her. It's not uncommon to find yourself in a situation where an ex-partner has slept with someone else but now wants In august 2021 a girl had a baby that she claimed was his as he had been cheating on me with her for w year but it turned out it wasn’t his but I felt like I resented him ever since at the same time as being madly in love with him (this was my main reason for looking for an excuse to leave after getting back with him) this situation hurt me so bad as I thought I Fast foreword to now, I’m in a happy relationship with the man of my dreams. She got pregnant too. I texted him a thanks for the flowers (my mistake). Reply reply [deleted] • More replies More replies More replies. Sometime in 2022 my friend called to tell me something the ex had said to him in passing. Then he broke up with me over the phone. For me, the new baby was a final closure, he had Last night she came to my place and we had sex, spoke about trying to patch things up. Minutes after blocking his number I received a text from him from a different number. 5 . She found out the grass isn't greener and wants back into her old pasture. Super stressful situation, especially while the company I worked for Everything in my body felt sick, I had no idea what to do. Time To Move On. The ex apparently believes that my first born child is his and has been going around telling everyone. My ex got pregnant by someone else behind my back BEFORE dropping the hammer. Laugh at her and say something along the lines of, “Ohhhh, I get it! You still want me! You miss my kissesyou miss my you know what. Unlike you who had to deal with the post-breakup blues, the guy chose not to. He either calls you, texts you (more than once a week though), or sends you private messages on Facebook. if you met her after she'd had her baby, would you still Talked to me for an hour, I felt the need to hear out my ex. Life ain't pretty and it ain't perfect. How Ex, Who Left Me For Someone Else Came Back . This tells As someone who spent months scrolling through this forum searching for positive reconciliation stories, subscribed to Matthew Hussey's mailing list, even started to believe the tarot readings on my TikTok fyp telling me that my ex was just 'on the wrong path', believe me when I say that I couldn't have wanted him back more. Last last week the ex got in contact with him via LinkedIn to let him know she’s having a baby and it’s his. The ex-partner symbolism in these dreams can vary depending on your past relationship and current emotions. They find random excuses to contact you. A few days later I checked her Instagram and she had posted pictures with her new boyfriend. When someone else caught her eye, she skipped out. We broke up because we had poor communication skills with each other but we really cared for one another. I asked her several times if sometime else happend. I’ve been having a very difficult time dealing with this. He told me he hadn’t slept with any of them but now i wonder About 2 months after me and my ex gf broke up she started seeing someone else and got pregnant and married right away. In 2022 I decided I really missed him and wanted to see him. I had found out a few days previous but put off telling him because I didn't want him to stay with me just because of the baby - I had nothing to worry about, as soon as a I told him he turned into someone else, worse that his normal temper. Instead, accept and welcome all the complex feels you're Many people experience doubts after a breakup. It would've had me questioning whether she always just wanted that someone else whilst in the relationship and me as a 2nd option. I'm glad I did. Twitter. Hi, I hope everyone is good. My ex texting me saying that he need me,telling me that I changed ,the girl he used to touch whenever he want dont want him to touch her no more he was asking me where all my affection I had for him wentI low key still in love with my ex but to fight for him the proper way I did no contact thing until he reach out to me but now I dont know what to do I don’t want to do I have a big problem. Similarly here my ex said she loves me but feels hurt and trapped with me we had a lot of difficulties but i always told her i would go against the odds to make her happy i would marry her and give her the world by becoming the best of me i was faithful to her and honest the day after she randomly blocked me told me she felt uncomfortable but then went to another guy literally Dear Carolyn: I dated my ex-boyfriend “Eric” from the age of 23 to 28. Some bffs suck, and most will get jealous if you share too much. The next day, I went to the apartment with my best friend and took all my stuff, left him the keys, and went back to my mum’s. I slept with someone else cuz fuck him, it’s my way of moving on from the hurt. My boyfriend and I dated for 2 years before we amicably broke up for a year, it was my decision, my dad got detected with some health problems and I had to move back home to take care of him since it's just me and him now, the break up was bad, emotionally, we were (and still are) very much in love, but it wouldn't have been fair for neither of us, I had no mind for a relationship They haven't been dating anyone else After a breakup, many people dive back into the dating pool to help themselves move on. If your ex slept with someone else and wants you back, you need to understand that your ex couldn't get what he or she was looking for. The day that she got pregnant she told me she was hanging out with friends at the pool and we hung out that night. It wasn’t just someone else either, it was my “friend. he lost his shit (never mind the fact that he has a gf and it's not the first one). When it comes to dreams of your ex having a baby with someone else, the symbolism of your ex-partner holds significant meaning. You Have Been Thinking About Your this happened to me while we were split up so not the same thing exactly. don't deserve to second chance if he/she wanted someone else over you. Now it would hurt my pride a little to find We met again and again, and finally, she was my girlfriend. 5 year relationship. But when I was under a year, I grieved that life too. Your ex tried his or her best to connect, get serious, and feel fulfilled by someone else, but unfortunately for your ex, it didn't happen. She’s in a relationship with someone else. She will use you and dump you again when she finds someone else. He is idealizing you and being his ‘false’ self not his old self. I'm torn on what to do. In the meantime, I had little contact with my ex-girlfriend. He broke up with me because I was ready for a real realationship and he said he was not The ex and I parted ways some years after that, unrelated circumstances, and she took her chance. He's building a new life on a foundation of deceit, trust me, you want none of that. Sign #7: You Get to A Place Emotionally Where You Let Go of Them. 01 May. But they’re struggling to find excuses to make contact. I had figured she was doing great. Her guy even called me and told me they were fucking. My (30 M) ex (27 F) wants me to raise her kid that she had when she cheated on me, her friends won’t leave me alone, what’s should I do? submitted by Final_Landscape_4170 Kevin ended up ghosting her soon after she gave birth to the baby and they don’t know where Kevin is, I told her that it was her problem to deal with and reminded her that Kevin was the guy she left me for. So after I got off the phone, I got another call from my ex, so I returned the call. Eventually, I had enough of this cycle and walked away for good. My ex had a baby with someone else, and I'm approaching 39 with no children and sometimes I feel so sad and overwhelmed thinking of him living a life that should have been with me. He tried to get back together for 6 months but I was not ready. We kept in touch a bit but not too much. The mentality that lead him where he is at isn't My boyfriend of 2 years left me for someone else and it's been earth shattering I don't know how to pick up the pieces. He told me he was beginning to fall in love with me We were broken up for a couple of months and while in those months my ex ended up getting pregnant My ex comes back to me confessing her love and says how she wants a future I think I’m still in love with my ex I F(21) fell pregnant with someone else after I broke up with my ex days before our 3rd year anniversary and There is another way to explain your ex’s behavior. She left her boyfriend [25M] and wants me to take her back. Your ex developed a tight emotional bond that will need to break before your ex can even think about being with you. Your ex contacts you frequently, without any encouragement from you. Turns out she had been cheating for 7 months via text and calls. But this isn’t healthy for you, and it wont’t make you happy to know you had to resort to these techniques to convince them. I wouldn’t take my ex back knowing she has slept with someone else so soon after we broke up. It Yup yup yup. Are you ready to do that? Because it won’t be easy. When me and my ex-boyfriend broke up we tried to be friends and hang out from time to time one day out of know where he told me we couldn’t be friends anymore he didn’t give me a clear explanation he just told me he If you take back someone who dumped you then you're validating their actions and decisions, you're going to look very needy and out of options, when they sleep with someone else (even if they're single) means that they want to explore other people and you're not a priority but a backup plan, when you take one of these immature persons back you're setting yourself for another I answered, “If you want to see the result to believe it, I can show you the test kit I used. ” READ ALSO: Each Time When I Go On My Knees, I Pray For The Woman I Stole My Husband From. He did end up hooking up with the girl he was talking to after we split, but after they hooked up, she blew him off. I have previously posted on here about our arguments and her behaviour towards me during those arguments with myself being called all sorts of names by her in the heat of the moment. We took each others virginity. Well I messed up with my ex being dumb not listening to her making her do stuff she didn't want to do and she left me and got with someone else that she said she knew from before and told me that he treats her right and shown her better so I don't think it's possible and I'm also blocked on everything and she made a new account on insta so that I wouldn't be able to contact her or It's been 4 months and a few days since my ex left me for someone else and I've learned many lessons that have helped me through the healing process and feeling comfortable in my skin again. You think that somewhere deep inside, he still loves you and wants to be with you, but that he can't be with you until he finds himself and realizes he wants to be with you. Could care less about my ex now. If she’s on board and it’s yours. While watching, I felt like someone understood my struggles to find love for the first time – and finally offered an actual, practical solution to feeling a deep sense of love and empowerment. 6. She wants me back but I found out she slept with someone else. Reply reply In-Law_Neglect_69 • Honey, your ex may want Rudá’s teachings showed me a whole new approach to my desire to want my ex back. I stayed that night and we kissed. My husband and I have both had crushes on other people during our marriage. We were together for over 5 years and started dating when she was 18. She cheated on me and then went to him. Even if he never found better, it's ten times better than getting back with someone who wants I personally wouldn’t. We were only broken up for about 3 months. She knows she made a I thought it was weird because she told me she didn’t want to be in a relationship as one of the reasons for breaking up with me. If he was meant for u he would have never hurt you. How would the whole sharing custody work if she moved 5 hours away from her ex? I personally wouldn't even want to see him in person because my blood would boil and I'd want to beat the shit out of him just for even thinking about him physically hurting her. My ex was on tinder and rebounding a week after she broke up. From my experience - if someone thinks that the grass is greener on the other side of the fence 1. I need help. I'm extremely happy and so is my daughter. 28M and my ex wants me back after I start seeing someone else . My mom never bad mouthed my dad, even though she had every right to. However, if your ex woman has already had sex with another guy, it’s usually the best thing to do for your emotional health and for her perception of you. So my ex (22m) who broke up with me in October 2011 for "personal growth" reasons has recently been pulling out all the stops to get me back. Sweetest guy I've ever My ex ghosted me, not even a break up. Before we dive in, I want to take a moment to zoom out and take an overhead view of the situation. I looked at her profile out of curiosity and now regret it. But don't come and cry if you choose to take her back. He cared more to sleep with some girl then he did to help me, someone he lived with and had been with for a year I also felt weird bc my bf had been sending money to OF girls. He realizes what he lost. I (38 F) was married to my husband (42M) for 15 . Frankly, you shouldn’t have to convince anyone of your worth. Happened to me. People always use that excuse and they’re almost always with someone else less than a year later. My ex husband and I were not yet married but I told him I had issues with her boundary pushing. " That was a lie. He had all of a week to come to terms with it and she was born last Sunday. He came back, flipped the fuck out when I said I have slept with someone else. We had moved in together and things had taken there toll. I wasn't even with her for 2 weeks when my ex came back in full force. I left before the baby was born. Don’t fall for it He’s full of it about the 20 yr old. But it’s crucial to give yourself time to reflect on the situation Last last week the ex got in contact with him via LinkedIn to let him know she’s having a baby and it’s his. Tells me she loves and wants me to take her back. He kept me up all night and morning to talk about things, I was just overwhelmed. She’s caring his child. I’m frustrated that my ex went no contact with my kiddos for about 5 months and then got someone else pregnant. Left me for my roommate at the time. Your ex considered Otherwise the hurt you feel now is gonna be a good feeling compared to what she will do to you in the end. When my ex broke up with me, he immediately started dating someone else. My ex is helping me post surgery tomorrow, break up was september. He hoped you’d take him back and instantly make him feel loved, cared for, and He’s hoping that if he just looks good enough, his ex will think, “Oooh, he looks goodmaybe another girl will like him soon if I don’t get back with him!” Yet, that’s not how a woman’s attraction for a man works. But when he had another child that $50 was dropped again because his remaining household costs also changed. So my ex had an affair for a year. But I got a lot happier without him, cause in the end of the realationship he only put the bare minimum of effort in us. If he was really sorry then he should've left op alone and make himself a better man for someone else It you want to take your ex back even though she’s been with another guy, don’t waste time worrying about him. She does want to have another kid and I've always wanted my own kid. My ex husband stalked me for three years and texted me one month straighton a new number any time I blocked him on one of those god damn free texting apps. Getting with someone else even after 3 months would just be a slap in the face I feel more or so for a dumpee i. He came over a week ago to give me my passport back (I forgot it at the apartment). The moment I stopped caring and started loving myself. Archived post. (Common friends told me about it), and all I know is my ex has a different person right now. He had the audacity to ask why i was upset when i found out because “we weren’t together”. I knew I wanted a long-term relationship; to do that, I needed to get over my ex. Don't be weak and give in to her. Her mental health is HER problem. Whatever the case may be, it is up to you to ask yourself some important questions to help you gage the situation and determine whether or not you want to give this relationship another shot! Same. So I definitely have called him out about this, and he said that even if she was still One day my ex says he wants me back. If your ex had a baby with someone else and wants you back, you probably have a lot of doubts about your ex. Date someone else and get back out there. Caught that pos saying the same things to other girls. And over time if the issue isn’t resolved, your ex will decide that he/she had enough and wants out of the relationship. She is still trying to get back with me. Why does my ex want me back after leaving me for someone else? If I had to use one word to describe your ex’s reasons for wanting you back after leaving you for someone else, it would be ‘failure. 5-2 years. and she will always love me, doesn't know where she wants I had already blocked my ex on all social media and today I felt ready to block his number and I did. Felt better not knowing anything. 5 Ways to Deal with Your Ex Being with Someone Else 1. The last bitch he did that with though knew about me she had met me, she came to my house, she knew his family, and she still didn’t give a fuck. And if you're seriously considering leaving a happy new relationship to go back to someone who hurt you so badly, just because you think they're more likely to stick around than your current partner, then you're probably not How To Get Your Ex Back When He Is Dating Someone Else. Signs My Ex Wants Me Back. It made my life hell and I couldn’t afford to change my number at the time so I felt like I just had to bare with it. She told me no several times. We were compatible, but she was a dismissive avoidant and that created some serious issues as when I confronted her about it she point blank said she wasn’t willing to try to work on it, so there’s really nothing I can do. I suppose my ex could use someone else's profile My ex wants me back but I’m hesistant . I’m angry (and maybe a little jealous) I think, bc we had a really hard time getting pregnant, and was told I may not be able to have more children without some kind of assistance. Now that things went south, she got separated and she wants to date me, but I am not so sure I can trust her again. I needed space to move on, heal, and get over him. More replies. Should I Get My Ex Back If He/She Left Me For Someone Else? Now, if you’re asking whether you should get back with your ex, then I’m sorry to tell you that this is a decision that only YOU can make. will check again bc maybe this new person is better 2. My boyfriend (19m) wants to leave me (18f) because I wasn’t happy enough about the baby that he didn’t want to have. He still loves me and he still wants our life and future together. that baby would suffer, even if the parents pretend all they want that they had a blessing from above. g. During that time I begged her to stay and not leave me and while I wasn't the best partner, I had gone to therapy, journaled my thoughts and feelings, worked on my communication, supported her. We ran into each other at a bar; she approached me while I was buying drinks and made some comment about the girl I was there with. Her. We got back together while she was still pregnant but she lived in another city so it's not like she was around. I am sure how to feel about this, this might be long and please remamber: english is not my first lanuage. I had a guy do that to me and the misses he ended up with shortly after me was bonkers. A dream about an ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend with a new boo may also be a good sign that it’s time to move on. She was heartbroken when she found out I was seeing someone else, but I will translate "I am going to back to her, but I am going to tell you a bunch of bull shit to make you hopeful I will return. Sometimes, you just have to interpret the dream as it is. Move on. We've been texting back and forth now for a few days but he's ultimately now blocked me. The moment someone else shows interest that he feels is suitable- he will discard you coldly. She'll meet someone else again. A few weeks ago my ex had a bouquet of my favorite flowers delivered to my home with an “anonymous” note saying how much he missed me. If they are to have a baby in the future, they would much rather have a baby that comes from See more My heart sunk, my baby was sitting there telling me someone else was having his child. We had a very loving, very fulfilling relationship-- at least from my perspective. My ex husband of 4 years had an affair for 2 of those years, and after we broke up he and that lady had a baby together. Your ex is a dead-end. My ex had to pay $50 more a month as a result of that new gap. We were all 18-ish. After all, if you get back with her after she’s had sex with another guy and are secretly worrying that he might No idea. He had told me he had faked his feelings for me and actually loved this other “friend. He may have impregnated the other female and broke up with you because of the pregnancy. My ex girlfriend wants to be with me again even after getting pregnant with another guy's baby? Anonymous (30-35) Follow. I was heartbroken. This is something i just have to get off my chest. After all, in the dream, it shows your familiar ex with someone other than yourself. I said I still loved him, so no – that would not work. 1. I want to get the hive minds perspective on the situation. The universe works in mysterious ways. how much she took me for granted, and how much she wanted me back. Thank you, Back-up Chick". When You Want Them Back: A Ex wants me back. I broke up with him when I asked about marriage and he said he wasn’t ready for it. We went at a distance for a long time. 2. If she was really raped she’d prolly not want to keep the baby but who knows. He stayed out there begging me and then sat in his car for hours. They want to talk to you. It’s In my case I would take my ex back. My ex was never the best husband, but we had this amazing friendship and contentment. Therefore, I want you to keep my seat warm while I bang my ex. But our family time still was great. I atarted dating her 2017. At first, I was like "why her?" But he's not that happy with her so I'm more okay with it now. So me (29m) and my SO (38f) have been together for almost 4 and a half years. He told me I was the love of his life and that he wanted to marry me repeatedly throughout our relationship. During that time I became depressed because our relationship was awful (I now know why!). My ex husband asks me back quarterly (we have a kid together so I can't cut contact but he cheated on me a lot) and when I tell him no he says "I don't even know why A few times I did let him back into my life, wanting to believe he had changed. Thanks guys for posting, She hasnt said that she wants me back, it was just a little bizarre and a bit of a head funk with her wanting to go out for a meal and drinks, I maybe should consider a little more what her motives are, maybe she justs wants to make ammends and maybe appologise for what she did, maybe she does want a replacement daddy (which I dont think i I do not want him back ever in my life again, he turned out to be a terrible, manipulative person. My (26m) Ex (28m) cheated on me with his best friend (28f), we had a rather happy relationship of 8 years+talking of getting married. I stepped down bc she told me to not waste her time and she had all these expectations of a house, baby, marriage in 1. It was a wonderful marriage and we never had any troubles. During the healing process she came back and I obliged and then found out she’s still talking to him and has been this whole time even after telling me she stopped and that she wanted to fix our relationship blah blah blah. Now I'm in a new relationship, & we are expecting.