Mumsnet 3 weeks pregnant. Iv been to the EPU a few .
Mumsnet 3 weeks pregnant 3 weeks pregnant and woke up this morning with significant reduction in morning sickness (which panicked me as the last few weeks I've been retching even opening the fridge door). I've been having mild cramping all morning and Lowe back pain and unsure whether I should be worried or not. I’m really happy to be pregnant because I was trying for a while - so I’m glad to get the respite from the ovulation watch drama not least being so triggered when the whole world seems to be falling pregnant. As fertilization and implantation usually happen at this stage, it’s still too soon for even very early pregnancy symptoms. People have said that alcohol can't cross the yolk Find out the size of your baby at 7 weeks and what you can do to prepare for later stages of pregnancy. Watch thread Flip Watch Share 27/12/2021 I am 38 weeks pregnant and despite coping well and staying super positive with very challenging pregnancy due to hyperemesis, I just can’t believe how hard this very last stint of pregnant is all of a sudden- feeling very overwhelmed by how hard it is to physically get Yeah I think I was also around 7 weeks before I got a 3+ and I had a healthy baby at the end of it. Watch thread Flip Watch Save Share 1 2 3 Most common early pregnancy Been too nervous to move over to the pregnancy page. 38 and two children aged 6 and 9. I had it again at 4, 5 and 6 weeks with my current pregnancy (also had bright red blood) and I’m now 26 weeks and everything is fine. . I go to bed around 10:30 then I’m up around 2/3ish on and off until 7. During week three of pregnancy, your baby is a tiny ball of rapidly dividing cells called a I found out with a frer at 3 weeks 3 days and had the exact symptoms you describe. Thought nothing of it but had no period in feb. 2-3 on the clearblue is eqivalent to 4-5 weeks pregnant from lmp. But I just got up to go to the toilet and I have more blood this one a bit more then just dots. You may find that your belly button 'pops' outwards as your bump expands – but don't worry, it will go back to normal after birth. Scan and check all fine. I'd do to work and take it as easy as I could but then get home and go straight to sleep. so I am quietly trying to enjoy Jan 3, 2013 · Mumsnet has not checked the qualifications of anyone posting here. It's week seven, and you may well be feeling ‘really pregnant’ now, though the outward signs of pregnancy are still Im 17 weeks and if it wasnt for feeling shattered and having hyperemesis (treated with meds), I wouldnt think I was pregnant. I did bleed a lot and Get updates on how your baby develops, your body changes, and what you can expect during each week of your pregnancy by signing up to the Mumsnet Pregnancy Newsletters. I found out a week ago I was 4 weeks pregnant, after about 3 days of feeling sick, and a whole host of other symptoms and two positive BFPs last Sunday. Flip Save By the beginning of the ninth week, your baby's head will make up half of the entire crown-to-rump (head to bottom) measurement. I get tired more so than normal and I have been having some leg cramps. He is 3cm from the top of his head to his bottom – that’s about the size of an olive – and will double his length over the next three weeks. I was told to wean off and not go cold turkey over the next 3 weeks . As we’ve seen, you might experience implantati At 3 weeks pregnant, an ultrasound may not detect your soon-to-be-baby. How old is your LO? Mines is about to turn I'm 27 weeks just past, but movements have been much the same the past few weeks. My thighs would be red raw. I drank over the Christmas period which would have been around 4 weeks p/g or 2 weeks past conception. Hi all, last period started on 11th jan. Totally normal! I’m pregnant with my 3rd and have GD. On top of tired grumpy etc, I also now apparently suffer from pregnancy insomnia! Hence posting at nearly 4am. The anxiety has been out of control and affected my normal life. Watch thread Flip Watch Save Share 1 2 3 194 replies 13/01 Hi, I know these tests can really cause unwanted stress. I just want to know if this is common at this stage? I knew I was pregnant from day one but it took about 3-4 weeks for it to finally show up on a clearblue. Step away from the sticks - these tests are an evil ploy to make women spend Hello. So sorry for your loss 🤍I had brown spotting which ended in a MMC in May this year. and what you can expect during each week of your pregnancy by signing up to the Mumsnet Pregnancy Newsletters. 3 weeks 5 to 50 mlU/L 4 weeks 5 to 426 mlU/L 5 weeks 19 to 7,340 mlU/L 6 weeks 1,080 to 56,500 mlU/L My LMP was 11 Nov and got my BPF on 6 Dec; the test showed me as 1–2 weeks pregnant (I think the dating tests show gestational am in desperate need for some advice please. its all normal, and please dont worry congrats all who are pregnant and goodluck x Hi ladies, I am 4+5 today and struggling with broken sleep. I got 1-2 weeks at 3+5 weeks when they aren't supposed to be that sensitive. That would be 2-3 weeks since conception right? My cycle is normally around 30/31 days although last month it was the longest it’s ever been at 33. Some women find they just look a little bloated. Pregnancy number 2 I was just a bit more tired than usual. I think I will book an early scan in a couple of weeks for some reassurance. My 17 y/o daughter is 30 weeks pregnant, since Friday 08/12 very little movement from him I am going to say no more than five since then. I sat down before and had an almighty shooting pain up I'm 6 weeks and 4 days pregnant and I have very mild symptoms. Flip Had a miscarriage at 9w1d on 3/1. And then guess what, found out 2 weeks later I was actually pregnant. They’re testing my bloods again Get updates on how your baby develops, your body changes, and what you can expect during each week of your pregnancy by signing up to the Mumsnet Pregnancy Newsletters. From what I Hi everyone. On progesterone after 2 miscarriages last year. Sep 12, 2023 · Hey all!! Im 39 + 4 tomorrow and eagerly anticipating the arrival of my first DC. I know the baby has been head down for at least a few weeks now because I am having regular scans and it really feels like the baby's head is pushing down. I had them before I knew I was pregnant up until about 7 weeks. (For context - I’m under midwife-led care, with no pregnancy or health complications. Today (24 dpo) I took a frer with no hold and it was such a dye stealer I couldn’t believe it. I’m now almost 13 weeks. Last had a scan at 8 weeks 2 days and everything's looking great. Unfortunately baby had an extensive cystic hygroma, trisomy 21 and a 10% chance of survival so we TFMR. You can get support from your midwife if it gets worse. HCG symptoms typically only kick in from 5 weeks + (eg 3 weeks after ovulation or more). was sick constantly for weeks horrendous migraines exhaustion and emotional . I just want to know if this is common at this stage? This is technically my first pregnancy this far, I've had a previous 20 weeks loss Jun 12, 2022 · What was meant to be an easy 3 week cycle (comparing to the fresh one), turned into 3 month ordeal, as my body kept ovulating, despite increasing doses of hormones. If this month I was to be pregnant I would be around 3 weeks atm and have been suffering indegestion, loss of So I'm 3-4 weeks pregnant according to gp I was in hospital last night due to bleeding. It was so visible, I could see the line from some distance!) I've been told by some people (and seen in research) 3 weeks is too early to show this strong of a positive and I'm I am expecting number 3 and have had nausea with each but no vomiting (minus the odd occasion I think associated with headaches etc). I have a anterior placenta and been told I won’t feel the baby move till 24 weeks🥲 yeah no one tells you how stressful having it is! I keep hoping I feel her soon, but I feel like I’m I had the same in 2021. Told to follow up with a pregnancy test they had given me, 3 weeks after. This is my first pregnancy and I’m 9 weeks pregnant. Work part time in active job and other 2 days with DD who is 3. If I have conceived, it was a week ago (making me approx 3 weeks pregnant). 5 weeks. I’m 4 and a bit weeks pregnant (not even started counting days yet) I feel completely normal. I didn't get 3+ weeks until I did a random test at 9 weeks. I've not taken folic acid or vitamin D either as I did not know until today. I'm sleeping for 9 hours a So how far along am I if my Clearblue test says 3+ weeks? That means that if your Clearblue test is saying 3+ weeks, then the NHS would say that you are 5 or more weeks pregnant. The baby is measuring on the 30-40th percentile for everything else including head circumference. Personally I have 2 previous miscarriages and now pregnant just over 18wks. My husband would call up when he had made tea, I'd eat I was the same untill 16 weeks this is baby no 3 and by far the most difficult . This What to expect at 25 weeks pregnant. Unfortunately I didnt no about mumsnet at that point so didn't realise how I'm 33 weeks today and freaking out about how to prepare for baby arrival and how to handle labour. So now I have a whole week of wondering what This pregnancy (20 weeks now) massive boobs since about 5 weeks, bit of nausea but nothing compared to when I was pregnant with my son, bit more tired than I was last time but the 10 month old is very, very active so that contributes to being tired. My period is due in 5 days time. However, I was wanting to know other people's experience good or bad just so I can set myself up. I've worked out through my last period that I would be exactly 3 Week 13 marks the start of the second trimester. I did regular CTGs in between scans. Then a few weeks on I did a digital test to see if it said 3+ weeks, as opposed to my 1-2 week positive Hi I would love to join this thread too, I found out this week I am 4 weeks pregnant too and the anxiety is high after a MMC at 9 weeks in July. Such an anxious time. Spent a small fortune on cb digis in the process . Please try not to worry. Watch thread Flip Watch Save Share 6 weeks preg - how did you 10/01/2014 12 Get updates on how your baby develops, your body changes, and what you can expect during each week of your pregnancy by signing up to the Mumsnet Pregnancy Newsletters. Also, if this is your first pregnancy you might find that you don't show until a bit later, as the Please be kind, I just tested positive for pregnancy and am elated but my head is in a whirl. ompare your test to the list below: If The other 69 were false negatives. I had a MMC last year at 9 weeks and feel like I’m traumatised after it because it’s all I think about in this pregnancy. Watch thread Flip Save [quote Snoringmonkey]@yougotthismami I had my baby 5 weeks ago now! The pains were worse in the evenings for sure, I was super achey by the end of the day. Feb 29, 2024 · I'm currently 9+3. But if we are going by my last period wouldn't this be 7 Just a warning! I just had 2-3 weeks for the past few weeks and was distraught - even ripping the tests open to compare lines. I am having bloods done again Monday to make sure my Hi everyone. Apr 1, 2012 · Get updates on how your baby develops, your body changes, and what you can expect during each week of your pregnancy by signing up to the Mumsnet Pregnancy Newsletters. I don't know how people walk in this heat, pregnant without shorts on. 3rd is planned. I was with dp for about 3 weeks when I became pregnant, like others we were party animals, none of our friends had kids, I will admit that while making the decision to keep the baby I was shitting myself! I know that all of our friends gave us weeks rather than months or Nov 21, 2023 · I have had so much bleeding in this pregnancy, I hope this can give you reassurance as I am now 28 weeks. Watch thread Flip Watch Save Share 25 weeks pregnant - 3 01/08/2022 17:39 Hey everyone, interested to know how you are all getting on. Have my 12 week scan on the 22nd so 3 weeks to go. The humerus is measuring 2 weeks behind. I never had this with my others is there a chance I'm still pregnant. Get updates on how your baby develops, your body changes, and what you can expect during each week of your pregnancy by signing up to the Mumsnet . Wishing you all the best! So my period is due in a week. I am 9 weeks and I didn’t find out until last week after 3 weeks of symptoms mostly fatigue and then in week 7 nausea which has died down. I also had a heavy bleed around 5/6 weeks with my son and he was fine, no cause was ever found. They kept me in as I was due a Get updates on how your baby develops, your body changes, and what you can expect during each week of your pregnancy by signing up to the Mumsnet Pregnancy Newsletters. The hormones were making me very, very tired and lowered my mood. This is my first so not sure what to expect at all! Currently have no pregnancy symptoms AT ALL. You must tell her Jun 26, 2021 · @Sagittarius1 oh I’m such a fraud I’m brilliant at being calm for other people, I’m also contemplating booking another scan as I’m desperate for visual reassurance. I’ve got another scan next week at 33 weeks. I had some fleeting nausea in first pregnancy but that was its. I went for a scan last week after getting quite sharp pains and all was okay but now I’m back to worrying again. Actually throwing things angry and not even sure what's making me mad. It come up positive straight away. Heavy bleeding the same time as period was due and then light brown bleeding occasionally when wiping. You aren't guaranteed to get a "3+ weeks" result until after your level is at least 4000. But I've just done a clear blue digital which said 2-3 weeks - but that's based upon when the egg implanted right, which would be about 2-3 weeks ago? Sorry this is a bit of a long one!! I am usually spot on with my period every month but am now 3 weeks late with no noticable pregnancy symptoms and 2 negative pregnancy tests! I took one on the first day of my missed period and one about 10 days after. Hence why ive ended up on here! I wish i could remember what it was like the first time around. I'm also getting stitch pains on left and right Today I got a bfp at 3 weeks and 2 days after having symptoms the past 3 days. hit 16 weeks and had huge bright red bleed. I found out in September 22 (age 41) that I was pregnant, massive shock as our 8 year old was IVF in 2014. Yes, the end is in sight. Hi ladies, So after a few losses I'm finally pregnant. 5 weeks as at that time my symptoms were When you reach the 23rd week of pregnancy, you are entering the sixth month of pregnancy. This is my third pregnancy (fourth is you count an early miscarriage at 6/7 weeks) I don’t tend to feel anything until about 6 weeks. I'm about 5 weeks pregnant with third. It wasnt. I'm concerned as I haven't experienced any braxton hicks! and what you can expect during each week of your pregnancy by signing up to the Mumsnet Pregnancy Newsletters. It really I had really intense cramping for about 2/3 weeks in early pregnancy. I went for an early scan today as I had a tiny bit of bleeding and they could only see an empty sac. Did a clear blue test this morning that shows 2-3 weeks. We have had sex a few times and once we start, I just don't want to I have had some brown spotting/discharge for the last 3 weeks. Dos and don'ts for this stage of pregnancy, and info on how your baby is growing and your body is developing this week. I'm wondering if anyone can help or have experienced similar to me at this stage of pregnancy. After an early loss in January I am both over the moon and scared to death. Find out what lies ahead for your baby in the final weeks and how your body continues to develop at this stage. My 12 week scan I found terrifying. Iv been to the EPU a few Get updates on how your baby develops, your body changes, and what you can expect during each week of your pregnancy by signing up to the Mumsnet Pregnancy Newsletters. I also have quite a bit of cramping, nothing too painful just worrying. From my last period I’m 6 weeks pregnant. I'm 33 weeks pregnant (tomorrow) and for the past week or so I have been having the feeling of pressure down there, especially when I'm walking around. Your baby at 33 weeks Even before he’s made landfall, your baby is becoming a social being and this week he’s developing a firm handshake and getting ready to look you in the eye when he's born. I’m so anxious and nervous thinking about the scan I’ve got at 7w+1 worrying that something will be wrong or there won’t be a heartbeat. My symptoms have eased a little bit last 2 days which is making me What to expect from week 39 of pregnancy. I'm 6 weeks pregnant and have very few symptoms but what is more pronounced is the constant hunger! Wake up in the middle of the night with it, hungry before it's Hey! Looking a bit of advice, reassurance! I'm currently 7 weeks 4 days pregnant. My back is in bits and no matter how I sit/lay/stand, I'm just so uncomfortable. Still getting 2-3 on clear blue digital but was expecting Hi ladies, I’m 34 weeks and I notice dots of blood on my underwear after a shower so I just put it down to I must of cut myself when I shaved. I keep debating a private scan but with my last pregnancy, had one and it was an awful experience (also bad news which didn't help). Please try to relax. However I ovulate late (day 19 of a 27/28 day cycle). However they got stronger at 38 weeks (29th nov). Also I know you know when you You all have my sympathy! Also 32 weeks and feel unable to waddle to do even basic tasks. Find out how your baby is developing, and how big he is now. Hopefully they will I am around 4 and a half weeks pregnant, which I know through prgnancy tests, and a clear blue weeks indicator says 2-3 weeks pregnant. Otherwise my symptoms have also died down. (Note: these lines showed up right at the 3min window - package says window is 3-5min. The study measured cognitive function in 709 pregnant women and 521 non-pregnant women and found I’m in the same boat - four weeks pregnant after two losses. Lack of symptoms never worried me at all, I was always grateful for easy pregnancies. 30 weeks pregnant and feeling utterly wiped out. This has happene Always have this and sleeping is a struggle, been the same since I found out at 5 weeks, I'm now 13+5, it can be Dear mums, this is my second pregnancy and I'm looking for some reassurance. Over the last 3 or 4 days I have been almost constantly an insatiably horny. The EPU did give me progesterone at the 6 No you're NOT being lazy at all!!! I'm 14 weeks now but from literally 4-12 weeks I was exhausted! Couldn't do a thing. My baby was measuring 98th percentile at 31 weeks due to GD. Since i found o Skip to main navigation Skip to search Skip to talk navigation BFP at 3 weeks pregnant?! 4 replies abbieo · 05/04/2022 16:10 So I got a bfp this morning and I've just done another one and there's no denying it's a positive. Even though I knew my period was so late! I imagine its quite common, the doctors will probably do a blood test as this can detect even the slightest trace of it. I then took 2 normal tests and they came out positive too (picture attached). Welcome to the third trimester!You’ll Hi, I’m currently 6 weeks today from ivf. Have done a few online calculators which all say I'm due 12 June 2020 meaning I'm 5 weeks pregnant (5 weeks ago today was the first day of my last period). These first weeks are surely the most worrisome, but I have found a lot of people who have said the same about nausea easing in week 8 but returning ten fold later on. My GP referred me to the early pregnancy unit encase I was having a miscarriage, I had 2 early scans at 5 & 7 weeks. I did have a scan last week when it all started and everything looked fine. Unfortunately, if you're going to mc then there's not much you can do about it, but chances are Hi all, hope everyone is well! Looking for some reassurance or clarity. I was then going for regular growth scans till week 37 and was induced on my due date. So was very Get updates on how your baby develops, your body changes, and what you can expect during each week of your pregnancy by signing up to the Mumsnet Pregnancy Newsletters. However I have no symptoms whatsoever. I had the same feeling as you when I turned over in bed for the first 3 days or so but now I just feel bloated. This is my first I measured exactly the same. The head went from 50th centile at 20 weeks to 99th at 28 weeks! The dr measures it 5x as he couldn’t believe it 🤣🤣 but they weren’t concerned at all, all my babies have Currently 9 weeks 3 days. For the last 3 days I’ve had a pinkish discharge mainly in the morning when I wake up and then fading back to white during the day, but been a bit heavier throughout today. Find out how your body is preparing for birth, what signs of labour to look for, and things you should do in the final weeks before your baby's born. It was Get updates on how your baby develops, your body changes, and what you can expect during each week of your pregnancy by signing up to the Mumsnet Pregnancy Newsletters. What to expect at 31 weeks pregnant. Does this mean I am actually 5+ weeks pregnant but 3 weeks + since ovulation? I'm a little confused ? Any help appreciated. hi, just did a pregnancy test and got a very faint line. I took the pregnancy test that was provided to me by the clinic and it came out positive (faint line). Feels like the worst im 40+3 weeks pregnant, and have to say the 1st trimester was the worst for me, in the way of stomach cramps, and feeling bloated. Therefore if you're getting 2-3, you're actually 4-5 weeks If this month I was to be pregnant I would be around 3 weeks atm and have been suffering indegestion, loss of appetite (I've lost 6lb in the past week or so) and nausea. Honestly put the tests down. I did go to the MAC and everything was fine, I was not contracting. If you’re a first-time mum you will probably have an antenatal appointment this week, so if you have any questions saved up about your final trimester or birth, make a note of them to ask your midwife. I had a medical abortion at 5-6 weeks. Like PP said could be hormones levels as u would start to get period soon if u wasnt pregnant. I'm 33+4, second baby. I'm terrified as I had a chemical 2 months ago where I got a BFP and my period arrived but I continued to get positive tests throughout. I know it can be a bit concerning but it is normal. Your baby at 23 weeks pregnant At 23 weeks he’s still on the smaller side but I’m currently sat holding my little girl who is 3 weeks old tomorrow not all bleeding is a bad sign I hope that it clears up soon and that you get to enjoy the rest of your pregnancy because I found that I couldn’t enjoy my pregnancy because of all the worry. Hi op congrats on pregnancy. So rest assured that if you feel no different than usual, it’s not a sign that anything is wrong with you or your future baby. @Awaywiththeferries123 thanks I know I’m not thinking rationally I just don’t feel pregnant and keep reading about so many people experiencing symptoms at this stage and earlier and it’s I will be 42 in 3 weeks and hoping to get pregnant in the next few months. His vision is limited at first Hi, I am 5 weeks pregnant, with my first baby and feeling really anxious that something is going to go wrong. I got 1-2 weeks again at 5+4. I'm just so worried. We had a Hi all, first time mum, currently 18 weeks and 4 days pregnant but I’m worrying constantly. I went to my EPU a little over a week ago to check that everything was where it should In currently 27+3 weeks pregnant and really struggling with work. My pregnancy is fine so far. Had a reassurance scan at exactly 6 weeks with a heart beat. Every night I wake for 2 hours unable to Omg! We are exactly alike 🤣 I'll be 32 weeks on Tuesday. Watch thread Flip Watch Save Share 1 2 3 43 and pregnant anyone expecting Your bump at 32 weeks Your belly has now grown into a nearly full-size bump. Won’t know more til next week but it’s my first baby and I’m panicking I don't know for 20 weeks. I’m 7 weeks today, and my symptoms are very mild, I’ve had minimal nausea for a few days over the last 3 weeks, which I wouldn’t think twice about if I wasn’t pregnant. 5 weeks, then a week later had my “12 week scan” date- I was actually 14 weeks for that scan. I Hi all I'm 38 weeks pregnant and waiting for the big day!! Anyone else feel like every twinge is it?? Get updates on how your baby develops, your body changes, and what you can expect during each week of your pregnancy by signing up to the Mumsnet . Took a hpt on 3/15 on (25u dipstick) early test and it I am scheduled to go today to see my OB, it has been 3 weeks since I first started bleeding. Get updates on how your baby develops, your body changes, and what you can expect during each week of your pregnancy by signing up to the Mumsnet Pregnancy Just so you know, CB 1-2 weeks means 1-2 weeks from conception so you're already 3-4 weeks pregnant. I drank heavily (for me- about 5-6 units) 2 days before testing positive which was 1 day post lmp. Everyone has different levels of HCG. You won’t wake up suddenly feeling blooming and back to your usual self but you should definitely start to feel a bit more human over the coming days and weeks. You're coming to the end of the second trimester and, soon enough, will be in the third. My workload is no higher than normal but I just don't feel like I can focus on anything and constantly worried about making mistakes. I’ve had the usual symptoms so far: sore boobs, nausea, mild cramping etc but on Saturday I experienced really bad cramps like period cramps (I would get them really bad on my period) and strong nausea which lasted for around 5 hours followed by a water infection. I’ve been told I might be induced at 37 or 38 weeks if she’s still growing so much. I'm 35 weeks pregnant exactly today. I've done I'm officially over being pregnant. 3 weeks pregnant (I found out early) but I feel sick, warm and have cramps in the stomach. So I’m asking, what was normal Am 8. I'm really scared since for the past two days I feel so exhausted as if I've been hit by a bus. Jul 30, 2021 · I’m currently 15 weeks pregnant and having a crampy feeling in my lower back and abdominal area. I am 32, DH is 34. 5 weeks 3 days today (24DPO) based on ovulation. No cause was ever found! Spotted in my first trimester quick abit, pink, brown mostly , 2/3 times a week. It's Hi, I'm 32 weeks pregnant tomorrow. I wound myself up to believe the baby wasnt there or something major would be wrong. I also have started having some mild lower belly/pelvis cramps in the last week, all of which midwife has said it completely normal. Just wondering how everyone else is doing at 30 weeks because I currently feel like a complete failure! im tired, needing to nap most days, but then get insomnia in the night. Nausea stopped at around 13/14 weeks with first two (boys), 16 weeks with this one (girl) which I find quite interesting! Keep I just found 6 days ago that I'm pregnant (I know, very early 🤦🏽 ) I am currently 3 weeks 5 days so not even 4! Just made this New thread in case somebody is in a similar situation and finds comfort by just sharing how things are developing. I had a scan done at epu when I was 4. I have my first scan a week today and I'm already worried as I I think you would in theory be 3+ at 5 weeks - a notional 2 weeks for ovulation and then 3 weeks since conception. I did a clear blue test for the first time today and it came up 2-3 weeks. It's calmed down a lot today and no pain what so ever. Pregnancy insomnia and mild anaemia (have been prescribed ferrous fumerate) may be contributing but I am a worrier and getting a little panicked Get updates on how your baby develops, your body changes, and what you can expect during each week of your pregnancy by signing up to the Mumsnet Pregnancy Newsletters. Hi So I'm 34 weeks pregnant and since yesterday, I've had what I can call very mild period like cramps. I I had no symptoms in my first trimester for pregnancy number one, didn't find out I was pregnant until 11 weeks in. Belly seemed to be growing/ bloated and nausea stuck around. This is my second pregnancy Booked in at 8. The one thing that’s been consistent is tender breasts like big time. Got a five year old. This is my third and I just feel like my belly ballooned! At this stage with my first I still had a flat stomach, no one could tell, and with my second still Currently 36 weeks today and feeling realllllly sorry for myself right now lol. It ended up as a ectopic. I did feel pregnant though, as I threw up ALOT, but having symptoms doesn’t necessarily guarantee all is okay. In the last few hours I've started to get painful tummy ache and back ache, very similar to the pains I normally have when my period is due. Your baby is growing quickly now, ready to impress you at your 12-week scan. I haven't showered in 2 days Congratulations! I got my bfp last week at 10dpo so I found out super early! I'm about 4+5 now. I usually start feeling morning sickness Was absolutely smashed. There definitely seems to be some days where Pregnancy anxiety is very common. I experienced abdominal cramping a couple of weeks ago and since then, I haven't really had any symptoms or they are very I’ve had a rough pregnancy and have been on crutches since 22 weeks with severe PGP. Watch thread Flip Watch Save Share 4 Hi everyone, I’m in a similar position. It really normal to have cramping. happened a few times after and spotting. It does get better though I felt great from 16 weeks to 28 I'm ,34 weeks now and I'm just huge and fed up congratulations on your pregnancy op Unfortunately 99% of "early pregnancy" symptoms are actually progesterone symptoms, which rises towards a period anyways. Baby always seems to be very active in the morning and last thing at night, and a few periods of activity throughout the day too. I got a 2-3 weeks pregnant on Clear Blue earlier this week. My last pregnancy (baby is 9 weeks old now) I had period like cramping from 35 weeks i was told i was contracting and in early labour. They're not regular at all, just random. I have a desk job so it's not physically demanding but the last few weeks I've felt so stressed and can't seem to get past it. If that increases to 3+ in a few days' time, would you say Hi everyone, Looking for some advice. I was so guilt ridden for the pregnancy but with each scan I felt a little more confident- 12 weeks, perfect, 20 weeks, no abnormalities, birth- 100% perfectly healthy What to expect at 28 weeks pregnant, the start of your third trimester. Thank you . I actually wish I didn't find out so early though as it's such a long wait to things 'getting started' with booking in appt and scans etc. Boobs starting to get a little tender but nothing serious. I'm not overly concerned by that as was so early in the pregnancy and read many Both dating scan and knowledge of when I had sex indicate that I conceived 3, rather than 2, weeks before my lmp. ) I hope I am over worrying as usual, but I'd appreciate other views. We have been married for 9 years and were using withdrawal for What to expect at 17 weeks pregnant. The end of the second trimester is fast approaching, but, if you’ve been lucky, you might still have been feeling pretty good these last few weeks. Yet how do we prepare best for labour and a Me too! 5 weeks 2 days (i think) Major anxiety kicking in though as my sore boobs have completely disappeared. I'm nearly 5 weeks pregnant and pretty nervous about it all (it's my first) - scared of getting my hopes up and paranoid about miscarrying. What size is the baby at 32 weeks? This week your baby Hey ladies. They have started to get stronger the last week. I have an early scan on Monday when I will be almost 10 weeks. All midwife appointments have been over the phone and had an in person 20 week scan. My baby measured small on scans but she was still growing on or under the 10th centile. I started off pregnancy at a healthy BMI of 22, however I am becoming increasingly aware and concerned at how much weight I’ve gained with 12 weeks still to go. Did a few tests 3 weeks after his and all showed as negative. That super-teeny fertilized egg (called a morula) is smaller than a grain of salt and is on the move, My clear blue tests says I am 3+ weeks pregnant. I tested positive on the 25th Feb and am almost 6 weeks following a miscarriage. finally ended about 24 Jul 8, 2022 · Im 7 weeks 5 days and have experiencing on/off spotting and bleeding (mainly brown, but some red) with on/off cramps since 6 weeks. 😩😩😩 baby will be here in week 39 but really really don't know how I'm going to get through another possible 3 Hi everyone just wondering if anyone could help me, I think I’m about 6 weeks 2 days pregnant. She's done the right thing going in op she's in the best place. im only 3 weeks by my reckoning but have had a lot I had this exact same issue. Everything aches, I feel so big and stretched (I know I will only get bigger!) it's hard to breathe, I feel overwhelmed at the idea of working for another 8 weeks, my hands and feet are swollen, not sleeping well at all now (waking up for a wee about 5 times a night, plus hip pain and leg cramp), can't be bothered to eat anything that isn't Hello all, I just wanted to do a spot poll. I didn’t expect positive results. I have just found out I am around 3 weeks pregnant. So am joining you. but the line disappeared after 30 minutes. AF due Thurs/Fri. I have been experiencing Braxton Hicks every day since 29 weeks. Watch thread Flip Watch Save Share 3 weeks 5 days pregnant 05/05/2014 19:01 Clear blue tests are crap. 2-3 is the correct result for 19dpo. Bit worried about coping with the hummer heat plus my daughter off on school hols whilst being heavily pregnant. I really didn't want an induction after reading some Hey! Im 35 weeks pregnant and im at a new level of exhaustion I just went on maternity leave from work and I feel like I've felt worse being on mat leave, I haven't slept properly in days due to needing to wee, being hungry, baby moving, back hurting, being too hot Hi everyone 💗 I had a medical termination at home 3 weeks ago. Clinical guidelines at that gestation are 18 - 7,340 At three weeks pregnant, you are about one week from your expected period. The last 3 days however, my sickness has Girl, I feel you! I am 9 weeks in this picture (am now 10+5, and I have no idea where this bloat/bump came from lol. Did a test that was faintly positive but when I went back to check again the line was Your 8 weeks pregnant belly At eight weeks pregnant, your baby is still so tiny that you're unlikely to detect a bump. Super excited and beginning to feel slightly worn out now as pregnancy insomnia has kicked in. Hi all! I just thought I'll share my experience with early pregnancy so far. I'm 13 weeks pregnant today since my last period and not sure if I should be worried or not. Then I did a weeks indicator and it came up 3 I'm currently 20 weeks p/g and only found out when I was 11. I've had 4 babies. Got my 12 week scan 22nd September the day before I go on holiday! I'll be 11 weeks 3 days. This is our first! I've read the book, done my pregnancy class, got the hospital bag ready, the crib, nappies and clothes. Plus, get tips on how you can keep comfortable despite irksome pregnancy symptoms at this stage. Since the last week I've been absolutely bursting with rage almost all the time. I didn't bother with maternity clothes at all, I just went up one size in normal clothes. I went in for a scan at 33 weeks where the baby measured at 4lbs 4oz and the fundal height was 30cm. I hope you’re all doing well. I'm 14 weeks now. All my symptoms like small cramps, sore boobs and just that 'pregnant' feeling which I've had previously have gone. But full term I gained 10kg. I have chronic diarrhea (between 3 - 5 'incidents' per day) and have had for two months (at least). See how your baby is developing and find advice and support on the final trimester, birth, and life with a newborn. I can't get into the clinic again until end of next week as they are busy. So now I have an agonising Well, this is my first new post on mumsnet, so nice post to introduce myself! Hope all you mums to be are doing well, and I would very much appreciate some advice. at 7 weeks pregnant I never got a 3+ (it would’ve been 4-5 weeks from conception) as I had a loss before this pregnancy. I didn't have a 'still look pregnant' bump after the birth, and was back in my pre pregnancy jeans within a month. I was testing weekly obsessing over getting 3+. If it wasnt for the pregnancy tests and not having a period I wouldn't think anything was different at all. Trying to get through the next few weeks before I can get a scan and praying Hey everyone! This is my first pregnancy and have been told I need to be induced by 37 weeks (about 4 weeks time) as there is some issues with anti bodies in my blood due to being AB negative & baby positive. Watch thread Flip Watch Save Share 1 2 3 185 replies 03/06 Just to add that they are totally rubbish. When I finally had the transfer, I just wanted it all to end. Trimester two is the good bit, when you’re over the early days of sickness and tiredness but not yet so big that your size and extra weight you’re Hi all Looking for some stories/reassurance! I’m 40+3 weeks pregnant - first baby - and have been told by my midwife that when I hit 41 weeks I’ll have to book an induction. Pretty much since finding out I’m pregnant. After the years of trying to conceive I've loooong given up getting my hopes up and disappointing myself every month. You shouldn't expect a 3+ until at least 21dpo. Since Thursday, which would have been 3 weeks since the start of my last period, I have been feeling extremely tired. I’m 13 weeks now and baby is fine. It has @Littleseed2020 forgot to say, during the time I was feeling really anxious, I bought a few cheap pregnancy tests and did one every few days to reassure me. You’ve only been on the same result for 4 days. I was convinced every evening that it was the start of labour! How far along are you?[/quote] 38 +2 Hi, I'm currently 9 weeks pregnant and I started getting symptoms of nausea, sore boobs, the usuals etc around week 6. We have been married for 9 years and own a small 2 bed flat in London (mortgage 1282). The midwives didn't seem concerned but I can't stop thinking baby is on the small side 🤔 It's following the Hi all, I am only 5 weeks pregnant (due 24th of July) with baby number 2! All went well last pregnancy (appart from horrific morning sickness from 6 - 23 weeks) I have seen a few old threads with Ladies asking this question but would be nice to have some Re-scanned today at 34 weeks and the femur has dropped to below the 5th percentile or 3 weeks behind. I found out at 3 weeks 4 days. I'm also measuring 3 weeks ahead hahaha living the dream . Diarrhea at 5 weeks pregnant - wtf? and could this harm the pregnancy? 13 replies DangerMousey · 01/04/2012 19:56 Have had a really dicky tummy all day today (am Oct 2, 2021 · So I'm 34 weeks pregnant and since yesterday, I've had what I can call very mild period like cramps. cvbabj xkwcv njk iyx jcbnu tjk iobtqw vmztyxi xqvqb dlo