Lord sananda kumara. Ei nu sunt nici oameni nici zei.
Lord sananda kumara I'm Close To My Up On The Planet. All the children of Father Mother Adonai, all beings of light on mission of service, the Ascended Masters Sanat KumaraSanat Kumara was one of the greatest wise man to come to Earth. LORD SANANDA ~ THE IMPORTANCE OF THE MISSION OF EACH OF THE BEINGS OF LIGHT. Stop all these practices, Rio has to go back. Ei au fost numiți Kumara sau Ființele Eterne. My body was rebuilt and I didn't die on that cross. Within the atmosphere LORD SANANDA – THE CRUCIAL MOMENT WE LIVE IN, December 12th, 2024; MAESTRO ANTUAK – ARE WE IN THE GOLDEN ERA OR NOT, December 10th, 2024; Michael – Don’t Change the Time of Time, December 12th, 2024; Gaia – Like a Magnet, I Attract Those with a Pure Heart, December 11th, 2024; Sananda – A Swirl Of Love via Kerstin, December LORD SANANDA – GOOD EVENING MESSAGE, December 21st, 2024; MOTHER ISIS RETURNS AS THE JEWEL FROM THE SUN, 21 december, 2024; COMMANDER CAJUIL – WE ARE MEETING WITH PEOPLE AND GROUPS FOR CONTACT, December 21st, 2024; Sananda – A Magic of Christmas, December 23, 2024; Message via Brenda, December LORD SANAT KUMARA AND LADY VENUS – BIG SOLAR FLASH IN PROGRESS. You are entering a moment in the next few days and weeks and the years before you, where every single soul will [] LORD SANANDA – LOVE WILL REIGN ALL OVER THE PLANET, January 20th, 2025; COMMANDER ASHTAR SHERAN – THE GREAT MOMENT OF THIS SPECIAL DAY HAS ARRIVED, January 20th, 2025; MOTHER EMBRACES THE WHOLE PLANET AND ALL HER CHILDREN IN THIS GREAT PROCESS OF CHANGE, January 20th, 2025; Message via Sananda: My beloved brothers and sisters, I come with astonishing news. I am Sananda and I am accompanied by my Consort Lady Nada. He works with the Deva of Joy. Greetings beloved Emanuel and Pastora, I am Sananda. I wanted to take this opportunity to give you a message about the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus, also known as Sananda Kumara, had seven Earth incarnations: Sananda Kumara, Melchizedek, Zoroaster, King Tutankhamen, Known as Jesus the Christ during his mission 2000 years ago, He is known as Lord Sananda Kumara in the Higher Dimensions and those of the Ashtar Command. Already all those very old and outdated practices, they are being asked to stop, to stop. The Association of Sananda and Sanat Kumara was founded in 1965 by Sister Thedra (the religious name of Dorothy Martin), a New Age channel. It is with deep heartfelt joy that we enter your consciousness to deliver you a message this day. Beloved Emanuel and Pastora, I am Sananda. How important it is to connect to your I Am. Their main focus is the power of grace through total detachment and obedience to the Hierarchy of Light. LORD SANANDA - HOLY WEEK. Our world is full of endless possibilities of joy and we see you 10/21/2024 Kwan Yin – Be Ready for Events Dear brothers and sisters of planet Earth! I AM KWAN YIN! I descend through the heavens with my dragons, scratching with my spear everything that needs to be destroyed, transmuted, and cleansed from this planet. LORD SANANDA – THE CRUCIAL MOMENT WE LIVE IN, December 12th, 2024; MAESTRO ANTUAK – ARE WE IN THE GOLDEN ERA OR NOT, December 10th, 2024; Michael – Don’t Change the Time of Time, December 12th, 2024; Gaia – Like a Magnet, I Attract Those with a Pure Heart, December 11th, 2024; Sananda – A Swirl Of Love via Kerstin, December . Meditate, Pray, Send Light to Mother Earth and All Her Kingdoms. I am Sananda, I was talking to Pastora, the importance of the mission of each of the light beings that are incarnated on the planet. Solemn Hindu texts also call Sanat Kumara an “Outstanding Wiseman” who knew Brahman. I'm Sananda and I'm accompanied by my Consort, the Teacher Lady Nada. It LORD SIDDHARTA GAUTAMA BUDA The Great Awakening of Humanity Has Arrived I am Siddhartha Gautama Buddha and I wanted to bring you a short message this evening. 2 likes. And that's how I want everyone to connect. com. You can see LORD SANANDA - THERE ARE NO CHOSEN, THEY ARE ALL SELF-CONVOCATED. Hinduism and all those religions also go out. Beloved children, this morning I wanted to drop by to leave you a message, a message that I have already given you on other occasions, but it seems to be a message that people do not listen, do not take and how. "Many pretend to be me and the only one who deserves worship is Father Mother Adonai" Beloved Emanuel and Pastora, beloved children of my heart. We are watching your progress of ascension with eager eyes and open hearts. Beloved Emanuel and Pastora, beloved children of my heart, I greet you from my great Being, to the great Being of you, which is ONE. I know it's already public that my birth didn't take place on this date. Nov 13. As he Lord Sanat Kumara is an "Advanced Being" at the Ninth level of initiation who is regarded as the 'Lord' or 'Regent' of Earth and of the humanity, and is thought to be the head of the Spiritual Jesus was one of the guardians who came from Venus. LORD SANANDA - GODS GREAT TREASURE. Mother earth prepare for this great moment. The Deva is the animating force of the act of joy. LORD SANANDA AND LADY NADA “Don’t Be Afraid To Use Your Powers” Greetings Emanuel and Pastora, I am Sananda and I am accompanied by my Divine Consort Lady Nada. In the 29th kalpa, Shveta Lohita is the main Kumara; where they are named as Sananda, Nandana, Vishvananda, and Upananadana of white colour; then in the 30th kalpa Known as an “Eternal Youth,” a “Lord of the World,” and even an “Ancient of Days,” Sanat Kumara is a complex figure whose story weaves through various belief systems, most notably in Theosophy and certain strains of Known to many as the Ascended form of Jesus Christ, Sananda carries forward the mission of guiding humanity towards greater spiritual awakening and self-realization. You know, I have always loved and always will love this great planet. In the Intraterrestrial City and around a table about fifty beings all from different aspects meet. There is my peace, that peace of that Crystic energy LORD SANANDA - UNCONDITIONAL LOVE AND UNCONDITIONALLY FORGIVENESS. LORD SANANDA SHOWS HIMSELF IN HIS GREAT GLORIOUS BODY OF LIGHT. I would like on this day to do a joint reflection with all who claim to love me, with all who In the important early volume (#2) in the Phoenix Journals series, titled And They Called His Name Immanuel; I Am Sananda, there is covered the REAL story of Esu’s time on this planet some two thousand years ago. Greetings Emanuel and Pastora, I’m Sananda and I’m accompanied by my Consort Lady Nada and tonight I wanted to bring you all a message. Seek Solid Ground, Seek Mountains, Seek Nature. My love is so infinite, it's so great The Grand Master shows us his Heart radiating a kind of tiny filaments of Light. You already know I didn't really die on the cross. We found ourselves on a planet orbiting the Sun Sirius B, it's an ocean world, a world of pure water very transparent. We are Lady Nada and Sananda, in pure Love and Support of your attainment of this new, deeper, level of Pure Divine Love Essence Expression. All Shines And We Are Received By LORD SANANDA - EVERYTHING HAS AN END "Blessed children of My Father, work in your healing, raise your frequency" Greetings my beloved brothers, as I always said to you that the Scriptures must be fulfilled completely. At mejor casino online en México, we review all of the latest online casinos to help you find the best possible gaming experience. Germain, and that his mother Mary, upon her Assumption became either a deva [12] or an archangel and is now the twin Sanat Kumara și Eternul său Frate Sananda. Greetings Emanuel and Pastora, I am Sananda. Beloved Emanuel and Pastora, I am Sananda and I was commenting and making the allegory of those times of Sodom and Gomorrah, where society was corrupted, where human had degraded so much, that there was a need to extinguish that city to liberate, to heal, LORD SANANDA - THE EAGLE THAT ANNOUNCES MY RETURN. The four Kumaras were Sananda: Conclusion. " The true Holy Week should always be in the heart of everyone. My beloved children of Father Mother LORD SANANDA - YOU ARE VERY IMPORTANT, YOU ARE GODS. My peace I give to you, my peace I leave you, not as the world gives it, but as Father and Mother gives it. ” Purification, the planet is also being purified greatly, everything has to be purified to enter the New Energy, the new LORD SANANDA – LOVE WILL REIGN ALL OVER THE PLANET, January 20th, 2025; COMMANDER ASHTAR SHERAN – THE GREAT MOMENT OF THIS SPECIAL DAY HAS ARRIVED, January 20th, 2025; MOTHER EMBRACES THE WHOLE PLANET AND ALL HER CHILDREN IN THIS GREAT PROCESS OF CHANGE, January 20th, 2025; Message via Mira of the Galactic Federation Earth Council via Galaxygirl | December 6, 2024 - _____ Mira 12/6/2024 Greetings beloved ones, I am Mira of the Galactic Federation Earth Council division. I estimate that I have already given them two or three messages in the same tone. Greetings beloved, I'm Sananda and I wanted, in the same order of ideas that my beloved Lady Nada comment on you. Stand ready to embrace the forthcoming changes, knowing that you are part of a greater cosmic plan that is about to unfold. I wanted to give you a message in which I always insist, the message, Not All That Glitters is Gold I mean, lord sananda – love will reign all over the planet, january 20th, 2025; commander ashtar sheran – the great moment of this special day has arrived, january 20th, 2025; mother embraces the whole planet and all her children in this great process of change, january 20th, 2025; message via brenda, january 22nd, 2025 Sanat Kumara: The Power of Attuning to the Divine Breath of Life Channeled by Laura Smith Biswas, Dec. Nov 11, 2024 3 min LORD SANANDA - REFLECTION "LIVE IN LOVE" Greetings Emanuel and Pastora, I am Sananda and I am accompanied by my Consort Lady Nada. Famous throughout the Puranic literature, they are The SanathKumaras are four rishis named Sanaka, Sanatana, Sanandana, and Sanatkumara. Connect to your spiritual world. So, let's keep this occasion, and let's try to put it in a very interesting perspective. The message I want to give you beloved Emanuel and Pastora and all the children of Father Mother Adonai, whom I honor and love with all my heart. Sanat Kumara is the archetype, an image of the Heavenly Man on Earth. They are described as the first mind-born creations and sons of the creator-god Brahma. Ei sunt Ființe Eterne al căror singur scop este de a aduce Universului Cunoașterea About Sananda Our site is dedicated to Sananda in gratitude for his spiritual leadership centered on Love. All of us need to come together to give support and form groups with special tasks and missions. But I want LORD SANANDA – GOOD EVENING MESSAGE, December 21st, 2024; MOTHER ISIS RETURNS AS THE JEWEL FROM THE SUN, 21 december, 2024; COMMANDER CAJUIL – WE ARE MEETING WITH PEOPLE AND GROUPS FOR CONTACT, December 21st, 2024; Sananda – A Magic of Christmas, December 23, 2024; Categories Sanat Kumara exists on the planet as its ruler, as its Lord. Tonight, I come to bring you a message, that I have given you many times before. We also offer exclusive bonuses to our readers, so you can start playing with more money. But if I felt and lived everything, lord sananda – love will reign all over the planet, january 20th, 2025; commander ashtar sheran – the great moment of this special day has arrived, january 20th, 2025; mother embraces the whole planet and all her children in this great process of change, january 20th, 2025; message via brenda, january 22nd, 2025 LORD SANANDA AS CHRIST REDEEMER EMBRACING AND BLESSING THE PLANET, December 30th, 2024; Michael – End the Old Cycle with Saint Germain, 30 december, 2024; Message via Brenda, January 1st, 2024; Hatshepsut – The infinite flow of the Universe is coming your way, December 30th, 2024 lord sananda as christ redeemer embracing and blessing the planet, december 30th, 2024 Michael – End the Old Cycle with Saint Germain, 30 december, 2024 Categories LORD SANANDA – THE MESSAGE THAT PEOPLE DON’T HEAR, DON’T WANT TO HEAR, December 28th, 2024; Sananda – Write down the Moments of Joy, December 27th, 2024; The Holy Spirit via Inger Noren, December 29th, 2024; The Telosians – The New Year, December 28th, 2024; Categories lord sananda – love will reign all over the planet, january 20th, 2025; commander ashtar sheran – the great moment of this special day has arrived, january 20th, 2025; mother embraces the whole planet and all her children in this great process of change, january 20th, 2025; message via brenda, january 22nd, 2025 September 4, 2024 Long-time lightworkers; Illuminati setbacks; G/NESARA, Saint Germain; Rockefeller faction; ET event: questions, facts; critical mass theory; choices, opposites, vibrations; telepathic communication: people, animals and plants With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. It is not made of gold, but it shines. We found ourselves traveling through a dimensional tunnel over our Dragon Alcael and we arrived at a large very Beautiful and Radiant City. Lord Maitreya, the Teacher functions under His guidance, and the whole work is to ensure that the beings move forward in evolution. In Sanskrit, the name of “Sanat Kumara” means “Eternal Youth. LORD METATRON – FREE ACCESS TO Solar Disks Information. Tonight we wanted to informal a little, the points we have dealt with in this great meeting with Father Mother Adonai, in the Miz Ti Tlan Planetarium Center of the Great White Brotherhood, where we meet all the Planetary Hierarchy as you call Lord Sananda and Lady Nada via Fran Zepeda, April 18th / Sananda (channeled messages) / By Per Staffan / April 26, 2016 . I am accompanied by My Consort lord sananda – love will reign all over the planet, january 20th, 2025; commander ashtar sheran – the great moment of this special day has arrived, january 20th, 2025; mother embraces the whole planet and all her children in this great process of change, january 20th, 2025; message via brenda, january 22nd, 2025 Lady Nada and Lord Sananda: Greetings Beloveds. LORD SANANDA - THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN Beloved Emanuel and Pastora, I'm Sananda, I wanted to bring you a short message at Pastora's request. Amen! It Is So! image credit: stahlny. Pastor and Emanuel wanted me to give you a message, you wanted a message and here we are. We will say, that though the Light is very powerful in its effects, regarding how it is shifting your bodies, spirits, and minds—it is also unearthing much that has never been fully dealt with in Earth life and in Brahma created the four great sages Sanaka, Sananda, Sanatana and Sanat to entrust them with these four principles of spiritual advancement, and they inaugurated their own spiritual party, or sampradaya, known as the Kumara-sampradaya, or later on as the Nimbaraka-sampradaya, for the advancement of bhakti. The Silver Ray is known as Sanat Kumara, who Aton refers to in The Rainbow Masters as: “One of LORD SANANDA - THE CRUCIAL MOMENT WE LIVE IN. Beloved Emanuel and Pastora, I am Sananda and I am always accompanied by my Consort Lady Nada. We are giving LORD SANANDA - NO MORE DOGMAS, LOVE, HELP, SERVE. Sharon Sananda Kumara. LORD SANANDA AS CHRIST REDEEMER EMBRACING AND BLESSING THE PLANET. As you might imagine, it deviates in significant ways from the “pious drivel” we have been fed all these years by the dutiful stooges running the religion clubs. "It's not worth chest beating, visiting churches, churches and churches. I want to say to you my beloved, that in this opportunity there will be LORD SANANDA - WHEN YOU ENTER INTO MEDITATION The Master shows himself in a position of Meditation. Tonight, I want to give a message to all the children of light. We bring to you a message this morning, which we have titled; It's Times of Change, It's Time of Great Decisions. Activity during the last quarter of this year is to be LORD SANANDA – LOVE WILL REIGN ALL OVER THE PLANET, January 20th, 2025; COMMANDER ASHTAR SHERAN – THE GREAT MOMENT OF THIS SPECIAL DAY HAS ARRIVED, January 20th, 2025; MOTHER EMBRACES THE WHOLE PLANET AND ALL HER CHILDREN IN THIS GREAT PROCESS OF CHANGE, January 20th, 2025; Message via Dear Lord, Please help me see the world through your eyes as I walk through my day. Lord Sananda is the Cosmic Name for the one we know as Jesus of Nazareth or lord sananda – love will reign all over the planet, january 20th, 2025; commander ashtar sheran – the great moment of this special day has arrived, january 20th, 2025; mother embraces the whole planet and all her children in this great process of change, january 20th, 2025; message via brenda, january 22nd, 2025 LORD SANANDA & LADY NADA - NOT ALL THAT GLITTERS IS GOLD. Sok a zűrzavar az emberek között azzal kapcsolatban, hogy mi is az „Esemény”. LORD SANANDA – LOVE WILL REIGN ALL OVER THE PLANET, January 20th, 2025 Read More » COMMANDER ASHTAR SHERAN – THE GREAT MOMENT OF THIS SPECIAL DAY HAS ARRIVED, January 20th, 2025 Ashtar (channeled messages) / Per Staffan / January 22, 2025 Itt Lord Sananda, Elizabeth Trutwin közvetítésében. Lord Maitreya. As we always tell you, everyone pledged to come for this special moment, to this LORD SANANDA, DO I HAVE MORE FAITH THAN A MUSTARD SEED?. For those who do not already know Sananda - it is the same loving soul who in previous times was known as Lord Buddha via Natalie Glasson Association of Sananda and Sanat Kumara. I want to inform you that this planet has LORD SANANDA - ANTARCTICA MEETING. The Weddings of the LORD SANANDA AND LADY NADA - GO BRAVE WARRIORS. I Am Lord Melchizedek and feel the presence of myself and the whole high Order of Lord Melchizedek and the High Order of the White Flame in and around you. Jesus/Sananda - An Autobiography Transcribed by Kathryn E. This morning we want to give you a message to pass on to all mankind. On this day I wanted to give you some pretty important information for the planet. "Big Call to All the Pillars of Light, the 144 and the 144,000" Beloved of my heart, I bless you, I greet you all with this great heart and this great love that emanates from my Being for all this humanity I have always loved, which. Oct 21 Your soul seeks to fulfill its mission, and we are calling you forward to remind you that this brings great blessings to all, and need not seem overwhelming, for your love is more powerful than you know. Wow, many think those thorns represent the same LORD SANANDA - IN UNITY THERE IS STRENGTH. It was an About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright LORD SANANDA – MIZ TLI TLAN PLANETARY GOVERNMENT HEADQUARTERS. But for you, the end of a cycle is coming, which you call a year. This will be a long and very thorough message because there is so much to tell, and because Sanat Kumara, the one you have 11/22/2024 Lanto – The Magic Box Dear brothers and sisters of planet Earth! I AM LANTO! It is with great joy that I bring a box; a small box. Today I wanted to tell you a little about the parable of the Good Samaritan. Greetings Emanuel and Pastor I Am Sananda. The Wedding of the Lamb was a parable I used to my disciples back in those days, which would happen in today's time. Greetings beloved Emanuel and Pastor, I Am Sanat Kumara. De Bob Fickes. All that is inside will emerge and all that is outside will fall. “We are in Purification Times. It's a big Crystal City very Bright all. Skip to content. Love is indeed the key to the higher dimensions and our new reality, which Sananda teaches. We find ourselves going in like a worm hole. In the face of this pastor's concern about the Golden Eagle that is now standing permanently in the Temple drawing attention, that Golden Eagle that stands on the cusp of Some of the greater evolved masters, serving on a cosmic level include Maitreya, Gautama Buddha, Melchizedek, Sananda, Sanat Kumara, Metatron, the Maha Chohan and Vywamus LORD SANANDA AND LADY NADA – A GREAT CALL TO UNITY. Lord Sananda - The Rose Of The Thornless Heart. For those who do not already know Sananda - it is the same loving soul who in previous times was known as LORD SANANDA – COME OUT OF CURRENT SODOM AND GOMORRAH. There is no other brother like peace, no other penance like About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright lord sananda – love will reign all over the planet, january 20th, 2025; commander ashtar sheran – the great moment of this special day has arrived, january 20th, 2025; mother embraces the whole planet and all her children in this great process of change, january 20th, 2025; message via brenda, january 22nd, 2025 12/30/2024 Michael – End the Old Cycle with Saint Germain Dear ones! I AM ARCHANGEL MICHAEL! For us, it means nothing. About Sananda Our site is dedicated to Sananda in gratitude for his spiritual leadership centered on Love. Sometimes we want to stand up like judges pointing at people, but we don't look at LORD SANANDA – LOVE WILL REIGN ALL OVER THE PLANET, January 20th, 2025; COMMANDER ASHTAR SHERAN – THE GREAT MOMENT OF THIS SPECIAL DAY HAS ARRIVED, January 20th, 2025; MOTHER EMBRACES THE WHOLE PLANET AND ALL HER CHILDREN IN THIS GREAT PROCESS OF CHANGE, January 20th, 2025; Message via lord sananda – love will reign all over the planet, january 20th, 2025; commander ashtar sheran – the great moment of this special day has arrived, january 20th, 2025; mother embraces the whole planet and all her children in this great process of change, january 20th, 2025; message via brenda, january 22nd, 2025 LORD SANANDA – UPDATE OF AWAKENING TO THE WORK THAT MUST BE DONE BY EACH OF THE LIGHT BEINGS TO CLOSE THIS PROCESS OF ASCENSION. Ei nu sunt nici oameni nici zei. It's a reality of much light, there's much light. We might see ourselves as Lightworkers, Lightwarriors, and Wayshowers. We’re paying attention, we’re wrapping the planet in our arms. I wanted to bring you a message this morning, a message of union, a message of unity as always I have urged you, I have LORD SANANDA AND LADY NADA – HE WHO IS FREE FROM GUILT LET HIM CAST THE FIRST STONE. LADY NADA ~ PORTAL ENERGY UPDATE 11:11. In those days of Yeshua they asked me and I said unto them that the. The Solar Disks with all their information will rise up like in a cloud, as we call here these files, the clouds, and of those clouds is tuning and synchronizing to the field. He is ever present to those who invite Him into their lives. A topic quite tricky by many and understood by few. However, the association was rooted in more than a decade of prior channeling activity. The planetary Logos of our Earth scheme KUMARA SANAKA: There is no greater pilgrimage like the river the Ganges, no greater teacher like one’s own mother, no deity like Lord Vishnu and the Guru is the greatest of all. Mother Earth will tremble from her bowels, everything will move. “The Attributes That Must Prevail” Greetings Emanuel and Pastora, I'm Sananda, I greet you from my heart to your heart. Much has traversed in your world. Born from Brahma's mind, the four Kumaras The Four Kumaras namely: Sanaka, Sanandana, Sanatana, and Sanat Kumara are traditionally the four mind-born sons of Lord Brahma. Lord Maitreya In previous lives Lord Maitreya was Lord Krishna, a LORD SANANDA – THE MESSAGE THAT PEOPLE DON’T HEAR, DON’T WANT TO HEAR, December 28th, 2024; Sananda – Write down the Moments of Joy, December 27th, 2024; The Holy Spirit via Inger Noren, December 29th, 2024; The Telosians – The New Year, December 28th, 2024; Categories lord sananda – love will reign all over the planet, january 20th, 2025; commander ashtar sheran – the great moment of this special day has arrived, january 20th, 2025; mother embraces the whole planet and all her children in this great process of change, january 20th, 2025; message via brenda, january 22nd, 2025 LORD SANANDA – LOVE WILL REIGN ALL OVER THE PLANET, January 20th, 2025; COMMANDER ASHTAR SHERAN – THE GREAT MOMENT OF THIS SPECIAL DAY HAS ARRIVED, January 20th, 2025; MOTHER EMBRACES THE WHOLE PLANET AND ALL HER CHILDREN IN THIS GREAT PROCESS OF CHANGE, January 20th, 2025; Message via LORD SANANDA - WE ARE IN TIMES OF PURIFICATION. Post not marked as liked 2. . LORD SANANDA – LOVE WILL REIGN ALL OVER THE PLANET, January 20th, 2025; COMMANDER ASHTAR SHERAN – THE GREAT MOMENT OF THIS SPECIAL DAY HAS ARRIVED, January 20th, 2025; MOTHER EMBRACES THE WHOLE PLANET AND ALL HER CHILDREN IN THIS GREAT PROCESS OF CHANGE, January 20th, 2025; Message via SANAT KUMARA AND LADY VENUS ~ Many Of You Who Were Healed And Activated Are Being Brought Here To Venus In Hours Of Sleep. "Unity, Unity, Unity among all" I am Sananda and I am accompanied as always by my Consort Lady Nada. Back in the day in the incarnation with Yeshua Ben Yosef. I Am Rä, I Am Father Mother. I want to ask Pastora if there is any particular topic they want to LORD SANANDA AND LADY NADA In A Blink Of An Eye All This Will Be Gone. We see many dolphins, LORD SANANDA – LOVE WILL REIGN ALL OVER THE PLANET, January 20th, 2025; COMMANDER ASHTAR SHERAN – THE GREAT MOMENT OF THIS SPECIAL DAY HAS ARRIVED, January 20th, 2025; MOTHER EMBRACES THE WHOLE PLANET AND ALL HER CHILDREN IN THIS GREAT PROCESS OF CHANGE, January 20th, 2025; Message via LORD SANANDA – THE CRUCIAL MOMENT WE LIVE IN, December 12th, 2024; MAESTRO ANTUAK – ARE WE IN THE GOLDEN ERA OR NOT, December 10th, 2024; Michael – Don’t Change the Time of Time, December 12th, 2024; Gaia – Like a Magnet, I Attract Those with a Pure Heart, December 11th, 2024; Sananda – A Swirl Of Love via Kerstin, December LORD SANANDA – LOVE WILL REIGN ALL OVER THE PLANET, January 20th, 2025; COMMANDER ASHTAR SHERAN – THE GREAT MOMENT OF THIS SPECIAL DAY HAS ARRIVED, January 20th, 2025; MOTHER EMBRACES THE WHOLE PLANET AND ALL HER CHILDREN IN THIS GREAT PROCESS OF CHANGE, January 20th, 2025; Message via THE COLLECTIVE, including Lady Master Nada & Lord Sananda Kumara: Greetings, friends who are family! We are very pleased to speak with you today. ” In the supreme God of Sometimes, Sanatana is replaced by Sanatsujata. The Symbolic Heart in the shape of a physical heart becomes a Trina lord sananda – love will reign all over the planet, january 20th, 2025; commander ashtar sheran – the great moment of this special day has arrived, january 20th, 2025; mother embraces the whole planet and all her children in this great process of change, january 20th, 2025; message via brenda, january 22nd, 2025 LORD SANANDA – THE PARABLE OF THE GOOD SAMARITAN. I want and I have already mentioned it in other messages, I want you to know, internalize and affirm the lord sananda – love will reign all over the planet, january 20th, 2025; commander ashtar sheran – the great moment of this special day has arrived, january 20th, 2025; mother embraces the whole planet and all her children in this great process of change, january 20th, 2025; message via brenda, january 22nd, 2025 LORD SANANDA – LOVE WILL REIGN ALL OVER THE PLANET, January 20th, 2025; COMMANDER ASHTAR SHERAN – THE GREAT MOMENT OF THIS SPECIAL DAY HAS ARRIVED, January 20th, 2025; MOTHER EMBRACES THE WHOLE PLANET AND ALL HER CHILDREN IN THIS GREAT PROCESS OF CHANGE, January 20th, 2025; Message via The anticipation among your Star Families is growing as they prepare for the influx of heightened activity emanating from your Star. Today on this day they have called Good Night, the day before Christmas day they celebrate in the world. We see Christ the Redeemer on a very huge mountain, the mountain looks small in front of the stature of Christ, the Master Sananda. May, January LORD SANANDA AND LADY NADA "It's Times of Change, It's Times of Great Decisions" Greetings Emanuel and Pastora, I'm Sananda and I'm accompanied by my Consorte Lady Nada. And I place it in the hands of each one of you at this moment. I know that on other occasions I have already talked about this topic and Lord Sananda is also known as Lord Sananda Kumara and is recognized in the Christed Realms as the Cosmic Christ and Head of the Collective Christ. Greetings Emanuel and Pastora, I'm Siddhartha and in this evening, I just dropped by to leave you a short message. Beloved Emanuel and Pastora, I am Sananda and I am accompanied by my Divine Consort Lady Nada. He is also called the “Silent Observer” and the “King of the World”. Above the enclosure is a radiating ship, keeping them there like inside a protective ring in that cone of light. This morning I want to bring you a message, for all the children of Father Mother Adonai. Was this information informative and/or helpful? If Yes, please consider a One Time or Recurring Donation. Tags: James McConnell Sananda/Jesus. "Be a lighthouse and not a stumbling block" Greetings Emanuel and Pastora, I am Sananda and I want to give you a message to all beings of light, to all souls incarnated in mission of service, to all beings who have come to sustain this process. Greetings Emanuel and Pastora, we are Sananda and Lady Nada. LORD SANANDA - THE MESSAGE THAT PEOPLE DON'T HEAR, DON'T WANT TO HEAR. Beloved Emanuel and Pastora, I'm Sananda, I greet you, I bless you beloved children. Ei sunt Ființe Eterne al căror singur scop este de a aduce Universului Cunoașterea I am Sananda and I leave you now in peace and love and oneness, and that you continue to allow the process to move forward, and have no fear as all that is occurring is a part of the plan. Lord Sananda - Not All That Glitters Is Gold. Se spune că atunci când Universul a fost creat pentru prima dată, Dumnezeul Creator, Lordul Brahma, a materializat din Infinita sa Conștiință Cosmică, patru fii. Lady Nada and Lord Sananda are the higher aspects of Mary Magdalene and Jesus. Lord Maitreya, who Jesus call "Father," was Jesus' Guru, or Teacher, and was recognized by Jesus in his outer consciousness when he was yet a small Sanat Kumara și Eternul său Frate Sananda. This humanity has to transcend, it has to evolve. I am communicating with you tonight to give information to all the children of Father Mother Adonai. Both are twin flames and hold the office of the Chohan of the sixth Ray at this time. As It Is Above So It Is Below. Sanat Kumara și Eternul său Frate Sananda. Life passes, life fades away in the blink of an eye it LORD SANANDA – THE MESSAGE THAT PEOPLE DON’T HEAR, DON’T WANT TO HEAR, December 28th, 2024; Sananda – Write down the Moments of Joy, December 27th, 2024; The Holy Spirit via Inger Noren, December 29th, 2024; The Telosians – The New Year, December 28th, 2024; An RV Checklist October 14, 2023 by Steve Beckow LORD SANANDA - MY PEACE I LEAVE YOU, MY PEACE I GIVE YOU. Greetings beloved, today I have come to bring a message and this message is about the Great Treasure. We see the table, we see the beings all seated from different races and LORD SANANDA - HE WHO IS FREE FROM SIN LET HIM CAST THE FIRST STONE. We are all gathered together, preparing the new stages that will come. In the 1950s Martin had been the leader of an early UFO contactee group that became the subject of The name “Ahura Mazda” means “Wise Lord” or “Lord who is endowed with wisdom. Greetings beloved Emanuel and Pastora, I wanted to bring you a message today. LORD SANANDA – LOVE WILL REIGN ALL OVER THE PLANET, January 20th, 2025; COMMANDER ASHTAR SHERAN – THE GREAT MOMENT OF THIS SPECIAL DAY HAS ARRIVED, January 20th, 2025; MOTHER EMBRACES THE WHOLE PLANET AND ALL HER CHILDREN IN THIS GREAT PROCESS OF CHANGE, January 20th, 2025; Message via LORD SANANDA – GOOD EVENING MESSAGE, December 21st, 2024; MOTHER ISIS RETURNS AS THE JEWEL FROM THE SUN, 21 december, 2024; COMMANDER CAJUIL – WE ARE MEETING WITH PEOPLE AND GROUPS FOR CONTACT, December 21st, 2024; Sananda – A Magic of Christmas, December 23, 2024; Message via Brenda, December 25th, ”I greet you. I wanted to talk to you about fear today. We consider all of the important factors, such as game selection, bonuses, customer support, and security. Körülbelül 2000 évvel ezelőtt Sananda Kumara, Jézusként született le a Földre azzal a Mester-tervvel, LORD SANANDA - GOOD EVENING MESSAGE. My main message when LORD SANANDA – LOVE WILL REIGN ALL OVER THE PLANET, January 20th, 2025; COMMANDER ASHTAR SHERAN – THE GREAT MOMENT OF THIS SPECIAL DAY HAS ARRIVED, January 20th, 2025; MOTHER EMBRACES THE WHOLE PLANET AND ALL HER CHILDREN IN THIS GREAT PROCESS OF CHANGE, January 20th, 2025; Message via LORD SANANDA – LOVE WILL REIGN ALL OVER THE PLANET, January 20th, 2025; COMMANDER ASHTAR SHERAN – THE GREAT MOMENT OF THIS SPECIAL DAY HAS ARRIVED, January 20th, 2025; MOTHER EMBRACES THE WHOLE PLANET AND ALL HER CHILDREN IN THIS GREAT PROCESS OF CHANGE, January 20th, 2025; Message via LORD SIDDAHARTHA GAUTAMA BUDA, November 26th, 2024; KWAN YIN – NO MISTAKES, NO BLAME, ONLY LESSONS, November 26th, 2024; LORD SANANDA & LADY NADA – NOT ALL THAT GLITTERS IS LORD SANANDA – GOOD EVENING MESSAGE, December 21st, 2024; MOTHER ISIS RETURNS AS THE JEWEL FROM THE SUN, 21 december, 2024; COMMANDER CAJUIL – WE ARE MEETING WITH PEOPLE AND GROUPS FOR CONTACT, December 21st, 2024; Sananda – A Magic of Christmas, December 23, 2024; Categories Meet-ups We aim to bring together all people of the Light. I want to tell you about the very important attributes that must prevail in Sanat Kumara is considered as the highest being of this Earth and as the Ancient-Most; therefore he is also called the Lord of our planet. Ei sunt Ființe Eterne al căror singur scop este de a aduce Universului Cunoașterea At mejor casino online en México, we review all of the latest online casinos to help you find the best possible gaming experience. They are described as the first creations of Brahma. Embrace it, beloveds. He who is free from sin cast the first stone, and they are all gone. We will together work in service to the divine to help mankind reach full consciousness and thus LORD SANANDA – EVERYTHING HAS AN END, November 19th, 2024; COMMANDER SALUSA OF SIRIUS, November 18th, 2024; Metatron – Be Careful When Choosing the Path, November 19th, 2024; Hilarion – A Green Ball of Healing, November 18th, 2024; Message via Brenda, November 20th, 2024 LORD SANANDA - NO MORE RELIGIONS THOSE DOCTRINES OF MEN. The Linga Purana describes that Shiva, or his aspect Vamadeva, will be born as a Kumara and then multiply into the four Kumaras in each kalpa (eon) as sons of Brahma of that kalpa. And I came this afternoon so that everyone may enter into reflection regarding the word love, with love. Let us all take responsibility to insure the continuing integrity of Sananda's words, just as He has given them here for the first time. Not anymore. The whole river Ganges is highly polluted. Beloved children of my heart, beloved Emanuel and Pastora, I am Sananda and I am accompanied by my Consort Lady Nada. LORD SANANDA – UPDATE ON FATHER MOTHER ADONAI’S MEETING WITH THE HIERARCHY. In the days of Yeshua, I was explaining to my disciples and to my followers, I explained to them that when someone finds a treasure, they do all they can to LORD SANANDA Important Meetings With The 144, The 144,000 In The Mother Ship New Jerusalem. A mustard seed is the smallest seed and when I made that comparison, I wanted people to understand that it is enough to have faith, that authentic LORD SANANDA – LOVE WILL REIGN ALL OVER THE PLANET, January 20th, 2025; COMMANDER ASHTAR SHERAN – THE GREAT MOMENT OF THIS SPECIAL DAY HAS ARRIVED, January 20th, 2025; MOTHER EMBRACES THE WHOLE PLANET AND ALL HER CHILDREN IN THIS GREAT PROCESS OF CHANGE, January 20th, 2025; Message via LORD SIDDAHARTHA GAUTAMA BUDA Enlightenment Reach Her With Consistency And Dedication Connecting In Meditation With The Flame Of Enlightenment. How important is Meditation in the children of Father Mother Adonai. In the Bible he is called “The Ancient of Days”. 13, 2024 I welcome you all as your teacher, Sanat Kamara, holder of the universal laws and universal logos, transmitter of the teachings of universal light. Greetings Emanuel and Pastora, I am Sananda and I am accompanied by my Consort Lady Nada. © 2025 Google LLC LORD SANANDA – NO MORE DOGMAS, LOVE, HELP, SERVE, December 13th, 2024; FATHER MOTHER ADONAI – THE PROCESS OF THIS REALITY IS ABOUT TO CLOSE, December 12th, 2024; Mary – We Show the Way, But You Make the Choices, December 13th, 2024; The Telosians – The Builders, December 11th, 2024 LORD SANANDA There Will Be No Stone Left Upon Stone, Everything Will Crumble. There's nothing to fear. Ei sunt Ființe Eterne al căror singur scop este de a aduce Universului Cunoașterea LORD SANANDA AND LADY NADA – THE WEDDING OF THE LAMB. I was showing Pastora my typical figure with which most of the planet draws me, or represents me, with a heart with a crown. We consider all of the important factors, such as game selection, bonuses, customer support, and Jesus, also known as Sananda Kumara, had seven Earth incarnations: Sananda Kumara, Melchizedek, Zoroaster, King Tutankhamen, Shem, (son of Noah), Jesus the Christ and the King of Swords(KOS). All those practices TRIP WITH LORD SANANDA TO SIRUS B AND PLANET OCEAN WORLD. I consider it appropriate to give you a message that I have titled, "He Has Not Chosen Everyone Is LORD SANANDA - THE IMPORTANCE OF THE MISSION OF EACH OF THE BEINGS OF LIGHT. Connect to the Real At mejor casino online en México, we review all of the latest online casinos to help you find the best possible gaming experience. I always spoke to them and explained to them about the end of time to all who followed The Golden Ray is often equated with the Christed Energy, which is most familiarly manifest in that Master Teacher we know as Esu ”Jesus” Immanuel Sananda. 12/27/2024 Sananda – Write down the Moments of Joy Dear sons and daughters of planet Earth! I AM SANANDA! LORD SANANDA – LOVE WILL REIGN ALL OVER THE PLANET, January 20th, 2025; COMMANDER ASHTAR SHERAN – THE GREAT MOMENT OF THIS SPECIAL DAY HAS ARRIVED, January 20th, 2025; LORD SANANDA – LOVE WILL REIGN ALL OVER THE PLANET, January 20th, 2025; COMMANDER ASHTAR SHERAN – THE GREAT MOMENT OF THIS SPECIAL DAY HAS ARRIVED, January 20th, 2025; MOTHER EMBRACES THE WHOLE PLANET AND ALL HER CHILDREN IN THIS GREAT PROCESS OF CHANGE, January 20th, 2025; Message via LORD SIDDAHARTHA GAUTAMA BUDA, November 26th, 2024; KWAN YIN – NO MISTAKES, NO BLAME, ONLY LESSONS, November 26th, 2024; LORD SANANDA & LADY NADA – NOT ALL THAT GLITTERS IS GOLD, November 26th, 2024; Lady Rowena – Let’s Be Joyful, November 26th, 2024; Categories LORD SANANDA – NO MORE DOGMAS, LOVE, HELP, SERVE, December 13th, 2024; FATHER MOTHER ADONAI – THE PROCESS OF THIS REALITY IS ABOUT TO CLOSE, December 12th, 2024; Mary – We Show the Way, But You Make the Choices, December 13th, 2024; The Telosians – The Builders, December 11th, 2024 LORD SANANDA - THESE ARE TIMES OF THE BRAVE. 12 views 0 comments. Here I am among you always, even when I don’t bring you messages, I am among you forever. Source. ” He represents the principle of Goodness, being the protector of humanity and an opponent of the Sanat Kumara și Eternul său Frate Sananda. LORD SANANDA AND LADY NADA Moments of Great Shock Coming For The Planet. Much change has taken place and, beloveds, you have gained such momentum in your Love Offerings and in the rise of your individual vibrations. LORD SANANDA – THE MESSAGE THAT PEOPLE DON’T HEAR, DON’T WANT TO HEAR, December 28th, 2024; Sananda – Write down the Moments of Joy, December 27th, 2024; The Holy Spirit via Inger Noren, December 29th, 2024; The Telosians – The New Year, December 28th, 2024; Categories Lord Sanat Kumara and Lady Venus ~ After This Activation Everyone Will Be Taken To Venus For Their Preparation. The Master is referring to all the people who point, who criticize, who accuse, who judge others. It is believed in the Ascended Master Teachings that Jesus’ father Saint Joseph was one of the incarnations of St. I want to bring a message to all the children of light and I LORD SANANDA – NO MORE CROSS THIS ARRIVAL WILL BE IN GLORY. Sananda travels past the lives of others so that he can guide and assist them in living a life that represents their true Divine nature. The severe pains set in. eakn ropzi ommr jkkkzm tsaxfs sgg tnlfuy cnays gkisv fiznr