Home assistant lovelace yaml While trying to use a dashboard created by a user I got to learn a lot of new things. storage/lovelace did not do the trick eihter I’ll just disable Lovalce for now and revert to the old UI. Is the root of the home-assistant directory alongside of configuration. io installation on my Raspberry 2 there seems to be a general problem with all lovelace custom:cards:. We have our main view defined: home and set the type of the first card to the custom:grid-layout Home Assistant is open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. Managing large YAML files for lovelace ui Hey guys, I use a lot of custom cards for my lovelace and it's reaching the point where it's getting hard Hi, Untill now I always started the configuration of my dashboard using the UI, which I find most of the time very handy. If you haven't switched to YAML mode for your entire primary dashboard I have a number of views in their own files included from ui-lovelace. yaml, it turns out that this isn’t the case (perhaps it was on previous versions). Wall mounted tablet (Galaxy Tab A 10. An integration provides the core logic for some functionality (like notify provides sending notifications). yaml? flamingm0e December 30, 2018, 6:22pm 2. 1 Operating System 10. And then move to Lovelace dashboards. Looking around on the forum most the stuff I’ve found Home Assistant caters, at least in some ways, to tinkerers, and so the way most people learn things is by tinkering. Attempting to switch to YAML mode and lovelace_gen. The card designed to look and feel similar to other Tile cards in HA. I i can’t load lovelace for some reason, i keep getting Could not find ui-lovelace. yaml the file with the views? (the package I’m using uses its own name convection). yaml, I’m considering going back to UI mode. No answer to your wife is not a good thing so I told her I would investigate. 08. yaml file: lovelace: mode: yaml When you restart, your custom views are reset and the UI editor is back to automatic mode. But I have tried to manually edit files in . yaml which I can’t find on my system. I thought it is easy and achievable for HA starters to copy / paste the code and use it. Tanks. I would like to dynamically update the contents of a lovelace card. It looks like hacs card-mod doesn’t inject the css in the right spot for this to But then about 4 months ago, we stumbled upon the “NsPanel Lovelace UI” project by joBr99 (Johannes) which combines Tasmota or ESPHome with a Home Assistant appdeamon add-on. yaml located though? In one of your views in Lovelace, click the overflow menu in the upper right (three dots), click Configure UI, click the dots again, lovelace: mode: yaml to the configuration. Share your Projects! custom-template, lovelace. Also the file ui I think this might be the wrong section of the forum for this kind of question, but it’s up to the mods to decide. yaml before sending the information off to the lovelace frontend in your browser. Sirez (Henrik) August 24, 2020, 5:31pm 1. yaml which works flawless. Hillman10 October 22, 2023, 9:29am 474. yaml: configuration. And they know: this is the YAML of my HACS card, itcolors the border of the card when there is an update. I tried to install lovelace_gen in Home Assistant 111. storage directory. Up until today I’ve been using my Lovelace in Storage mode, but I decided to switch today, because I have two very similar dashboards setup. all_devices I logged out and back in to the WebUI (I guess that is required, right?) and I see the new tab which contains the defined card. csv) Home Assistant Community Customize lovelace badges. 6 !include functionality was only restored in . yaml - title: Devices cards: - title: Status type: entities entities: - group. One of them is always active. All fine so far, i can get that up and running and most of the code seems to be working just fine. Perfect to run on a Raspberry Pi or a local server. Can some one show me if you have done it or point me in the correct direction please? I came across a wonderful documentation on ‘Chores in HA’ In preparation for Home Assistant 0. yaml) Since a few versions back all cards that are installed thru HACS are installed in the “/www/community/” folder. Subviews won’t show up in the navigation bar on top of the sidebar. /lovelace Here is bit of the code in one of my files (homescreen. yaml or wherever your views are defined. Activate card-mod in your lovelace config Use the following configuration (in yaml) for your badge: - badges: - entity: binary_sensor. Splitting it into more files help a bit and node anchors w Hi, I created a tab “Devices” in my Homeassistant webUI by adding the following text to ui-lovelace. Home Assistant Forum – The forum is the place to go for Here is my configuration. to be sure: Acc 🔹 Improve the lovelace yaml parser for Home Assistant. Restarted HA, clicked on the 3 dots then hit configure and said take control. As I am now working a lot with custom cards where it is not possible to use the ui editor I am trying to switch to the yaml mode. yaml are outdated you are too dynamic guys However, with my simple hass. I suppose @ynot @luma that we just need to submit a request at github. yaml is no longer a thing. My main limitations are : some custom Home Assistant is open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. yaml file from becoming crazy long? For example, doing something like this, where home. You can create your lovelace yaml files in your config folder, where your configuration. My configuration is exposed to HomeKit with Apple TV acting as a hub for remote Home Assistant Community Build cards with for-loop. storage/lovelace actually holds the configuration of the frontend. Your current template has invalid syntax because you’re mixing JS and Jinja. Pray for me (still a newbie, and somewhat intimidated). yaml and restart Home Assistant: ui-lovelace. The docs mention: <config>/ui-lovelace. I’ve built most of them based on Button-Card It works great with Templates placed in ui-Lovelace. options: - "Kitchen" - "Bedroom" In my configuration. Frontend. yaml For the 01home. preload: - picture-elements but still receive this error: Is there any way to use Jinja2 templates in Lovelace? I would like to be able to do filtering with either the entity-filter or conditional card based on comparing the states of two different entities and, although I can create template sensors to do this, it would be great if I could use the Jinja2 directly in Lovelace but it doesn’t seem to work. teskanoo (Teska Noo) October 4, 2024, 9:25pm 1. yaml”, line 15, Details about YAML to configure Home Assistant. Switch to Raw Editor mode and then copy My Home Assistant :wave: Hi, my name is Thomas and I’m a UX designer and have been using Home Assistant for 4 years. yaml contents, hit save and exited editor. 86. How to get the goal to have 2 columns. drivin: [[[ return variables. I’m working on a complex home assistant configuration for a friend who’s husband passed away this July. Configuration. office style: top: 41. yaml file which doesn’t display anything other than an error: Error: “mapping values are not allowed here in “/config/ui-lovelace. Button in one (or 50% page width). x) and are using yaml mode for lovelace (or you wouldn’t be looking at the ui-lovelace. Why are you able to Today we’re happy to announce that our new Lovelace UI, which has been in beta for the last 8 months, is becoming the new default interface of Home Assistant 0. 2 Copy all of that into a ui-lovelace. You need to move the Home Assistant is open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. Powered by a worldwide community of tinkerers and DIY enthusiasts. Both files have a green tick in the editor. yaml file. Please, is For me, it seems that a code copy/paste and changing some variables/entities is not easy possible here. i can’t load lovelace for some reason, About The new Lovelace UI for Home Assistant is here, and it is extremely fast, extremely customizable and extremely extensible. To confirm is this the file named “lovelace” in the . 87. storage/lovelace, which contains json to mylovelace. 1. Can I directly edit this file? EDIT 2: a direct edition of the file does Well, George, we don’t agree: Announcing the release of Home Assistant Core 0. 1 to 86. ciotlosm (Marius) June 27, 2018, 6:26am 4. you can keep the state-card_value-only, just don’t reference it in the lovelace. js inside your ui-lovelace. ; A platform makes the connection to a specific software or hardware platform (like pushbullet works with the service from pushbullet. . yaml, but they are getting First you would need another input_select for your rooms in your configuration. 4 I still need to figure out a yaml code line for just chaning the minimalst But Lovelace does not see her. 0. . I commented out my lovelace: mode: yaml in my configuration. Note: should use /local instead of /config/www/ - url: /local/css/my. If you hadn’t changed the default setup, all other stuff will most likely go into ui-lovelace. But now I wanted to add a footer graph. I have a block inside my yaml where I !include some code. 3 I keep hearing people mention the raw editor for lovelace. yaml file? As an example I have a temperature sensor which displays to 1 decimal place (63. Many of the features are drag and drop, while some still require some YAML coding. yaml (either completely or the relevant parts: resources and the entity for which you want to use it) as well as the custom component itself. I create an input_select & automations to activate the appropriate scene upon selection done in the input_select. Optional additional 2 sensors to display in state field. If you want to edit yaml you can go to your dashboard, hit the icon (top right) to enter edit mode, then the ⁝ icon and select “Raw You can edit Lovelace directly in the Home Assistant UI and immediately see the results. 8. 1 and it’s set for lovelace mode: yaml in configuration. Gauge in second (or 50% page w If you like doing advanced lovelace configurations, you’re probably using yaml mode, and you’ve probably noticed the configuration file grows huge very quickly. yaml) I do see a filename called “lovelace” in . Share your Projects! Dashboards & Frontend. png Thanks for your feedback and the update of lovelace_gen, the new filter is very handy. js somewhere inside /www/ and add it to resources: if you’re using LL in YAML mode, check out this (example), Ok so docs about ui-lovelace. Can you post your ui-lovelace. yaml script: @asa79 thats correct and the reason is that its a core settings file just like configuration. In storage mode, everytime I installed a new card through HACS, it asked to add resources. The neatest way, I thought, was to create a ui-lovelace/ subdirectory and put one file per tab, then I could just use !include_dir_list to include them all. 5% The documentation is unclear as to what folders you need in order to use lovelace in yaml mode, e. I’m finding that many still load as Roboto and they inherit that from the base html for HA. yaml?People mention local and www folders. yaml in the root of your config directory. -> it helps seeing the decluttering cards as one big yaml anchor. It became apparent that for various reasons I no longer use most of the UI configuration Home Assistant Community Getting creative with Lovelace heading cards. If you like doing advanced lovelace configurations, you’re probably using yaml mode, and you’ve probably noticed the configuration file grows huge very quickly. So right now the card for my robot card takes up more Subview . after installation (via HACS) some are visible in the lovelace widget editor, some or not I’m trying to setup lovelace for my HA instance. But the system starts up in safe mode. klogg (Klogg) February 6, 2020, 9:45pm 41. 82. yaml had grown to a very large size. Hi All, i’ve have recently moved from OpenHAB to Home Assistant and i am loving it so far! After having played with the new Lovelace UI a bit i decided it was time to do so more complicated things in lovelace that require me to move to “yaml mode” . yam Thanks lovelace: mode: yaml in my config neither did I have a <config>/ui-lovelace. jpeg’) I am unsure how to add opacity though. I have a Team, I would like to increase the size of lovelace view ICONS. Any hints? Thanks! Hello, Newbie here. Home Assistant Community Lovelace: Decluttering Card. Month of "What the heck?!" (2020) lovelace. To change the Overview dashboard, create a new file ui-lovelace. Now, in yaml mode, none of the custom cards work, beacause the previously setup resources are not available through the A couple of days ago I started experimenting with Lovelace Minimalist. Reply reply Something that explains a little more of what I dont understand. yaml it’s in the wrong format and language for lovelace. First of all. yaml I’m using the default: title: My Awesome Home Hello everyone, I am currently trying to change my frontend a littlebit. yaml or lovelace to do my settings? Home Assistant Community Lovelace: Mini Media Player. This way you’ll not clutter your configuration. Lovelace YAML mode. Is there a way to “switch” to ui I have using the Lovelace HASL Departure Card with the HA-LondonTfL Integration form HACS Cant seem to get this to work correctly with the latest HASL Departure Card. I’ve done the cut/paste to create a cut down config plus a new file with one of the sets of code. Done! Hope I This repo will have example yaml for Home Assistant automations, scripts, lovelace dashboard cards. To rerender the When you build a complex card with multiple conditions stacked inside of each other you have to fix indentation. Continuing the discussion from My Lovelace Plugins: thanks! I now see why I couldn’t get the includes to work. kalkih (Karl Kihlström) February 6, The UI editors have come a long way and it would be great to be able to use them but still keep my config in YAML mode. First, be sure you’re using Lovelace YAML mode. Everything (so far) works just fine, but for the life of me, I can’t get - !include to work in the ui-lovelace. A “View” can be marked as “Subview”. yaml us very basic: views: - !include lovelace/01home. With Lovelace we’re taking a new approach to bu Hi, I’m trying to clear up my lovelace file, and split views into individual yaml files. is the ui-lovelace. It allows for easy Open your ui-lovelace. This didn’t really work, though, because there was no way to control the order of the tabs! The list Hi All, I think it won’t harm if I share my method of migrating from UI-configured Lovelace to YAML. i don’t want to modify I have been reading the documentation in order to manage my dashboard through YAML files directly and skip the need to go to the raw editor and copy over the entire YAML but for some reason, I am unable to get it Home Assistant is open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. In an attempt to make my floor plan image more Theme friendly, I decided to replace all of the whitespace with a transparency and then export the floor plan as a PNG. Features. Can we somehow edit the files through the frontend? My family like HA but when my wife ask how she can edit the timer for the blinds and that she want to edit the timer directly in card I don’t have an answer. yaml file (or something like it) that points to my. I am wondering if it is possible to assign, via YAML, a specific existing theme instead of selecting it via user-preferences which affects all user’s devices. jwelvaert (Jwelvaert) December 25, 2019, 2:42pm 1. asierralozano (Alberto Sierra) While every single piece of instruction I’ve read instructs me to add the resource to ui-lovelace. And I’m running HA Hi All, Is there a way to reference you card configurations as another yaml file in order to keep your ui-lovelace. Is it possible to create a new entity within a Lovelace card or is it only possible via Template in the configuration. So what do I do? Do I go to YAML? Will my So I’m taking the plunge – I want more comments in my work, so I’m moving to YAML mode for Lovelace config. yaml, was getting rather large, so I decided to split each view (tab) into its own file. Subviews can, for instance, be used to show detailed information; you could link to this subview from a page with a clean Currently, editing the Lovelace YAML configuration in Home Assistant is not fully supported within the VSCode add-on. One of the examples - I want to have an input_select with some string constants as options and in a template sensor I need to know which one is selected and Remove mode: yaml from configuration. yaml would inclu # This is now moved here: https://home-assistant. Another gotcha with includes is that YAML anchors are file-scope, so if you try to collect a bunch of YAML anchors in a separate file for instantiation elsewhere, it won’t work. Fully supports HA UI Editor (no need to edit YAML code). Pure string manipulation (copy&paste), no states templating. klogg (Klogg) Try including a file in lovelace_new. So I am using UI mode now, which is good. yaml files in same folder/directory as config. Archive. Splitting it into more files help a bit and node anchors will only get I have been slack about implementing Lovelace, and feel I am really way behind in my understanding. yaml file located in /home/homeassistant/. My lovelace machine is still on . And we’re already seeing the limits of my knowledge . Or from Home Assistant completely. Click the overflow menu (three vertical dots) in the UI’s top right-hand corner and select Configure UI. In the meantime I’ll keep a commented copy of the Oh hi! I’ve been looking around the forums for an answer and haven’t been able to find one I’m simply trying to inject custom CSS on my Dashboards and I’m struggling to figure out how. 81. yaml custom_header: hide_help: true kiosk_mode: false title: EnnisHome views: !include_dir_list . In HTML I can make a change that does exactly what I want but the question is: (how) can this be done in the theme YAML? :host { display: var(--ha-ic Since you haven’t said, I will assume you are running the latest version of HA (113. There are currently 24 out of the box “cards” Make sure you copy the data from the UI raw editor before entering these lines in the configuration. So in case if anyone is interested, you can use _globals as described in the documentation with the following tricks :. Thanks. zroger49 (Zroger49) July 14, 2021, 11:45am 134. After showing a little bit of my interface on Bokub’s post, I had several requests for more details Home Assistant Container on a Synology DiskStation DS918+ NAS. yaml file isn’t shown because I have only shown part of the the output from the find command @DavidFW1960. 107 resources go here. In your configuration yaml, turn on YAML mode for lovelace. image: /local/Groundfloor_crop. js file in /www/ like it told me to it told me to add a path to the . yaml # Configure a default setup of Home Assistant (frontend, api, etc) default_config: # Text to speech tts: - platform: google_translate lovelace: mode: yaml group: !include groups. yaml in my config folder. yaml and floorplan_second_floor. poratnir (Nir Porat) September 20, 2019, 6:41pm 4. yaml file i created a link to the folder which contains yaml files for each view: lovelace. homeassistant: packages: !include_dir_named integrations customize: !include_dir_named customizations/entities In the entities directory I have a . This would allow for use of the dropdowns and all that I’m trying to add the following statement: !include_dir_merge_named /foo/bar In YAML mode, it works as expected, but in non YAML mode, if I try to add it by RawEditor, Home Assistant Community YAML tags not working in non Lovelace YAML mode. I want to react to the window sensors. Ildar_Gabdullin (ildar gabdullin) April 21, 2021, 2:41pm 7. 7 to notice that my known_devices. g. 107, I have created the Lovelace Card Preloader: Add it to your Lovelace resources: resources: - type: js i added this code to the top of my ui-lovelace. Contribute to CiquattroFPV/Homeassistant-Example-Config development by creating an account on GitHub. I can find however config/. yaml and am getting lots of “red block” errors due to missing resources, such as auto-entities, which were installed via HACS. Restart Home Assistant. yaml file is. homeassistant folder, and after a re-boot this resulted in the ui to I have search all over the place to find where the lovelace yaml is saved in HA system file but I could not find it (at least not it the directories available through Samba). I am playing around with my Roborock vacuum cleaner card and you can really do awesome stuff with Lovelace. Add a reference to mini-graph-card-bundle. The first two options are very Home Assistant Community 🔹 Lovelace_gen - Add abilities to ui_lovelace. I now see a lot of ppl dont know about this file (light_profiles. I am already only using yaml files for all my Home Assistant configuration. The Lovelace YAML is: entities: - entity: sensor. yaml # Home Assistant configuration file # Enable the frontend frontend: # Enable the recorder recorder: purge_keep_days: 30 # Configure the DBuit sidebar-card plugin I need to integrate a elseif statement into my lovelace-card-mod style. js type: module - url enable Advance mode on your profile — restart HOME ASSISTANT – go to setting — DASHBOARD — click on the This works for some of the fonts but not a lot of them. But when a dashboard gets complicated it doesn’t work so well. But that isn’t possible in the UI. theone (Dan Kessler) July 4, 2020, 2:12pm 99. yaml automation: !include automations. @JuanMTech @home_assistant Now if it would be contributed back to This integration changes the way Home Assistant parses your ui_lovelace. But some guidance is appreciated. The configuration files are in a directory that is mounted on the empty /config directory in the container by Docker when the container is spun up. you can now have multiple dashboards each of which can be generated automatically, managed through the ui or managed through Is there a way to convert homeautomation/homeassistant/. All are visible in single column. Anyway it seems my first choice is whether to use a yaml config, or use the ui lovelace config tool. rsachoc (Rsachoc) April 21, 2019, 4:08pm 632. entity ]]] That’s JS. Both have there pros and cons. how to change settings in your lovelace Open your Home Assistant instance and start setting up by following these steps: Navigate to "Settings" --> "Devices & Services" Click "+ Add Integration" Search for and select -> "UI Lovelace Minimalist" Or you can use the My Home Now, to install NSPanel Lovelace UI Backend with HACS, follow these steps: Custom Firmware for NsPanel with the design of HomeAssistant's lovelace UI in mind, works with Tasmota. I am a bit of a control freak, so I am rending to favour yaml. the ui-lovelace yaml file is only used in storage mode, Hi, I’m having trouble adding opacity to my lovleace View background image. yaml for each entity I Some weeks into the existence of Subviews, I am still not comfortable with them. Using raw configuration editor, under the floorplan view, I added the code for horizontal stack and conditional cards, but Looks like I need to put Lovelace in YAML mode. Hey, We all edit configuration, automation, group directly in the yaml files. ; The basics of YAML syntax are block collections and mappings containing key-value pairs. Are there any examples out there that explain the folder structure? How do you have a single *. (notice that I looked for ALL yaml file and there are no ui-lovelace. Advanced users can switch on YAML mode for editing the Lovelace UI. storage directory and it I have a number of views in their own files included from ui-lovelace. The first is that you can have either UI dashboard, yaml dashboard, or both. bbox_ping icon: 'mdi: router-wireless My configuration. yaml: In the themes. yaml which contains the yaml representation? I know you I’m also looking for a way to hide entities from the lovelace ui easily. Using Yaml mode, I have to create a ‘fake’ dashboard to collect the subviews (which essentially are Views) to collect them in a Has anyone gotten the Ring Doorbell camera on a card in lovelace? I’ve tried picture entity and a few other things but haven’t gotten it to work yet. I’m in the process of adding devices and want them to I found a custom lovelace panel I want to use and after placing the . I was mainly interested in a possibility of using constants across various configuration files. The workaround I’d create is a template sensor that pulls the data from your secrets and use this sensor for your keypress. I’ve tried adding this block (and variations with different Here are three methods for reusing code in Home Assistant / YAML. Home Assistant - Example - Config. Hi all I’m new to Home Assistant, but I have a fully installed Home Assistant system and have already “played around” with a few things. ui-lovelace. yaml is no longer necessarily where you will define a yaml lovelace configuration. yaml to point to this resource file; lovelace: mode: yaml resources: #starting 0. Does You should have a HomeAssistant (HA) instance running, preferrably with HACS installed and you should know the basics in using HA, eg. Please use codeblocks ``` for these, that will make reviewing a lot easier. Some people have advocated switching into the Hello everybody, I created several dashboards in YAML mode for mobile, tablet and computer devices, each of them should have a specific theme, as for example “iOS-dark”. It looks like there are two different versions of the code. Before I started, I wanted to get to grips with the design of the dashboards and My Lovelace config file, ui-lovelace. But I also noticed that it gets really long, when you add a couple of elements and sensors. 3) and I want to round it down (63). Share your Projects! Custom Integrations. I was a bit tired to use YAML mode for my configurations. yaml and config that belongs together is at the same place. The ui-lovelace. 06 KB floorplan_first_floor. My config files: configuration. I have 2 cards that I would Only configuration is done through ui Best Home Assistant Dashboard Themes in 2023; Another Top 10 Home Assistant Lovelace Themes; Home Assistant Light Cards Collection; Top 8 Home Assistant Thermostat Cards; Top 10 Home Assistant Weather Cards; Dear forum Basic question around lovelace, I’m wondering how themes work in the lovelace interface: in configuration. I meant I want to also Yesterday I spent plenty of time reading some very interesting articles by Thomas Loven and applying tricks described. 6 or . yaml in your configuration directory and add the following section to your configuration. Can I just Button card Lovelace Button card for your entities. Home Assistant Community Lovelace -- multiple !includes (merge lists) Configuration. skavan November 8, 2024, 4:56am 1. After that I went back to 3 dots and went to raw config editor and pasted my ui-lovelace. alternatively, one can split up the configuration as it might be easier and not everything can be put in separate With that said I saw Lovelace show up and waited to get started. Moved docs to: https://home but you have to add your entities in the lovelace. I see beautiful implementations and want to get started. Does it allow the ui-lovelace. What I noticed is there are two ways to make a layout, old school YAML or a WYSIWYG(not sure what else to call it). Started googling about it, thank you! petro (Petro) April 21, 2021, 2:42pm 8. You paste your template into the template editor, let it create all your yaml, then paste it into lovelace. I’m on Version 0. Instead of putting Playing with Lovelace, this is a proof-of-concept using a banner to combine badges and message/notification. lovelace: mode: yaml # # Add-On for lovelace # resources: - url: /local/auto-entities. My issue is that I want to use custom cards which involves appending a resource section to the YAML. The Lovelace UI seems to no be able to find the required resources. yaml. yaml I’ve copied a few themes from here: GitHub Lovelace yaml not supported there breaks that “bundling”. I tried defining macros in the ui @webwurli Just to clarify, you are talking about Lovelace and your custom element isn’t loaded at all, right?. A lot. 107! This release brings a crazy amount of awesome new features and beautiful improvements to the frontend. All done!! Hi, have problems with, how to have all files connected to ui. The Platform or Bus numbers do not come up. I could probably set up a macro or something in VSCode to automate the “touch”, but I just generally avoid includes for Lovelace. Using a small shortcut menu set of buttons with buttons like this: - type: custom:button-card template: Hello. Contribute to agneevX/home-assistant development by creating an account on GitHub. I started using yaml mode recently when the opportunity to create dashboards was introduced so I had my default dashboard in UI mode and created a new one with mode: yaml. Now you can edit that yaml all you want. I can add the image just fine by adding the following to my view yaml editor: background: >- 100% / cover no-repeat fixed url(‘/local/House/2nd Floor - Master Bedroom. Think of it as an Need a resource. It took me until about 2023. input_select: floorplan_room: name: The room to show when viewing the floorplan. I got the resources set up alright using (!include resources/resources. From here, I have seen that using !include is now explicitly mentioned in the docs for (I believe) the first time but can someone explain how it works as I can’t find anything to tell me. server_closet_environment_temperature name: Temperature I can It’s not a custom card, it’s a lov err, a dasboard using other custom cards to achieve the depicted look Lovelace: mini-graph-card A minimalistic and customizable graph card for Home Assistant Lovelace UI. 1) using Fully Kiosk Browser. petro: lovelace_gen. It starts lagging. Hello, I am on homeassistant I can’t find ui-lovelace. yaml: ??? www: -? I’m a little confused about this, attach pictures with my configurations. Unfortunately, HA is not rendering the image correctly So to close out the story (and for anyone else who has the same problem) I should add that I did finally get to the root cause of the problem, and it wasn’t the UI or lovelace or any cards. 2 Supervisor 2023. yaml title: My Awesome Home views: . I have several cards. pbecks1963 (Pakikje) December 30, 2018, 6:05pm 1. Instead, I had to click the top right ellipsis, select ‘Configure UI’, then click it again, and select ‘Raw config editor’, then add the following at the top. My card just uses this feature not inventing it. Home Assistant 2023. lovelace configurations. This limitation creates a significant inconvenience for users who frequently update sensors or entities, as they must manually search and update these references across multiple dashboards. HI, experimenting with the dashboard options, I have created a dashboard next to the default ui-lovelace. Many configuration examples refer to ui-lovelace. At least it will be considered. METHOD 1 - Anchors Define anchors (the code you want to reuse) using the & key You can define Home Assistant lovelace layout and config. It's obviously only useful if you are using YAML mode. Lets say you have a picture elements card and you have one entity. Despite doing many I have 25 lights that I’m adding to a picture-elements card. Each item in a collection starts with a I’m trying to switch to using ui-lovelace. I've found or built different automations, scripts and lovelace dashboard cards that I think work well or look nice and I'm sure people are going to be interested in. If coders invest already a lot of time - and imho YAML is quite time consuming - to create a lovelace card with all details of markdown etc. 6 KB The problem appears to be the letters to degrees conversion: Untitled 919×57 3. yaml:. Few people take time to write amazing tutorials. I will start with reading up on YAML. Create a file called ui-lovelace. The Lovelace UI is a powerful and configurable interface for Home Assistant. so, it seems you can replicate your original card content with the useful-markdown Hi, I created 4 scenes for my office. Where is the ui-lovelace. I did some searching around and can’t find anything about it working 🔹 Improve the lovelace yaml parser for Home Assistant. Screenshot 2023-01-25 at 09-25-14 Administration – Home Assistant 512×523 9. yaml, I’ve included a themes. Built to work with official Switcher Integration for Home Assistant. css type: css Need configuration. Sensor 1 to be displayed when Switcher is On. Are there any pitfalls I need to be aware of before I split up my configuration file? I’ve been using HA for over a year and I’ve got a big config file that could do with being split up as there are two large and very separate topics. I have however got my interface just right now using ui-lovelace. css, with type: css. I’m trying like hell to find a way to override without having to card-modder every damn card but I can’t. io/lovelace. yaml is no longer needed? I dont have one but my understanding is this is a legacy Lovelace YAML Mode – If you want fine-grained control or just like writing YAML this page is the official documentation for configuring Lovelace using YAML. yaml) but was unable to do the same for the filename tags referencing Hi Guys - I’m trying to understand how to create lovelace templates. yaml in your config dir. I have a bedroom fan with 4 If you want to use configuration files to You can change lovelace to yaml mode and then you can configure the whole lovelace interface in yaml configurations. Home Assistant. How do you add new custom card element? usually you need to copy your content-card-example. Is there a way to remotely (programatically, ideally via the API but I did not find anything relevant) edit the YAML file to add/remove some entries? EDIT: I found that . Anyone know of sample configs availab… I’m currently using the original HA UI but wanting to “dip my toes” into the Lovelace UI via the YAML setup. storage folder? Can I make changes directly in this file if I dont what to do it in the GUI? Can someone also confirm that a ui-lovelace. yaml to be split? I’ve experimented but can’t make it work. It looks like a json file. yaml, but they are getting big and I want to move them to their own file. com). 1 Like. Building the Lovel I edit the dashboard in YAML mode and whenever I add a new Frontend card via HACS, I thought I had to restart HA after adding the url and type within resources: in the configuration. I can’t locate any sample Lovelace YAML config files on the HA website. yaml and lovelace. Around 9mb with some 86000 odd lines. I’ve found the mode:yaml I’ve been using YAML mode for my Lovelace interface for about 8 months now, but with all the recent improvements to UI mode recently, and the ability to more the resources section to configuration. Deleting . It would be very cool if us lovelace YAML editing folks could use the Lovelace UI card editors to design lovelace cards to create code which we could then copy into our lovelace config. yaml file for the floorplan and include that in an UI controlled lovelace? I see that I quickly get HUGE yaml files in the UI editor, and it can’t really handle it. Hi - failing at the first hurdle here, installation! I found the I dont have the I’m running HA on a VM on Unraid. js file to the lovelace resource area. yaml, and I’m not keen to start over. This is the location Is it better to use configuration. I do run into a small Hi there upgraded from 85. !include resources. These automatically created files are structured very differently. I would like now to add a visual bar in Home Assistant Community Lovelace Card YAML Question. Why are you able to use the !include option in yaml mode, but not if you edit your lovelace view via configure through the GUI? Home Assistant Community Lovelace NON YAML add include tag. The file I Hello. yaml and use lovelace_gen in the included file. storage/lovelace (and the various dashboards I created). Displays remaining time in state field. yaml file, copied the contents of my ui-lovelace. As an example, I have a bunch of Philip Hue bulbs. yaml I have a lovelace yaml dashboard, using # lovelace_gen. custom:button-card, custom:weather-card and gauge. I basically jumped into it this week. yaml) - panel: Home Assistant Community Lovelace, where is it stored? Configuration. GitHub - kongo09/hass-kongo09-icons: I don’t believe you can use secrets in the lovelace yaml config, though happy to be corrected. Below is my ui-lovelace. In my lovelace. A little thing I cooked up using the new This is the Lovelace YAML that consumes the jinja template output Greetings, I upgraded Home Assistant yesterday and I am in the process of migrating my config to Lovelace. # OFFICE LIGHT # - type: state-icon entity: light. But the card just has one line: all_devices How ui-lovelace. yaml file, using the file editor in Home Assistant (see step 2 in this article) or directly through FTP. bvaz vdxqmp qam obzsk cxubxgv aysyio kzpdqe hli zwerzo xddzmhnhj