Copy file to all users desktop Problem: These accounts are all AD accounts and the Public Desktop for this machine has been disabled. The name "User-A" represents the username for each person and there are 100's of users, is there a command I can use for "C:\IT\userfolders**ALL For Program entries: install command: powershell. Reply reply Copying files to all of the the user profiles is a snap with PowerShell. This could be a copy of your master file, or even a link via the network so that when you update the central system master file then all users on all P. Ideally, I would like to have one script that will "detect" the user logging in and copy a file with that user's name (i. Basically, you use a tool found in the Microsoft Security Compliance Toolkit called LGPO. I have the K1100 and have tried the script wizard that is built in but for some reason it doesn't seem to work. Share Improve this answer Copying Files To User Profile . Follow our guide on 'get started today. This tells the FOR command how many header lines to skip before processing data. Paste the copied shortcut into the All Users Desktop folder. or even use psexec or something to active the batch file from your desktop using a gui with Find the Files You Want to Copy While keeping the USB drive window open, press Ctrl+N to open a new File Explorer window. Copy files and folders to the appropriate location on the new computer. \\server\\netlogon\\shortcuts) My question: Could there be a standard batch script to delete any How do I deploy a folder to users using Intune? I came across a scenario where I needed to deploy a folder full of PDF files for a set of users, and the folder needed to be available to all users via the Public Desktop. They needed to be deployed So, if you have a file on a users desktop named "contacts. Share. The shortcuts are placed in the folder named by the I am trying to make a batch file to copy a shortcut . I want to generate a batch file that will copy all *. Is there a universal path i can use that will work with Vista and XP? Instead of below: xcopy \iserver I want to have a specific file copied to a user's desktop during login. I am a novice when it I have been tasked with deploying a shortcut to every user's desktop that uses a certain machine here at my place of work. Do you Source file is location of batch file on server. The first call to REG is unnecessary. Below is what i have done in the Hello, I am currently attempting to copy 8 Microsoft Office template files to C:\Users\username\appdata\roaming\Microsoft\Templates directory. Im trying to write a script to copy some new urls contained in a folder to all devices required (in a list) However, when I do this, it only put them into a favorites folder under my current account, on the remote device. The script bellow will search each users desktop, remove all . The files I need to copy over are for BGINFO, nothing fancy. Turns out we had some geniuses who decided to copy files manually to different servers hosting DFS "to speed things up". This task Go to your C drive > Users > Public > Public Desktop (“Public Desktop” is usually a hidden file, so you need to do this – in your File Explorer select ‘View’ and then select the checkbox ‘Hidden Items’ Solution 1: Create desktop shortcuts for all users for all at once! Please open shell:Desktop and the shell:common desktop folder in Windows Explorer! The shell:desktop is your own and the shell:common desktop is Learn how to make a desktop shortcut available for all users in Windows 7 and 10. take that theme file and copy it to a folder where it can stay forever, I copy mine to C:\Windows\Resources\Themes. My solution: Set ALLUSERS=1, so that the Installer points the DesktopFolder property to the common desktop instead of the installing user's desktop. Hope it this helps. What am I missing? Thanks in advance!! @echo off xcopy /y /s “C:\\ProgramData\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs\\Accessories\\Old Hi everyone. The export path can be whatever works best for you but keep the xml file name the same. xls file types from a user's profile. Since it requires admin credentials to copy to that folder, what command would When a new user is created, their profile is setup to mirror that of the default user. These PC’s are in use by multiple people, and all their icons are placed in the documents and settings all users directory. com/roelvandepaarWith thanks & praise to God, a Copy the shortcut to C:\users\public\desktop OR c:\users\default\desktop. ini file that runs the configuration of the application resides in C:\\Program Files (x86)[folder The desktop for newly created user profiles in Windows is a copy of the "Default User" desktop. Line 15 should only have the . for /f %%a in ('dir /B /AD C:\Users') do ( if exist "C:\Users\%%a\Desktop\Kronos Workforce Central(R). I have a GPO with a startup script (computer) batch file that copies the files from a DFS location to all desktops, laptops, tablets. and a Shortcut GPP. ) Solution 1: Create desktop shortcuts for all users for all at once! Please open shell:Desktop and the shell:common desktop folder in Windows Explorer! The shell:desktop is your own and the shell:common desktop is We use a startup. It works here if I change the last line to: How to move all items from desktop to I use the following to save to users desktops. "User1. bat is not working. When I try to open C:\Users\Public\Desktop with Explorer, I also get access denied, although my Windows account is an admin account. Please Copy link Copy link Go to sysadmin r/sysadmin. ico files located in \Desktop for each user. Transfer data: Connect an external hard disk or USB drive to the new computer. When they login again into the same PC or different PC and if these shortcuts are already present on the All users desktop , I would like the script to ignore the copying the shortcuts again. Or simply put a folder under C: drive since this folder can be accessed by anyone. 1 %userprofile% on . We don't need to use usebackq, we can use single quotes around the command instead. Or a user policy depending where you put it. I don’t want to copy them over file by file because it will clutter their desktops, and I don’t want to simply provide a link to the folder because I want them to customize their individual folders. Hope this helps. This is a user-to-user support forum, and I am a fellow user. Can I use active directory to push the icon out to I understand that you wish to allow access to the desktop shortcuts for all users. If I use absolute file path it works. I made my attempting using SCCM 2012, but my primary question is what is the all users switch command for copying files to It copies files and directories to all user profiles except the default user's. . That's how Windows works. For e. Hello All, Just a simple request. I am using PDQ deploy to deploy the program and have been trying to run a command from it to copy the shortcut. Go to C drive (C:) > I am currently having issues trying to put a copy of a file from my dc to all of my users’ desktops via group policy. Stack Exchange Network. This folder contains various end user documentation and shortcuts that people use. Copy the files and folders you need to the external device. Using GPO, you can Good morning i need to copy a file from a source to a destination. After the operation has finished, I'm assuming that the copies not only has to reside in the home directory of each user, but that it should also be owned by that user and belong to the group users with permissions 0644. Copy data: Connect an external hard disk or USB drive to the old computer. powershell, question. I've exported my start menu but having read up on it doesn't seem possible to pin the Devices and Printers shortcut in the normal fashion. I have a system account, which can log onto all the User folders. If the destination is written with a variable the script says Hi everyone. Then you could target that policy at just the required users. By default, xcopy Please forgive me if this has been covered or if I’m just an idiot (LOL) - I’m a noob I’m trying to add a . bat "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup" Hi guys, I’d like to copy over a folder to each user’s desktop. Assuming you need to copy all files and folders from the source location to the %localappdata% of the Default profile. ive used Method 1: using a batch file to copy the file @ Echo off copy /Y I'm saying 2 things: 1) Tanium packages run as system, so cannot use user variables (use C:\Users\Default instead!). This folder is shared among all users on the system. One is the per user desktop folder, and the other is the all users desktop folder. This is located at C:\Users\Default\Desktop. Click Permitted to use, and then add all user accounts to which you want to give full profile control How to copy files to all the user profiles under C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local (Using batch file) 0. If you really want it to apply to users though, better option might be to create a user policy copying the file to the user’s personal desktop instead of the All Users desktop. 4. I'm looking for a way to copy files over to/from remote Windows hosts, and need to provide domain user credentials as part of the process, similar to the way psexec does. The issue is users being able to run it away from the network. Click on view on top of the right pane and check on Hidden item box. It's not clean but it reduces some of the work. 3). Hit Enter. Click on OS(C:) and click on user folder. I'm on Windows 7 an in the past, I've been using the C:\Users\Public\Desktop to manually add an icon each machine. It is likely that the file is located in the other folder, thus you see the file on your desktop, but your batchfile can't actually find it. Improve this answer. I found PowerShell script best fit to create shortcut with PowerShell. shell; applescript; file-copying; How to copy files to all the user profiles under C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local (Using batch file) 0 Copy all ini from one folder for all users to another folder Notepad++ is an awesome text editing tool, it can accept regex to process the text data. The script is supposed to find the name of the currently logged on user and copy that unique file to C:\Users\Public. If the data is in a “. bat? copy \server1\testing\TestTkr. I will then set the batch file to run automatically via Scheduled Tasks after-hours when all users are logged out. Is this the correct command in the . Is there a universal path i can use that will work with Vista and XP? All - I am copying a file from the network to each users desktop via login script. 168. SpecialFolders("Desktop") For other folders in the users we can expand the environment strings. 3. the shared folder grants everyone read/write permissions. When you deploy the script in intune you'll need to make sure you enable the "Run this script using the logged on credentials" option and assign it to users that need the file. How would i use gpo on server 2003 to deploy a icon to the all user desktop so i would not have to goto each work station thanks steve Just select the “File Operation” predefined action and launch the remote copy of I’m just starting to explore the possibilities with SCCM’s Scripts feature. I was able to create a folder and subfolder on each PC but am unable to Open the “Users” folder, which contains user profiles for all the users on your computer. In SCCM, this was a pretty easy thing to do. Since you don't want to hard code path's, we can use the FOR to search for . The all users’ How do I use the Powershell script to copy a file that is being pushed by MS Intune to the desktop of target endpoint PCs?(we don’t need to run the file, just copy to the desktop) We can use Intune to push . Now, navigate to the All Users Desktop folder. The main issue I am running into right now is copying things from one drive to another where it needs to go into a user profile How to copy a file from network share to all user's AppData folder? basically I have an Outlook signature I want to copy from \networkshare\sysvol\script\signature. I’m guessing I’m not using the correct variable in the Destination file. Good morning everyone, I am looking to write a script to allow a file copied to all profiles currently residing on the machine and for all future accounts that are created as well. In the same GPO, I'd like to delete the old batch file that this program is replacing. For now I need to copy two files, one for the desktop, and I'm trying to write a batch file that can copy a file from my computer to all computers in a list. Let’s Hi, I’m trying to copy a file through Comp Config to All Users’ Desktop through GPP but can’t seem to get it working. Shell" ) objShell Then use a batch file as the command to line to install the software first then copy the shortcut also, so the command line will be the actual name of the batch file that execues the install and copy. Also, verify it is applied to an all computers group and that group has access to the file source. I need a batch file to do the following: XCopy From: C:\Folder1. C. ) Solution 1: Create desktop shortcuts for all users for all at once! Please open shell:Desktop and the shell:common desktop folder in Windows Explorer! The shell:desktop is your own and the shell:common desktop is . I need to copy a single file from a server to every computer in our environment. Line 16 is optional and provides a description in the shortcut properties; Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company Visit the blog If you need to transfer any personal files from the new user profile to the admin to user profile you can go to the c:\users. exe remove-item "c:\users\public\desktop\shortcut. 3: Hello All, I’m trying to execute setup file first which works fine and then there is two files i would like to copy to desktop for all logged in users on the system, not sure why the copy part not working if someone can A right-click run as admin and editing the properties to run as admin will not stay open even with the read-host. The folder will contain scripts, readmes, and other resources that I think will be helpful to the individual user. I am trying to take a screen saver file I've made and copy it to all of our desktops and laptops \\system32 folder. In MDT, I’m struggling. msi Ok I have four computers each with their own various applications. Tips for Adding Shortcut to All Users Desktop Windows 10 Don’t do this with a script. Software Deployment KACE Product Support Scripting Software Systems Management Systems Deployment Best Practices Miscellaneous. If the script targets the user's name it works. Using Group Policies, you can automatically copy specific files or folders to all domain computers. On each P. Hey guys -- little new on SCCM here. I have some shortcuts for apps such as office apps and other internal software in a folder titled “shortcuts” in the server (i. Link the GPO to the OU above. When copying file to public desktop in Command Prompt I get a "Access Denied" error. Problem is the file needs to be created in: c:\\users[userid]\\appdata\\local[folder location]. file C:\Users\*user*\Desktop where user is my user folder. That computer is on the domain, and users use their AD To copy files over to a different drive, highlight the file(s) you want to copy, click and drag them over to the second window, and then drop them. What I am trying to figure out is if there is a way that a specific file can be copied onto their desktop on first login. { Replace, "Test Shortcut", File System Object, All Users Desktop "\\Path\To\Folder" } Delegation > Advanced > Authenticated Users > Apply Group Policy > Unchecked/Unticked; Delegation > Advanced > Add > TESTCOMPUTER; Delegation > Advanced > TESTCOMPUTER > Apply Group Policy > Checked/Ticked This will place the icon on all users desktops as this is the default profile, other user accounts are copied from. It fails, saying that the access is denied, and then doesn't install the programs. I have generated unique files for users who will be running their scripts remotely. I have tried going through user configuration > preferences > windows settings > files, I am trying to place a pdf file on the desktop on all workstations on our network. I typically do this to write temporary text files which I then delete, but it can be used for this as well: Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Sub SavePDF() ActiveSheet. This doesn't help you with current users, but it does help you for users who haven't been created (logged on) I'd go with option 1 because it's relatively standard and its what your average user is going to expect. Something like: cp myfile /home/*/Desktop/ I found a way to copy files to all home directories using xargs but it fails on the subdirectory. doc and *. No need for any user settings in the RDP just to stick the file on the desktop. To work around this, go into C:\Users\Public\Desktop and delete all the program icons. I’ve Create All Users/Public Users desktop shortcuts Looking for a good way to create Desktop shortcuts for users. Specify these shortcut files that you wish to copy in the Additional Files field. etc available to all users on a PC, Adding a shortcut to all users’ desktops in Windows 10 is a convenient way to ensure that everyone who uses the computer has quick access to a particular program or file. It’s one of the more common questions that I’m asked, so I thought I’d get a blog post written about it so that people have something to reference. What is the You can then find this file in C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Themes. lnk “%userprof The first line sets the current users desktop path and the second downloads the file to the desktop. ico files, then prompt the user it has finished. exe -noExit To run a batch file as Admin, you need to right-click on it & select Run as Admin. exe and . discussion, windows-server. When users connect for the first time, their profile folders are automatically created by windows, and that’s great. You In our org, we push a lot of files to C:\users\public\desktop folders. (to improve the code and help anyone's understanding) 1). RDP file to all my users computers via a GPO. These are the steps: Login as Administrator in Windows 10 (Your local Admin account) Go to There are 2 locations for the Desktop path. ( "WScript. On XP there are 4 lines, but on my Windows 7 system - and on your system - there's only 1. EaseUS Todo PCTrans supports all Windows Technical level: Basic. Asked 12 years ago 19649 views. If you are Jitensh’s answer showed how to copy items from a standard desktop to each user’s desktop. You need to unhide the hidden file and folders and then browse the following location “C:\Users\Public\Desktop” (C: is the windows drive) and copy and paste the program shortcuts in this location. exe from a network location to the computers all user/ public desktop so that every user gets the shortcut. I place the file on a shared folder on the network. Good luck! Hi everyone. I am currently having issues trying to put a copy of a file from my dc to all of my users’ desktops via group policy. lnk from a network folder and have it placed on the desktop’s of certain users. Windows. There you are in the mega-hidden I need a way to push a new desktop icon (a link to internal files) out to all users on all desktops. I have tried going through user configuration > preferences > Create a new Active Directory security group (CorpAPPUsers) using the I have a batch file that performs certain operations and at the end, it copies (using a simple "copy" command) an . ExportAsFixedFormat Type:=xlTypePDF, _ Filename:= Environ("USERPROFILE") & "\Desktop\Export. Adding a shortcut to all users’ desktops on Windows 10 is a great way to ensure that every user on a shared computer has access to essential applications or files. I am using following vbscript but it seems not working to copy file. r/PowerShell. Benefits :-1. lnk c:\\users\\public\\desktop (And I made a second one for xp with: c:\\documents and settings\\all users\\desktopetc, etc) When I run the batch file from my own desktop, it works just fine, but when it I put in a GPO under user login C:\temp\file. This will usually be in C:\Users\username, where username is the name of the profile to which you are copying. List all local users names in the computer in a list box ( I can do it already) and then For each user in the list box, copy their desktop,mydocuments,videos,pictures,music to a destination folder of my choice ( say d:\backupdestination) Example I have a file called test. Type "All Users" behind it, so that it will now say "C:\Users\All Users". If you need So here’s the thing: we’re using Server 2003 for AD/GPO. etc available to all users on a PC, those should be stored in the Public users folders . Copying all the USER Personal files are included in folders and subfolders from the below folders. This caused So there's only one copy of the shortcut. This will save me at least 5 phone calls a week! Thanks in advance! George Is there an easier way to accomplish the out-file to a users desktop? 4 Spice ups. Shell" ) objShell. After you've located the files, With this tool, you can transfer files, folders, games, applications with custom settings, and even user profiles to another PC with simple clicks. Copying a file to all users on a workstation where the folder has a unique code pinned to user. 2 Spice ups. I have tried this code here: copy test. This step must be done while you are logging in as the admin users. Therefore for Windows 10, you will simply have to copy the shortcut and paste it into this Using Group Policies, you can automatically copy specific files or folders to all domain computers. All i want to do is to . You may also want to see this link for more information. So I decided I could place a folder on the server, name four folders on the server, each with all the shortcuts, Use windows explorer to navigate to C:\Users. exe. Each user will see and be able to use the shortcut without needing to create their own. lnk file to "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Desktop". Hey there guys, I know this isn't rocket science but what the heck am I doing wrong with this command? I am using PowerShell App Deploy Toolkit to deploy an application and at the end of install, I am asking the script to copy over some files. Hi I am trying to copy a shortcut to a program lets say abc. You can place files to the Desktop, a user profile folder or any other directory on a local drive. Copy the files from the folder you want to transfer from and then paste it into the folder you want to transfer into. I don't know what the current users name is and I want it to be pickup automatically and then copy the file down to the user. → Preferences → File. FileSystem. 9 \ data_exchange \ ced \ restore \ AS800. Ask Question Asked 5 years, 8 months ago. You can then copy the xml file to the following location. If you are putting it in the Users directory use a User GPP. lnk" install behavior: system For Detection Rules: rules format: manually configure detection rules rule type: file path: C:\Users\Public\Desktop 1. Then right click on file/shortcut go into security and ensure that all users & everyone have the appropriate rights to access The problem is the skip=4 option. 1. PowerShell is a cross-platform (Windows, Linux, and macOS) automation tool and configuration framework optimized for dealing with structured data (e. ext - The file you want to copy "%%~fsI" - Expands %%I to a full pathname with short names only /H - Copies files with hidden and system file attributes. i am trying to copy a file to all users desktop for windows xp and windows 7. – David Webb I’m using the following script to copy a shortcut to all users desktops, including the Default desktop for any new users that log into the PC. The shortcut will now be available on the desktop for all users who log into this computer. A GPO is easier to setup, can apply anytime (a script only runs at login or logoff), and the shortcuts can easily be edited (or removed) on the fly with just a hi. Anything placed in this location will be copied to the desktop of any newly created user profiles. I hope this helps. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their just checking if anyone have a script of batch file they can share. How can I use Group Policy Preferences to add a file to a user's desktop the first time the user signs inor when the user account is created? 2. The script being ran is - Copy-Item -Path "\\file location\shortcut. F in the chat for that one. It will say "C:\Users". I know I can use net use to map the target directory to a drive letter and use xcopy, and I know psexec can upload files to be executed on the remote machine and then delete them, but I'm looking for a way to 1. Thanks and Regards, Santosh Y – Microsoft Title says most of it. Problem being is when someone moves the icon it is gone for every one. JSON, CSV, XML, etc. So maybe something Line 14 should be the URL or file path you want to use for the shortcut. Programming & Development. \shortcut. G. (answers are for current user desktop, you'll need to adapt them for all users desktop. C:\\Users\\Public\\Desktop%File% I always use the update action for creating new objects. Hi guys, Would like to deploy an RDP file (actually a RemoteApp connection) to each users desktop, whats the best way of going about this? I do know Group Policy but not sure which command to use. url" del /F /Q "C:\Users\%%a\Desktop\Kronos Workforce Central(R). I have tried going through user configuration > preferences > windows settings > files, That means when you delete something from the desktop placed their by the system, you are deleting it from the Public profile (you have to be an admin). 21: 123: December 19, 2013 Copy files/folder to All Computers Use the for /f command to loop through all users in C:\Users, then check if the file exists in each users Desktop directory - if it does, delete the file. Remember that a shortcut which points to a folder or file on a mapped Go to the PC’s and copy file/shortcut to ALL users desktop folder. ), REST APIs, and object models. The file needs to be copied to each user's home directory, if I understand it correctly. How to pull file to my desktop ? I’m looking for a way to copy a file to all Desktops directory of each user. . Then, right-click your address bar and say "edit address". 4: 2637: August 14, 2018 copy files to multiple computers using windows 2003 domain - URGENT. SpecialDirectories. The location the files should be copied to is Users\username\AppData\Roaming. You can specify multiple files. 2). Create a GPO named copy file. Batch scripts: find and copy file from unknown directory? 1. Windows 10 - copying lnk file to all users desktopHelpful? Please support me on Patreon: https://www. txt Users/admin/Desktop But this command creates a folder Users/admin/Desktop inside platform-tools folder where adb is located. thanks in advance! alex. ALL, I'm working on the program which installs itself in the user selected directory and then creates a shortcuts in the Start Menu for all users. Few days ago, I had a requirement to create shortcut for application on all active directory users desktop machine. While you can grant a delete permission to all users to that shortcut, this is not what you should do. Edit the Hello, i’ve created a GPO for putting shortcut to users Desktop using GPO for Computer Configuration (Preferences-Shortcuts)I have a problem where my shortcut is not applied to some computers. Modified 5 years, 8 months ago. To copy files to the desktops of the specific users, open the Common tab in the policy settings, enable the Item-Level Targeting option, and click Targeting;; In the next window, you can select more options for how to If you want to share files with all the users on your desktop PC, put the files outside your USER folder. g for following users: Charlie : C:\Users\Charlie\AppData\Local So I am trying to copy a xml file from the server onto the desktop of the specific user that is logged in. I wrote a batch file that basically says this: Copy s:\\shortcuts\\newicon. Use an external hard disk or USB drive . By default, xcopy does not copy hidden or system files /K - Copies files and retains the read-only attribute on Destination files if present on the Source files. So with your challenge being copy to all users, you should use the default user instead, so you don't When the staff login I would like the script to copy both of these shortcuts to All Users Desktop. Step 3: Access the All Users Desktop Folder. To Destination: C:\IT\userfolders\USER-A\AppData\ C:\IT\userfolders\USER-B\AppData\ C:\IT\userfolders\USER-C\AppData\ etc etc etc. I’ve tried everything and I can’t get it worked. I am running Powershell with admin privileges. I am creating a PowerShell script and batch file then I will convert them to Win32 Intune package for deployment. I created a computers text file and found this script, but I keep getting this err Copy link Copy link Go to PowerShell r/PowerShell. Note: if the user has already created a profile on the system, the files won't show up on their desktop automatically. Also, you only need the two FOR commands in your script. htm to all user's in the domain Access is denied when trying to create folder on desktop At the moment I have added the file to a drive all the teachers and I have access too and then created a GPO in user preferences to add shortcuts as Create and linked the location of the file this works great however for non admins you can't delete this shortcut which is a bummer, as these things are just references if they don't want them then Copy a file on to all users' desktop on network. Step 4: Paste the Shortcut. Well, that folder is not accessible for Windows 10. lnk" -destination "c:\users\public\desktop" uninstall command: powershell. I have the file name but this file is located on users' desktops in some cases and on the public desktop in others. 0\powershell. Using GPO, you can automatically copy or update different configuration files, INI files, EXE files, DLL libraries or scripts from a shared repository. app I want to copy this to the users desktop. active-directory-gpo, question. Open File Explorer, then navigate to C:\Users\Public Any files stored in the User Folders (Desktop, Documents, Pictures . 10. ## Copy01 Files To AppData\Roaming\Micro Focus\Reflection\Desktop I'm trying to install an application which installs several programs and tries to write their shortcuts to C:\Users\Public\Desktop. In Windows 7, “All User Desktop” is equivalent to “Public Desktop” folder. In Windows 10 Login as Administrator (Local Admin). The OP asked about “a script I could use to copy the settings from the default profile to all users on login” To copy the settings is more difficult since many (most?) of the settings relate to registry settings in HKCU - and the above answer does not copy those settings. I used to do it that way but it’s more difficult and works poorly compared to a GPO. csv” format or comma separated values which is basically just a text file that can either be opened using a text editor, excel or even word. lnk to the Public Desktop folder. Push Files via Intune. Desktop ' Concatenate desktop path and file name filePath = desktopPath & "/contacts. If you’re trying to copy the files to a folder on the same drive, click and drag For the other question, create a shortcut on your desktop and copy that to the other users desktop. Using Master Packager to copy files (we also support HKCU registry application) to a per-user location has the following benefits: It takes less than 5 minutes to create this MSI and anyone could do it without any experience It’s free for I have tried getting the path with the GetFolderPath which only returns the path to the current user: [System. Click Copy to, and then enter the name of, or browse to, the profile you want to overwrite. martin9700 (Martin9700) July 28, 2014, 9:17pm Copy-Item : Access to the path is denied - environment variables. Follow edited May 23 Sure, thats a file GPP. A reddit dedicated to the profession of Computer System Administration. Camera Trying to copy file from device to desktop, here is a command: adb pull sdcard/log. bat file to copy the contents of a folder on a network share to the common desktop folder on pc’s. That’s all! If you have admin rights you can go “\computername\users\username\desktop” in File Explorer and manually C:Users\All\User Desktops. lnk" -Destination "c:\users\public\desktop" -Force -Recurse I could probably create a for each loop to deploy the shortcut via powershell but the preference is to run it through sccm so the shortcut can be replaced if needed. make available only one instance that is write protected and in a location accessible to all. From here on, I would follow this tutorial. The file GPP would be a computer policy. Now you can copy and paste the shortcut that you want on the folder. lnk to All Users Profile Start Menu so that I can pin this shortcut to every users start menu that logs in to the Windows 10 PC at logon. If you allow the users to delete, when one user deletes the icon, it's deleted for every other user. g. If it is for all users, why not make it a Computer Policy? Computer Configuration > Windows Settings > Files? Set the Destination File to point to the public desktop. Copy a file with batch in a user selected directory. It used to work How do I make files, pictures, documents in my administrator account accessible to my new user account? To share documents, image files . After taking a walk in New York City I refreshed my mind and found a way to create this desktop shortcut for all users in Windows 10. I have a computer running Windows 10 Pro that certain users connect to via RDP. That's why regular users are not allowed to modify/delete shared shortcuts. s are instantly up to date. And I'm assuming you are doing it as root. patreon. e. copy “\UNC\Share\Files” "C:\users\public\desktop" Have tried To share documents, image files . I had it working where I could paste it to This updates the files modified date. E. 2) Deploy can execute in the user context of the active user, but there is no user context for all users as all users isn't logged in - it's not a user, it's a group. I have tried going through user configuration > preferences > windows settings > files, ive done this a few times in the past with a simple batch file to copy the file from a network share to the users desktop in the logon script. %0 is the batchfile's name. Click on start menu and select file explorer. Once you complete these steps, the shortcut will appear on the desktop for every user account on the computer. Does anybody know what it is? Oh I want to create a script that copies a file to all user profiles both who have already logged and for a new user who log into the windows 10 pc. Create the shortcuts you want to use. 2. There has been many ways to create shortcut for application, file or folder. Destination is all users desktops (which is win 7/8 btw) The issue is not getting it to the desktop though since it does appear on the desktop. copy /b file1,, %variablename% a inbuilt or user set environmental variable !variablename! a user set environmental variable expanded at execution time, turned with SelLocal EnableDelayedExpansion command %<number> (%1) the nth command line parameter passed to a batch file. Currently however I am running into an issue where the system seems to default to my username. Viewed 356 times copy file from network share to all This post is related to copy files or folders to the user’s desktop using Intune. Computer. Use the new window to locate the files you would like to copy. txt", the following will display the full path, ' Desktop path Dim desktopPath = My. 0. Easy solution: Copy a shortcut. Despite being logged in with an Admin-level account, individual actions such as yours need that run as Admin authorisation. Environment]::GetFolderPath("Desktop") So briefly the path scenarios are: C:\users\username\Desktop; C:\users\username\One Drive - Company\Desktop; I would be glad if somebody has a hint how to find all paths in this mixed environment. For the folder, copy it to c:\users\default\desktop. We only need tokens=2* since we just want everything after the 2nd token. Also, if I do copy the file to "Default" User; only the new staff who are logging in will get the required settings. Set objShell = CreateObject( "WScript. Objective: 1. Universal desktop program icon/shortcuts are located in C:\Users\Public\Desktop. pdf", _ OpenAfterPublish:=True Select the profile you want to copy. Locate the folder named “Public” within the “Users” folder and double-click on it to open it. All - I am copying a file from the network to each users desktop via login script. So, I want it to be copied across all the currently existing profiles. exe copy-item ". txt"). ico file name changed to be your icon file name. for /r %a in (*. batch code to transfer all files and folder from location(s) 1. I am using group policy preferences and the create option in Files. So change skip=4 to skip=1 and that should work. cmd echo save %USERPROFILE% as string to a text. I have a mixture of XP and 7 clients which I would like to deploy a logon script (from 03 server) to. etc) in that Public user account will be available to both your accounts Manual Transfer . I hope this helps, but please let me know if you need anything else. dxf) do copy "%a" "c:\users\me\desktop\DXFs" Double all % to %% for batch file use - and the folder must already exist 'o course. lnk Destination Folder C: \ Users \ User05 \ Desktop Copied Successfully! File is copied). Open File Explorer and type C:UsersPublicDesktop into the address bar, then press Enter. I'd like a simple command to copy a shortcut for Devices and Printer. The alphabet are like indices for our selected tokens, so might as well use %%a to represent our first token. txt" MsgBox(filePath) The code I used to test copy everything with known drive letters where the script starts in the folder on my flash drive where what I want to copy is: copy aFile. Right-click within the I am trying to write a batch file that will copy itself to the startup folder in Windows 7 for all users. C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Shell Just to point 3 things out. r/sysadmin. I have a fairly simple task and I’d like to use this feature to accomplish it. url" if exist "C:\Users Hey All, I can’t seem to find a good way to copy files in an MDT task sequence. the destination is the desktop of the logged in user. It needs to be copied to the AllUsers Desktop (I'll use a domain admin account to run the batch file). OK so I am writing a super cool vbscript/HTA file. (Source File \\ 192. 11. Go to Control Panel > File Explorer Options > click on the View tab > under Advanced settings: look for hidden files and folders > choose "Show hidden files, folders, and drives" and click "OK". Script to remove Desktop File from all users . How to set these path in windows 7 to work. Shortcut Icon has: C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1. The . I am trying to create a task sequence that copies desktop shortcuts from a network share to the C:\Users\Public\Desktop folder. When I deploy it, it’s creating 2 identical shortcuts on each users desktops. Batch File Copy All Users Profile App Data.